What's on the menu for Planet Zoo? 🍽️

My opinion is that eventhough Europe and North america share a lot of similar species it doesn’t change the fact that we still lack niches(?) that are commonly found here.

  • A “normal” deer
  • A land dwelling mustelid, ie Mink, Marten, Wolverine, Badger etc
  • A gamefowl like the capercaillie, black grouse, Prairie chicken
  • A Heron and/or Crane
  • A duck, swan, goose
  • A small feline like a Lynx, wildcat, bobcat

Also a ton of small mammals, bugs and reptiles for exhibit. A TON!

The list goes on. And I am european, so I am not biased from never having seen them. I can go outside and stumble over some of these (hopefully never a wolverine) but I still want them for my zoos and parks. They’re still fascinating animals that deserve a spot in game.
I hate it when people assume a Europe pack would be similar to NA. A Europe DLC can be very different from the NAAP, especially considering the continent is as diverse in terms of biomes as NA. There's the Mediterranean which opens up possibilities like pelicans, sea turtles, Mediterranean Monk Seals, perhaps even dolphins. There's your stereotypical Central European forest that you probably think of when saying it's too similar to NA. Spain has some interesting biomes too (they even have a desert). Then there's the Alps with a lot of unique wildlife. IDK but whenever I see someone post about how Europe will be a dissapointing pack or it's too similar to something else without giving good arguments why, I just think they are ignorant about European wildlife and the possibilities for a pack centered around the continent.
If you look at southern Europe you are right that the pack could be very different from NA. But then we should not get animals like the red deer. If those will be there I will accept them but then I still want one of those coastal animals you mention 😉 But I am really of the opinion that most of Europe does not have the tropical climate where these animals occur.
Yes i understand you, i think europe will be just as good as the others dlc i think there are very unique animals in europe and i would be happy to even see europe dlc (if that includes the African crested porcupine i am the happiest person i should keep hoping) so i really think people Who think Europe will not be dlc good and they prefer Aviary dlc or something like that it's fine to hope for the things you like but at least give Europe a try maybe it will be excellent dlc like all the others? 💚
You are right, I will try and stop talking negatively about a possible europa pack.

I'm curious what we'll hear on Tuesday! If we don't get the europa pack but something totally unexpected, what would you guys think about that?
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Sorry, but I still can't understand the argument that the European animals are too similar to the American animals. So what? Do we have any deer in the game that lives in warm regions? Do we have any land mustelid? Do we have any small cat from either taiga or grassland? Do we have any pig with a biome other than tropical? Do we have any goat that doesn't live in the tundra? Yes, the animals from Europe are shared with Asia and America and even Africa, but neither the North America pack or the Asia or the Africa pack have introduced any of those animals in the game yet. If what's on the menu for Planet Zoo are those animals which are missing from the game, I'll be superhappy. If the menu has something else, I'll keep waiting patiently.
If you look at southern Europe you are right that the pack could be very different from NA. But then we should not get animals like the red deer. If those will be there I will accept them but then I still want one of those coastal animals you mention 😉 But I am really of the opinion that most of Europe does not have the tropical climate where these animals occur.

You are right, I will try and stop talking negatively about a possible europa pack.

I'm curious what we'll hear on Tuesday! If we don't get the europa pack but something totally unexpected, what would you guys think about that?
It's fine to have preferences for more dlcs but at least let's see and hear about the dlc ☺️ 💚
I think tomorrow we will hear about the free update and on Tuesday about the dlc ,I'm excited about any kind of dlc it may be! 🙀
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Sorry, but I still can't understand the argument that the European animals are too similar to the American animals. So what? Do we have any deer in the game that lives in warm regions? Do we have any land mustelid? Do we have any small cat from either taiga or grassland? Do we have any pig with a biome other than tropical? Do we have any goat that doesn't live in the tundra? Yes, the animals from Europe are shared with Asia and America and even Africa, but neither the North America pack or the Asia or the Africa pack have introduced any of those animals in the game yet. If what's on the menu for Planet Zoo are those animals which are missing from the game, I'll be superhappy. If the menu has something else, I'll keep waiting patiently.
I agree that Europe can be very diverse, especially if they focus on the Mediterranean, but usually PZ seems to switch between tropical, temperate and arid regions. While not impossible, it would come as a surprise to me if we get the only two major temperate regions left for a DLC (most likely at least) in a row.

That being said, something European seems likely now (unless they're trying to surprise us with a non-regional pack like an avian or coastal DLC) and it could be great, especially if they add some more generic theme pieces such as modern tiles or stone walls. I also like the idea of a Mediterranean DLC (including the North African and Middle Eastern parts). While it seemed very niche to me first, it could work with animals like a porcupine, pelican, lynx, ibex, barbary macaque or maybe even a sea turtle. The major problem with this is that it would rule out some characteristic European animals like the red deer, wild boar or red fox. While they do live in the area, but wouldn't be the most likely to include.
I hate it when people assume a Europe pack would be similar to NA. A Europe DLC can be very different from the NAAP, especially considering the continent is as diverse in terms of biomes as NA. There's the Mediterranean which opens up possibilities like pelicans, sea turtles, Mediterranean Monk Seals, perhaps even dolphins. There's your stereotypical Central European forest that you probably think of when saying it's too similar to NA. Spain has some interesting biomes too (they even have a desert). Then there's the Alps with a lot of unique wildlife. IDK but whenever I see someone post about how Europe will be a dissapointing pack or it's too similar to something else without giving good arguments why, I just think they are ignorant about European wildlife and the possibilities for a pack centered around the continent.
Kind of eyeopening post, I admit. Naturally, living in the temperate region of europe, I indeed said as well that european animals are too similar to north ameriocan animals. That did not mean I didn't want a europe pack, just thought the timing was oo for it. But you have a point and I apologize to all fellow european for my ignorance.
I have never been less certain about what’s coming up and that makes this the best reveal ever.
Right???!! I'm on the edge of my seat and this time not because I "need" somethin fresh ( I don't really, all my zoos are not ready for a dlc yet :D ) but because it's finally not easy to guess what is comming.
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