ANNOUNCEMENT Welcome to the new forums!

Hey all,
A login change is going live today. It won't impact anyone who has logged in already (Or shouldn't) but will give those issues logging in the option to log in with their previous forum details regardless of whether their forum and store emails match.
Excellent! I take the opportunity to ask how we can change forum email ? Mine is no longer valid.

In the end I find this new forum rather nice.

Clear, well ordered, functional.

However, I regret having lost my "STAR" under my avatar.

I hope Brett can return it to me again.

Each forum area now has their own dedicated theme so you can quickly and easily tell which game section you are in. These themes are specific to the game forum and can't be changed. We do however welcome all feedback on their appearance.

Forcing a particular theme on users is a huge mistake. Some folks can't, for medical reasons, use light on dark themes. Others, like me, work in darkened environments and the black on light theme is hugely disturbing to others nearby. By all means have themes for each game/section - but let us choose which ones we apply, and where! Xenforo provides a facility for Admin to allow it, via nodes.

I gotta be honest, I don't like the new look and style at all. The boxy look comes across as if no-one wanted to put any thought into it, it's generic and has no identity, no soul. tbh, it might as well be a Micro$oft product, it's that bland. The points system feels like a kindergarten head teacher designed it. "I keep posting! ... New kid on the block!" Really? We're not five years old. I'm surprised the default typeface isn't Comic Sans.

Sorry for being negative - I know how much work goes into a launch like this - but you did ask!
Regarding the black background theme, the problem I'm having with it is the glare and reflections - any screen that's glossy instead of matte really suffers, like my MacBook screen. Instead of seeing what I am typing, I am seeing myself squinting back at myself, LOL.
The white text on a black background for the ED forum really hurts my eyes and genuinely makes me feel a bit unwell. Please give us the option to customize.

Yes, I have highlighted this thread with its walls of text as being a prime example .... it is unpleasant for me to read at length. I cannot 'adapt' to it. Ok, if the paragraphs are broken up, but much text leads to much eyestrain for me !
Can we get page navigation at the bottom of pages again? Was looking to fix a link to a post (that had been broken by the forum migration), and so was looking for the post - gets old fast having to scroll down the page searching, then scroll back up so I can go to the next page....

And for bonus points let us default to non-wysiwyg post editing, though I'll get used to where the option is pretty fast ;)
Hmm .. is there way how I can search for new posts in ED section ONLY? I have no interest for other Frontier games to be honest, and it makes very difficult to search for useful/interesting new posts if there is mix of few games in "one bag".

And btw, this mix of styles for different forums is terrible. It would be not so bad if there are all light or all dark themes used by forum member. But this now where one forum is white and another black is terrible and pain for eyes. Sorry, this definitelly is not what I like.
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Please let us choose our themes !
I first spent 10 minutes trying to go through settings and repeatedly using the selector at bottom to try to change the theme i dislike before getting here and learning that you currently disallow that :/
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Each forum area now has their own dedicated theme so you can quickly and easily tell which game section you are in. These themes are specific to the game forum and can't be changed. We do however welcome all feedback on their appearance.

From the perspective of someone who is visually impaired, making themes immutable and fixed is a terrible experience.
After having to try and adapt to the new forum - I've decided I flat out hate it and will just be using Reddit now unfortunately.

My issues are
1) I can't look at a very dark background on very light text for long at all. If physically makes my eyes burn like when you look at a bright light and when I look away I can see a shadow image that is very disorienting. I'm not going to install some 3rd party software or browser add-on. I don't run ANY add-ons in my web browsers, don't need ANOTHER security hole, its not an option. So I don't visit any website that forces a dark theme.
2) The topic text is way too big putting too few topics on screen. I liked having the forum up and being able to see the top 25 topics or so on any given forum on one screen while I played ED on the other. Now it is 10. Now I have to constantly scroll/be active on the screen to read through the topics - forcing me to be more interactive with the website to find more information. This is the opposite of what you want for users - you want to present MORE with LESS actions. This is also frustrating (much less so than #1), but I see it as a huge downgrade from the old system.

