What’s your thoughts on another tiger?

This exactly. Likewise a new lion would be nice, since it's unlikely Frontier will ever go back and change their models.

I'd vote for the Sumatran tiger and southern lion in any poll. There are plenty of small cats I want but I certainly wouldn't be disappointed by either of these.
Not saying I wouldn’t like both of these, just saying they’re much lower priority than almost anything else - I agree both would have been better choices initially but, now that they’re there, more big cats, especially from niches that are already filled, are waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasaay down the list of things I’d want added. The leopard was bad enough - and it was a species not even in the game yet.
I absolutely love the new Amur leopard - it’s been a blessing to finally have it in the game. Both from the conservation and it’s uniqueness kind of view.

It’s such a beautiful animal and it’s one of the rarest species on planet earth with conservation story written all by modern zoo’s.

I guess I would be happy with every endangered and critically endangered species brought into the game - I guess that’s what zoo’s are for in the end 🤷🏽
I would really like Planet zoo to focus on the spieces that actually has strong meaning to conservation programs.

I have visited more than 200 zoos and just a couple of times have seen Moose, Cougar or beaver but on the other hand have seen Sumatran tigers showcased in more than 30 main European Zoo’s 🤷🏽

So I would gladly welcome distinct Sumatran tiger with a huge smile - maybe as the anniversary animal?

I mean really… how could you even say no to him? 🙃😋

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I can say no, because he has no value for the game.
In rl? Sure, its important to breed them in zoos, but this isnt real life.
We got 2 tigers and we cant have infinite different animal species like a real zoo can. We hopefully just get roughly over 150, with extreme luck even 200.
And of them, aslong as we dont get a bonus pack with just clone animals, the tiger will be a worthless addition.
Morphological changes? Minimal, their main difference is their size so you can just get a small bengal tiger.
Gameplay changes? Straight up none
It would be like a european beaver, ofcourse a common and endangerd zoo animal, but the only thing in the gamekeeping you from having them is a word in their describtion, something you can ignore just like the non existant morphological differences.
A sumatra tiger or any third tiger species would be straight up dead meat and not just a boring but unnessecary addition for the sake of correcting a mistake, that you can correct yourself by ignoring the prefix of the name and taking small size gene.
Outside of a clone pack i dont want it, not even for an Aniversery animal
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Personally, pretty low down the priority list if I'm honest?

I mean, while we've finally got all the big cats covered, there's still some solid medium and small ones that for me anyway, would take precedence - Ocelot, Serval, Caracal, Pallas' Cat and European Wildcat would take priority for me, and if we were in the market for a big cat subspecies, I'd personally favour a short-furred leopard subspecies like African or Indian?

That said, as others have said - if it were a year of the tiger anniversary gift then I'd be down!
Now, people are free to wish for whatever animals they want, I'm not here to gatekeep but... I personally don't understand why people ever want a 'clone' animal. If I wanted a Sumatran Tiger, I'd just add a Bengal tiger and a custom sign and voila! Sumatran Tiger 🧐 To use up a new animal slot for a subspecies is crazy in my opinion.
Now, people are free to wish for whatever animals they want, I'm not here to gatekeep but... I personally don't understand why people ever want a 'clone' animal. If I wanted a Sumatran Tiger, I'd just add a Bengal tiger and a custom sign and voila! Sumatran Tiger 🧐 To use up a new animal slot for a subspecies is crazy in my opinion.
Because they look completely different. A Sumatran tiger is quite different to the bengal tiger we have in game.
@markun is right the Sumatran tiger is much different in looks to all living tigers actually. I referred to it as a clone simply because you could start with the Bengal if they didn’t want to start from the ground up making a new model. I definitely agree with most people if support is extended then definitely yes I’d love a Sumatran tiger as I feel given their current endangered status and popularity in zoos it would make a great addition.

Bengal Tiger

Sumatran Tiger
I would like a Sumatran tiger and that's it. But honestly i don't want it taking the place for another more unique non-clone animal. If it is an anniversary animal would be cool.
Now, people are free to wish for whatever animals they want, I'm not here to gatekeep but... I personally don't understand why people ever want a 'clone' animal. If I wanted a Sumatran Tiger, I'd just add a Bengal tiger and a custom sign and voila! Sumatran Tiger 🧐 To use up a new animal slot for a subspecies is crazy in my opinion.
Because people have different priorities.

I'm more interested in building a realistic zoo than anything else, and to do that I need a realistic tiger. The Sumatran tiger is far more important to a realistic zoo than the Bengal or Siberian, neither of which feature in as many collections globally - in fact, most Bengals are hybridised with Siberians anyway in captivity, relics of a time when people thought it didn't matter because "they look the same".

Likewise, custom signs are not a solution - speaking of gatekeeping, the billboards are only really useful for people who have some talent in using graphical design programmes or an eye for that sort of thing. Someone like me has neither, so the billboards are pretty much useless.
Because people have different priorities.

I'm more interested in building a realistic zoo than anything else, and to do that I need a realistic tiger. The Sumatran tiger is far more important to a realistic zoo than the Bengal or Siberian, neither of which feature in as many collections globally - in fact, most Bengals are hybridised with Siberians anyway in captivity, relics of a time when people thought it didn't matter because "they look the same".

