Why do on foot weapons damage ships so much?

Right now, ED is essentially a Battlefield game where you can damage a tank with a handgun.
Four scavengers managed to drop shields from my krait mk2 and damage hull to 25% while I was running around the settlement figuring out what buttons to press.
Luckily I've returned in time and escaped.
Peeps think their civilian model ship with aerospace grade aluminum bulkheads is the same as the military model with military grade composites and hull reinforcements.
Then they cause trouble at a spaceport and find out it's good for fuel economy and jump range only.

Ships exploding from getting riddled with bullets (or even direct missile hits) is over the top.
But it's an inherited thing from the base game of Elite.

What I'd love to see in the future that if a ship is dropped to zero integrity it becomes a paperweight.
Too many conduits and mechanical gizmos were clipped by projectiles and the thing just won't fully work anymore.

And you'd have to go and rummage around in this broken space hulk / paperweight to patch things up to a degree it can fly again.
No doubt FDev's already gotten inspired by The Mandolarian S02E10.
In Stargate SG-1 Teal'c pulled a cannon off a Goa’uld Death Glider and used it handheld in episodes 'The Fifth Man' and '48 Hours'. A few hits took out the enemy ships. Maybe the Karma L-6 rocket launcher and the Manticore Executioner plasma rifle were inspired by this. Add in multiple on foot NPCs firing at a ship with similar handheld weapons and damage would occur.

From the player side firing at an NPC ship might be useful. In Horizons a Scarab SRV firing dual plasma repeaters at a NPC ship never put a dent in them. Anyone checked this out in Odyssey?


Ten seasons of Stargate SG-1 on IMDB TV running in the background while flying around in Elite Dangerous on the PC tends to mix up several sci-fi immersions.
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Well isn't the desync here that if you tore a small rail gun off a ship it would do the same damage as the Executioner.
You might be right. I don't know but currently we don't have a hand held version of a rail gun to compare with a plasma rifle. Apples versus oranges. Is the plasma rifle as effective as a rail gun with so many variables between ship and hand held weapons? So many new variables with on foot combat where comparing them with ship weapons seems at the moment doesn't apply. Frontier is balancing out issues with on foot combat. Another 100,000 players and a few more months will sort it all out.

14 days after Odyssey went live I don't think that we have the info to answer these questions nor did several weeks of Alpha figure this out. Quick perception and emotional responses which is by the way Frontier's fault how they designed the game being Dangerous doesn't help but many post on the Forum with their concerns.

So for me I'm not comparing ship weapons with hand held weapons at the moment. That may come later. I'm working on the Odyssey DLC enjoying all the new challenges mostly about on foot combat. Being a trader all these many years playing ED maybe I should rant on the Forum. No problem as some other player will do it.

I think the main-problem, as @Obsidian Ant allready pointed out, is that due to the low health of Ships&SRV´s and the high damage of onfoot-weapons,
nobody is encouraged to engage in an SRV or Ship, why would i even, when i can deliver the same ammount of damage on foot?
I think the main-problem, as @Obsidian Ant allready pointed out, is that due to the low health of Ships&SRV´s and the high damage of onfoot-weapons,
nobody is encouraged to engage in an SRV or Ship, why would i even, when i can deliver the same ammount of damage on foot?
I can absolutely assure you that I can do more damage in a ship or SRV than I can do on foot. The SRV is devastating at hit and run attacks, just.. well. It's a humvee, not a tank. You burn up to someone (with MASSIVELY SUPERIOR SENSORS that can pick your targets out from beyond shooting range regardless of cover), unload your WEP cap into them as you bear down on them at 70 miles an hour, smash what's left of them under your wheels and do donuts on their corpse, then peel out before the rest of their squad have drawn a bead on you.

If you just roll up to them and put the handbrake on while shooting them with the turret then yes, you'll get shot up.
Even in an eagle, you shouldn't be able to make a dent in the shields or hull with most handheld weapons, considering it can survive at least 1 ship grade missile to the hull. Currently the handhelds do too much damage. You can drop an Eagle's shields with about 4 plasma shotgun blasts. The scaling does not add up when personal weapons do that much so I hope it's another bug. I know this isn't a hardcore sim, but I just want there to be some consistency.

