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...and finally unlocked the Guardian FSD...! I really made that feel a lot harder than it should have been - plenty of Guardian mat stocking, as I kept losing the pylons in the dark (even with night vision on). Once I had one blueprint chunk, just couldn’t face doing it again just now.

Need to have a think about the shape of the fleet - my trust Krait Mk II which has done a lot of trading, courier jobs for the Imperial grind and the Palin 5k may be ready to get a new focus. Have enjoyed skipping about in the DBX for the to and fro on Guardian runs, but the slots are a little restrictive...

Not really sure what’s next - Elite explorer? High grade mat run? Maybe some more combat practice? A little stumped for now.
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If you find yourself out this way, here is a good ring with 6 Tritium hotspots, a least one over lapped...sampled at about 20% average, roids all around.
Pyraleau KB-L c9-1
For the first time in a long time, I find my interest in the game waning a little. Whereas I could play for 3-4 hours a night (at least) I'm managing maybe 2. Some nights I haven't played at all. I'm hoping to plot up in a spot soon and do some proper scouting of the local area. I think maybe I've been traveling for so long, it's just become a bit of a task.
For the first time in a long time, I find my interest in the game waning a little. Whereas I could play for 3-4 hours a night (at least) I'm managing maybe 2. Some nights I haven't played at all. I'm hoping to plot up in a spot soon and do some proper scouting of the local area. I think maybe I've been traveling for so long, it's just become a bit of a task.
It's always been the engineering grind which has made me dip out the game. I feel like it would be more interesting if they mostly replaced the material hunting aspect with tasks similar to those you have to complete just to gain access to an engineer. Plus some of them could be made in a way as to create more hotspots for human players, with some missions directing people to the same place etc.

Typically, I just jump in to mess around and see if I can get myself in trouble. I don't play much of anything during the week but I thought I might find some gankers at an early engineering system this weekend and maybe distract their attention away from newbies for a few minutes. I can afford a few insurance claims.
On a sidenote, I wanted to make some upgrades to a computer a bought last summer, and switching the 8Gb for the motherboard's maximum of 32Gb seemed like a good basic option. Not that I've had any real problems with Elite but I have noticed jittery behaviour every now and then. The next thing I'll be looking at is the graphics card but I think a 4GB Nvidia 1050 Ti is sufficient for any game I've played so far. I don't want to invest money on something I just don't need.

IMG_0608 b.jpg
same memory has me.... that computer memory not head memory that still runs at 2 mhz :)

goto to tier 2 so far on the CG quest for . 5 million seems along way ahead :
  • SystemNagasairu StationTeng-hui Station , Gallite, Rutile, Bauxite Target 9808947 / 15000000Expires in 6 days
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Im a lover of mining and now I have my very own Painite spot 4.5ly from a Large refinery system in Colonia after Borann its very peacefull when I need a moment away from all the death and destruction
Well,that's not going to last long now.

For the first time in a long time, I find my interest in the game waning a little. Whereas I could play for 3-4 hours a night (at least) I'm managing maybe 2. Some nights I haven't played at all. I'm hoping to plot up in a spot soon and do some proper scouting of the local area. I think maybe I've been traveling for so long, it's just become a bit of a task.
Some days you're up, some days you're down.No point trying to force it. Reckon we've all felt like that at times.No shame in taking a break and some well earned R'n'R.Or sell the carrier and take an extended break, rebuy when you get back into it. The game will be here waiting for you when you feel ready to resume.It is capable of surviving an extended hiatus, as many of us know.

edited:Non sequitur removed.
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On a sidenote, I wanted to make some upgrades to a computer a bought last summer, and switching the 8Gb for the motherboard's maximum of 32Gb seemed like a good basic option. Not that I've had any real problems with Elite but I have noticed jittery behaviour every now and then. The next thing I'll be looking at is the graphics card but I think a 4GB Nvidia 1050 Ti is sufficient for any game I've played so far. I don't want to invest money on something I just don't need.

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I hear the RTX3090 is quite a nice card. Failing that, there's also the 3080 which, apparently, outstrips the 2080 by a large margin.

