ANNOUNCEMENT April Update - Coming 23 April 2019

No problem, you've only been here for a few months so nobody expects you to know that. :)

You joined in Novemeber last year.

I joined in 2015. I also have over 22k posts. Which means I've frankly read at least 100k posts here.

I think I'm just a wee-bit more qualified to speak here: Yes, people have been asking for it for years.

I think I've been for little over 2 years in here, automation requests aren't common and even then, there's always controversy surrounding it.


I wish I was English like my hero Tj.
Early 2020: "New update, the ship now flies itself! All you need to do is mash one single button on your keyboard and everything will work out."

I started playing space games because they were hard and that was a good thing. Stop changing that.

No one is forcing you to change the way you play.

As much as I like the new exploration mechanics, I'll give those who don't like it this much: They're right when they complain that FD forced a change on them. (A necessary one imho, but a forced change nonetheless).

This, by contrast, is purely optional in every sense of the word.
Early 2020: "New update, the ship now flies itself! All you need to do is mash one single button on your keyboard and everything will work out."

Apart from the pirates, who will love you.

aka. it's true to say autocruise is a QoL - that not everyone will fit - not a win button. All for it myself.


I wish I was English like my hero Tj.
No, but they're changing the way other people play. And that does concern me. This isn't a single-player game.

Is your concern botting? FD have responded to that concern already.
Otherwise why does it matter how other people play, or how much of a challenge (which is subjective) others must subject themselves to?
No one is forcing you to change the way you play.

As much as I like the new exploration mechanics, I'll give those who don't like it this much: They're right when they complain that FD forced a change on them. (A necessary one imho, but a forced change nonetheless).

This, by contrast, is purely optional in every sense of the word.
Can I choose for certain powerplay factions to not use bots for thousands of merits? No? This update negatively effects large portions of the Elite community, and only helps the most incompetent players.
... As for how they are doing it, I totally agree with the "module slot bloat" issue. Frontier really needs to separate software from empty space inside the ship from armor slots on our hull.

This I see as an unintended side effect, enabling us to add additional reinforcements. Just as we have military slots we should have civilian slots where you cannot fit reinforcements or SCBs. And those new slots should be civilian.
Can I choose for certain powerplay factions to not use bots for thousands of merits? No? This update negatively effects large portions of the Elite community, and only helps the most incompetent players.

Disagree because anyone using autocruise will have a huge target painted on their back, as they cruise the shipping lane at a steady pace.
It's a boon for explorers and planet mappers though and it's not like steering in supercruise is rocket science.

This I see as an unintended side effect, enabling us to add additional reinforcements. Just as we have military slots we should have civilian slots where you cannot fit reinforcements or SCBs. And those new slots should be civilian.

Reinforcements being a nice balancing action versus special effect weapons proliferation.
Is your concern botting? FD have responded to that concern already.
Otherwise why does it matter how other people play, or how much of a challenge (which is subjective) others must subject themselves to?

I'm pretty tired of the "but it doesn't affect you, because someone else's challenge doesn't affect you" argument. Because it is based on the idea that making the game easier for other people has no impact on my game experience, and that isn't true. Each time you reduce a difficulty barrier in a game, you allow the game to be playable by more people, which encourages more people to play, and then changes the dynamic of the player experience and community.

I play difficult and complex games because they have strong barriers to entry. I want the people who are playing the game with me to be good enough not to give up and able to learn and handle complex gameplay. The people who are left are worth playing with.

For FDev, making things easier was a money proposition, I'm sure: "We can retain more early players who would otherwise quit." I want those people to quit. Don't change my player community by changing the game barrier to entry.
A new collection of systems has been added for newly-created Commanders, and can only be accessed by pilots until they earn their first Combat, Trade or Exploration rank. In addition, the authorities here will provide simpler missions that even the smallest of Sidewinders can complete.

Across the galaxy, new Commanders will also have a reduced rebuy until they gain their first Combat, Trade or Exploration rank, a step in the path towards greatness!
It's not clear exactly what happens when you are in one of the Care Bear systems and attain your first rank. Do you:

1. Immediately get transported out to an outside system or station at random? Surely it has to be random otherwise the designated place will be an obvious choice for a "Reception Commitee". And if it is random, is there a maximum transport radius?

2. Continue going about your business gaining ranks until you jump outside the Care Bear systems? I guess for the rest of us it will be the same as permit locked systems you don't have the permit for. Even the most cynical of us surley can't beleive FD will mess up the mission logic and allow missions to be generated leading to the Care Bears?

3. Something else?

If it's like option 1, it's not going to give gankers much fun, they'll be out after the first few kills assuming they don't rank up one of the other 2 getting credits.
If it's like option 2, potentially it'll be a gankers paradise. Hopefully the livestream will enlighten us.
It's not clear exactly what happens when you are in one of the Care Bear systems and attain your first rank. Do you:

1. Immediately get transported out to an outside system or station at random? Surely it has to be random otherwise the designated place will be an obvious choice for a "Reception Commitee". And if it is random, is there a maximum transport radius?

2. Continue going about your business gaining ranks until you jump outside the Care Bear systems? I guess for the rest of us it will be the same as permit locked systems you don't have the permit for. Even the most cynical of us surley can't beleive FD will mess up the mission logic and allow missions to be generated leading to the Care Bears?

3. Something else?

If it's like option 1, it's not going to give gankers much fun, they'll be out after the first few kills assuming they don't rank up one of the other 2 getting credits.
If it's like option 2, potentially it'll be a gankers paradise. Hopefully the livestream will enlighten us.

I already have a stream being planned around this update, with a fresh account ready to go... betting I figure out some significant flaws within a single stream.
Sure, if they were forced to do it in open.

You're more likely to be interdicted by NPC in the shipping lane too, fact.

As usual stuff like this will be a balance between the cruise facility .. and everything else you could use the slot for instead. It'll be fine, promise.
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