Who would do This?

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If you’ve never heard anyone say it, how do you know it’s ‘ghetto speak’?

Why are you so offended about how people from a ghetto might speak, if indeed it is ghetto speak?

Shouldn’t you be more upset that ghettos exist?

I searched it.. the only place I found any reference for a definition was in the Urban Dictionary - the repository for definitions of what essentially is gutter speak. You can add movies and music to that (which would only loosely apply to "saying it". Characters in movies aren't talking to me. Possibly I should have added "in person" after heard.

Shouldn't you be upset about why ghettos exist?
The ghetto only refers to poor neighborhoods and their inhabitants. You make it sound like you have something against people that are financially challenged.

The ghetto only refers to poor neighborhoods and their inhabitants. You make it sound like you have something against people that are financially challenged.

I'm going to assume based on your comment that you are European. Having lived for 3 years in Germany, 2 in Great Britain, 2 in Turkey and add another 2 traveling back and forth I think I can say with not a little credibility that I can see where you are coming from. That said I haven't been there in years and maybe things have changed in Europe but in my experience European ghettos are just about poor people. US ghettos are so fundamentally different that being poor is the least of their problems which are mostly created by the inhabitants.
I'm going to assume based on your comment that you are European. Having lived for 3 years in Germany, 2 in Great Britain, 2 in Turkey and add another 2 traveling back and forth I think I can say with not a little credibility that I can see where you are coming from. That said I haven't been there in years and maybe things have changed in Europe but in my experience European ghettos are just about poor people. US ghettos are so fundamentally different that being poor is the least of their problems which are mostly created by the inhabitants.
No. I'm from the ghetto. Pittsburgh, we deal with a lot of social class bigotry like this
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So - appears that you are saying that the entire city of Pittsbugh is a ghetto. I imagine there's quite a few people who live there that would strongly disagree.
Id be willing to bet I know more people who think it is than you know from here who think otherwise. Unless you mean Fox Chapel or Squirrel Hill. Those are the social class bigots though, do their opinions count?
The idea that American ghettos aren't the way they are because of social, cultural, and economic issues that are often out of their inhabitant's control; or that they would be there if they had the money to leave.

I see...

So then - you subscribe to the notion that human beings are not responsible for the choices they make nor the actions they take. Which probably puts us on exactly the opposite side of the social spectrum.

That said: social and cultural are practicly synonymous. But I'll use cultural. And culture is the issue and the problem. The current culture in US ghettos is one that denies the value of education (i.e parent(s) don't place much importance on it), creates a population where 65%+ of children grow up without a father in the household, 65% of violent crime in the USA is commited by the young men of that culture and 85% of that is against their own people. And that's just a few of the problems - all created by a failed culture and which is definitely in their control by making good choices and acting accordingly. Their choices, their actions. I will grant you one thing though, Morbad, the welfare system in the USA is, IMO, the primary driver of the no father in the household issue.

However, Many people in the ghettos find a way out and have since the beginning of US history. Irish, Italians, and now Asians all started out in ghettos and all successfully moved up and out. There's no excuse for the current crop of Americans that make the majority of the ghetto populations in big cityies remaining there except continuing to cling to a failed culture. AND - It's got nothing to do with skin color. It has everything to do with culture.
Id be willing to bet I know more people who think it is than you know from here who think otherwise. Unless you mean Fox Chapel or Squirrel Hill. Those are the social class bigots though, do their opinions count?

If true then I'd bet that Pittsburg is one of those cities firmly controlled by the Democrats for the past 50 years?

Nevermind - just looked it up. Dims controlled PB since 1934. Explains a lot.

You may want to consider moving.
So then - you subscribe to the notion that human beings are not responsible for the choices they make nor the actions they take.

No, I subscribe to the notion that factors such as intergenerational poverty, prejudice, and bigotry tend to stack the deck against some people.

And that's just a few of the problems - all created by a failed culture and which is definitely in their control by making good choices and acting accordingly.

Mostly imposed upon them by a broader culture that includes those who believe as you do.

Their choices, their actions.

No one chooses to be born to poor, uneducated, parents. No one chooses to be marginalized.

AND - It's got nothing to do with skin color. It has everything to do with culture.

There are deeply ingrained cultural biases against people of color in the US...not that you have to be a person of color to wind up in, or be born into, a ghetto.
If true then I'd bet that Pittsburg is one of those cities firmly controlled by the Democrats for the past 50 years?

Nevermind - just looked it up. Dims controlled PB since 1934. Explains a lot.

You may want to consider moving.
Or more appropriately, don't get butt hurt about someone from somewhere other than you using dialect other than your generation's specific local native tongue 😉
You sure about that? You do seem awfully concerned; or are you just trying to bait me?

Not sure how you’ve come to that conclusion when I asked one simple question. If I ask you the time, I might be concerned about the time, but awfully concerned? That’s a whole step up. I simply asked for clarification.

I note this is the second time you feel someone might be baiting you. You’re either suspicious or paranoid, odd indeed for someone who finds this forum to be the most civil they have found in 40 years.

Having subsequently read your understanding of how American ghettos differ to all other ghettos, I have become quite concerned, I do find your view on it quite distasteful. I can only imagine it’s a construct that allows you to be unconcerned about the people living in a ghetto. It’s a form of dehumanising, thus it makes sense that you find the way they might speak so upsetting to your sensibilities.
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