Your Neil Armstrong moment is a fade to black teleport outside... surely not?

Every ship has a standard cargo door - hence standardized SRV deployment.

All they had to do (literally) was implement one animation - just like the SRV has one animation - of commander descending on elevator pad from that hatch. That is the bare bones, most unoriginal solution, but it would work. You get the first 'step off' from ship to surface. You can still 'run under and quickly re-enter' ship, just like with current EDO mechanics less the blue halo of laziness.

I can't imagine said halo will be in at launch, but...then again...
Exactly, one standardized animation is better than this beam. Gets you the footfall, the transition, the feeling you want stepping off your ship and onto the surface.
Why it's all black and I'm hearing walking but not seeing walking. Then I just appear... I don't know, that's just lazy to me.
Yeah, not buying this until Frontier actually does what they had originally intended for the game. You know, the game we were sold on.
My Armstrong moment went like this I took a elevator to the landing pad walked through a open door in the hanger to the taxi. Then it hit me I am actually walking to a ship in the hanger I just sat there a bit taking it all in, Perhaps a bit to long as my taxi took off 2 min later without me. thank you Fdev for tears of joy o7 well done
My Armstrong moment went like this I took a elevator to the landing pad walked through a open door in the hanger to the taxi. Then it hit me I am actually walking to a ship in the hanger I just sat there a bit taking it all in, Perhaps a bit to long as my taxi took off 2 min later without me. thank you Fdev for tears of joy o7 well done
That isn't an Armstrong moment. It's an important perspective about the immersion the game provides, but then destroys it with teleporting to the cockpit and back out. They call it an Armstrong moment because of being able to step down from your spacecraft on to the surface of a planet or moon where no one has ever been. It doesn't happen in Odyssey. You just...appear on the ground. The thing you had tears of joy for is good, but they needed to put the effort in to complete the experience.
My Armstrong moment went like this I took a elevator to the landing pad walked through a open door in the hanger to the taxi. Then it hit me I am actually walking to a ship in the hanger I just sat there a bit taking it all in, Perhaps a bit to long as my taxi took off 2 min later without me. thank you Fdev for tears of joy o7 well done
That isn't an Armstrong moment. It's an important perspective about the immersion the game provides, but then destroys it with teleporting to the cockpit and back out. They call it an Armstrong moment because of being able to step down from your spacecraft on to the surface of a planet or moon where no one has ever been. It doesn't happen in Odyssey. You just...appear on the ground. The thing you had tears of joy for is good, but they needed to put the effort in to complete the experience.
I agree with both of your sentiments here. While it's an incredible feat they've accomplished so far, worthy of taking pause, that's not a Neil Armstrong moment. It's a profound moment. A moment of realization and reflection. A moment of awe and wonder. It's beautiful and impactful, much like I find the vast majority of Elite to be. Truly well done on Elite and Odyssey, but, that's also why I know they can do better than a stupid beam of light and a cop-out fade to black. They're better than coming up a yard short like that.
I can only hope a more immersive solution is coming, and I'm glad some people are making it known that they want one. For me, even a small airlock before the ramp would be acceptable. Morphologis (SC content creator) put out a video today about Odyssey, and he addressed the thought that interiors would take too much of the players' time. He countered this by stating that he has spent far more time traveling than he could ever have in an interior. Not that the "we respect your time" thing has ever meant much to me anyway.
I can only hope a more immersive solution is coming, and I'm glad some people are making it known that they want one. For me, even a small airlock before the ramp would be acceptable. Morphologis (SC content creator) put out a video today about Odyssey, and he addressed the thought that interiors would take too much of the players' time. He countered this by stating that he has spent far more time traveling than he could ever have in an interior. Not that the "we respect your time" thing has ever meant much to me anyway.
I'm not saying I want to have to stand from the chair, walk to the back of the cockpit, open the door, go down the hall, pass the hanger bay, pass the fighter bay, pass the cargo bay, pass the FSD, get to the back door of the ship, open the door, walk down the stairs to the surface. That's a level of immersion some may want, and maybe in the future one that can be an option. Just to stand up from the chair and fade to an animation of our feet stepping off the last rung or two onto the surface is enough. It's fast enough, it's immersive enough, it's easy enough.
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