I currently use a 980ti and it's still great today. I don't think I'll be upgrading anytime soon.
On a sidenote, I wanted to make some upgrades to a computer a bought last summer, and switching the 8Gb for the motherboard's maximum of 32Gb seemed like a good basic option. Not that I've had any real problems with Elite but I have noticed jittery behaviour every now and then. The next thing I'll be looking at is the graphics card but I think a 4GB Nvidia 1050 Ti is sufficient for any game I've played so far. I don't want to invest money on something I just don't need.

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My journey to Colonia is well under way now, only 15kly to go :D

Still quite a way out for sure, but it's great fun out in the black finding "stuff". Currently in the Pyraleau sector and will be in Pyraleau GH-K D9-30 very soon if anyone happens to be passing by: I'll have the kettle on in a jiffy.

Or a new barrel of Peroni. And courvoisier.

I'm looking forward to getting there but I don't want the journey to end. I think what I'll do is, once there, I'll unlock the engineers just to get the full set. Then, I think, I'll just keep going. I may not get back to the bubble for quite some time.

I wanted an extra mining laser which I have stored in Shin. I was going to initiate a transfer but it would take 16 hours :ROFLMAO: I can live without it.

A good job I've only taken ships with me I use - I could have brought them all but the rest just feel superfluous - except that I forgot my Vulture. That will cost me 9 mill to ship. I'm seriously toying with the idea of selling them off.

EDIT: I really want a bridge view of the carrier jumping: staring at the hangar bulkhead during the jump is pretty uninspiring.
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Some days you're up, some days you're down.No point trying to force it. Reckon we've all felt like that at times.No shame in taking a break and some well earned R'n'R.Or sell the carrier and take an extended break, rebuy when you get back into it. The game will be here waiting for you when you feel ready to resume.It is capable of surviving an extended hiatus, as many of us know.

Thank you for your kind words. I think it's the travelling I have been doing. I was loving it in Colonia. Then I got the bug to get an FC and ever since, I've really been travelling. I'm still in the gamer but not with the same intensity. I'm right out on the edge. Going to settle a while and enjoy the seclusion.
...The next thing I'll be looking at is the graphics card but I think a 4GB Nvidia 1050 Ti is sufficient for any game I've played so far. I don't want to invest money on something I just don't need.

It all depends on the game(s) you want to play and the screen(s) you want to use. A 1050ti, if you already have one, should be good for a lot of stuff up to 1080p, possibly with restrictions in the graphics settings. Problem is - 1050 is now two generations behind, so you'll be hard pressed to find a new one. New genration on NVidia side is 30xx, with the 3080 just being sellable since yesterday (and, from what I've read, by now only available thrugh eBay at twice the recommended price...). But AMD and Intel are also gearing up for new GPUs this autumn.
The other thing is that Odyssey is more or less just around the corner, and guessing from what we've seen so far, its GPU demands will definitely not be less than those of Horizons.
The 980ti Tyres has mentioned is a couple of steps beyond the 1050ti - at the cost of power consumption (ok, let's not talk about the power needs of the 30xx cards - the codename "Ampere" is chosen aptly). So, I wouldn't recommend to buy a 1050ti right now unless your current gear absolutely can't run your games or you got the money to spare - it may well be obsolete when Odyssey comes out.
Some days you're up, some days you're down.No point trying to force it. Reckon we've all felt like that at times.No shame in taking a break and some well earned R'n'R.Or sell the carrier and take an extended break, rebuy when you get back into it. The game will be here waiting for you when you feel ready to resume.It is capable of surviving an extended hiatus, as many of us know.

Cutting in on the conversation, I find myself in a similar situation. I thought ED would be one of those lifelong games that would never be put down, but after achieving triple Elite and finishing Callsign J-KR, I kind of lost the desire to re-engage. I don't think I've recorded a single kill after reaching combat Elite.
Currently I'm alternating between Battlezone VR (I'm a child of the 1970s) and Ace combat 7 (long time Falcon 4.0 player on PC) on the ps4. I'm 23,000 words into Callsign J-KR2 and at some stage I will need to load ED back up again to map out a pursuit of a Construct controlled GalCop warship, but I keep putting it off, just filling in system names with "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" until I am compelled to dive back in again.
The focus on fleet carriers didn't help. The prolonged absence of Thargoid CZ's didn't help, either. Playing solo because I'm too cheap to spend money on a PSN account doesn't help, either. Maybe Odyssey will renew the urge.....
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