Modes Why do you want me in Open?

I think it's simpler than this. There are PVP'ers out there that do it as its part of the game or role play, no malicious intent - to these people 'i salute you'

There are more people who do it for more nefarious reasons. Because they can or they have a better ship than you so want to feel superior or had a bad day at work and the boss chewed then a new one - and your gonna pay for it or [insert your own reasoning here].

I have no idea why you should feel suspicious, MadDogMurdoch.
Clearly the fine folks there are just very keenly friendly.
I don't really want players in open who don't want to be there, solo and private modes have their place for those who prefer that for most playstyles..


If they have intent to manipulate territory/powers etc and intentionally affect other players games' - then it is reasonable to expect them to have to be in open so they can be identified/countered/attacked.
It isn't about risk. I lose nothing in a game. Nilch. Nada. Bupkis. What I face is interruption in my game because someone else wanted to interfere with my game for the purposes of THEIRS. That isn't a risk, it is a certainty. If I get away, if I turn round and beat them up till the clog, I have still won NOTHING and am still facing the bill of being further away from where I wanted to be.

Not that it matters to me now, I've got a refund and am outta here. Hint: just ask. FD aren't monsters, even if threadbombers are.

If the change to OOPP goes ahead I'll post how you can get a refund yourself, but remember this: it's not fear or risk that makes me not go open but the absolute fact that my game will be interrupted by someone I never wanted to play with.

It's a game. There IS no risk. But there is a way to not ejoy yourself, and that is what I throw in the fire as "risk" to going open.

I can;t be bothered to give any advice to FD because they cleary do not want to hear what they havent already decided is going to happen, but you want to play pirate, but you don't and can't, and I'd LOVE to see you playing pirate. I'd like to see the game make you play in anarchy. You collectively hold those systems to ransom. What they produce is oversupplied and hideously cheap (if low tech and basic needs) because you kill anyone coming in. Everything they need is really expensive because again you keep everyone out. That means that when you need some credits you can make a shedload doing a few runs. Other players have a point to trying and if hey can still profit even if half their cargo is gone, they'll go for a quick fix to pay for whatever new bling they want.

But you would hold those systems to ransom and keep that massive profitability that you can exploit in your multirole ship, in your cobra 4s, in your viper 4s. But going to other systems is a risk, and you don't do it except for the purpose of massive profit of hauling necessities, even low sec places would be worrying for you, and high sec would just be a long winded way to commit suicide. Do you know what you become then?


Know what else you become?


YOU become the content we risk like we do not in anarchy with NPCs. And we have damn good reason to go there to run the gauntlet: massive profit.

And what do we become i nthere? Your content.

Know what else happens when nobody is in there? The hostility of he world and the owning by fiat of those systems would be YOUR gameplay.

Stop pretending you are a pirate like Long John Silver or Jack Sparrow. Pirates were scum of the earth. The worst people you could ever despair of meeting. OWN THAT . BE a putrid hellhole of a human who sits there like a mob boss or caligula skimming off not because you are a pirate but because you are so hideously terrible as a human you WANT to do it. And for the ego rush of power over others you pay the price of being shunned by humanity. You can only survive inside anarchy systems. Even outside you have a limited lifetime as a smuggler and even more limited as a clearly worrying combat ship, and the computer can cheat and put you on a variable timer for how long before you get scanned and attacked.

Let the world be 10x more dangerous to you because that is what you WANT in this game. And by playing this way in anarchy systems you will find ROLEPLAY becomes your content when there aren't any players to grief. But for that danger you get to be as gods to the anarchy systems, turning them to your playthings and manipulating the system so that there is ample profits both for you to exploit and to entice foolish traders to come in. Maybe you can offer your services to escort them and PvP against other players and get a rep of helpfulness in the ED community.

You want PvP because you can't stretch yourself beyond an excuse for quick wins.

Start ACTUALLY ROLEPLAYNG. Be the worst there is.

But first the game has to let you feel like you are holding planets of millions to ransom for your selfish personal power play.

Currently they do not.

However FD does seem to listen to your petulant demands. If you see something above, do with it what you will.

'cos I'm outta here, refunded the game and won't buy unless it's so cheap I can't lose or something changes in how the game is approached by the developers that make me hope that I can play the game I want.

And that, to come full circle, is why this is a thing: it's a game, and it is no risk, no worry, no loss to lose when you can redo a rebuy in a PvE ship in a few hours that I'd be doing anyway. But what I do lose is the chance to play my game.
Let's hear it folks - there's a full court press, all guns blazing forum meta-war going on with the very foundations of the game at stake ;)

So combat's not especially my thing - I'll do it when it comes but I don't get my kicks at CZs or Res Sites.
I'll maybe have a brief dedicated combat session once in a while but I'll soon move on again.
Currently at 22% Master.

My builds are definitely not combat optimized, so I'll offer little counter-threat to anyone who interdicts me.
However, I'm also not an OCD min-maxer trying to eke out every Cr/hr, so I rarely fly unshielded (my Mining FDS is the exception).
I've also been around long enough so I know how to get away.
Your chances of actually blowing me up are slim.

