Where to buy Python Mk2 hull core internal

I have the Python Mk2 and was able to install different modules to it except for the hull/armor. I can't seem to find any place that sells its military composite counterparts. Is this a bug?
They're not in Jameson, according to Inara at least. Seems the only place you can buy hull for the Python mk2 is the system that you only get a permit for when you hit CQC elite (unless anyone has actually seen one in game elsewhere).

I doubt that'll be the case for long though.
It's access-locked and requires you to either be Elite or a backer from the old days.
Isn't it kind of unfair that this pay2unlock is only reserved for backers from the old days? Shouldn't there be an option for the noob-with-a-wallet as well? Like unlocking permits with ARX, for example.

Or another idea: let them buy trader elite rank with real money. After all, what's more elite than trading in real money for game assets?
Isn't it kind of unfair that this pay2unlock is only reserved for backers from the old days? Shouldn't there be an option for the noob-with-a-wallet as well? Like unlocking permits with ARX, for example.
It's always been the case as the shipyard and outfitting is a reward for hitting elite in something. As mentioned though, it's not an issue as there's another location without the permit requirement so you can still buy everything at a single station. It just costs more.

If it is in Jameson, it's also a good bet that high population system high tech and industrial stations will have it too.
It's always been the case as the shipyard and outfitting is a reward for hitting elite in something.
Sure, but you can currently only hit this unlock by playing the game a lot. This doesn't really fit the pay2unlock approach now. And a 12% discount (is it still that much?) is not too shabby for high-priced elements like armor, especially for the paying noob.
Sure, but you can currently only hit this unlock by playing the game a lot. This doesn't really fit the pay2unlock approach now. And a 12% discount (is it still that much?) is not too shabby for high-priced elements like armor, especially for the paying noob.
Actually that's worth a thought. Significant numbers of new players flying into Shin Dez in open because they haven't played the game to know any better would be an improvement.
They're not in Jameson, according to Inara at least.
The problem with the Python 2 and third-party data is that if anyone who hasn't paid up sends an update for a station that sells it, that update will suggest that the station doesn't sell it. The Cobra IV has the same issue. Figuring out a way to compensate for that which doesn't fail to pick up on genuine loss of availability due to state changes, weekly stock shuffles, etc. is not something I ever figured out a proper answer for either.

Give it a few months and it'll sort itself out, of course.
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It's more a of a shield ship anyway, so I just heavy dutied the light weight stuff and threw in a C4 and (I think) C1 heavy duty HRPs in. Not too shabby, I only want about 1000 health, anyway without hurting the speed, and I think I ended up landing at about 1263 health. My guess is that they will go on sale when the ship does in August. It would have been nice for them to have at least included military grade armor, as the entire ship is pretty much A-rated as it is. I probably would have gone with light weight in the end anyway, as I tend to with the quicker ships, such as the Mamba/ FDL etc. But having it as an option would have been nice, particularly for Xeno combatants.
Sure, but you can currently only hit this unlock by playing the game a lot. This doesn't really fit the pay2unlock approach now. And a 12% discount (is it still that much?) is not too shabby for high-priced elements like armor, especially for the paying noob.
Let's not demolish everything, if that's ok, please?
Let's not demolish everything, if that's ok, please?
What would that demolish? It is just consequentially continuing the pay2unlock route. You don't really think it will stop at one early-access ship and some mediocre zero-rebuy ships, do you? This is now the road ahead as a price for continued hosting (and hopefully also development) of Elite Dangerous.

We will see
  • murderboat prebuilds ("to jumpstart your PvP career")
  • unicorn module exclusives
  • permit unlocks
  • rank unlocks
  • powerplay support
  • BGS changes
all purchasable by ARX. And it will work! It will generate enough income for FDev so they can comfortably support Elite into the future, be it by paying devops or content implementation. In other words: it is the opposite of demolishing, it is nurturing.

Now of course you can't do all of that immediately, it would upset the players. You have to let it sink in slowly, so people can get comfortable with it and eventually accept it as an actual improvement. The path to success is often one small step after the other.
What would that demolish? It is just consequentially continuing the pay2unlock route. You don't really think it will stop at one early-access ship and some mediocre zero-rebuy ships, do you? This is now the road ahead as a price for continued hosting (and hopefully also development) of Elite Dangerous.

We will see
  • murderboat prebuilds ("to jumpstart your PvP career")
  • unicorn module exclusives
  • permit unlocks
  • rank unlocks
  • powerplay support
  • BGS changes
all purchasable by ARX. And it will work! It will generate enough income for FDev so they can comfortably support Elite into the future, be it by paying devops or content implementation. In other words: it is the opposite of demolishing, it is nurturing.

Now of course you can't do all of that immediately, it would upset the players. You have to let it sink in slowly, so people can get comfortable with it and eventually accept it as an actual improvement. The path to success is often one small step after the other.
I see what you'r saying, and I agree. The temptation can be very big for Fdev. Only it's not the path to success, but somewhere else.
What would that demolish? It is just consequentially continuing the pay2unlock route. You don't really think it will stop at one early-access ship and some mediocre zero-rebuy ships, do you? This is now the road ahead as a price for continued hosting (and hopefully also development) of Elite Dangerous.

We will see
  • murderboat prebuilds ("to jumpstart your PvP career")
  • unicorn module exclusives
  • permit unlocks
  • rank unlocks
  • powerplay support
  • BGS changes
all purchasable by ARX. And it will work! It will generate enough income for FDev so they can comfortably support Elite into the future, be it by paying devops or content implementation. In other words: it is the opposite of demolishing, it is nurturing.

Now of course you can't do all of that immediately, it would upset the players. You have to let it sink in slowly, so people can get comfortable with it and eventually accept it as an actual improvement. The path to success is often one small step after the other.
You are assuming that people are paying money for the Arx to buy the initial offerings, if the majority are using game generated Arx or Arx bought a year or more ago there is no new income being generated.
You are assuming that people are paying money for the Arx to buy the initial offerings, if the majority are using game generated Arx or Arx bought a year or more ago there is no new income being generated.
The answer to this "problem" was already given in the form of a huge price hike, don't you think? Now the generated ARX are halved in value, so the incentive is there to use real money to buy more of that digital currency. As I said: step by step.
Jameson isn't just for backers.

The module isn't exclusive to Jameson either.
That was not the point. It was about the possibility to unlock the access to a well-known central hub of all modules. You can currently not pay real money to unlock access to this central hub, but in the past you were able to (backers). You have to gain elite rank in one career path, but for that you have to play the game for hours. This collides with the idea of pay2unlock. And this was my point with that statement you quoted.
Whose idea is that?
Well obviously FDev's, don't you say? I mean, I'd file it under pay2win, but others here like to see it more like an unlock, not a win, because what is there to win in Elite, anyway? It clearly is so that you can UNLOCK early access ships and prebuild ships with zero-rebuy cost. It is in contrast to pay them once and maybe lose them later, or even just paying for one item (in the case of the basic shipyard unlock of Python Mk2). Thus the term pay2unlock is a not so unreasonable distinction from pay2win.
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