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Nice Cobra pic, i have to do one of my own like that too.

I had my Clipper for ages and i didn't know what to purpose it for. Then once i got a wanderer ship conception (rare docking = rare concern about your landing pad) - basically a ship that is self-sufficient enough (little fuel scoop), that has cargo (128), that has weapons and strong enough shield to fight a bit if necesssary (2 beams + whatever, rockets currently), that has rescue + collector limpets (mostly for signals, especially HGE, i load like 100 limpets and go), that has double SRV hangar (ground stuff if any wish to land, clipper was actually not that bad at landing), DSS and that still jumps 30+ ly and all this without a terrible supercruise maneuvrability that those real big ships have. Nowhere perfect except of one area - you don't have to return to you carrier and take another ship. Can just wander and do a lot of different and unrelated stuff.

Ofc as that's a Clipper i've soon found myself wanted as somehow i've stolen some useless canisters (I landed and they were there, now what, leave them be?) and had to migrate from Fed to Emp space, but that's just a little nuance. Otherwise fine ship.
I'm realising a Clipper needs at least one thermal vent beam laser to work properly in combat. It heats up really easily, and I've gone and put 2 x incendury round double shot large frag cannons and 2 x pack hound launchers on it. So long as I only have one ship to kill, I can just about make the kill before the ship cooks itself and it's very entertaining. I'll try a couple of extra ammo heat sink launchers firing when the pack hounds do to last a bit longer for multi target assassination missions. That's all I need from it as other ships are used for long duration combat.
Just now I am trying out all the activities I enjoy in the game with the Frames per Second counter going, the I will stop bothering with that soon.

I am doing this because after around 6 years of play I have upgraded to a new laptop, some of this was because when I chose the last one I got one that just met some of the specs for the game and it has struggled in places over the years, the shard sites in particular. Odyssey made that struggle more general. Another reason is that some of the keys were getting erratic causing problems both in game and elsewhere.

So with this new machine I want to visit some familiar things to see how they look on the new settings as well as ensure my rewritten bindings are OK, regrettably the new machine‘s keyboard doesn’t have a number pad so I am missing some very familiar keys. I also need to check that I have swapped various tools across OK.

Some specs old > new.
i7 2.5ghz > i9 5ghz
GTX950m 2Gb > RTX3080Ti 16Gb
8Gb DDR4 > 32Gb DDR5
Win 10 > Win 11

That looks pretty nice. (y)
My day was Okay until I found this thing, I looked for over an hour and couldn't find any more. Real bummer!

Tree Plant.jpg
It wasn't me, but I use one to progress combat rank as some wanted ships are elite, and it's a way to use combat to push up influence for the controlling faction in the beacon's system in another system they control.

I never thought about the faction influence?

Needed a change from grinding combat rank in HazRes and CZ, it was getting a little boring. Compromised Nav Beacons, are much more fun.
Try the "Black box recovery" missions, those are loads of fun too (if you don't mind getting jumped by a wing).

I tried a few assassination missions and thought they were too easy - Then did one that had a wing of 4, and my shields dropped to under 30% in less than a minute, so I had to boost away.

Have now fitted a chaff launcher and ECM 😂😂😂

Hopefully I won't be too cocky in future!
I never thought about the faction influence?

Needed a change from grinding combat rank in HazRes and CZ, it was getting a little boring. Compromised Nav Beacons, are much more fun.
Yes I prefer them - somehow more interactive and more pirates come to scan you. I forgot to mention you improve influence by selling the bounty vouchers in a system where you want to push up influence controlled by the faction that controls the system with the compromised beacon.
I hope that made sense. It seems to be just as effective as running missions for inf++ rewards in the system you want to add influence for the faction controlling the station you sell them at.
Also decent rep+ too if you need it.
I upgraded my tormentor to level five and filled all the mod slots.

Some time ago, I found an L-6 at level two that had noise suppression. That's now level three and I shall be seeing if I have enough mats for a viable mod.

However, that can wait until I've finished with this system that has a veritable plethora of exo signs. It may even move my progress up by 1% :D
I found an L-6 at level two that had noise suppression.

That's not a fortunate combination for an L-6
Noise suppression works only inside. And it does not affect the rocket explosion noise, but only the launch noise. And the 2 sound sources will be rather close when shooting the L6 inside
However, Audio Masking is actually quite nice for an L-6. It useful to fire it at some distanced point where you want the guards to converge while the launch location remain "unheard"
This is my current load-out.
It's geared towards bounty hunting, but can double up as an all rounder.

Any comments?

You have room for a couple of Shield Cell Banks, you can have those engineered too. I was told that by deactivating them it will allow your shields recharge faster.
Personally I don’t have the situational awareness to make effective use of Shield Cell Banks so I use those slots for Hull or Module reinforcements.

The ones you shut off to speed up failed shield recovery are Shield Boosters in the Utility slots, the banks are the ones you have to trigger before the shield fails they then top up some or all of the shield at the cost of a big wack of heat, it used to be recommended to fire a heat sink at the same time.
Personally I don’t have the situational awareness to make effective use of Shield Cell Banks so I use those slots for Hull or Module reinforcements.
That's a great idea, military grade hull reinforcement package with deep plating.
The ones you shut off to speed up failed shield recovery are Shield Boosters in the Utility slots, the banks are the ones you have to trigger before the shield fails they then top up some or all of the shield at the cost of a big wack of heat, it used to be recommended to fire a heat sink at the same time.
He mentioned shields, I was just playing along. I remember reading a thread where they were debating it, guess I should write all this down. There's almost too many variables in this game.
This is my current load-out.
It's geared towards bounty hunting, but can double up as an all rounder.

Any comments?
Have not tried cutter for combat, but you have a few slots left, as mentioned by other CMDRs better fill them up with HRP/MRP/Cell banks.

On the beams, I don't expect to dogfight in a cutter, so I would prefer LR mod over Efficient. also for the C2 beams I might swap them to pulse, LR again with other experimental like emissive or phasing sequence to amuse your target.

And your PP still have lots of juice for A rated shield boosters unless you have difficulties getting them at your current region, otherwise why use the Ds.

Finally, not sure have used SLF before or not, but a MC SLF would be very helpful, dispite of the %%% of income taken.
This is my current load-out.
It's geared towards bounty hunting, but can double up as an all rounder.

Any comments?
If you want to be able to rescue ships at distress signals, I'll suggest swapping the class 5 fuel transfer limpet controller for a 3C Rescue multi-limpet controller that has fuel, repair and hatch breaker with 4 limpets with longer range than a regular fuel transfer or repair limpet controller. Some Guardian Shield Reinforcement packages would be of use, but as a second priority to shield cell banks. I prefer the Specialized modification on shield cell banks as you get more MJ of recharge and the heat levels are not so bad when using them. You still need heat sinks or to have thermal vent beams firing on target to manage the heat, though.
For general mission running for reputation or influence I find the operations multi limpet controller more useful - collector limpets and hatch breaker, up to 4 limpets with good range and life. That might not suit your goals, though.
I like what you have done with the sensors - D rated but long range. A lot of people go light weight on sensors which leaves you unable to target beyond a few km which isn't helpful if seeking wanted ships.
Little better day so far, found all 4 on this moon

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I'm not sure I get the gest of that video, if you have 2 different colored eyes your considered a mongrel human and the Zeno lovers will feed you to the Thargoids?
I think the video could be released with an alternative ending: the 'Conda bristling with missile banks and opening fire on the escape pod survivor. Gankers irony.
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