When will the npc's stop cheating and play as cmdr's do?

They've been doing this for a while and nothing has been done to rectify the situation.

I mean, we can't jump with our hard points out while npc's certainly can. That's just one glaring example of npc's cheating.

This one isn't cheating but it certainly is an annoyance. "Give way to larger ships. " You're flying a cutter but a sidewinder zips by and jams you in the slot. Why don't npc's obey this rule?

FD, can you please give npc's a little more attention? Make them obey the same rules cmdr's have to so we can play on an even field.

You mean combat log, mode switch, send 1000 insults and then write a forum post about griefers?
Remember when NPCs used to reliably flee when they were getting gunned up, and people cried because their food kept escaping?

"omg how can I kill them if they LEAVE"
They've been doing this for a while and nothing has been done to rectify the situation.

I mean, we can't jump with our hard points out while npc's certainly can. That's just one glaring example of npc's cheating.

This one isn't cheating but it certainly is an annoyance. "Give way to larger ships. " You're flying a cutter but a sidewinder zips by and jams you in the slot. Why don't npc's obey this rule?

FD, can you please give npc's a little more attention? Make them obey the same rules cmdr's have to so we can play on an even field.

1st point is a bug that has been fixed, second point is not cheating.

Now can we do something about cheating cmdrs? Or how about giving all NPC's the same weapon and engineering loadouts we have access to? Yeah, thought not.
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Best AI incarnation we ever had.

Indeed, I miss them personally; I figured that was still a win for me even if I didn't get it marked on a stat somewhere. Doing mostly mission running in that era, bloodying their noses meant I got to complete my mission.

I could care less about the supposed advantages a computer player may have, since they kind of NEED them to be viable opponents against humans, but more self-preservation out of them would be great in my books. Those who live for the kill-tally are less cool with it. That seems down more to game conditioning than anything, where stuff that escapes usually means you lost expees.
They've been doing this for a while and nothing has been done to rectify the situation.

I mean, we can't jump with our hard points out while npc's certainly can. That's just one glaring example of npc's cheating.

This one isn't cheating but it certainly is an annoyance. "Give way to larger ships. " You're flying a cutter but a sidewinder zips by and jams you in the slot. Why don't npc's obey this rule?

FD, can you please give npc's a little more attention? Make them obey the same rules cmdr's have to so we can play on an even field.

When the patch drops.

Both the PP bug, and the jumping with hadpoints out bug have been addressed.
I agree. I'm still ticked that NPC's can launch fighters with Beam Lasers AND Chaff...

Not saying that SLF loadout shouldn't be in the game, I just would like that Loadout for myself.
Someones probably going to say "Its not a bug! Power Priorites!"
so Im just going to prempt this now.

[*]Destroying an NPC power plant now takes the ship down to 40% power (inline with player ship behaviour)

that is a very tricky way of wording the so called fix. IF NPC's have or ever will use power priorities this change guarantees that destroying an npc power plant under those conditions will result in the same behavior people are today calling a bug. that is if an NPC places their engines in priority 1 and their engines take less 40% of their power supply then the ship keeps moving.

I really do hope npc's use some kind of priority even if it's static between flight styles (combat, trader,pirate, etc)

OT: also, does this mean that a destroyed power plant will no longer dop to 20% temporarily then back to 40% upon reaching 0 integrity?
that is a very tricky way of wording the so called fix. IF NPC's have or ever will use power priorities this change guarantees that destroying an npc power plant under those conditions will result in the same behavior people are today calling a bug. that is if an NPC places their engines in priority 1 and their engines take less 40% of their power supply then the ship keeps moving.

I really do hope npc's use some kind of priority even if it's static between flight styles (combat, trader,pirate, etc)

OT: also, does this mean that a destroyed power plant will no longer dop to 20% temporarily then back to 40% upon reaching 0 integrity?

Except the thing people are calling a bug isnt the NPCs keep moving but that NPCs arent affected by power plant destruction at all and continue to boost, spam SCBs, have shields, and firing all weapons.

I doubt most if any NPCs are running 60% surplus power for any reason.
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The NPC barely have a brain and are running on simplistic scripts, they are already at a huge disadvantage.

They need some perks like infinite ammo so they can present more of a challenge.

Things like jumping with hardpoints out is just a hole in the logic, what cheating advantage does it give them?
The NPC barely have a brain and are running on simplistic scripts, they are already at a huge disadvantage.

They need some perks like infinite ammo so they can present more of a challenge.

Things like jumping with hardpoints out is just a hole in the logic, what cheating advantage does it give them?

It was a bug, read the topic. Also post a vid of yourself engaging in combat against some of the engineered ATR NPC's.

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