Right now, ED is essentially a Battlefield game where you can damage a tank with a handgun.
Yup absolutely, it makes no sense. To make matters worse, infantry can tank ship MC and beam laser rounds easily. Only thing i've seen be effective are rockets and mines (sometimes they survive those as well!)

Infantry is basically more resiliant than skimmers. Which makes one question why skimmers even exist.
Yup absolutely, it makes no sense. To make matters worse, infantry can tank ship MC and beam laser rounds easily. Only thing i've seen be effective are rockets and mines (sometimes they survive those as well!)

Infantry is basically more resiliant than skimmers. Which makes one question why skimmers even exist.
Skimmers are also insanely resilient in Odyssey. Touching one with a ship causes the ship to instantly lose shields and thrusters. Who thought of that idea? Yet they still drop from a single infantry shot, when they don't dodge.
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Skimmers are also insanely resilient in Odyssey. Touching one with a ship causes the ship to instantly lose shields and thrusters. Who thought of that idea? Yet they still drop from a single infantry shot, when they don't dodge.
That was to stop players derping them by ramming.

I'd say 75%* of all things that seem really weird like this in Elite is because players used to derp something and so it got changed.

* not an actual statistic
So there's a supposed reason. Now why was that undesired? Ship ramming is an intended mechanic, but somehow in this spot it's totally flipped around and your ship damages itself upon contact? It hurts less to crash into the ground than to nudge a skimmer (or vice versa - if you make a low pass over a region that turns out to have inactive skimmers). This makes the difference between the shooty skimmers and the explody mine skimmers irrelevant.

I'd say your 75% not actual statistic indicates Fdev have absolutely no clue what balancing means.

If this is how skimmers behave, our primary anti-ship weapon should be a skimmer launcher. It can't even be expensive considering how every approachable planetoid in the galaxy has at least a dozen skimmers on it!
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Skimmers are also insanely resilient in Odyssey. Touching one with a ship causes the ship to instantly lose shields and thrusters. Who thought of that idea? Yet they still drop from a single infantry shot, when they don't dodge.

And yet the Goliaths are also virtually harmless to someone on foot. I flubbed a mission and turned one hostile. There was about 30 seconds of panic before I realised it can barely damage someone on foot with its guns. Took me ammo refills to chew through its health pool, but down it went. It felt sort of stupid just standing out in the open as a massive war machine blasted away at me, and I did run around a bit when it fired missiles, but that's all it took.

I also noticed the settlement antipersonnel gun turrets are quite weak. They'll whittle your shields down if you stand in front of them too long, but you can take quite a lot of punishment with an upgraded suit. I suspect this a gameplay thing so that if you do trigger a hostile response accidentally you have a chance of getting out alive if you run for it. But it feels a little false that the squishies with handheld guns are considerably more dangerous.
Last time I angered a Goliath on foot I stood in a doorway to shoot at it. All its missiles just made a lot of noise harmlessly smashing into the building roof.
Yeah, I learned to panic when I'm happily looting an empty settlement and the "Your ship is under attack" alert pops up! Last time round the ship was down to 26% hull from a single mob...
For the love of [insert reason] I don’t know why they didn’t make the sniper rifle a railgun? The slow moving plasma ball is just beyond 😂😂🥳
Infantry weapons damage is at ZERO once the ship's 200 meters away from the infantry.
More than about 90m away they don't even seem to know the ship is there.

Like you'll wallop one with a missile and his friends will walk over to the corpse all confused about what's happening, right in the glaring million candlepower lights of the giant angry gunship hovering at just over roof level above their heads.

And then explode.
More than about 90m away they don't even seem to know the ship is there.

Like you'll wallop one with a missile and his friends will walk over to the corpse all confused about what's happening, right in the glaring million candlepower lights of the giant angry gunship hovering at just over roof level above their heads.

And then explode.
"Must have been my imagination."
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