Why did you stop playing Elite?

If you are a lapsed player (like me) trying to get back into the game - why did you stop playing?
For me I played rabidly for months and then got a bit bored. I had the big ship and didn't really want to grind endlessly at unfun things with it. So I reset my save intended to play through again making different choices. IE I might be a pirate or something. I played for a few hours, got bored, logged out. And never got around to playing again.
I've kept an eye on developments but for the most part they were things you'd need to grind for (engineered or AX modules etc) and if I wanted a second job, i'd pick one that actually paid real money. Station rescue missions are the last thing I recall be interested in.
Also. ED requires quite a committment in time. Whilst you're logged out mission timers continue to run, so if like me you tend to get GBH of the ears after a few minutes of playing a video game (take the bins out, watch "College/musical/vampire crap", etc) then the format of a game which basically insists on your spending at least an hour a session on it doesn't work for me.
SO. I stopped playing it.
Many other games. The massive time investment to do anything, and the fact that nothing really changes. Money goes up, go to SD and buy a new ship, run around the bubble getting special effects on stuff, get bored, install game of the month or one that I haven't even tried yet.

Now, they're adding a system to try and force people to log in. Which actually makes me LESS likely to log in. It's a poor implementation which just proves they have no idea what they're doing, and can barely make it happen anyway.
I haven't stopped playing Elite. Yet. I have been playing less and less these last few months though, because I'm starting to think that there is nothing worthwhile coming this year, or any year after that.

They can't or won't even bother to fix bugs that are years old, but they will put out a new release with some lame, buggy features that few want just to squeeze the last drops of money out of this thing.
‘84 - ‘92 from BBC B to Archimedes/A3000... great escapism from school/Uni
post ‘92 could not get sequels to work, had a job, etc
2014 - bought Elite Dangerous - played pretty solidly for about a year
2015 - changed job and just ran out of time, eventually lost joystick in storage boxes
2020 - freelance role halted, #lockdownlyfe rules... but still have grown up stuff to do so play on non “desk-work” days and weekends.
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I upgraded ships to the point that the game quit being fun, so I took a long break. When I came back, I just didn't log back into my old account. I bought a new one on Steam, started fresh in January, and swore off all the strongest/best ships in the game. Very happy with the decision so far. The Scadente is a flying brick, but it has soul.
Logged in, fumbled about for an hour.

Turns out that my supa-engineered Fer de Lance, Vulture, Python, Type 6, Viper 4, Cobra, DBX- and other "good" ships etc are "missing", and I am sitting in an Asp Scout with unengineered under sized modules in Imperial space. Quelle Horreur!
( No I found them, in the "Ship Transfer" directory after a bit of looking, so it's all good.)

Yeah. I shall have to relearn everything. Like, WHY do I have an Asp Scout???

It might be why I stopped playing....
I usually play for a few months, take breaks for a few months. I enjoy the flying spaceships thing, building a fleet, the freedom in the game, the ability to play at your own pace and do whatever you like. Last big break I took was because of the Fss introduced in exploration.

I actually do play Elite because it is kinda "boring and shallow", so I play a few hours a week, enjoy it, and get my gaming pleasure without a desire to overplay. Not many games have that balance of time for me, while having the depth and complexity of Elite.

But lately the game seems to be in decline, Galnet and community goals gone.

The Fleet Carrier upkeep is the first thing introduced that might permanently push me away from Elite. If upkeep is a feature used in the upcoming expansion I know Elite is over for me :)
they say that if you put a penny in a jar for every time you “enjoy coitus” with your partner during the first year of your relationship, and take one coin out every time from year two onwards, you’ll likely never empty the jar.

My relationship with elite dangerous is kinda like that though the “honeymoon stretch” was a bit longer.
I played the game heavily for the first year or so and indeed Horizons showed that the game was progressing nicely.

but then FDEV took their foot off the pedal and the game has been meandering aimlessly, coasting on former momentum for the last 4 years.
Feature after unasked for feature was tacked on or was given the same (lack of) attention as wanted features and none of the placeholders were fleshed out.

the release of the Oculus CV1 after its successful Kickstarter kept me for a bit longer. But only a bit.

the game is a frustrating balance of sheer brilliance (stellar forge, sound design, alien creep factor)...

...mixed in with utterly infuriating design choices: layers of fudged physics in ships leading to odder and odder behavior; 1 jpg and 1 commodity per power power play with no connection to BGS in a BGS about as dynamic as my history teacher; casino rngineers; “tasty cargo” no-charm NPCs; bugged missions; ad-nauseam CGs...; hideous balance, broken inflation and meaningless ships/commodities etc. leading to players jumping from Sidewinder the Anaconda in a day or two...

