What’s your thoughts on another tiger?

Also, threads like this really highlight a serious issue with this community.

Stop looking at things as either/or. You're all acting as though the sheer act of wanting a Sumatran tiger is going to make Frontier go, "Let's scrap this entire Bird DLC in favour of this tiger!" or something stupid like that. Imagine if I reacted that way to every animal I didn't care about being added to the game. We've already had a ton of wasted slots by my measure - the Arctic wolf, dingo, the entire North America Animal Pack was a waste to me, the dhole, spectacled caiman, Cuvier's dwarf caiman, giant otter, even the fennec fox - these are all species I didn't give a damn about. I'd take a Sumatran tiger over any of them.

Point is, always assume a wishlist takes place in a perfect world, where support is never-ending.

Edit: The question isn't "Would you want a Sumatran tiger instead of ____" it's "Would you want a Sumatran tiger full stop," as in, "assuming you're not going to lose anything else".
Yes the question was "Do we want a sumatran tiger" and the answer is for me and other people that said something against it that their are simple, objective reasonings why it is a very low priority animal.
And asking for if any animal is wanted, the instead of x is allways implied, simply because if it wasnt for the fact that slots are limited i would doubt that anybody would be against any animals inclusion kn the game.
I do not want the tiger, because there are 2 tigers allready, one of them being far more common in zoos.
Also big cats as a whole are the best reptesented and imo most pls no more group in the game, making big cat clones even low priority among clones.
Every monkey clone, for example a drill, would be much more worthwile then another big cat (besides maybe a higher quality lion) could ever be.
And that goes imo for most Potential clone pack animals like the black rhino, another flamingo, a harbour seal, etc, because all of them are from less represented groups with either gameplay or visual differences, be it size, color or continent in addition.
I wont be against it in a clone pack, but i defently do not want it for these reason, because we do not need more big cats and especally no tigers
I mean it is a game about creativity after all.
I dont mean this as gate keeping, but if you want a sign, download one from the workshop, download actual signs (both zoo signs and book pages can be found online that can be great billboards), build your own implied ones or just use the ingame ones.

Its simply in the nature of this game as a building game, it gives us all the options and its our job to get creative.
And thats where the game shines imo
What are you talking about? They gave us premade habitat information boards because obviously not everyone is going to want to make their own custom signs for things. Honestly saying the point of the game is to make custom signs is a bizarre take.
Getting one species means another will be left behind in the long run.
Why would that matter though?

Even if I agreed with you, you'd be choosing between a known species (Sumatran tiger) or an unknown species (which could be a Malayan tiger, since it's entirely hypothetical and doesn't exist). In a thread like this, even if you're forced to choose between two species, the second one could be literally anything. This is just low-level doom-posting.
Btw, just to make things clear, i totally get wanting a clone to correct a mistake, thats what the Eurasian Brown Bear is to me, but also that one i wouldnt want outside of a dedicated clone pack.
It would simply be a wasted slot or aniversery animal imo
Also, threads like this really highlight a serious issue with this community.

Stop looking at things as either/or. You're all acting as though the sheer act of wanting a Sumatran tiger is going to make Frontier go, "Let's scrap this entire Bird DLC in favour of this tiger!" or something stupid like that. Imagine if I reacted that way to every animal I didn't care about being added to the game. We've already had a ton of wasted slots by my measure - the Arctic wolf, dingo, the entire North America Animal Pack was a waste to me, the dhole, spectacled caiman, Cuvier's dwarf caiman, giant otter, even the fennec fox - these are all species I didn't give a damn about. I'd take a Sumatran tiger over any of them.

Point is, always assume a wishlist takes place in a perfect world, where support is never-ending.

Edit: The question isn't "Would you want a Sumatran tiger instead of ____" it's "Would you want a Sumatran tiger full stop," as in, "assuming you're not going to lose anything else".
Huh???? Why? the question is always an either / or question. Why would we assume support is never ending? If there’s one thing we can be 100% certain of, it’s that support will end one day. If support is unending then sure. Add all the animals - add all the subspecies of all of them.. add all domestic breeds, hell, add extinct species and fantasy animals. Why not? The question here isn’t even a Wishlist. The OP asked for opinions on adding Sumatran tigers and some of us have said we don’t want them. I agree with many of the species you’ve been disappointed with (not the fennec fox though!) but my opinion of the Sumatran tiger is that, not only would it be similarly disappointing- it’d be even more disappointing than any of them - the most disappointing animal so far added (with the possible exception of the llama).

The question IS "Would you want a Sumatran tiger instead of ____" because every single animal added is a different animal not added.
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@KönigDerKaffeebohnen you can definitely tell a Sumatran apart from a Bengal and Siberian. More so then the animals you mentioned above.




I definitely by all means understand the need for a Pallas cat,Caracal, or Serval ect. But I’d still definitely take a Sumatran tiger in game. But I do understand some for reasoning no. To me if extended ongoing support was to happen I’d definitely hope frontier would put them in game. Plus like Markun had mentioned of course my own selfish reasons as well.
If i need to activly look for a differance its not enough.
It got a bit more facial hair and edgier stripes, but does that really make that much of a difference to you guys?
Maybe im ignorant, but when an animal has no signifant difference in gameplay (most importantly group size and size in general), for how its used (for example the two different elephants for asia and africa) or visually (say about the arctic wolf what you want, a white wolf is visually distinct from the gray wolf we got and while i understand not likimg it, theres a clear difference + the fact that its from the underrepresented tundra biome) i dont want it.
Thats what mods are for, not ingame slots.
Some of you are so self centered in expressing your own opinions that it is hard to even read this forum sometimes.
Please think of the others and respect every opinion of your fellow forum members. We won’t go anywhere without mutual respect 🤷🏽
Some of you are so self centered in expressing your own opinions that it is hard to even read this forum sometimes.
Please think of the others and respect every opinion of your fellow forum members. We won’t go anywhere without mutual respect 🤷🏽
I dont mean this to be rude, but when the thread is "Do you want x" why is it wrong to state "no because y"?
It literally is the question of the thread and when people directly quote or mention me, shouldnt i explain my reasoning?
Yes it looks a little different, it got a bit of a mane, which is pretty cool, but the point still stands.
Im not here to tell you to not like the animal or to not be happy if its included.
All im stating is why i do not want the tiger
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I don’t really care for the right opinions. Because all of yours here are worth the same for me.
I would never claim that any of my opinions are worth more than yours 🤷🏽
Sumatran tiger OR south china tiger. BUT I think modders can do a tiger pack, like the did for zebras. We are in good hands, especially we have the tiger rigs already.What we really need now is rigs for different types for animals that is still missing.
Likewise, custom signs are not a solution - speaking of gatekeeping, the billboards are only really useful for people who have some talent in using graphical design programmes or an eye for that sort of thing. Someone like me has neither, so the billboards are pretty much useless.
Here you go.


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