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Have a GTX980ti - not sure how that would handle VR :unsure: I could slap in a GT2080ti if the divorce proceedings went OK. Or perhaps wait until the GTX3080ti comes out and there'sa decent O/C on an i9 10900k.

980ti is kind of ok-ish on last generation headsets like the Rift CV1. 3080 is rumored for September. I'm currently looking at the Ryzen refresh, rumored to be released in a couple of weeks.
I've played Elite VR on GTX 970 a couple years ago. Without Horizons, though. But it ran fine. Naturally you can't expect the highest details on stations and whatnot, but the experience is still amazing. :)
Nowadays, if you want to upgrade, an RTX2060 is plenty enough for everything. Or the RX5700.

Whatever that mention of a divorce means, I hope you're okay.


No, the divorce would only occur if I bagged myself an RTX2080ti without consultation and extreme wheedling :D
Oh, FYI, I know it's all RNG n' stuff, but I just had 66 HGE's in a row in the "Imeuts" system. Fully stocked on military supercapcitors and miltary grade alloys now.
Have a GTX980ti - not sure how that would handle VR :unsure: I could slap in a GT2080ti if the divorce proceedings went OK. Or perhaps wait until the GTX3080ti comes out and there'sa decent O/C on an i9 10900k.


Tyres, as a fellow cat owner, I invite you to consider the shock and awe experience of being immersed in a VR headset and engaged in a CZ when a questing paw comes to tell you with a gentle flex of the claws that it is now dinner time, and had you forgotten? :)

I was thinking about the perilous path to VR. I have no idea where to start looking though. I suppose the obvious is an Occulus Rift, but that seems a bit too obvious, and WeComeInPeace didn't have a great time with one earlier in this thread right here. What might be a few options to look at, perhaps? Or should I just leave it until we know what hardware requirements the "we-shouldn't-talk-about-it-because-it-was-leaked" release comes out :D
Tyres, as a fellow cat owner, I invite you to consider the shock and awe experience of being immersed in a VR headset and engaged in a CZ when a questing paw comes to tell you with a gentle flex of the claws that it is now dinner time, and had you forgotten? :)

I was thinking about the perilous path to VR. I have no idea where to start looking though. I suppose the obvious is an Occulus Rift, but that seems a bit too obvious, and WeComeInPeace didn't have a great time with one earlier in this thread right here. What might be a few options to look at, perhaps? Or should I just leave it until we know what hardware requirements the "we-shouldn't-talk-about-it-because-it-was-leaked" release comes out :D

It has been officially announced now:

And if you want to get VR specifically for ED, I'd suggest you wait until the announcement becomes more definite. As it stands, VR support is currently not listed on the ED:Odyssey Steam page :cry: - but a lot may happen in the next 12 months.
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Tyres, as a fellow cat owner, I invite you to consider the shock and awe experience of being immersed in a VR headset and engaged in a CZ when a questing paw comes to tell you with a gentle flex of the claws that it is now dinner time, and had you forgotten? :)

I was thinking about the perilous path to VR. I have no idea where to start looking though. I suppose the obvious is an Occulus Rift, but that seems a bit too obvious, and WeComeInPeace didn't have a great time with one earlier in this thread right here. What might be a few options to look at, perhaps? Or should I just leave it until we know what hardware requirements the "we-shouldn't-talk-about-it-because-it-was-leaked" release comes out :D

Ha! I can bet that all gets a bit Aliens-esque :ROFLMAO:

Chris mentioned a Windows Mixed Reality helmet earlier, so I may liik into that.
I approve! Courier is my favourite small combat ship as well. Unlike Vulture, which gives me a headspin after a couple minutes of dogfighting, Courier hit and run tactics are my favourite combat style.
I've had her engineered to my liking (in fact, I think it's probably my second most engineered ship after my DBX explorer), awesome speed, super tough shield and complete superlight glass cannon underneath that.
Much fun and actually the only ship probably in which I'm not afraid of gankers at all. With the ability to be out of an effective gun range within two seconds, they have one shot. You simply can't kill a Courier if she doesn't want to be killed. :)

You just cost me a couple of million cr. I have been pondering which small fighter to use up in Colonia. This post has me thinking it has to be my (not yet engineered) Courier. Sitting 61 hours away in the Bubble. Will get it shipped up tonight. Thank you, Commander.


Tyres, as a fellow cat owner, I invite you to consider the shock and awe experience of being immersed in a VR headset and engaged in a CZ when a questing paw comes to tell you with a gentle flex of the claws that it is now dinner time, and had you forgotten? :)

I was thinking about the perilous path to VR. I have no idea where to start looking though. I suppose the obvious is an Occulus Rift, but that seems a bit too obvious, and WeComeInPeace didn't have a great time with one earlier in this thread right here. What might be a few options to look at, perhaps? Or should I just leave it until we know what hardware requirements the "we-shouldn't-talk-about-it-because-it-was-leaked" release comes out :D

I have crashed before because I was attempting to lad on a planet with a cat on my lap. Didn't have the heart to move her. I only object when our cats (two sisters) actually start a territory battle on my lap while I am gaming. There are limits. If they start one when I'm not gaming, then the winner gets the lap. It's all very gentle, really. Unless trying to land a Cutter on a high G planet at the same time.
Well, that was impressive.

If it's actually what we're getting, then I might reconsider my current total lack of interest in "Space Legs", given that there is planetary landings as well by the looks of it.

Of course, it could also be a complete hoax :)
Well, the trailer is back online on the official Elite Dangerous Youtube channel. (They probably said to themselves "Aw screw it, the cat's out of the bag, let's not make waves." and re-uploaded it.)
So I'd dare to say it's not a hoax. :)

That being said, I still have no interest in "legs". Apart from walking/floating around the ship (provided there's some gameplay tied to it), I have no interest in walking around planets in a space FLIGHT sim. I'm in it for flying ships.
Atmospheres is what interests me the most. Although again - barren atmo planets will be the same as the ones we have now. To me at least. What I want is gas giants that you can fly into. But that's not something I'm ever gonna see, I'm afraid.
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This is me, walking around my Corvette.

Ok, not yet, but sooooon! :p

Waiting for the tock of the weekly tick, at which time I will buy a dozen mining lances, two to use somewhere.
the rest to hoard until I can afford a fleet carrier ( 1.5Bcr at the mo.. going backwards rapidly?).
Then to sell them at very large markup , if possible.
I reconfigured Gimbby denis into a hard 60T bubble runner for powerplay moments, works quite well.
Keeping the jump calulator on 1k jumps, lowered the fuel scoop size, honking all the way making money.
Running loops around controlled systems, collecting powerplay tasks 15T and every 30 mins, trading in between.
Oh on the topic of legs, my laptop can not do, the other space game that shall not be mentioned ( use the code word MacBeth, that should be ok ..).
So, I will need a major engineering update. And I did hear of the 3080 and other advances, I can wait....I think I can wait...I'll do a google search shall I ..:unsure::whistle:
Waiting for the tock of the weekly tick, at which time I will buy a dozen mining lances, two to use somewhere.
the rest to hoard until I can afford a fleet carrier ( 1.5Bcr at the mo.. going backwards rapidly?).
Then to sell them at very large markup , if possible.
It is not possible. The carrier outfitting only sells modules bought to the carrier in packs via the carrier menus. No powerplay modules.
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