You forgot
Commander Jethro Q. Bonwacky Bozzits to Bonbood Walrus y,
Commander Luis San Wogga Wogga
Commander Arthur Peter Brown Telescope Adrian Blackpool Rock Stoat-Gobbler John Raw Vegetable (whwhwhwhwhuh) Norman Michael (ding ding ding) (tweeet!) Edward (Honk, honk) 'Shubiddy shubiddy shubiddy' (low honk) Thomas 'Oh, we'll keep a welcome in' (Zoot! Bong!) Williams (rising whis-tle) 'Rain-drops keep falling on my' (whing!) 'Don't sleep in the subway' (oo oo) nyeuueneuhuenhuh Smith...
Also, this is relevant to our interests...
"Bally Witch-space camper pranged his crate right into the how's your father. Hairy blighter, ie-birdied, copped a waspy, flopped over onto his Betty Harper's and caught his can in the black stuff".
Commander Bovril or Squiffy, anyone?