Now that I think of it - what was so wrong with the old forum software to give us this? Giving excuses for what can't be done sure is a downgrade and not an upgrade.... what am I missing that this fantastic new forum can do that the old forum couldn't?

EDIT: ok so here are the new features, bolded ones that may actually be used (yes, nothing is bolded), some actually are not new, was it worth changing software - no freaking way.:
  • Native mobile support with a responsive theme
  • New forum trophies
  • The developer tracker!
  • Personal news feed - follow your friends to see what they're up to!
  • A modern-day WYSIWYG editor
  • Native Two-Factor support
  • Post reaction system - replaces the vBulletin reputation system
  • Push Notifications - get notified in seconds on your mobile or desktop
  • Rich link previews.
  • Post & Thread bookmarking -------------> but you could subscribe on the old one, this is redundant.
  • Auto-embed of social posts. Just place the URL in your post, boom - it's embedded! -----------> You could do this with the tools on the old forums, redundant.
  • Basic video upload and auto-embed support (limited to MP4, WEBM and OGG currently) -----------> You could do this with the tools on the old forums, redundant.
  • Sidebar widgets (on the right side)
  • Inline spoilers. When you tab or click on the text, it'll de-spoiler! -----------> You could literally do this with the inline spoiler tag on the old forums, roflomg redundant.

And I'm out until the forum changes at least the theme to support a light background... goodbye.
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My main issue is the clunkiness. "Similar threads", reply window, signatures, edit window... everything is so similar and close to each other.

It is crisp and modern but browsing the forum is not eye-friendly for me.
Is there some known reason why the new forum has started showing a dialog box, when I change tab (on my ipad) to one of the several threads that I follow, which says something like “Oops! We ran into some problems. A security error has occured......”
It didn’t happen at first when the new forum became live. It is getting annoying!
Hello, I have an issue with the forum, it's not updating my Signature, I've removed it, and re-instated it but it still cache's the old one, the new one is already on inara, and the link is correct but for some reason it's not taking the new image, and retaining the old one.

Where do I report this?
Is there some known reason why the new forum has started showing a dialog box, when I change tab (on my ipad) to one of the several threads that I follow, which says something like “Oops! We ran into some problems. A security error has occured......”
It didn’t happen at first when the new forum became live. It is getting annoying!

I see something like this every time I log in. I'm also having problems getting my avatar(s) to upload. The new system is also gray washing my avatars.(grey to you UK folks) None of my avatar pics are coming out nearly as crisp as they used to. It's almost as if someone at FD turned up the mid-tone overlays 100 points in the left margin.

Rooks o7


Volunteer Moderator
Is there some known reason why the new forum has started showing a dialog box, when I change tab (on my ipad) to one of the several threads that I follow, which says something like “Oops! We ran into some problems. A security error has occured......”
It didn’t happen at first when the new forum became live. It is getting annoying!
I get this error as well every time I return to the open forum tab on my iPhone (Safari browser) after a few hours since my last visit.

I've already asked Brett about it.


Volunteer Moderator
Hello, I have an issue with the forum, it's not updating my Signature, I've removed it, and re-instated it but it still cache's the old one, the new one is already on inara, and the link is correct but for some reason it's not taking the new image, and retaining the old one.

Where do I report this?
In my experience my signature did not update when I changed it through the Account Details page. I had to go directly to "Signature" from the menu on the top right and then any changes would be saved.

For some unknown reason any changes to my signature did not save when I edited the signature through Account Details > Signature. Changes were not saved even though a message "Your changes have been saved" is displayed on top of the page.

I've just tested it again. Changes are only saved when made on the Signature page when opened from the top right menu.

Changes made on the Account details page (which has a signature edit box) are not saved, even though the "Your changes have been saved" message is displayed.
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I get this error as well every time I return to the open forum tab on my iPhone (Safari browser) after a few hours since my last visit.

I've already asked Brett about it.

I understand there were generally a lot of problems with security certificates expiring of late due to US Government problems, but thought this had been resolved.
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