Likewise, custom signs are not a solution - speaking of gatekeeping, the billboards are only really useful for people who have some talent in using graphical design programmes or an eye for that sort of thing. Someone like me has neither, so the billboards are pretty much useless.
Dont use billboards then.
There are many ways to make custom signs, for example you can tilt the I of the letter set and use it to appear as lines of text.
Combine it with normal building pieces, the flexicolor shape pieces and the ingame signs with text and you can easily make a good looking custom sign with a little practice.
Also yes for realistic zoos its important to have the right species, i agree.
We got a Tiger with 189 EAZA holdings.
You want a Tiger with 58 EAZA holdings.

Are their more Sumatra Tigers worldwide?
Yes thankfully.
Do we have more Siberian Tigers worldwide?
Very much so.

So to boil this down, theirs nothing unrealistic about our main tiger in the game, the second one is meh, should have been the sumatran but now that its the bengal that looks like it with a small size gene you git it anyways if you wish so.

So yeah, saying that not having a Sumatran Tiger keeps you from building a realistic zoo is more then a stretch
Also yes for realistic zoos its important to have the right species, i agree.
We got a Tiger with 189 EAZA holdings.
You want a Tiger with 58 EAZA holdings.

Are their more Sumatra Tigers worldwide?
Yes thankfully.
Do we have more Siberian Tigers worldwide?
Very much so.

So to boil this down, theirs nothing unrealistic about our main tiger in the game, the second one is meh, should have been the sumatran but now that its the bengal that looks like it with a small size gene you git it anyways if you wish so.

So yeah, saying that not having a Sumatran Tiger keeps you from building a realistic zoo is more then a stretch
The Sumatran does look noticeably different than the Bengal. And it is not just about the size.
''In appearance, Sumatran tigers are darker with a tan-colored coat and their stripes are much closer together than other species including the Bengal tigers.''
But also there is something quite different about their facial expression, which I don't really know how to explain. Even though I am not sure if Frontier would be able to recreate that.

So I get why people don't want to pretend the Bengal is a Sumatran, I would never do that myself. I barely use the Timber Wolf, because that model feels very undefined.

I am still on team ''no more tigers'', but I get why it isn't easy to accept that we don't have this obvious choice of a subspecies. To me, it is just not more important than getting a bird, monkey, or perhaps a tortoise.
Dont use billboards then.
There are many ways to make custom signs, for example you can tilt the I of the letter set and use it to appear as lines of text.
Combine it with normal building pieces, the flexicolor shape pieces and the ingame signs with text and you can easily make a good looking custom sign with a little practice.
So your solution for those who don't/can't make full use out of billboards is to be equally creative with a high piece count?

That isn't a solution either.
Also yes for realistic zoos its important to have the right species, i agree.
We got a Tiger with 189 EAZA holdings.
You want a Tiger with 58 EAZA holdings.

Are their more Sumatra Tigers worldwide?
Yes thankfully.
Do we have more Siberian Tigers worldwide?
Very much so.

So to boil this down, theirs nothing unrealistic about our main tiger in the game, the second one is meh, should have been the sumatran but now that its the bengal that looks like it with a small size gene you git it anyways if you wish so.

So yeah, saying that not having a Sumatran Tiger keeps you from building a realistic zoo is more then a stretch
Imma help you. 4 main zoo regions with aviabale data.
  • Amur 24
  • Sumatran 7
North America:
  • Amur 50
  • Sumatran 30
  • Amur 189
  • Sumatran 58
Australasia only keeps sumatran tigers, 17 zoos

Overall 263 zoos with amur and 112 with sumatran.
Amur tiger always will be most common subspecies in northern hemisphere, due to cold resistance. For example according to zoochat, zoos located in northern united states only keeps amur, whereas zoos from south split between sumatran and malayan. Very important trait, because smaller zoos can have amur tigers. Reason for big number.

Also, threads like this really highlight a serious issue with this community.

Stop looking at things as either/or. You're all acting as though the sheer act of wanting a Sumatran tiger is going to make Frontier go, "Let's scrap this entire Bird DLC in favour of this tiger!" or something stupid like that. Imagine if I reacted that way to every animal I didn't care about being added to the game. We've already had a ton of wasted slots by my measure - the Arctic wolf, dingo, the entire North America Animal Pack was a waste to me, the dhole, spectacled caiman, Cuvier's dwarf caiman, giant otter, even the fennec fox - these are all species I didn't give a damn about. I'd take a Sumatran tiger over any of them.

Point is, always assume a wishlist takes place in a perfect world, where support is never-ending.

Edit: The question isn't "Would you want a Sumatran tiger instead of ____" it's "Would you want a Sumatran tiger full stop," as in, "assuming you're not going to lose anything else".
So your solution for those who don't/can't make full use out of billboards is to be equally creative with a high piece count?

That isn't a solution either.
I mean it is a game about creativity after all.
I dont mean this as gate keeping, but if you want a sign, download one from the workshop, download actual signs (both zoo signs and book pages can be found online that can be great billboards), build your own implied ones or just use the ingame ones.

Its simply in the nature of this game as a building game, it gives us all the options and its our job to get creative.
And thats where the game shines imo
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