What do you guys think of this new Eve online trailer? They feeling the pressure???

EVE is a tactical and strategic game, always has been, gameplay facilitates that. EVE has never been scared of other games because it's a niche and has been for 10 years that's why it does fine since nothing exists like it and can replicate what it creates, a pure player-driven sandox.

And the above trailer is like that, you just need to participate in that area of the game, I heard 3 people from the alliance I'm in on that trailer, saying things from battles I remember being on with them.

If you want a good representation of what EVE is, watch a Rooks and Kings video. For example, their famous Clarion Call 3 is here, which I'm in, They hunted us for a year: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XrYe_4vHzgE

If you finish watching that video you will understand what it's about. I've played EVE for 10 years now. You either get it or you don't, and I haven't touched a spreadsheet once, you only do that with trading/marketing which is the most complex in a game, and the most complex economy other than our own. Today in 2014 the API + tools are so complex you do not need to use excel for trading either. It's kind of funny since lots of people in games nowadays including Elite right now are using spreadsheets...
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Most computer games are tactical, strategic or both...

Nothing in the same complexity and depth as a battle in EVE, from what causes it, what happens during it, and the aftermath. There's also no other game where people work tactically and strategically together on the brink of losing assets/space amongst hundreds of themselves to achieve victory, and maybe have whisperings of a spy that PL might have caps on standby ready to drop on you. I've never played another game that operates on the same level of player-driven tactics and strategy of the same depth. That's what makes EVE, EVE, and that's why it exists, because nothing exists that achieves that. Watch any Rooks and Kings video, it's incredibly apparent.
Or the Should show how Gatcamping Works I am Done with Eve and will sell my 2 Year old Account on Ebay soon.
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EVE Online trailers never reflect the actual game play in any way shape or form.
They certainly are creative and polished but if you play EVE it's not even close to the trailers.
Nothing in the same complexity and depth as a battle in EVE, from what causes it, what happens during it, and the aftermath. There's also no other game where people work tactically and strategically together on the brink of losing assets/space amongst hundreds of themselves to achieve victory, and maybe have whisperings of a spy that PL might have caps on standby ready to drop on you. I've never played another game that operates on the same level of player-driven tactics and strategy of the same depth. That's what makes EVE, EVE, and that's why it exists, because nothing exists that achieves that. Watch any Rooks and Kings video, it's incredibly apparent.

Oh I know to an extent, I was more a Provi-man myself.
I think it's a great trailer. I've been playing Eve off and on since early 2004, and this trailer touches on what makes Eve great: getting involved with a good community. I've had my ups and downs with enjoying Eve and taken several long breaks. I've done 0.0 alliances, empire industry, wormholes, and just about everything else. I thought I was completely sick and bored of Eve. I've been doing Red vs Blue (in Blue) the past couple months, and it has a good community. So, it has been really quite fun. I had only re-subbed because Star Citizen was making me sad and Elite felt very sterile at the time. I got into RvB and it made me completely forget about Elite and SC for a few months. When Eve is good, it is really good, even to a jaded 10 year veteran. It is the community you talk and fly with that makes or breaks it. I just came back to ED to check out the gamma, and I am glad to see groups and friends lists added. That was something that was sorely lacking in the early betas. If a good community can make the slow-paced Eve a blast, I think it should make E:D just as good or better.

And yes, many of the groups in the trailer are veteran groups that the new player would have to work up better skills and resources to get into, but not all. Brave Newbies are featured in there, and they have fairly low skill and ship requirements. CCP did a good job of not making it a complete elitist trailer. Sure, there is someone getting a titan dropped on them and people getting pipebombed by Rooks and Kings, but there are also miners and people asking "how do I warp to someone?". It is just refreshing to see an Eve trailer that actually has Eve gameplay in it. They are usually just pre-rendered movies.
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I don't feel like Elite has an effect on Eve. Different games completely. It might have an effect on a person wanting a space game and choosing between the two would gravitate more towards Elite or Star Citizen as they are discussed and streamed a lot at the moment.
That vid reminds me of my old Eve days though. The communities you would get involved with are always great. Battles are emotionally tense despite not really being much action based like flying a HOTAS stick is. It is just the reality of the value of your own ship and those around you and knowing you are going in with a high chance of not coming back out; furthermore the reality that if the battle is lost you could lose everything if the system is overrun, so you fight tooth and nail.

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EVE and ED are antipodes in my view. EVE provides many elements that some players are missing in ED (e.g. socializing, mass battles). I'm not sure if ED ever should try to compete with EVE in this department. Vice versa EVE shouldn't try to mimic something that never be anything else than ridiculous. It's technically just impossible to melt ED's comprehensive physics into a semi-3D world of EVE.

Totally. Imagine if Eve attempted to pull off manual control with flight sticks etc. The whole strategic element of the game would be lost and the players would be devastated if that changed in such a way. It is a different game all together. It would be like making an RTS a first person shooter in an attempt to make it more immersive.
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One of the better trailers they've done since Eve Never Fades with the junkie xl soundtrack, but I fear it lacks crazy Russian fleet commanders, which is what i remember most. Take ze bannnanas out of your eeearz ju noooobs.
If ED actually don't affect EVE's player base as most of you are saying, where are all these EVE players in this forum are coming from (judging from the typical EVE like avatars). Just trolling here? That EVE's number of accounts won't dwindle anytime soon is inherent in EVE's system and probably one of the most clever marketing tricks ever used in the gaming industry. I pull my hat, that's really good - for CCP. :p
p.s. since EVE players are all that well known oh so intellectual high rider I surely don't have to go into detail here...

Well, us EvE players do play other games you know, its not just EvE. I've been playing it on and off for the past 8 years now.

CCP's subscription model and the constant growth of EvE will be safe for a long time. SC and Elite will not affect it. The only way CCP will ever be affected is if somebody is able to copy what CCP has done and introduced a better combat model like in Elite.
I was playing EvE for 6 years and I can say that EvE is Piece Of Art!!! Complexity, depth, MMO jewel, unbeatable PvP...and I hope that ED will evolve into legend like EvE through all that years
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