You know you're a real explorer when...

You know you're a real explorer when you start chasing unicorns who sh*t rainbows...

Or maybe you already are, when you feel strangely uncomfortable in the bubble? I know I do... not sure how much that one's worth...
Taken from a previous thread with the same name, here are three of my responses. are walking into town, planning your next trip out into the Black, when a vehicle blows its horn and you think "I didn't honk the system!".
…you are walking into town, planning your next trip out into the Black, when an emergency vehicle goes past with its' lights and sirens on, and you think "Shiny! I wonder what that does?". are a third of the way through a huge exploration safari when you get the dreaded message "Main data storage banks full!".
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I've probably been to Sol a few more times than Beagle if you count jump-ins.
Total hyperspace distance722,824 ly
Does it not make me a real explorer?
Lol no.
I've got double that in my odometer*, and it only makes me an unreal wannabe-explorer. ;)
NOT a tourist though!

*compared to some I've barely moved my ship at all...
I go to Sol all the time because Col. Dekker can put the Mass Manager mod on my FSD that I have otherwise remote engineered to G5, and from there it's easy to continue to whatever additional engineers I need to visit. I have been to that glorified tourist destination BP once and wasn't impressed. Salome's Reach was worth stopping to and taking some pictures, however.

Anyway, my explorerness has been put on hold while I obsess over BGS, but perhaps I some day return to my tourist plan of visiting the 4 corners of galaxy and then finish manically mapping every system in a certain sector.
So basically you're saying real explorers have good... stamina? :LOL:

Yeah, I guess I can't really argue with that.

Let's be honest here: What's a video game anyway if it isn't essentially some form of mental... self-indulgence?

Cheers. 😘
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You know you're a real explorer when you've quoted a post in the You Know You're a Real Explorer When thread that doesn't exist any more.

Wait, that doesn't make any sense.

Well, I did just turn in a bunch of data so maybe I'll find the closest black hole to Colonia and go headbutt it, see what happens, Then I'll be one step closer to being a real explorer!

Edit: I did get within 24km of a blackhole out on DW2 but I chickened out when I got some kind of message about entering the exclusion zone and my heat started to build a bit. Too much data on me to play that game.
Ah that is just an invisible wall that doesn't do anything except preventing you to go any further.
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