What did you do in Planet Zoo today?

Wowsers. I've barely done 48🤣. What animals y'all breeding? I chose B&W ruffed lemurs and red ruffed lemurs because I can use 1 male for every 3 females and CCs. I also did peafowl, but they aren't as helpful
I have 4 enclosures, 1 male and 4-7 females. I keep the good females and distribute them to other enclosures. I buy new males from the market, so there is no inbreeding. Funnily enough I still had the zoo from last year and all I had to do was go ahead and run it at high speed. It probably took 3-4 hours for the 600 animals.
You can see that the zoo is doing quite well. I have 4 other enclosures, each with one animal (Siberian tiger, Indian Rhino, Red Panda and Dhole) so that guests don't just have to look only at peafowls 😆
It was actually quite easy and would certainly have been finished faster, I always paused the game to release the animals so that I didn't overlook anything or it slipped through the message spam.
I bred red deer, fallow deer, moose, ibexes, badgers, and wolves.

The deer are prolific! You can have one male and either 8 (red) or 15 (fallow) females. They breed easy, are very fertile, grow old, and can get two babies at a time. I bred one afternoon and released 120+ animals to the wild. I thought the wolves would do good as well, but they only had 2 puppies each time and they don't live to be very old each breeding pair only had 1 or 2 litters in their lifetime.
Finally I went back to my Biopark Australia zoo and added some tortoises and gemsboks:



Also I put a roof on the main path of the zoo to give som shade and did a small fountain:

Here's my so far very undecorated entrance area. Planting is needed, but I'm running low on creative juices. I really hope the next DLC is a little more inspiring for me. Then again, I have a ton of ideas, I'm just lacking the motivation to actually spend time on them.

As a side note I'm going to delete the ATM area to the right of this entrance and rebuild it to be a more modern addition. The painted brick and metal clad roof are supposed to make it look "late 20th Century-ish".

My staff area and access road will be to the left. I'm thinking I'll toss in skunks and badgers near the entrance and then use beavers for the first time a little further out. One side of the zoo will be a dedicated African section (starting with the bats), and the other side will be more of a random mix of animals I feel like building for. I plan on spending more time on the Africa section, making it the "new" part of the zoo, while the other side will be older so I can build fast.

(By the way, it's hard to tell with the angle of the screenshot, but that's a trellis over the entrance path, not a solid bit of wood. I also just realised the zoo sign is off-centre).
I've been working on a lil RNG based zoo where I build stuff based on what an RNG rolls for me, and I got the Californian sea lions to start off with!




I'm trying to get as far as I can with this zoo until the next Pokemon game comes out and I inevitably drop off the face of the earth to play that, haha.
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