Nav Panel and System Map Changes regarding Fleet Carriers

This post proposes 3 changes — each with a "current" and "modified" version.

Navigation Panel​

This is what the nav panel currently look like. All carriers (except your own) have the same colour.

Graying out non-landables would make it easier to select which carriers to land on as you can skip over the ones that do not have any use for you. Another improvement that could be made is to add a new filter for non-landable carriers.

Navigation Panel (Detail Page)​

When you select a carrier, this is the page you will see. At the top, there is a text telling you this is indeed a fleet carrier. It also tells you to go to the sys map to check what services it has.

This space could be used more effectively. All available services could be visualized here. The game already has icons for all services - so why not use them?

System Map​

If you for example take a look at the System Map for Deciat, this will be the horror you are greeted with. The system map is littered with carriers.

Instead these carriers could be grouped up to save space and prevent system maps being stretched out by carriers. One could even take a step further and divide the group into carriers one can land on and carriers that are locked off.


Same as above, without annotations.
I like this, tidy & more intuitive.

I am particularly in favour of showing which ones I can use without hiding those I can't - I want to know the cmdr/squadron that has an interest in the system, it's a useful indicator of player activity for me.
This is probably the best articulation of the problem AND the solution covering both the Nav panel and the system map. Bravo! My second most desired change (after VR for FPS play that is!).

Please FDEV, look into this for Updates 15/16!
yes, good design skills
and maybe, with this new presentation, FDev could allow more than 16 FC per body (and eliminate some traffic jams)
Good idea. No wonder if devs would ignore this as they do it. I asked for different colors to choose in bookmarks for years. Such a simple quality of life improvement. No changes still...
100% yes please, so much more intuitive than what we have at the moment. Amazing idea I hope Fdev can somehow figure out and get in game.
This would be great! Those service icons could be extended to other stations and settlements, as well.
I'd love to see more UI overhaul talk now that console dev has been dropped; mouse and kb feels pretty terrible to navigate with at times.
I am strongly in favour of this suggestion. It's a phenomenal concept!

I do find it a bit ridiculous that you have to switch over to the system map to see the services offered, though I am not sure how it is for stations at the moment.
Love it, may I also add that I would love to always see MY carrier no matter if the filters are on or off?

Yes, anything you've bookmarked ought to override any filter. So you could bookmark any Carrier you're operating from, and always see it.
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