All the things you listed aren't a big concern to me in comparison to buying in game advantages with mtx, the pay to win is much concerning to me.But more or less compromised than by
- Horizons giving those who purchased it access to engineering (tripling or more the power of their ships at almost everything)
- Odyssey purchasers having access to a whole set of BGS, Powerplay and other activities that are sometimes highly effective and not available to anyone else
- players being able to give or share resources with newer players
- players being able to look up large amounts of both walkthroughs and information on 3rd-party sites that they wouldn't normally have in-game access to
- existing competitive exploits being considered an ultra-low priority for bug fixing (the "wake scan" Powerplay exploit, for example)
If you're after a game that has strong single player progression and balanced inter-player competition then Elite Dangerous hasn't been that at any point in the last decade and isn't going to start now.
I support continued monetisation in mmo's whether it be through paid expansions or paid subs, so the tiny % of competitive players who refuse to buy 2 expansions for a 10 year old game are not people I take seriously, nor do I think they exist.
Sharing resources with new players is fine with me as it takes place in the gameworld and one player had to earn those resources, not just swipe for them, I think trade enriches the game and creates a realistic economy and social dynamics and structures, gifting money and ships is something I think the game should support, if cheater's start RMT'ing then they risk losing their accounts with hundreds or maybe thousands of hours of playtime.
Everyone who plays Elite has access to the internet so players looking up guides online is not an issue for me as it's fair.
Competitive exploit bugs should be fixed by the developer, but yes a bug that can be fixed with a patch is not as concerning to me as the creeping scope of irreversible pay to win which will destroy every aspect of the game's integrity just like it did in EvE online to the point no one takes it seriously and wants to invest themselves because 'its totally pay to win'