Why is the srv scanner just garbage?

It's so useless visually, all those blips that appear that point to nothing, only way to even locate materials is the sounds it makes but even then it will make sounds for shiggles, glad i use vr and find things with my eyes, can't even imagine how stupid it is without it.
Yeah, as others have said, my scanner works.
FDev has just set the game up so that Geo' POIs, themselves, generate a signal - rather than the mat's present withn the Geo POI generating the signal.
As I suggested above, I think the objects within the geo POI - fumaroles, geysers, etc - do generate a signal. And they should because, unlike Bio objects, they're made of the same materials. Those Geo objects containing crystals and other mat-gathering materials generate a slightly different signal. As you approach a POI you get a widespread response from all of the objects within the POI. As you drive closer to a mat-bearing object there's a slight signal change, both visually and audibly, which gets clearer as you drive close to the target.
This is wrong.

At a Bio POI, the wave-scanner doesn't detect any of the shards or braintrees etc. It ONLY detects the mat's, themselves.
As you harvest the mat's the signal decays until, at a completely empty site, there is no more signal at all.

At a Geo POI, the wave-scanner simply detects the area, itself.
Even when you've harvested every mat' at a Geo' site, the wave-scanner continues to display a signal.

It's either operating in a deliberately inconsistent manner or it's simply not working correctly.
In either case, it needs fixing.
It depends on the geo site, but yes, the fumaroles (or is it geysers?) show up on the scanner regardless of whether there are any mats on them.
However, the mats still produce an audibly distinct signal that is different to the signal the geysers (or fumaroles?) generate, as well as procuding a somewhat taller bar on the scanner which you can pick out. Once you get a knack for it you can just ignore the geo site signals and follow the breadcrumbs for the materials as you would before.
FWIW, I think this has changed recently - and possibly more than once.

Yeah maybe, it can be difficult to be sure about behaviour like this because some bug fixes & tweaks to the game are unannounced.

Post 3.3 I have not needed the wave scanner to find these POIs because I can just target them from any distance after the body has been mapped. I have driven between them though, and the wave scanner functionality is good enough to allow them to be 'found' as you approach.

I think mostly it's just there for ambience but as you say it should be consistent (and possibly now is, I haven't visited a bio POI since January). I certainly don't rely on it to find them any more, and I never found a biological POI before mapping was added to the game in 3.3 anyway ;)
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As I suggested above, I think the objects within the geo POI - fumaroles, geysers, etc - do generate a signal. And they should because, unlike Bio objects, they're made of the same materials. Those Geo objects containing crystals and other mat-gathering materials generate a slightly different signal. As you approach a POI you get a widespread response from all of the objects within the POI. As you drive closer to a mat-bearing object there's a slight signal change, both visually and audibly, which gets clearer as you drive close to the target.

Well, sure.

If you want to try and rationalise the inconsistency by assuming that the wave-scanner deliberately detects some stuff but not other stuff then fair enough.

That doesn't refute the fact that it does work in an inconsistent manner, though.

Personally, I'd hope that this is simply an oversight by somebody at FDev, which'll get fixed at some point, rather than a deliberate decision to make some stuff work in one way while other stuff works in a different way.
I think the wavescanner works just fine now - admittedly the audio from the SRV engine drowns it out too much but the visuals are top-notch now.

Easily fixed with the (I think - audio settings). On particular setting for enhance scanner when SRV is moving or something.
I'll check next time I am in-game - I need loadsa mats for my recent clear save bod anyway.
1. Yes thanks @Werewolf13 and @Factabulous I know about the audio settings and whilst an improvement, the motor still drives me mad when driving. Whether it is because I have a 5.1 speaker system I am not sure but I have to turn my audio right down to stop the drone driving me mad. Of course the fact that the wavescanner is subsidiary to the sound effects volume slider is my beef - make it independent and I can turn down the sound effects but raise the wavescanner. The autodocking helps I suppose but it is not perfect.

2. That nonsense of the geyser signal being constant is as you say @Stealthie - I am sure that wasn't the way it happened a while ago. Really, really annoying.

In summary - I am definately going to keep the audio down in the SRV and use the visual signals only.
If you can't stand the SRV or wave scanner, just use a Sidewinder. You scan down a geo site, eyeball the crystals (night vision helps), shoot them off with a laser or something and scoop them up with your ship. Easy enough.
I personally love how the SRV scanner works. And enjoy following its signals.

One minor exception on the immersion front: I have found that random POI type stuff (outcrops, meteorites, wrecks etc...) DO NOT spawn if you are within ~30km radius of any Geological or Biological POI.

So quick tip: if you are Raw Material hunting best probe the planet first and land away from a Geo/Bio site. (unless it's Geo/Bio type mats you're after)
2. That nonsense of the geyser signal being constant is as you say @Stealthie - I am sure that wasn't the way it happened a while ago. Really, really annoying.


It's not the end of the world but it is kind of irritating that it's inconsistent.

It's doubly so for me 'cos, as I said, I keep going back to the same places for Selenium and first it was dodgy, then it seemed to be working properly, but now (or, at least, as of a few days ago) it's dodgy again.

I vaguely recall somebody suggesting that one of the recent updates (the one that fixed the squiffy FSS?) might've been based on an older build because a couple of pre-existing bugs had reappeared.
I wonder if the Geo' POI thing was fixed and then got un-fixed again with a recent update?
What is the point of all the visual noise elements on it that point to absolutely nothing, small blips, large ones, all pointing to or leading to nothing. My issue with it is it doesn't really do what it's supposed to and my eyes do a damn better job since the materials and anything I look at will get a targetting icon.
The blips on it give an indication of how far away you are, the closer you get to the signal source the narrower the blips get until you reach 'radar' display range.
If you can already see things you are don't need that scanner because you are so close, it is to help you find stuff km away not metres.
You're joking right? I see the visuals on the scanner and it leads to nothing despite how long I drive towards the small or large blips on that scanner, no matter how long it takes, the fact people say it takes 'skill' is a complete joke, it takes 'skill' to drive or that I NEED to use a youtube video is complete idiocy, why is there no tutorial like with the FSS is beyond me, I just keep driving around when I land on a planet and come upon resources randomly with nothing to really indicate anything other than audio cues.
I could care less about the sound, I turn mine way down driving the srv.
As posted earlier the scanner works great with a little practice.
As I close in. I can 90% of the time say exactly what the formation is, long before it becomes visible.
Patience and practice. All I can add.
One other thing that works for me. Pick a point and drive a straight line. I mostly go for flatter terrain and drive like hell hounds are on my heels.
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