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A surveyor returns....

Just returned to forward base at Station X in the Crab nebula, from a highly successful survey trip to the open cluster NGC 1817. This cluster is at the bottom of the galaxy at the far edge of the Perseus arm, and was a tricky place to get to, involving several fsd synthesis boosts. Once there though, the views back to the galactic plane and in the other direction out into sheer nothingness except for the distant galaxies and glow of the magellanic clouds were truly awe inspiring.

And now the old girl is in need of a lick of paint and some repair - the ship integrity was down to 18% :D

Keep up the good work commander. But that paint job is good for another 100kly, at least!!


Thank you - I am going to have some r+r and decided where to head for next!

And the paint does look good and gnarly like that; I think I'll leave it and see how much more comes off it in the next few weeks :)
Stuck back in chokey again.Strayed over the wrong pad for too long picking up coffins in Li sneezy.I was hoping it would expunge the fine i got before,but no such luck.I don't know how to pay it off/get rid of it.Maybe fly around in an unshielded sidey till an obliging npc picks me off?:D
Stuck back in chokey again.Strayed over the wrong pad for too long picking up coffins in Li sneezy.I was hoping it would expunge the fine i got before,but no such luck.I don't know how to pay it off/get rid of it.Maybe fly around in an unshielded sidey till an obliging npc picks me off?:D
If it's a fine, could you pay it off at the Ramelli Terminal Rescue Ship?
All factions should be present and there should be a Contacts facility on board.
It’s a burnished look that I’m sure many would buy direct from the Store given the opportunity.

I do like how different ships, or perhaps it’s the paint jobs, wear so differently.

I’ve just reached Dangerous and unlocked Lori Jameson so am taking a break from any hostilities for a while.

In the meantime I’ve just introduced my two eleven year old nieces to ED for the first time tonight. Issy is on the autism spectrum and perhaps her level of attention to detail shone through. No crashes, no bumps and no scraps whilst undocking, flying through the slot, landing on a planet and taking off again and docking back at Abraham Lincoln. Like most Cmdrs she wanted to see Earth. I won’t dwell on the SRV driving section of her travels, suffice to say eleven year olds are reckless drivers!
Sophie on the other hand was polite but lost interest once she assertained that Space contains zero signs of Unicorns....apart from the one that flies Cobras, but they weren’t around this evening.

Issy loved it and wants to be a games designer so I’m hoping she’ll work for Frontier one day and her uncle can feed her dev requests and get his very own bobble head:D
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I agree with Rock Hunter, Si. I'd keep the worn look and be really proud of it!

It is being kept :) I looked at the paint wear, and I still have another 10% to go before it is "totally worn", so off out into the unknown with it I will go again :D

It feels like a nice old leather jacket at this point - some tales to tell about the wear :)
It's a shame that the weapon marks don't stay, as well. It would be great to have a combat ship full of bulletholes and laser burns. :)

Having never fired anything other than my trusty mining laser at a few rocks for a bit of fun, I've not noticed weapon marks yet! Not something I intend to encounter in the Asp though, she isn't built for it :)
It's a shame that the weapon marks don't stay, as well. It would be great to have a combat ship full of bulletholes and laser burns. :)

Bullet holes? Wouldn't they be a little um... dangerous in a vacuum filled void? :D

Mind you... Some laser scoring would look great. What does a hit from a plasma cannon or missile look like? For the real hard-core, a missing cockpit canopy would give a great look or perhaps one repaired with gaffer tape.
I'm currently grinning like the proverbial Cheshire cat, whilst the lovely man connects my shiny new fibre connection. Will be good to to have a decent speed after over a month of trying to play on a broadband dongle which bounces up and down like a wh*re's knickers.
Virgin fibre? I'm on that and have to say it's pretty good. 6-9ms ping, 100mbit down and 6 up. Most of the time :D

This week, I have been frustrating corporate takeovers, swatting down dicatorships, and fomenting revolutions in three systems. I've also been engineering full frag cannon loadouts on my hauling Python and multi-role Krait. Frags are such unadulterated joy to use.
I'm just in from Decoding Guardian Ruins for Ram Tah.
I usually carry both long-range stellar and surface scanners because those are easy bonuses to earn ... but selling those scans (and others along the way) means I've now ranked up in Exploration and been given a permit to visit Founder's World (a permit that is actually worth having!).

Does that mean I'm banned from the Newcomer's Forum now? [sad]
Hope not, I've only been playing ED since June
Bullet holes? Wouldn't they be a little um... dangerous in a vacuum filled void? :D

Mind you... Some laser scoring would look great. What does a hit from a plasma cannon or missile look like? For the real hard-core, a missing cockpit canopy would give a great look or perhaps one repaired with gaffer tape.

Yikes, too expensive.
Also not enough glare for a proper Elite cockpit.

I'm just in from Decoding Guardian Ruins for Ram Tah.
I usually carry both long-range stellar and surface scanners because those are easy bonuses to earn ... but selling those scans (and others along the way) means I've now ranked up in Exploration and been given a permit to visit Founder's World (a permit that is actually worth having!).

Does that mean I'm banned from the Newcomer's Forum now? [sad]
Hope not, I've only been playing ED since June



You just have to be careful about how you phrase your questions.

Of course even if you have done everything new stuff gets introduced to make us all feel new and confused again.
Ran my first passenger mission. My Adder, MSS Proteles, is being used as a small multi-role ship at the moment and I picked up some economy passenger cabins to swap out when I need. I guess now I can go from space delivery boy to space Uber.
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