Discuss, as per title.
Why does PvP in OPEN even exist?
Take a multiplayer setting, add to that a pitch of weapons, add to that some humans and a bit of 'murderous' human nature... let it cook for a bit, and what you get is a lovely stew of PvP.
Is PvP already implanted?
Why not so?
Where is PvP focus in Open?
Potentially everywhere.
If PvP is not, why allow it in the fist place?
It is allowed, because it is allowed and therefore it is allowed.
I'd say it is allowed.
At last, you can (be) hardly allowed to create a play stile out off of threaten involuntary players?
Or can you?
Yes you can. I am not discussing the ethics of certain forms of PvP, I don't like PvP myself at all and I would never use fellow cmdrs as my content, but when you are in Open, then it should be understood you implicitly accept the possibilities of Open, which includes PvP actions by other players.
If you do not want that, then you should avoid certain hot spots, or you should stay out of Open.
Are PvP players abused in Elite Dangerous Open mode?
To be, and not to have any right to be there?
I am not sure I understand...
No, PvP players are not abused.
PvP players have of course a right to be in Open.
Those who do not want to risk PvP confrontations should stay out of Open. You can go Solo or Private Group.
I never play in Open anymore, ever since Wings got implemented. I am a soloist and would not stand a chance whatsoever against a PvP wing.
And since the engineers were added to the mix I intend to never do Open again. I do not want to compete with PvP engineered ships, because I do not over-engineer my ships to keep up with PvP-ers. I only engineer some stuff, and only partially.
I love the addition of the engineers by the way, but engineered ships make PvP confrontations much more dangerous for the 'victims'.