Will Elite Dangerous Launch on Steam?

Would you mind seeing this game on steam?

  • Yes Braben should email Gaben

    Votes: 29 46.8%
  • No

    Votes: 33 53.2%

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Juniper shows the typical person quite well. He too says it is Off Topic because he can't see the reality behind what I said. He call it is a"diatribe". Surely anyone can see it is not. In its original meaning 'diatribe' means 'a way to spend time'. But let's 'chill', right? Then he mentions Israel, as if I did and he loses himself totally.

It's off-topic as your post had nothing whatsoever to do with Steam, Elite: Dangerous or even gaming. You're attacking "modern life" and corporate greed, which are much bigger issues & completely irrelevant to this. I didn't say I didn't "get it", nor do I disagree with much of it per-se, but this particular forum is not the place for that kind of discussion.

Much like Israel... which is why it was equally ridiculous to mention it in the context of a discussion whether a computer game should launch on a computer game platform.

Sorry you missed the point. Better luck next time, eh?
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Some developers are also now worried that with so many games on Steam and unless you got some promotion from Valve then you won't get very far.


An interesting quote

But what if your new game isn't a "featured item", or doesn't show up in the "top sellers" list, or isn't on sale? Then there's a good chance it won't be displayed on the front page of Steam.

Quite an interesting read in the whole.
That sums it up for me. In the way that we are all hedonistic pigs who sacrifice values for pleasure, that despite we dislike how corporate business operates and question the paradigm of mass consumption, we look away when it suits our pleasure seeking needs. ...<snip>....
Profit above pleasure, pleasure above human values.

For we are all so afraid of our approaching deaths, that we will do anything to distract us from this given fact of mortality. So we dive into these games like there is no tomorrow, because we know deep down one day there is not gonna be a tomorrow.

Steam is just a recent example of this sickness in human society and it is all based simply in the fact that we don't know how to be in the world, so we play our games as a substitute and compromise ourselves all through our lives. .....<snip>.....

OK, that was either a brilliant modern parody on the first two books of De finibus bonorum et malorum written by Cicero in 45BC


A Guardian reader has been been hitting the meth harder than usual.

Never tell me something is off topic. For the sake of argument you could limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion. But never fool yourself that you then actually thought it through.

I think you just don't like the fact that plenty of us HAVE thought it through, but not then arrived at your lefty conclusions, decided not to spend their limited time on this planet whining about being a victim, and telling everyone else they are a victim.

Oh OK, then I read this bit:

That is where you need me. And where everyone should be thankful I take the time out of my day to write these long blog-like posts. It is to help people avoid this pitfall of shallow approved of argumentation. Why I do that? Because I give a damn. Not because I want to 'annoy people with walls of text'. Society needs people like me, every forum needs someone like me.

Your issues are so painfully obvious it would be cruel of me to say them back to you. I actually feel kinda bad for you now. Such frustration and loneliness, you really need to let all this nonsense go man, your eating yourself from the inside.
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Variform, I think you might underestimate the majority of people here, I guess that many are open minded, wise to the world, its illegitimate ways of manipulation, corporate greeds and lack of moral values etc etc...but we tend to leave it at the Stardock entrance, it has no place in games despite looming in the background of all that is entertainment. Especially on this forum, we are not playing COD you know!
Will I get a Steam key later on if I buy the beta?

I want to play this game but I don't want to buy it now to only have to rebuy it on Steam later. I like having my games all in one place, so I either buy retail or on Steam, I'm never going to buy from anywhere else as there is no value in having random games on several services.

I'd really love to play this game now, but if we wont get free Steam keys later on, I'll wait.

I want to play this game but I don't want to buy it now to only have to rebuy it on Steam later. I like having my games all in one place, so I either buy retail or on Steam, I'm never going to buy from anywhere else as there is no value in having random games on several services.

I'd really love to play this game now, but if we wont get free Steam keys later on, I'll wait.


Where have you seen the information that ED is going to be released on Steam? Why would you need to rebuy it if it released on Steam.
A Steam release is not planned at this point. It's also not ruled out, mind you, but so far: no.

Also, if you had the game on Steam, you would still need an account on the Frontier servers. So Steam would just add yet another layer on top. Why would you want to do that?

Also, why should Frontier pay Steam for stuff they already do themselves (matchmaking, community, friends system, voicecomm, etc)?
Just add the game to Steam as an external game if you want to, then you could use its overlay. The game already has its own updater so Steam is not needed for that. If it's just about your friends then they will at least see you as being online when you launch it from Steam.
I'll just wait then to see what happens, I just get sick of having to go all over the place to download games, then I can never keep up with what games I do and don't own. To me there is no value in buying a random digital copy of something, Steam just adds value to me which makes me feel like I got something for my money.

Like how I buy all my games retail if they aren't on there or on consoles as I don't trust other services to always be around. If this company went under then who is to say you'd still be able to download it... at least it would be there on Steam forever.
If they really must go with Steam then at the very least have a non-Steam option.
This may surprise some of you fans of Steam, but some people really hate Steam to the point they simply won't buy a game on there, no matter which game it is.

