Multicrew trolling - it works!

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I think we have a different idea of what a flaw is. Is a knife flawed because I can stab someone with it? Wouldnt you raise an eyebrow if someone said 'knifes are badly flawed, I saw how you can abuse them. I dont have the answers, but they must be redesigned."

Whatever Sleutelbos, yes we have different ideas, if we all had the same the galaxy would be pretty boring, but i don't want to drag this thread into yours and my views on life in general and knives (of all things???). Lets just leave it here with me saying MC is broken and you saying it is not.

Full Stop!

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See ? Don't just assume, think a little!

Whitehair, sorry i am missing your point as you have quoted only part of my posting? can you enlighten me, then maybe i can enlighten you?

It's an unintended use of the multi crew mechanics, it is an exploit and is, as someone above me said, borderline harassment.

Nah, it's bad implementation with an unwillingness to take player inventiveness into account. Whenever you create a MP feature you should always check how you can use it outside the intended context.
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That some players are nasty pieces of work, that they would rather troll fellow pilots than play the game. If you had done this once, maybe twice, and reported it then no problem, the fact that you are willing to repeat this well beyond 'recreating the bug/exploit/problem' speaks volumes about you, in my opinion you, and others up to similar nonsense, should receive a warning.

Some people could stop pointing at others and screaming "witch! burn the heretic! unbeliever!" and instead question how we got to this point.

Oh, that's right; people demanded access to a laundry list of ships controls - for immersion. Well, if it immerses people to be on fire off the shoulder of Orion thanks to all SCBs going off at once, who's fault is that?

Pretty sure it's Frontier for being so gullible as to think people could actually think things through before demanding mechanics without having the first clue of the consequences.

Something that happens so often you'd think people would catch on. But - nope.

This is why he block was invented. And if a commander wants to invite random people to their boat and not consider the risks inherent, that's on them.
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Some people would stop pointing at others and screaming "witch! burn the heretic" and instead question how we got to this point.

Oh, that's right; people demanded access to a laundry list of ships controls - for immersion. Well, if it immerses people to be on fire off the shoulder of Orion thanks to all SCBs going off at once, who's fault is that?

Pretty sure it's Frontier for being so gullible as to think people could actually think things through before demanding mechanics without having the first clue of the consequences.

Something that happens so often you'd think people would catch on. But - nope.

Here Here!
Scroll past the pointless RP if you want to see my actual post. I just felt like summing up how I visualise the forums sometimes. :3

<Pointless RP>
Had I fallen? The destination I found myself adventuring through was unlike anything I had ever seen before. The sky was dark, the stars my only constant companions. I felt something, like a distant memory that I once soared among them. The terrain was monochrome. Had it been a sunlit vista, it would surely have been a radiant, blinding white. The smell was familiar. I felt a vague sense of irony upon discovering that it was composed of sodium chloride, though I couldn't remember why. There were various hills and canyons, but one area stood out. It was an almost indistinguishable mountain, but it was slowly growing. As if that weren't odd enough, after climbing to the top I found a lone tablet that seemed so out of place. It bore the inscription: "Property of CMDR TERMINATRIXXX"

The memory immediately rushed back into my mind. I had fallen asleep perusing the forums. By some miracle, I awoke to find one of her threads on my screen. And what a lovely (and salty) read it was. :3
</Pointless RP>

I've got to say, at least you posted about it and agree it could use fixing. I don't usually troll, nor do I usually condone it, but keep on trolling as much as you want. I can't stop you and maybe it'll have the side effect of driving the victims here to spill more salty tears on your collection. As much as I hate endless "wah, X happened to me" threads, Frontier would undoubtedly notice and fix the issue.

Possible trolling is just a possibility. Actual trolling is an issue they can fix. :3
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Disabling modules prevents the OP doing what he did. Letting someone board your ship and giving them access to controls is a security risk. Unfortunately sometimes you'll find someone like the OP slips in, and you need to kick them.

These aren't flaws that have been pointed out, in my opinion - there are already in game protections. Most people would assume that others want to join their ship to assist, and have fun that way. There are always a couple of killjoys, though. Well done, OP.

Sandro Sammarco

Lead Designer
Hello Commanders!

I just thought I'd drop my own two cents in here.

The concept of Multi-crew, at its core, is about cooperation, and trust. If folk are going to troll each other, there's a limit to how much protection we can (or should) put in place.

One of gunner's abilities is to be able to fire countermeasures. Gunner can be effective at this, poor at this, or deliberately bad. Anyone who would want to go down the last track is, in my opinion, someone I would not want to Multi-crew with, or wing with.

To some degree, folk have to take responsibility for their own actions. There's no mechanical upside to this unpleasant behaviour, so I see this as different from say, crime, because the game actively encourages criminal behaviour; when folk complain that the justice system is not fair enough, we say "OK", how can we address the balance and make it fairer.

Firing shield cells repeatedly for no good reason is just an unpleasant thing to do. And I'm fairly certain it is more likely to be detrimental to the community than helpful.
Which will not happen :D Because with solo players they don't earn enough money :D

This would be a reward for me. I like to collect infractions and reports.

I play with multiple accounts, thanks to family share on xbox i only need to buy the game one time.
So, if one of my accounts are busted, i simply use another to continue ;)

What do you do with an attatude like this. So much for the TOS what a joke.
Whitehair, sorry i am missing your point as you have quoted only part of my posting? can you enlighten me, then maybe i can enlighten you?


