Whats the big deal if it's released on Steam? Just because a game gets put on steam doesn't force you to use it. Every game I've seen go from its own launcher to steam still allows you to launch it without Steam. Firefall, Path of Exile, Warframe just to name a few, all started on their own and then added Steam as a option and is not mandatory.
Believe it or not there are masses of people who would buy Elite if they knew it existed. Not everyone is a Space sim junky or "84" elite fan but they would still buy the game if they knew about it. Steam is great for giving games free publicity as everyone on your friends list will typically ask you about a game they see you playing if they have not heard of it or are thinking about buying it. I've bought a few games I'd never heard of before seeing my friends play and my friends have done the same with games I play.
Really? We needed another thread on this? Ye gods....
Steam has a set of rules which takes power away from the Developers of the game. It also can have a hefty price tag. I for one have delt with steam as a professional not a player and would not welcome it in any game I play. first I do not welcome their software nor do I like the effect it has on a game.
If they really must go with Steam then at the very least have a non-Steam option.
This may surprise some of you fans of Steam, but some people really hate Steam to the point they simply won't buy a game on there, no matter which game it is.
You know that will never happen. I personally despise Steam because of it's " you have to go thru us to get to the game". I hate the fact that is steam goes down so does my game...really irritating.
I have stopped playing some of the games altogether because of that.....why the heck should I go thru a 3rd party to get to an offline game....not that ED is but there are plenty that are and it still requires
Steam conectivity....rubbish.