
Why upgrade ? For my part I also play the alpha every day, with my BBC Micro, no problem



A bit of nostalgia but I remember doing multiple choice tests and writing up my physics experiments on a BBC micro in the 80s and then the school migrated to apple and they got a 5 1/2" to 3 1/4" disk copier to do the job but there were so many formatting errors that it would have been quicker to rewrite them out.
I liked that BBC and in its last month, they put in the game chuckie egg for us to play as a treat.
Well I had no luck using a Toaster but it runs quite well on my Microwave..
It does get a little hot though after an hour or so.. And the "DING" can be annoying..


Need to add some cooling fans I think ...
The buttons make it a bit tricky to control in a dogfight, but it is still better than using the mouse with the alpha on a PC:

ED can be played on all electronic devices


True, I was in fact playing the Elite Dangerous alpha earlier today on my Fender Telecaster Thinline through a Twin Reverb amp. I was getting nearly 400 frames per second too, even more when I added some reverb.
If Elite 1 on the BBC created a whole galaxy with only 16k of RAM, then my Spectrum will run ED with it's massive 128K of RAM!! :eek:

What I want to know is will my Spectrum be able to run it at 60FPS? :S I know it won't be able to run in 1080p as it does not have HDMI (I'm not that thick!) :p
True, I was in fact playing the Elite Dangerous alpha earlier today on my Fender Telecaster Thinline through a Twin Reverb amp. I was getting nearly 400 frames per second too, even more when I added some reverb.


I tried flashing ED onto my Access Virus TI today. No joy. It worked on my Kronos but crashed. It runs fine on the Elektron Analog Four but the display resolution is too low, can't read the targeting and systems panels, or really anything for that matter. The Roland Fantom G6 wants me to purchase an extension library card before I can play.
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