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Dear FDev,

Please remove sharpshooters from all CZ's


PS Please let the final enemy stay within at least a reasonable distance. This one was ridiculous - look how far I had to go find 'em:

As much as part of me would love to jump in, shipping cost to Europe would be scary, I fear...
Thanks for the offer, nonetheless.
I thought you were a Yank for some reason.
It's funny how, when an enemy drop ship eructates soldiers, they always drop near the next checkpoint to come online :D

Yep, I'm still in ground combat. Addicted much?
Eructates? Is that a typo or a new word I haven't heard?
Please let the final enemy stay within at least a reasonable distance. This one was ridiculous - look how far I had to go find 'em:
he adopted the tactical retreat method of bravely running away.and hiding...............
i actually find it quite funny when unintended quirks like this happen
it gives the game character...
(not many atheists in a fox hole fear is a killer and can take hold of anyone)
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Phew, it crashed right when I disembarked and when I reloaded I was just standing at the back of the ship.

Got the Osseus and now looking down on the plain that should have bacteria but... doesn't.

View attachment 416653
No bacterium in sight there unless the pale patch nearer the ship isn’t part of the Stratum (Tectonicas?) but a bacterium in disguise. But that near the ship I doubt it.
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