UAs, Barnacles & More Thread 6 - The Canonn

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Do Devs have to use an update to insert a new base on a planet ? if so then no update is due until 2.1 beta. i therefore presume a galnet article will come out saying palin has vanished.

They can do such things with minor updates, 2.06.

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They are required for stations, due to the way FD architected those as part of the system.

But MB or SS mentioned a few newsletters or something ago that planet bases were done differently to allow more automation (yay), and that they hoped to expand that in the future possibly encompass Outposts and then Stations, IIRC.

So you are not totally off-base.

Forgot about this, update may not be necessary then.
Here's the video of 2(?) unknown ships/objects at OO i mentioned a few posts back. I feel like it's displaying exactly the behavior that has been reported recently, including appearing and disappearing from the scanner and refusing to be locked on to. But to be honest I'm not sure what to make of it. Glitch or time for more tinfoil?

I've just managed to replicate this twice!

First was a ship exhibiting exactly the same behaviour. Couldn't lock on, even with A scanners on my Asp Explorer. Tried boosting like crazy to catch up, even looking at it out of the floor windows and boosting upwards to intercept but couldn't get much closer as it continued on its way going sideways. In the end it shot of at "ludicrous speed" (way too fast to be intentionally ingame. It literally shot from a few K in front of me to way off behind me and gone in a blink of an eye, and I lost it. It didn't vanish, I saw it whizz by). Guessing that's when it undocked.

Second time it was a Commander that I previously saw docking. Managed to lock onto him as he was whizzing around sideways, tracking back to look at the station it did seem to be tracking the rotation. it shot off in the same way and I'm pretty sure he wasn't an alien so I'm calling it a bug. Tried messaging him but he didn't respond.

All at Obsidian Oribital. Haven't tried it elsewhere.
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Same Convoy that I saw earlier is now in orbit around Maia B1A. I'm assuming they're orbiting the planet since this is the closest I've seen a SSS to a landable body. Do you think this is Palin? I wonder what that type9 is carrying?
There were at least 3 more contacts that jumped away before I could scan them.

I've just managed to replicate this twice!

First was a ship exhibiting exactly the same behaviour. Couldn't lock on, even with A scanners on my Asp Explorer. Tried boosting like crazy to catch up, even looking at it out of the floor windows and boosting upwards to intercept but couldn't get much closer as it continued on its way going sideways. In the end it shot of at "ludicrous speed" (way too fast to be intentionally ingame. It literally shot from a few K in front of me to way off behind me and gone in a blink of an eye, and I lost it. It didn't vanish, I saw it whizz by). Guessing that's when it undocked.

Second time it was a Commander that I previously saw docking. Managed to lock onto him as he was whizzing around sideways, tracking back to look at the station it did seem to be tracking the rotation. it shot off in the same way and I'm pretty sure he wasn't an alien so I'm calling it a bug. Tried messaging him but he didn't respond.

All at Obsidian Oribital. Haven't tried it elsewhere.

I can back up what Chopper is saying as well. I took my Cobra Mk 3, outfit for speed, out to OO to have a look for the unknown ships. I was able to replicate the situation several times. It is indeed the bug where the Cmdr's are showing up outside the station while they are docked. The bugged ships appear outside the station in various places which seems to possibly relate to which pad they are on, although I am not sure about that. If the Cmdr logs off then they simply vanish. If the Cmdr undocks then they move at incredible speed to where they actually are in the station. A couple things as to why it seems so hard to catch up to or target the ships. From what I saw they can appear as far away as 12 km, and at that distance I had to boost almost constantly to catch up with them, and that's with a 443 boost speed. Also they don't seem to show up on scanners till you are quite close. This is most likely because they are rather cold since they are sitting on the pad with their engines shutdown. This also explains why there are no smoke trails as once again their engines are shutdown while they are landed.

Here's a couple pics I took. This was a Cmdr that was closer to the rotational axis but was quite a ways in front of OO. Notice the lowered landing gear, my speed, and the fact that there is absolutley no engine thrust from the Cmdr.

I guess there is no way to be 100% certain but I am pretty sure at this point that the sightings are a result of this bug. Fly safe Cmdr's. o7
Same Convoy that I saw earlier is now in orbit around Maia B1A. I'm assuming they're orbiting the planet since this is the closest I've seen a SSS to a landable body. Do you think this is Palin? I wonder what that type9 is carrying?
There were at least 3 more contacts that jumped away before I could scan them.

Aixelsyd after our convo on TS3, I managed to find the convoy in an SSS near Maia B1A. When I cargo scanned the type 9 it just ended up being a Hafnium 178 convoy. I forgot about those, but they are a normal SSS spawn, and they are pretty much always that heavily escorted. So sadly not Palin.
Well, I guess we are kind of settled on the theory that they are somewhat connected, but the common opinion is that UAs pointing to Merope means something more than just "Look there are barnacles, over there." :)
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Has anyone looked at where the UAs point at their other end? I mean, is it just random space, or do they connect nearby suns to Merope?
Aixelsyd after our convo on TS3, I managed to find the convoy in an SSS near Maia B1A. When I cargo scanned the type 9 it just ended up being a Hafnium 178 convoy. I forgot about those, but they are a normal SSS spawn, and they are pretty much always that heavily escorted. So sadly not Palin.

Darn. Oh,well. Thanks for the update. I'll be continuing my survey of the planet's surface tomorrow evening. I'll be on ts3 if you want to meetup.
Sorry, I'm new here.

Has anyone tried to drop UAs (or Meta-Alloys) while those Unidentified Ships are circling around OO?

If they have such a good scanners (so that they can see other ships at a distance of 6+ kilometers and avoid them) then they should see dropped objects too.
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From a tech POV i think this is an interesting sidenote, as I was in the opinion new bases/stations needed an update. Thanks for this one.

A hand-placed surface base location can almost certainly be added server-side, so long as there's no extra assets needed (new buildings or other 3D assets). No need to update the players' clients.
I don't think the community has even settled on the UAs being related to the barnacles. It seems likely, but I wouldn't call it settled ;)

Im pretty sure the UAs are pointing to Merope because there is a secret cache of Michael Brookes bobble-heads to adorn our cockpits with - hidden somewhere in the system.

yup - thats what im going with.

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