Your Neil Armstrong moment is a fade to black teleport outside... surely not?

I wonder how many don't want ship interiors "period".
I for one want them. I just don't want them to be mandatory. Like I would have been really disappointed if with Odyssey they made mandatory making contact physically with a mission giver to pick one.

With that said I come to the conclusion that I'm OK with FDEV to not make ship interiors a priority. But really do hope they'll add them eventually. The sooner the better.

For the boredom analogy. Hard to compare entering a stadium sized ship with a car. Yep, some long commute can get stale. Or if they don't your brain basically gets used to them and you don't even notice them anymore, so what's the point (of the dev effort)? There's a tool efficient for that: the ellipsis, like in books, movies... That's basically what your brain does. If I used the same analogy, I'd say imagine your prefered movie but without those ellipsises, where you'll have to endure each and every walks, lifts, doors... :)
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A fellow I used to associate with who was in game development called them, Useless Transitions. They have a moment of importance, then, they just become tedious as you have to keep running through them. The various Quake/Doom/etc games are full of them.
Isn't that other space game yet to release one of the kind where you need to walk (and take elevators 🤭) for 15 minutes to get your ship flying?

Isn't that what we all want? :cool:

(I'm with @Obsidian Ant here, lets hope they do it that way...)
Well, leaving your seat and go to the door and then fade to black and be outside would be fine, I don't like the fade to black from your seat, it's just very not sim like, and we already got a lot of NOT SIM LIKE in ED already.
Well, leaving your seat and go to the door and then fade to black and be outside would be fine, I don't like the fade to black from your seat, it's just very not sim like, and we already got a lot of NOT SIM LIKE in ED already.
So, are you talking about an animated load screen, or do you want to inject extra user actions? If the latter, I'd rather not have additional keystrokes and time.

They add up over the long run in the same fashion as taking a B rated Fuel Scoop v taking an A. It doesn't seem like all that much until you add them all together, then, suddenly you realize that it has used up a couple of hours of game play in 5 second increments.
So, are you talking about an animated load screen, or do you want to inject extra user actions? If the latter, I'd rather not have additional keystrokes and time.

They add up over the long run in the same fashion as taking a B rated Fuel Scoop v taking an A. It doesn't seem like all that much until you add them all together, then, suddenly you realize that it has used up a couple of hours of game play in 5 second increments.

well if I wanted to play fast without any animations I would play a text based game, when you want to leave the ship you should leave the seat and exit the door then fade to black would be ok, fade to black from the seat is kind of lame, but that’s just me.
Dear FDev,

I was excited to hear about the Neil Armstrong moment(s) you wanted to add to the game by being the first to set foot on a planetary surface. I was more disappointed however to learn that this will be a fade to black transition.

This will not only feel terrible and ruin that moment, but it will look monumentally stupid in game.

Imagine seeing someone enter or disembark from their ship and just seeing them magically plonk next to it outside. The same goes for hopping in and out of an SRV, players will go from standing outside of it to being transported inside of it and it will look rubbish.

I had fully intended to use Odyssey with multi-crew but the thought of looking around a cockpit to see players magically appear and disappear in their seats is just daft.

Is there no way of introducing some subtle transitions like when you exit your ship an animation kicks in where you fully stand up from your seat and walk to the door that is in every cockpit THEN fade to black? Then an animation kicks in of walking out of your ship or climbing down the ladder?

Climbing in and out of an SRV on a planet surface must surely be a continuous transaction? Surely? There is a God isn't there?
I'm very disappointed that they decided not to have an actual Neil Armstrong moment. Worst of all, to say you do, then not actually produce.

Just picture it. You stand from your chair and the camera quickly fades to show you're now climbing down the last few rungs of the ladder. Your eyes pan down to see your boots touch the surface of a previously untrodden body, marking your first footfall, THE first footfalls that body has ever seen.

It would be the same thing we have already with the SRV drop and deploy or the SLF drop and deploy. Such a small (and more consistent) inclusion that provides such a huge opportunity for immersion and personal reward, squandered.
I'm very disappointed that they decided not to have an actual Neil Armstrong moment. Worst of all, to say you do, then not actually produce.

Just picture it. You stand from your chair and the camera quickly fades to show you're now climbing down the last few rungs of the ladder. Your eyes pan down to see your boots touch the surface of a previously untrodden body, marking your first footfall, THE first footfalls that body has ever seen.

It would be the same thing we have already with the SRV drop and deploy or the SLF drop and deploy. Such a small (and more consistent) inclusion that provides such a huge opportunity for immersion and personal reward, squandered.


I guess the issue is that all the ships have different on-foot exits - steps, elevators, hanging airlock doors, etc. Thirty or forty different flavours of exit animation needed, versus one each for the standardised SRV and SLF hatches.

But yeah, it would have been 100% worth the effort IMO. Hopefully it's coming in future and it was just lower priority than the actual settlements and stuff so didn't make launch.
I'm very disappointed that they decided not to have an actual Neil Armstrong moment. Worst of all, to say you do, then not actually produce.

