What do you think 4th “Aquatic DLC animal would be?

What I want and here is my liste:

1. All sea lion species
2. Morse
3. Capybara
4. Nutria
5. Nile crocodile
6. All species of Crocodiles and Caimans
7. Mississippi alligator
8. Sea Cobra
9. Green turtle
Orcas and dolphins can be found in Zoo Tycoon 2 Thailand!

Zoo Tycoon 2 is an entirely unrelated game from an entirely different time. These days it wouldn't go down as well. Cetaceans really do not do well in captivity and as yet no zoo in the world has been able to reach good enough standards to do it - IMO it's in Frontier's best interest to leave those sorts of animals out and focus on more standard zoo animals, like seals, penguins, sea lions, and so on.


Anyway, if we're assuming there is an aquatic pack coming and that it will include the three animals from the "leak" (I'm not convinced) then I would imagine the fourth slot might be another freshwater animal, but exactly what who can say. The American alligator seems like the obvious choice, both as a popularly-requested animal and a common zoo animal. I could see them including the American beaver as well, as a nod to ZT2 nostalgia, or even the capybara at a push, since it was highly-requested before and after the SA Pack dropped.

Personally I'd like the California sea lion (or the Steller's sea lion as mentioned upthread). Sea lions feel more iconic than seals for zoos.
For fully aquatic packs i would love actual fish. We have a lot of important and interesting species that haven’t been represented in a zoo game, or really anywhere. Catfish, sturgeons, gars, arapaimas, eels, rays, sharks, octopus (not a fish, but) plus many more. Would love to see these.

For mammals Manatees would be cool! But other than that I would personally mostly be interested in semi aquatic mammals like the already discussed seals, sealions, otters, beavers and platypus.
But the gray whale can! She is from Sea World!
Just to make something clear, cetaceans (whales and dolphins) in captivity is one of the highest kinds of animal cruelty, these animals communicate using a radar-like sense called 'Echolocation' to find their prey, and in captivity, they are kept in pools where the walls of the pool bounce back off of the wall back to the ears and then the brain of the whale or dolphin which either confuses them or puts them under heightened stress. This is the reason Frontier is not intending on including whales or dolphins in any kind of Aquatic DLC, they are trying to be realistic.
Orcas and dolphins can be found in Zoo Tycoon 2 Thailand!

Zoo Tycoon 2 is not a zoo, it is fictional game loosely based on an odd mixed of safari parks, zoos, aquariums and fantasy. Planet Zoo is a realistic zoo simulation game that for the most part and in a limited capacity, does a great job at interpreting and translating to a virtual world what zoos look like, it is the first game of its kind.
There once was a grey whale calf who was rescued by sea world and nursed back to health and was released.
dolphins such as Orcas and Bottlenose are too advanced to be confined to a tank and need to be in the ocean with their family pods and learning from each other on how to function.
The beluga whales found in American aquariums seem to be happy and taken care of unlike the whale jail in Russia.
In 2017 the Alaskan Sealife center rescued a Cook Inlet beluga calf and it was deemed non releasable and then transferred to Texas. There is a pacific white side dolphin at the Vancouver aquarium with damaged flippers deemed non releasable. While these circumstances are very rare, it’s nice to see these animals that you may not be able to see in your whole life but it’s best to leave cetaceans alone.
Cetaceans really do not do well in captivity and as yet no zoo in the world has been able to reach good enough standards to do it.

There is no need to state that kind of debatable sentences as if it were an empirical fact. You can just dislike the idea of having cetaceans in Planet Zoo or even the prospect of discussing the topic for the nth time, like myself :LOL:o_O

Just to make something clear, cetaceans (whales and dolphins) in captivity is one of the highest kinds of animal cruelty, these animals communicate using a radar-like sense called 'Echolocation' to find their prey, and in captivity, they are kept in pools where the walls of the pool bounce back off of the wall back to the ears and then the brain of the whale or dolphin which either confuses them or puts them under heightened stress. This is the reason Frontier is not intending on including whales or dolphins in any kind of Aquatic DLC, they are trying to be realistic.

Are you trying to say that echolocation is only designed for very open waters? What about river dolphins, the species who use it the most, sometimes in small water channels?
Animals that use echolocation know how to regulate it according to their environment, just like you know how to adjust your tone of voice or your sight.
The Sea Lion would complete the seal, otter, sea lion trifecta everyone wants. I wouldn't be surprised if Giant Otters were not in the next dlc.
There is no need to state that kind of debatable sentences as if it were an empirical fact. You can just dislike the idea of having cetaceans in Planet Zoo or even the prospect of discussing the topic for the nth time, like myself :LOL:o_O

It is empirical fact. There are countless very informative studies on this. A personal disagreement doesn't make it less factual.

A lot of people like to get defensive about it because they happen to have fun at SeaWorld or whatever and don't want to feel guilty about it, but it's true. There is no international conensus on the necessary means to keep cetaceans in captivity, which means there is no proper regulation, which means such exhibits will be phased out in the future.
I want the Orca!
Me too, I would like trade my soul to get them in PZ:LOL: Though I dont believe they will be in the next DLC, should they ever add them I guess it will be awhile.

Well, if Frontier was to ask AZA/EAZA/WAZA about it, they would tell them its ok to add them.

One quote from AZA I find very fitting for PIXEL cetaceans, rather then real ones.
"...Finally, AZA-accredited aquariums and zoos provide guests an opportunity to see, learn about, interact with, and develop a personal connection with animals they might never see in the wild, like dolphins, beluga whales and orcas. AZA-accredited aquariums and zoos will continue to provide state-of-the-art care to all of the marine mammals at their facilities.”

Full Quote

Frontier could really use this opportunity to educate about this animals and bring them "close" to their players. Its sure not the same way as the "real-deal", but its far better than seeing them in captivity and also better than going whale-watching in the wild (which has its very own down sides) and its also nicer than just seeing them in videos.
They should not add shows of course, to help get those animals away from the performer image they currently have for many people. (And people who call orcas "Shamu" because of SeaWorld, its so much cringe and I hate it)

Cetaceans really shouldnt be in real-life captivity in the future, but they can be in the media or even as robots, which are currently made with the hope to replace real dolphins in zoos and marine parks in the future.
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PjQL_k68FUg

Just imagine the great possibilities that are already here and will be in the future to teach and show those animals without harming a real one.
It makes me really sad to see some people just dont think out of the box and just want to ban them outright of the game, because they think it dosent fit. But PZ IS the best game for it, as its about the animals.
If Frontier or another devolper made like a Marine Park game with shows and rides and such, I wouldnt really like it that much. I would still buy it, I am sure, but it wouldnt be that what I would have liked. And thats a game where the animals matter outside of shows and such and no thrill-rides, please.

In the end I can only hope the Frontier team sees it as I do, since its totally their decision to add them or not. But as I already said many times before, I will keep dreaming and waiting until its over or they really add them.

(and here the latest statements from EAZA and WAZA regarding cetaceans)

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