Why is everybody the good Guy?

I got my reasons:

1. Anarchists shut down Search and Rescue contacts.
2. Anarchists crow about freedom but allow open trade of slaves.
3. Interstellar Factors can be easily found in Low Security systems run by non-anarchy factions, and outposts rarely ever have security ships nearby, so the argument that shutting down anarchy systems makes it harder for pirates is specious.

Anarchies are very useful and they deserve a much better and consistent gameplay.
It's not realistic they should base most of their activities on blatant crime or that supporting them through the bgs would be full of contradictions.
Look in real life : true pirates run corporations, govern countries, sell video games...

However, the Federation is not and has never been "the good guys"

Feds are sociopaths.
In this CG ans in others everybody is the good guy. This is boring because you know that the good guys will win

The concept of "bad guy" is much more complex than just supporting anarchists (that aren't anarchists, but just the usual crime cartel). The real "bad guys" don't commit crimes, but their influence makes the galaxy worse for many.

1) How you act in the game is how you act in real life.

And here, campers, we have an excellent example of the fallacy that how people act in a video game is any indication of how they are in real life.…

I understood it was that only the winning side gets the decal so everyone who wants the decal will gravitate towards the winning side, plus they will get more of a CR reward as the higher tiers will be unlocked more.

You will find that who offers the shinies and CR will be more important than;
who out of a Federal Corporation and an Anarchy is Good and/or Evil,
should one support the non federation faction if one is a supporter of one of the other super powers, even if that faction allows unregulated slavery
By supporting the Anarchy that will open up more trade goods for later purchase be it slaves, drugs or guns

The matter that will be on most peoples minds when picking a side.

"What is in it for me"
The motto of the Pilots Federation if you look closely
Anarchies are very useful and they deserve a much better and consistent gameplay.
It's not realistic they should base most of their activities on blatant crime or that supporting them through the bgs would be full of contradictions.

I agree, there should be a more nuanced of societies with a lack of central government in the game, and it should be separate from pirates who engage in outright illegal activity.

Look in real life : true pirates run corporations, govern countries, sell video games...

There's a Woody Guthrie song called "Pretty Boy Floyd", and certain lyrics are relevant:

Yes, as through this world I've wandered
I've seen lots of funny men;
Some will rob you with a six-gun,
And some with a fountain pen.
And as through your life you travel,
Yes, as through your life you roam,
You won't never see an outlaw
Drive a family from their home.
More seriously, It's fun, enjoy it. Who cares, really, in the long run. Hang the sense of it do what you feel is right. And that is what is happening in this C.G. If you feel that it needs to mean something to you, then sign up for the Cartel, fight the good fight and play the part of heroic martyr when your cause is lost.

But remember to have fun, after all that is why you play isn't it?
Interesting arguments.

No need for deep analysis from my part:
I just get a foul taste in my mouth every time I try to be the narcissistic villain. That being said, I don't mind breaking the law once in a while, only not go all in / full returd.
For me, it is just not fun to act like a mean rear-end cavity. I want to project and enhance my real life self into my games.
..not judging or anything, of course ;)
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Been trying to flip my home system to anarchy. I'd like shoot a few players that always show up there to loot my stations during CGs.

Rooks o7
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1) How you act in the game is how you act in real life.

And here, campers, we have an excellent example of the fallacy that how people act in a video game is any indication of how they are in real life. …

moar wurdz plz ur point is hardz to understandz

In the first quote you do exactly what you condemn in the second quote. I just wanted to know if this was intentional irony.
Ugg angry at bad weaklings. Ugg strong! Bow to ugg now! Galaxy is for rule strong, not weakling children pansies. Die for ugg or ugg kill you!
In this CG ans in others everybody is the good guy. This is boring because you know that the good guys will win

“I believe you find life such a problem because you think there are good people and bad people. You're wrong, of course. There are, always and only, the bad people, but some of them are on opposite sides.” -Lord Vetinari
In the first quote you do exactly what you condemn in the second quote. I just wanted to know if this was intentional irony.

