Why don't small ships make a wormhole when jumping?

While I appreciate the capital jump animation...I don't.

I appreciate the sound of it. The visual effect is actually 'meh' if only because it seems a missed opportunity. It actually reminds me a lot of Homeworld and how the mothership opens a kind-of phasing 'gate' to pass into, enabling hyperspace travel.

Anways, specific to Elite, I thought it odd the Devs didn't opt for a high-powered version of the FSD. This would include much of the existing sound effect for 'spool up' on the drive, but rather than casually float into a two-dimensional cloud...

Keep the electical effects and then have that son-of-a-gun warp like a regular ship. Except it sounds like a hole was ripped through your screen instead of the 'thwip' of a regular ship. Burst of light and holy moley, she gone! That capital ship done R-U-N-D-O-F-T.

Not Imma just bob through this hole in space like a dude in a tube at the water park on the lazy river.

Just my two credits. Sound in Elite has always been great...just wish the visuals matched it where it counts.
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