What exactly are you missing out on by not having me in your instance?

What we’re missing out on is the ability to interact with any and all forces affecting the galaxy. Having essentially invisible players affecting PP, BGS, etc is absurd. If you want to affect the galaxy you must be a part of it. Elite misses out on so much potential gameplay because it’s just so easy to switch modes to avoid any conflict whatsoever. Imagine players forming blockades, then blockade runners to influence the outcome of an event. Wars actually having some player combat instead of a grind of NPCs. Protective forces formed at scientific hotspots. And on and on and on...
Imagine players forming blockades, then blockade runners to influence the outcome of an event. Wars actually having some player combat instead of a grind of NPCs. Protective forces formed at scientific hotspots. And on and on and on...

Nothing at all is stopping people from doing any of those things right now in open.
It might facilitate PvP, but then seems to me its only existence become facilitating PvP for the sake of PvP. I still don't see a point in doing the PP itself. Sure, sign up, and use it as an excuse for PvP, but hells, that mindless grind, the running to stay in one place... no thanks.

I mean, couldn't they have come up with some other means of providing meaningful PvP to players?

I believe there are other changes to powerplay in the proposal in addition to open only. It will not be perfect but open only will be a 200% improvement.
What we’re missing out on is the ability to interact with any and all forces affecting the galaxy. Having essentially invisible players affecting PP, BGS, etc is absurd. If you want to affect the galaxy you must be a part of it. Elite misses out on so much potential gameplay because it’s just so easy to switch modes to avoid any conflict whatsoever. Imagine players forming blockades, then blockade runners to influence the outcome of an event. Wars actually having some player combat instead of a grind of NPCs. Protective forces formed at scientific hotspots. And on and on and on...

I suppose you think people shouldn't be allowed to vote unless you have the ability to bash them in the head with a baseball bat for opposing your choice, too?

Separation of people doesn't justify removal of liberties and freedom. If you're on the opposite side of the galaxy and I can't see you or directly engage with you- why does that mean you should have no ability to influence the universe? You still exist in it, after all.
I love playing in Open. I've had countless fantastic interactions with random pilots - plenty of times you don't get a reply, but often you do, even if it's just a simple return of my o7 or a few lines about the grind at the engineer me and some other Cmdr are parked at.
I've spoken to more than a few noobs in the starter system systems, and two or three have been grateful for the advice I've shared, from basic controls to viable exploration builds.
I've been blown up twice - both times in Colonia, once when I was jumped in my Python by two gankers with Cutters with heat weapons :rolleyes: and then a second time when I returned in my Courier and buzzed around them until I'd scanned them to see what weapons they had.
I also had a ship attacked while I was 1km away from it in my SRV at a barnacle site by some dumbo who had bricked it and left by the time I got back to my ship, took off and deployed weapons :D
I've also had a good skirmish with some randoms while I was out doing gentlemanly piracy with some gentleman pirates of my acquaintance. That was a lot of fun.

Other than these occasions, every meeting I've had in Open where someone has responded has been at the very LEAST pleasant, and at its best very rewarding indeed.

I like Open. And I'll still like it if I get ganked/attacked for whatever reason, be it RP piracy, a challenge to a duel, or for someone else's lulz. It won't stop me.


I suppose you think people shouldn't be allowed to vote unless you have the ability to bash them in the head with a baseball bat for opposing your choice, too?

Separation of people doesn't justify removal of liberties and freedom. If you're on the opposite side of the galaxy and I can't see you or directly engage with you- why does that mean you should have no ability to influence the universe? You still exist in it, after all.

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Not that it matters to me now, I've got a refund and am outta here. Hint: just ask. FD aren't monsters, even if threadbombers are.
Wait, you got a refund? As in you not only have stopped playing the game, but have no intention of ever picking it back up and don't even own it anymore?
I suppose you think people shouldn't be allowed to vote unless you have the ability to bash them in the head with a baseball bat for opposing your choice, too?

Separation of people doesn't justify removal of liberties and freedom. If you're on the opposite side of the galaxy and I can't see you or directly engage with you- why does that mean you should have no ability to influence the universe? You still exist in it, after all.

I sure hope you are not serious with that analogy, but Poe's Law and all...

There IS hope, right?

..............t. Elite misses out on so much potential gameplay because it’s just so easy to switch modes to avoid any conflict whatsoever. ..........

Try to remember that many of us bought the game with no desire to use it as a shoot-em-up game but as a space simulation.

Deleted member 110222

I suppose you think people shouldn't be allowed to vote unless you have the ability to bash them in the head with a baseball bat for opposing your choice, too?

Separation of people doesn't justify removal of liberties and freedom. If you're on the opposite side of the galaxy and I can't see you or directly engage with you- why does that mean you should have no ability to influence the universe? You still exist in it, after all.

Game is a fantasy, not real life.

Get a grip.
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