Your sentence implied that there was no thought put into the design of Multicrew, whilst Kerrash's point, showing that there is a function already built into Multicrew to handle 'naughty' players shows that there was.

Sandro has nicely explained it I think!
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Hello Commanders!

I just thought I'd drop my own two cents in here.

The concept of Multi-crew, at its core, is about cooperation, and trust. If folk are going to troll each other, there's a limit to how much protection we can (or should) put in place.

One of gunner's abilities is to be able to fire countermeasures. Gunner can be effective at this, poor at this, or deliberately bad. Anyone who would want to go down the last track is, in my opinion, someone I would not want to Multi-crew with, or wing with.

To some degree, folk have to take responsibility for their own actions. There's no mechanical upside to this unpleasant behaviour, so I see this as different from say, crime, because the game actively encourages criminal behaviour; when folk complain that the justice system is not fair enough, we say "OK", how can we address the balance and make it fairer.

Firing shield cells repeatedly for no good reason is just an unpleasant thing to do. And I'm fairly certain it is more likely to be detrimental to the community than helpful.

Well there you go folks it a legitimate play style, thats one big nail in the coffin for MC.
I like this part the most: "because the game actively encourages criminal behaviour;" :) Thank you Sandro. Finally i'm permitted to commit crimes.
Pretty sure it's Frontier for being so gullible as to think people could actually think things through before demanding mechanics without having the first clue of the consequences.

Actually, I want to believe that what this kid did was an extreme minority. The posts like this could motivate other shallow geniuses to try the same. However, it's healthy in the long run to think first 'what would normal people do?' than 'what would the id__s first exploit?' I surely cannot blame the FD. Multi-crew is very new and fresh and will be tweaked in the future. What the OP did was the same as shooting and killing David Braben XYZ times while chatting on the live stream and meeting the fans. It just shows that some people are shamelessly rude and shallow and NOT a norm, thankfully.
Your sentence implied that there was no thought put into the design of Multicrew, whilst Kerrash's point, showing that there is a function already built into Multicrew to handle 'naughty' players shows that there was.

Sandro has nicely explained it I think!

But the post where you quote me from is on about the exploit of inviting a friend into your MC session, then that invited friend leave his PC on and in session, goes shopping with his Misses whilst still earning loadsa dosh for doing nowt!!

And that's where i said Surely this can not be intended?

Please read my post before quoting me out of context. Thank you, and o7
Well there you go folks it a legitimate play style, thats one big nail in the coffin for MC.

Of course it isn't. Once people realise that a particular commander is toxic, they won't share a ship with them. While the playstyle is possible, legitimate is rather a stretch...
Well there you go folks it a legitimate play style, thats one big nail in the coffin for MC.

What do you mean? He just said "people can act like dimblewoods." What do you want? An independent tribunal where a jury decides if a heatsink was fired appropriately? So far people here all agree that the behaviour of the OP is just sad, but somehow expect FD to fix it without offering any kind of proposal.

Its an open online environment. People can be dimblewoods. Thats how it goes. Pay attention and use the tools you have: kick/block, and disable mods when they can be abused too much when you dont need them.

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Of course it isn't. Once people realise that a particular commander is toxic, they won't share a ship with them. While the playstyle is possible, legitimate is rather a stretch...

Yeah, just insta-ban them in the top panel. There, done. Go to a CG and you can insta-block entire SDC if you're tired of them.
Firing shield cells repeatedly for no good reason is just an unpleasant thing to do. And I'm fairly certain it is more likely to be detrimental to the community than helpful.

I think so too and its why we cant have nice things!

Its like back in the early days when folks starting shooting up everything in sight, then 6 months later the same folks crying that Open was dead (which is wasn't, but you get my point). There a subset of the awesome community that seem to want to see everything burn, admittedly 95% of the stuff they do is "in the rules" so is fair game i guess. You folks at Frontier are the only ones that have the power to address this.
I don't think it's FD's business to patrol what crewmembers do on the ship. If you open your door to strangers you might get unlucky, that's how it is. Online gaming trolls are to be expected, it's human nature, some people just enjoy ruining someone else's day.

That being said, I also don't think that it should be the gunner who is in charge of SCB's, Chaff or Heat Sinks. These are clearly pilot responsabilities, not gunner. Gunner's role is to shoot stuff, not monitor shields or heat.
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Yesterday i've joined several ships, for bounty hunting and exploring.

Joining ships and just sitting there, doing nothing and get money for it, perfect for me.
If they ask why i'm not fighting, i said....oh i'm new to the game, need to figure out how everything works. (If they only would check my profile lol)

Now i found the option to deploy SCB's, which i did....oh nice, 3x cell banks.....enough to make the ship overheat.
The CMDR were slightly distracted and worried why all the SCB's are gone.
I said, obviously a bug *gggggg
Finally they figured it was me...but it was almost too late...they had to leave the haz res.

Found it more enjoyable instead of actually fighting.

I then tried to find some exploration were near Sag A.
Oh see, there are heatsinks to deploy.....the ASP CMDR hasn't realized it was me.
Another CMDR was even further away, heading to beagle point......and after my telepresence visit he lost all his heatsinks, i told him he need to restock and left.

What we have learned today?
Multicrew has flaws.....terrible flaws....which needs to be fixed. I might join some other ships today again, coz it was fun to troll innocent CMDR's.

Multicrew worked as intended, I think what we learnt was that you are flawed.
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