I don't believe how you act in the game is always how you act in real life. Was pointing out it's a reason some people might like to play as the good guy. 'I'm a good person in real life! It's fun to play a good person in a game too!'

Then that dude was calling in-game bad guys out-of-game sociopaths, which is a pretty common thing to do, so I pointed it out for the benefit of the OP. 'Griefers are crazy people in real life!'

Making more sense now, I hope?
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Rafe Zetter

And here, campers, we have an excellent example of the fallacy that how people act in a video game is any indication of how they are in real life. Sadly, such moronic shaming keeps people from dipping their toe in villainy (I mean, if morals weren't subjective anyway!).

Shame, really.

It's not a fallacy - at best it's a slight over simplification, but it's not a lie.

Online gaming behaviour has been the subject of many studies - because it's such a complex indicator of human behaviour.

What drives a person to perform actions that they absolutely know will have detrimental and real life consequences for their chosen target in a virtual world, but not in the real one?

Most of the time for non sociapaths, it's because the person has a mistaken belief that thier intended victim has the mindset as them "it's only a game so it doesn't matter" and has a 100% inability to empathise that by thier actions, some of his victims will feel thier playtime and progress has been unfavorably set back, and will in many cases perceive it as a virtual mugging - or in Ark Evolved / Rust and other such games an ACTUAL mugging. - That particular version of player will usually be part of a larger group of players most of whom all have the same mindset *it's just harmless "fun"* - this is pretty much Eve Onlines "Goon Squad", with the occasional sociopathic ringer (see below) - or even ringleader in the case of "the mittani" of Eve Online fame. ***

Most of the time it's nothing serious; annoying yes, sometimes VERY, but not serious.

Occasionally however some level up from "minor RP bad guy" to "online hardman" (see below), because the previous activities they used to get a kick from, no longer gives them (or thier twitch followers) what they want, some of them move to games like Eve Online, others join groups in the same game that the rest of the community regard as "professional griefers".

Others actively use it as an outlet for their real life frustrations because they are either too afraid or too impotent to do anything about their real life ones. These are occasionally in groups, but usually much smaller ones, because no matter how hard they try, they can't cover up who they are in how they talk or write in chat - they ALWAYS show up who they are eventually.

You've all met them, the "online hardman"; but walk them alone into a room, while carrying a wooden chair, a roll of duct tape and a car battery with wires and they will pee their pants. As pathetic as they come. These are the 3K's members of the gaming world, players who talk tough in the forums but whom never reveal what their ingame names are for fear of retribution, most of you probably have a list of ED players you'd put in that category. I'd personally put some of the SDC (and similar allies) and a large portion of Eve Onlines "Goon Squad" (as led by the mittani) in that group, because those are the kinds of groups that welcome such players and don't really much care what thier motivations are.

Some are borderline sociopaths who are extremely good at playing the game of "not actually coming across as a socipath" - because they have chosen a playstyle allowed in a game that successfully masks thier true nature as "role playing".

For the rest, they are mostly just out and out sociopaths who know that online is the only place they can "mess with people" as Doctor Zaja euphamistically called it, do it anonymously (mostly) and totally get away with it - and even in some games encouraged to be an ahole.

*** I don't care what anyone says - any person, when making a presentation to a room full of over a thousand people, that publically tells his followers to "grief him until he suicides himself" is a sociapath. The fact that a large majority of the audience laughed is a testament to how little regard so many game players have for their fellow human beings.

(and by the way - my ingame KS reserved Cmdr name is "Raziel Zaref" - because they wouldn't allow me to have Rafe Zetter for lore reasons. Don't bother to try and find me, I don't play, and I won't until the KS content I paid for has been delivered in full, or UK trading standards case brought against FDev closes and I get my refund, wheihever comes first)
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Whether you decide to partake in the games rather more shady side. Does not mean you have to support those bad guys.

Shady self interested sorts will endeavor to get where and while the getting is good. If that means rooting for the non-criminals. That is how they will do it. They can always go back to their shady goals later.
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