What music will yo be listening too to get you in the mood?

Currently listening to the Descent soundtrack as played and recorded from an old school Sound Blaster. Not my Sound Blaster, mind you, since my overpowered retro 486 computer build is still a work in progress, but it should sound very similar to this. Ah the good old days. Hoping to help educate my daughter about what all went into building these computers back in the day, but I digress...




Oh, by the way, for those of you further interested in this wee bit of nonsense, here is my current Sound Blaster with its special features highlighted...


Also, I highly recommend checking out Overload. It's a modern similar type game to the original Descent games made by the same people. There's a free demo, er "playable teaser" for it on Steam.

Bonus: Also made natively for Linux. :cool: Wish Elite: Dangerous was too. Just saying.
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If it helps any, this is the theme music to my fully combat loaded Vulture explorer ship, The Ronin... :)


And this, well, just your stereotypical typical saké sucky, roaming Ronin thug life back beat. Don't hate the player...


Actually, I just found that on YouTube. Kind of reminds me of Sleeping Dogs though. Yeah, I have rather eclectic tastes.


Can't really beat the OGs though. All joking aside, this is something every music lover should experience at least once in their lives...


But I digress.
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General a good choice for elite:

Long live Keldian! True artists!
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