Just picture it. You stand from your chair and the camera quickly fades to show you're now climbing down the last few rungs of the ladder. Your eyes pan down to see your boots touch the surface of a previously untrodden body, marking your first footfall, THE first footfalls that body has ever seen.

It would be the same thing we have already with the SRV drop and deploy or the SLF drop and deploy. Such a small (and more consistent) inclusion that provides such a huge opportunity for immersion and personal reward, squandered.

to be fair anything would be better than what is presented currently....

why you couldn't get up out the chair and walk to the door in the cockpit, click it (fade to next screen) then walk down the steps / hatchway of any ships is what i thought we would get as a minimum without full ship interiors.

I mean the steps are rendered already on most ships, the ladder is right there frontier... right there...


basically what we have is the neil armstrong moment ordered from wish!

The Neil Armstrong moment is touching the ground.
Not trying to squeeze one out of the ship in 30+ different ways.

Plus, it would quickly becoming a chore after the tenth, hundred maybe, Armstrong moment.
The Neil Armstrong moment is touching the ground.
Not trying to squeeze one out of the ship in 30+ different ways.

Plus, it would quickly becoming a chore after the tenth, hundred maybe, Armstrong moment.

Deploying the SRV isn't particularly odious.

Even better would be if it spawned you in the airlock at the top of the steps/lift/ladder instead of the ground, and let you exit under your own power. To let you climb down or leap off or moonwalk as you see fit.
Deploying the SRV isn't particularly odious.

Even better would be if it spawned you in the airlock at the top of the steps/lift/ladder instead of the ground, and let you exit under your own power. To let you climb down or leap off or moonwalk as you see fit.

I'm quite ok with the srv deployment. But that is standard for each and every ship we have

I would have liked to find myself on top of the Cutter's Palace Stairs, but erm... the Corvette doesn't feature one. Nor the T10
So i guess they picked a method that works for all ships with minimal work.
And i guess it's ok. After the novelty wears off, the faster the better...
even if they just did the srv deployment transition as on foot, so you get lowered down on an elevator from the hanger bay, and then you step foot on the surface. Then no issues with having multiple different types of animation it is just the same for each ship. It would be much better than the blue circle thing we got now. And if they wanted to improve it further maybe go Chair -> Fade to Black -> In hanger bay -> Press button -> Lowers elevator down. Much much better transition than the jarring blue circle we got. They have even remodelled the hanger bay interior with odyssey, yet we still get blue circle. Even if it was a temporary thing before ship interiors or ladder animations were a thing, I would still be begging for something like that. I'm baffled, honestly.

When Piers Jackson said the Armstrong Moment, I thought that was pretty much confirmation that we would AT LEAST get a similar transition to the SRV. Breaks my heart to see this blue circle on the floor ngl.

Plus, why is it blue, and not orange. The whole blue theme odyssey has got going doesn't feel right. All the ui should look similar, from ship to suit.
I'm quite ok with the srv deployment. But that is standard for each and every ship we have

I would have liked to find myself on top of the Cutter's Palace Stairs, but erm... the Corvette doesn't feature one. Nor the T10
So i guess they picked a method that works for all ships with minimal work.
And i guess it's ok. After the novelty wears off, the faster the better...
Every ship has a standard cargo door - hence standardized SRV deployment.

All they had to do (literally) was implement one animation - just like the SRV has one animation - of commander descending on elevator pad from that hatch. That is the bare bones, most unoriginal solution, but it would work. You get the first 'step off' from ship to surface. You can still 'run under and quickly re-enter' ship, just like with current EDO mechanics less the blue halo of laziness.

I can't imagine said halo will be in at launch, but...then again...

Three years later I didn't expect EDO to come out as an alpha mere months before its supposed release. It really begs the question: what in the world has this develop been doing all this time? Have they really spent that much time and resources developing a feature set well beyond their wheelhouse while the core game rots away?

I guess the issue is that all the ships have different on-foot exits - steps, elevators, hanging airlock doors, etc. Thirty or forty different flavours of exit animation needed, versus one each for the standardised SRV and SLF hatches.

But yeah, it would have been 100% worth the effort IMO. Hopefully it's coming in future and it was just lower priority than the actual settlements and stuff so didn't make launch.
Sure, that's a lot of specific flavors if they went that extreme with it.

Truth is they don't need to. One for every manufacturer (what's that 6-7?) is more than enough.

Most would be happy with just a standardized ladder or extended platform replacing that blue light. Better than asking Scotty to beam me up the way it is now. Stand up, fade to black, step down 2 rungs, or watch the platform hit the ground with a little puff... so immersive, still feeling connected to the ship. Boarding, hop on the platform or in front of the ladder hit "Board" and up a couple steps, or the platform raises a foot or two, fade to cockpit. Just like SRV and SLF.

I'm never bored with SRV deployments, or SLF deployments, FDev telling me I'd get bored with foot deployments is asinine.
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