I for one ould never buy a game from steam
I have had 1 or 2 upsets with them

i have 2 games i bought from them a while ago
Ship Simulator extreames
i bought this by a dvd but the dvd only installed steam and a download link
ok it went ok and i was playing this no prblem
but then i had a hard drive crash, installed a new HD but now they will not
give me back the game no matter what i do it refuses to load
tells me that the game is already registered
there have been a multitude of e-mails between us
i sent them a photo copy of thr recipt
photo copy of the dvd and cover and the manual
told them my log in name and passwords
but still they refuse to allow the game to load

this was a game i bought instore a railroad sim
same thing they say its already been registered to another user
same thing photo copies of dvd box manual and recipt
they just say its a pirate copy and take it back to the shop
but they wont do anything cos the seals on the box are broken

so thats about 100 quid down the drain
so steam no thankyou
If people want to hate a site (facebook), a brand (apple/microsoft) or a service (steam/uplay/origin) you cant argue with them. They either die with their belives or slowly figure out by them selves that it isnt as bad as they wuld like ...

Many games on steam is just bought there. You download a installer and you run the game trough its default launcher. Same culd be applied with Elite. Dont see a problem at all if they game is sold trough more channels. The more players the better.

Out of my 30 gameing buddies (all 30 years plus) only one wont use Steam. He hates voicechat, people in general and see cheats, spoiled kids and griefers everywhere. He refuse to upgrade os and ram since it work well with his old old photoshop.
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I have and use Steam but Frontier has their own store where the price you pay only go to them. That means more profit obviously as not sharing it with Steam. With that said they will have retail boxes for sale and to maximize profit I see no reason if they can strike a deal with steam to sell the game and let you download it from them. The game will still play and use Frontiers server, they just sell you the game and let you download it from them. The benefit is of course Steam exposure, and people with accounts can order from there. So buy on steam but they don't host the server or any part of the game just the download. End result everyone is happy and more Elite exposure. Remember that just means they sell the game as any store would. Frontier would get from Steam the price they agreed upon no matter their selling price of it. No idea if Steam would do that, but the only way I see it to please everyone. Steam fan and foe alike.

So Steam fans can buy it that way or not, but I would hope almost all buy direct from Frontier as they get the full price that way.

I remember very clearly the old and hot topic on the paradox forum about "steamworks or not steamworks". Well, a lot of people, maybe the majority, was for NO. So Paradox decide to listen his community, and you know the result?

97 per cent of copies was sold through steam, 3 per cent in DRM free. And it was a nightmare for them, for every patch post release they updated in various sites. So they move on steam definitely, after this proof of how people can be noise but also hypocrit.

Another proof of how Steam rules, Shovel Knight, post mortem after one month. They sold 180k copies in one month, 40 per cent of PC(37% Steam, 2 humble bundle, 1%). So, they sold just 720 copies DRM free. 720 copies of 180.000. :)
My two-penneth

The game will be better with more players, this is simple to understand. Many people over the years have a black and white opinion on Steam, some get burned and never go back some work only with steam and others simply realise it is better to work with the devil you know.

I know some distributors are playing with their own versions but this from me simply brings annoyance (and there are some good ones) but steam delivered what the market needed a long time ago, a single source and they won! Now why Steam doesn't sell Music, TV series and Films amazes me as it would change almost everything overnight, but I don't run that company :)

For myself I can number the games I have purchased on steam in the last 10 years in triple digits, games I have bought outside of steam I can count using my fingers. This isn't a testimony on steam it is simply a testimony on me, I play it un-install it play something else, etc. I do not want to bother with random download sites or random tools. Steam simply makes it easy for me and that is something I am prepared to pay for - and I suspect I am not alone in this (and even if I was it wouldn't change my two-penneth :D)

As it happens I had some payment issues with the way to purchase this game on the store site this caused a delay for me joining and and almost totally caused me to throw the towel in waiting for the steam version. As it happens I joined anyway after working out the nonsense on the payment site which I am still not happy about but that is totally another chapter for another year.

Steam brings in money and it brings in more people plus it makes it easy for people like myself who care less for reading the fine print or remembering the random user name/password or URL required for each and every game - the larger community which I like to believe I am part of has had enough of this and don't get me started on these dam capatchas (!). Get it working and link it to a steam account and let everyone without steam use the independent system - everyone happy and then we can move on to saving the universe one hostile at a time :)

All I would like to request is that you provide a method to link the direct accounts purchased now prior to steam with steam later as I would really be annoyed to pay twice when this game moves forward.
The SteamVR 'big picture' overlay is reason enough for me to want ED to land on Steam. Being able to easily access a browser (and much more) in-game is a godsend.
until today I could launch elite thru steam. now it doesn't want to launch play button anymore if i do so. but flexing on your lame steam friends in hope the buy the beta to play with you will def move some units

3 years pc gamer, 200+ games, bought my whole 360 catalog again almost - after a lifetime of being console abused steam is still awsum to me. give me time to be proper jaded like u guys
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I for one ould never buy a game from steam
I have had 1 or 2 upsets with them

i have 2 games i bought from them a while ago
Ship Simulator extreames
i bought this by a dvd but the dvd only installed steam and a download link
ok it went ok and i was playing this no prblem
but then i had a hard drive crash, installed a new HD but now they will not
give me back the game no matter what i do it refuses to load
tells me that the game is already registered
there have been a multitude of e-mails between us
i sent them a photo copy of thr recipt
photo copy of the dvd and cover and the manual
told them my log in name and passwords
but still they refuse to allow the game to load

this was a game i bought instore a railroad sim
same thing they say its already been registered to another user
same thing photo copies of dvd box manual and recipt
they just say its a pirate copy and take it back to the shop
but they wont do anything cos the seals on the box are broken

so thats about 100 quid down the drain
so steam no thankyou

That's not a steam issue that's the store basically screwing you over.
I don't see any harm in it as long as it doesn't tie into Steam's DRM services (i.e you shouldn't need to have Steam running in order to launch ED).
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