What themed building sets / architecture would you like to see?

There's probably a thread like this somewhere, but I can't find it. Let me know and link me to it, if I should just look at that one!

But I think this is a fun discussion to have. Other than generic zoo things (which we DO need more of) what themes for architecture would be most useful?

Personally for a North America pack, I'd prefer something that mixes together log cabin and indigenous sensibilities. Nothing like tipis or coastal totem poles, as I can see that being disrespectful and fetishizing indigenous cultures like a theme park. (Though there could be exceptions. For instance a zoo in Vancouver could pay tribute to First Nations by hosting pieces from coastal artists there.) But PZ has been pretty respectful, like how they adapted First Nations art in the stained glass pieces, so I'm not too worried about that. Also, they chose Scandinavian architecture for the Arctic pack instead of just "Inuit" or something They seem to know what to avoid. Making "Wild West" stuff would also be too theme park-like for me.

People have already made lodges and stuff in PZ though. Maybe NA DLC really would be where they deliver generic zoo pieces.

But the same could be said for Europe. They already have "Classical" and Scandinavian stuff, I wonder what else would work? It could be generic zoo pieces, it could be farm pieces, (but we could really only use those for llamas and peafowl, so...) it could be some modernist Danish, Swedish, or Finnish stuff... or just modern/futuristic in general. Slavic is possible, but a weird choice for a zoo. (Same with Russian.)

Oh, and we can already make Mediterranean themes, as seen in the Lake Island Zoo map.

On another note, I'm very interested in what an African pack could come with. We already have traditional south African, but there's lots of amazing African architecture. Egypt stuff is also an idea, though that could seem too theme-parky as well.

For Asia, I think the most obvious choice is Southeast Asia. But even then it's hard to narrow it down:






That reminds me, Pacific Islander stuff would be cool:


I'd add more pictures if this image uploader wasn't the most unreliable and finnicky thing in the world

Anyway, are there any other ideas?
There was this similar thread, but didn't last long:

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