What will your Commander name be?

Not if you cleverly obscure the name by using '0's instead of 'o's. Lawyers are blind to that kind of stuff, don't ya know! ;)
Wouldn't Duck Dodgers be an issue with copyright ?

It looks like it would, being that it's the name of a show. I should think a character from a show, like Arthur Dent or Sherlock Holmes, would be fine since those are people's names anyway.
I pretty much stink at making up names, as seen with my username. Guess I'll have to use a random name generator. :eek:

You might end up with 'Kevin Philips Bong', or 'Tarquin finbimlimbin ole bus stop ftang ftang biscuit-barrel' as a name though...

*Points awarded for naming the source of these names.
You might end up with 'Kevin Philips Bong', or 'Tarquin finbimlimbin ole bus stop ftang ftang biscuit-barrel' as a name though...

*Points awarded for naming the source of these names.

Don't need the points...

But I don't think I could get away with Commander N****rbaiter. But Commander Pepperpot would definitely pass muster...


  • Commander Bruce Bruce;
  • Commander Throatwobbler Mangrove;
  • Commander Johann Gambolputty de von Ausfern-Schplenden-Schlitter-Crasscrenbon-Fried-Digger-Dingle-Dangle-Dongle-Dungle-Burstein-von-Knacker-Thrasher-Apple-Banger-Horowitz-Ticolensic-Grander-Knotty-Spelltinkle-Grandlich-Grumblemeyer-Spelterwasser-Kurstlich-Himbleeisen-Bahnwagen-Gutenabend-Bitte-Ein-Nürnburger-Bratwustle-Gerspurten-Mitz-Weimache-Luber-Hundsfut-Gumberaber-Shönedanker-Kalbsfleisch-Mittler-Aucher von Hautkopft;
  • Commander Dinsdale Piranha;
  • Commander Ewan McTeagle;

And those are just a few suggestions for starters...
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^^^ :D ^^^

You forgot

Commander Jethro Q. Bonwacky Bozzits to Bonbood Walrus y,

Commander Luis San Wogga Wogga

Commander Arthur Peter Brown Telescope Adrian Blackpool Rock Stoat-Gobbler John Raw Vegetable (whwhwhwhwhuh) Norman Michael (ding ding ding) (tweeet!) Edward (Honk, honk) 'Shubiddy shubiddy shubiddy' (low honk) Thomas 'Oh, we'll keep a welcome in' (Zoot! Bong!) Williams (rising whis-tle) 'Rain-drops keep falling on my' (whing!) 'Don't sleep in the subway' (oo oo) nyeuueneuhuenhuh Smith...

Also, this is relevant to our interests...

"Bally Witch-space camper pranged his crate right into the how's your father. Hairy blighter, ie-birdied, copped a waspy, flopped over onto his Betty Harper's and caught his can in the black stuff".

Commander Bovril or Squiffy, anyone?
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