Welcome to a Thursday, Commanders o7

I feel bad that I haven't had a moment to do this already with everything else happening, but I really do want to brianstorm a more structured way of obtaining forum feedback. I will work harder on it, promise. It just keeps slipping a bit now and then with so much other stuff needing attention.
HOWEVER, this ad hoc chatter is still really beneficial in the ways I have it with you all so for now this is good, but I will work something better out :)
As with other issues I grab a hold of, I can't really update you on the progress made from here on out (other than it's under my feathery wing and being noticed) but just want you to personally know I've whizzed off with it.
A quick question regarding Issue Tracker, if I may - Iā€™ve been collating VREDO related reports over in the VR sub-forum and a pair of issues (https://issues.frontierstore.net/issue-detail/31610 and https://issues.frontierstore.net/issue-detail/37825) appear to have 10 unique user contributions but are still ā€œConfirmingā€ after 3 days; does an issue get ā€œConfirmedā€ automatically at 10 contributions, or is human intervention required?
Rare picture of Sally carrying the whole community (2021, colorized)
Since its Thursday, I'll be keeping an eye out on what's next in CG land, looking for the next part of the azimuth series, though iirc the next cg accidentally got its text posted in place of the current initially, so competitive data deliveries ahoy?
Issues that require prodding>

Megaship piracy

The 'P' word

Blueprint balance (as in Horizons based)

Guardian / Human / Thargoid tech balance

Ship balance (as in T-7, Asp Scout but others too).

I really hope DBs post about the core experience includes these.
And don't forget Thargoid Tissue Sampling, smuggling and outbreak massacres!
I feel bad that I haven't had a moment to do this already with everything else happening, but I really do want to brianstorm a more structured way of obtaining forum feedback. I will work harder on it, promise. It just keeps slipping a bit now and then with so much other stuff needing attention.
HOWEVER, this ad hoc chatter is still really beneficial in the ways I have it with you all so for now this is good, but I will work something better out :)
Sally, I'm sure I'm won't be alone in offering to help in any way should you guys want any targeted feedback on specific issues. It's great that people are posting issues on the Tracker and forums but there is a danger of it being lost or missed in the noise.


Senior Community Manager : Elite Dangerous
A quick question regarding Issue Tracker, if I may - Iā€™ve been collating VREDO related reports over in the VR sub-forum and a pair of issues (https://issues.frontierstore.net/issue-detail/31610 and https://issues.frontierstore.net/issue-detail/37825) appear to have 10 unique user contributions but are still ā€œConfirmingā€ after 3 days; does an issue get ā€œConfirmedā€ automatically at 10 contributions, or is human intervention required?

Hello! SO!
Theeee tickets go 'Confirmed' automatically on the count of 10 contributions which have the "can repro" box ticked on their contribution. Can see one here where a contributor hasn't ticked that box HOWEVER you've VERY helpfully found an issue with the second link because there are indeed 10 contributions all with "can repro"!! So we're looking into why that's wonky now.
Hope this helps a bit!
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Hey how about those alien ships, I really need myself a Thargoid Interdictor, or some really difficult to handle Guardian hybrid machine. You know, I really liked Dolphin and Mamba when they used to run hot, they'd be just fine without flight assist on. That was a successful learning curve there.
Morning Sally šŸ˜ƒ. I really dont mind updates, patches and bugs. I must be one of the few people who love seeing things fixed, changed improved and love reading update / patch notes.

I must be weird. I know we had Dr Ross discuss the system but I am soooo interested in how the terrain system works. Me know you all busy but a documentary short / slideshow showing how its built and the generation system - if indeed its still greated from SEED data would be great stuff.

I LOVE tech talk. Have a great day


Senior Community Manager : Elite Dangerous
And don't forget Thargoid Tissue Sampling, smuggling and outbreak massacres!
Issues that require prodding>

Megaship piracy

The 'P' word

Blueprint balance (as in Horizons based)

Guardian / Human / Thargoid tech balance

Ship balance (as in T-7, Asp Scout but others too).

I really hope DBs post about the core experience includes these.

The 'P' word rhymes a bit with "Showerday"....right?
Like I'm REALLY trying to test how good a filing system my head is here to be able to reference these topics in the way you've listed but I think I'm halfway decent at it by now.


Senior Community Manager : Elite Dangerous
Sally, I'm sure I'm won't be alone in offering to help in any way should you guys want any targeted feedback on specific issues. It's great that people are posting issues on the Tracker and forums but there is a danger of it being lost or missed in the noise.

EXACTLY and I get the fear on that side of things every hour of my life right now. Thank you so much for being there to bounce ideas off for this, for sure. I'll totally lean on what's best for everyone.


Senior Community Manager : Elite Dangerous
Morning Sally šŸ˜ƒ. I really dont mind updates, patches and bugs. I must be one of the few people who love seeing things fixed, changed improved and love reading update / patch notes.

I must be weird. I know we had Dr Ross discuss the system but I am soooo interested in how the terrain system works. Me know you all busy but a documentary short / slideshow showing how its built and the generation system - if indeed its still greated from SEED data would be great stuff.

I LOVE tech talk. Have a great day

I'm SO GLAD that the "deep dive" sessions go down so well!! I (I know we all!!) would absolutely LOVE to do more and absolutely plan to, we just need to make sure we properly plan "extra curricular activities" like streams, AMA style things, and so onto schedule with so very much graft going into addressing Odyssey right now. I'll be really excited when we can fit them in mroe regularly for you!


Senior Community Manager : Elite Dangerous
Good day Sally! Personally, I'm pretty exhausted by the emptiness of open, looking forward to the merger between horizons and odyssey a lot. Hope you guys and gals are still determined to work on Odyssey. Good luck with the fixes, thanks for staying in touch!

Absolutely, Nathan!! As David said in his most recent statement, we are head down and focused on shining Odyssey bright from all of this. Onward!
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