Welcome to a Thursday, Commanders o7


Senior Community Manager : Elite Dangerous
Am I allowed to do this? Casual, 'unrelated to announcements' Thursday forum post from a CM?
Will anyone even see it??
I don't see why this would be weird...right? Conventional isn't always necessarily the most exciting/beneficial way to do things, so I'll put myself on the line.

o7 Commanders! How are things going today, out in the Galaxy?
We're still working through your continued feedback and remain ever grateful for it.

Where you may ask questions here that I will probably sound like I'm replying to by copy/pasting from a textbook of 'Community Manager Canned Responses' (I'm not and never will be), I'm still here to listen to all things because you're important. There, I said it.

Have a great day today o7
Good morning, Sally :coffee::coffee: Hope you are well and far away from Corona! Will we have a new CG today and are you in the position to give a hint about its content?
Good morning! It's hot.. dreadfully hot. Getting my first government chip installed in a few hours 😅

Anyway, on to the important things then.

Are there any chance at all that we at some point might get an option (like the srv) to have ship flight assist be turned off by default?

Refreshing to see such a post Sally, you are a very bright light in these here forums!
Am I allowed to do this? Casual, 'unrelated to announcements' Thursday forum post from a CM?
Will anyone even see it??
I don't see why this would be weird...right? Conventional isn't always necessarily the most exciting/beneficial way to do things, so I'll put myself on the line.

o7 Commanders! How are things going today, out in the Galaxy?
We're still working through your continued feedback and remain ever grateful for it.

Where you may ask questions here that I will probably sound like I'm replying to by copy/pasting from a textbook of 'Community Manager Canned Responses' (I'm not and never will be), I'm still here to listen to all things because you're important. There, I said it.

Have a great day today o7
Sally? As far as I'm concerned, you can jump in anywhere, anytime and it will still put a smile on my face. Your sunny disposition, humor and all of those other things just make me smile..

A very happy Thursday to you too!


Senior Community Manager : Elite Dangerous
Good morning, Sally :coffee::coffee: Hope you are well and far away from Corona! Will we have a new CG today and are you in the position to give a hint about its content?

Good morning!! Really hope you're well too! I've just got through my first caffeine punch so 5 more and I should be decent.
Oooooo I don't want to be throwing spoilers out there at you Henoch but it will be time to get busy again!


Senior Community Manager : Elite Dangerous
Good morning Sally! o7

Some issue reports you might want to look at:
System maps of other systems show distances from barycenter rather than dropout star: https://issues.frontierstore.net/issue-detail/40224
Render distance of glasses/sunglasses is very low: https://issues.frontierstore.net/issue-detail/30279

Good morning! Hope you're well :)7
Ahhh yes the glasses one I already dragged around a bunch. No further updates currently I'm afraid. Will have a little looksee at the other one too, of course.
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