But worst? Their inconsistent yet clearly significant efforts not used to fix or enrich the game as a whole but instead seemingly wasted at random on ridiculous “features” and “single use content” that would only ever be accessed by a tiny proportion of players, either with too much intricacy and Zero narrative/guidance; OR with ingame story line that has zero baring on the game whatsoever.

megaships, thargoid sites, guardian sites all accessible via YouTube/ Wikipedia.
Salome storyline experienced by about 100 players, killed by one... Galnet news articles that were basically flavor text with zero meaning. Until it stopped suddenly.
5Bn credit Loading Screens in the shape of Fleet Carriers that weren’t even in the top 20 of wanted features amusingly backed by a hideously punitive upkeep...

These days I play a mix of Dual Universe, Star Citizen and NMS to keep me afloat With a possible start in Space Engineers next week.
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Nice work in SE old duck, that's what I'm currently playing atm - though not got around to that level of ship design yet;)

But IMO ED took a nose dive last year. The last decent thing I enjoyed was the Enclave II....it's also the last time I spent hours per session logged in.
I've not logged into the game since early February - apart from getting my 'live game' Ship into position for the Beta 1 save snapshot.

Only played the Beta for a few hours though in the first couple of days.

9800+hrs on the gameclock, I've covered everything I've wanted to do & can't find the motivation to do anything else atm.
The game's ground to a halt, no Galnet, no CG's, no II's, no lore.......all gone!

FC's alone aren't gonna get me interested in logging in again, despite my credit balance allowing me to buy 3 (if I could). Without the return of decent lore, a Carrier for me would just stay parked in Space....unused.

I'm only expecting to make use of one in the New Era, whenever that gets released next year, but even that depends on what Frontier come up with in that 3+ year's development.
After FC's I'm keeping the bar of expectation low......very low.

It's been good playing ED for all these years, but alas, the sparkle isn't there anymore:(
Just less and less reason to reboot into Windows as I'm playing all the games that are happy to support macOS. Bard's Tales 4, Hearts of Iron 4, Civilization 5, Lonely Mountain Downhill etc. Games I've yet to move onto, Pine, Phoenix Point, Underworld Ascendant. Coming in the autumn, macOS version of Transport Fever 2.

I think the fact that Frontier have decided not to postpone the reveal on the new era is a tacit acknowledgement that they need to re-engage in a meaningful way with the 'community'.
The game felt more like a second job.
The added content to the game was not appealing to me.
The time between content is too high compared to its value for me.
The communication of what is to come has been too vague.
The developers commitment to the game felt to me like: low or its focused on sales of cosmetics.
I have several other space games I'm quite fond of, but ED fills that unique spot of being the only one that attempts to go for realism (in the universe scale sense). I usually come back for a month or more when new content is release, play the heck out of it, then just disappear until the next bit of new content comes out.

I have two things I like to do, exploration and engineering; for me building and engineering ships are the gameplay (so when some people say that the game isn't about the ships, I fiercely disagree with them!). When the Krait Mk2 was first released, that was pretty much a new content update for me due to the amount of fun I had trying to engineer it in a way that made for a decent exploration vessel while retaining some hardiness.

Exploration though isn't as much fun as it was with the old reveal honk system; It's faster, but it doesn't allow for the selective exploration I used to do in the past which allowed me to more easily find those systems with characteristics I was looking for (Closely orbiting bodies, or moons inside rings for example).

I've come back to try out the new carriers for the final part of the Carrier beta as i have only 1/3 of the funds required to purchase one (I have around 2,700 hours logged, but I mostly engineer/explore with that time). I think honestly, beside the controversal elements, carriers are one of the best additions to Elite Dangerous in a while. I can see them being particularly handy for explorers in general looking to reach those fringe stars at the extremities of the galaxy. They also do a good job of evoking my sense of awe in these massive vessels and the sound work during the jump sequence still gets me excited (well it's only been 20 jumps, so it will probably wear off in another 10 or so).

I think though that Elite Dangerous works well for me as something I can come back and enjoy when new content is released. I don't think it will ever be the only game I ever play, but it does a very good job as a scale simulation of the universe with cool ships you can engineer and fly around in it with.
I haven't been playing lately which is why I'm not on the forums anymore.

There's still things I want to do but I can't bring myself to do them. Elite is unique that way. It should make more efforts to reduce grind across the board. as it is I was in the middle of builidng my AX Mamba but I stopped trying to find an FSD in Li Yong Rui space and haven't been back.

I will uninstall today actually to make way for a new game
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