
Mmmmh yeah, but ending in Sgr A*, seems to me. Searching for one that ends at/near Berenice.
You know, because of that "To the jewel that burns on the brow (top/crown) of the mother of (all) galaxies" ... following the different localisations of the game.
Coma Berenices contains the North Galactic Pole and one of the richest known galaxy clusters, the Coma Cluster, part of the Coma Supercluster. (Wiki.)

Gan: a field of artificial intelligence. A crater on Mars. A human gene.
Romero: bloodmary. Pilgrim.

So, a pilgrim, called by incorporeal entities, (a field of AI ?), to a region glowing like heavens... What more ?
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Bright like the heavens ...

Btw, Herr Professor-Doktor, are you aware of some kind of astronomical feature called or like "stairs" or "ladder" or so, in the vicinity of Berenice's Hair ? 😁
Bright like the heavens could be referring to a supernovae?
Already had the idea. Went to Bubble nebula to it check out. Checked every star inside Bubble Nebula's space. Nothing new. If it IS a nebula it has to be; 1.) Far from the Bubble. 2.) It must be "radiant…glowing like heaven". 3.) Said nebula (if it is one not permit locked) must have at least one star inside it.
Inside said system there could something that fits: "voices that didn't come from anything with a body", a beacon perhaps? Or a Guardian Constructs.
Most probrably a beacon of some sort, emiting signals that u can pick up on the FSS and investigate, that will lead u to another place to look for clues again...

I for one would go for that what we seek and need to find will only be find when FD wants it, cause it is most likely in a permit locked system, just below the bubble there are some areas of interest to me, and also under the guardian space but u cant acess them, and all i read so far, even the most absurd thinfoild theories all lead me to that conclusion and that i cant really follow up on them.

That is why when im in the bubble, i have been mapping the places that are borderline with those areas, and its not the 1st time i decide to follow a DW ship just to be unable to continue on its track cause it went into one of these areas... Or following thargoid activity to try and pinpoint a source and get stuck cause of a invisble wall of permit locked system...

I wonder if i leave my ship in supercruise for quite some time heading into one of these areas if the ship can get threw or it will be somehow stopped?!
Bright like the heavens ...

Btw, Herr Professor-Doktor, are you aware of some kind of astronomical feature called or like "stairs" or "ladder" or so, in the vicinity of Berenice's Hair ?

Could you please post the whole tattoo once again? I might have an idea. Thanks in advance.
I believe the theory is that rogue planets are formed normally within a star system, but due to instabilities the planetary orbits move around within that system (just as apparently happened in Sol) and occasionally some planets may be thrown out of the system entirely, becoming rogue and wandering the cosmos for eternity, unless captured by another system-some of the highly angled orbits we see (e.g. in Merope) might represent such a rogue body that has been captured.

Edit: such a rogue body might enter another star system, but I think if it was not captured by that system its trajectory in-system would be parabolic/hyperbolic so at some stage it would exit that system and continue on its merry way.
Yeah, I’m not disagreeing with that as being a model of how rogue planets are formed.

The issue with it however is that for the galaxy to properly incorporate rogue planets produced that way, the full procgen up to 3300 would have had to be done for every system in the galaxy prior to launch. Now I might have got this wrong, but I’ve always been of the understanding that the full procgen of a system only happens when a cmdr first enters it. (Happy to be corrected on that of course!)

So to create a hypothetical situation, system A is entered for the first time. The full system procgen is done and a rogue planet is expelled from the system as part of that - does it suddenly get added to the Galmap? Or what if it’s trajectory would put it in a system which has already previously been entered and fully generated (with no rogue planet)?

But anyway, that model and what I was talking about aren’t mutually exclusive. 🙂

What I said still stands - there’s not really any other option. Assuming the amount and distribution of the source material is sufficient for gravitational clumping to occur but not sufficient for a star to form, then all that’s left is planets and smaller bodies. - although there might always be an effective lower limit on body size due to mass distribution in the source material, which could potentially preclude the above.

It’s kind of academic anyway, as what counts is whether (and if so how) the Stellar Forge has built that stuff in.

Having said all the above, another possible explanation for the RoguePlanet star category being there is so that FD can manually add them to the galaxy if/when they get discovered in Real Life.

Would be a good thing to ask about if anyone meets or knows Dr Ross, or if there’s an appropriate livestream!
Travel time in ED is easy though. ED is post relativistic. Time is not affected by speed or gravity.
Light tavels at infinite speed.
Very true! (Though in fairness we’d specifically gone off on a discussion of ‘realistic’ FTL travel as opposed to how it applies in ED. Good to have it brought back towards ED though! :D )
Mmmmh yeah, but ending in Sgr A*, seems to me. Searching for one that ends at/near Berenice.
You know, because of that "To the jewel that burns on the brow (top/crown) of the mother of (all) galaxies" ... following the different localisations of the game.
Coma Berenices contains the North Galactic Pole and one of the richest known galaxy clusters, the Coma Cluster, part of the Coma Supercluster. (Wiki.)

Gan: a field of artificial intelligence. A crater on Mars. A human gene.
Romero: bloodmary. Pilgrim.

So, a pilgrim, called by incorporeal entities, (a field of AI ?), to a region glowing like heavens... What more ?
Gan also means ‘go’.
Google says Romero is a Spanish and Italian surname meaning: A person on a religious journey or pilgrimage from Rome (possibly to Jerusalem); procession of elevated holy items. The pungent botanical herb of rosemary symbolizing remembrance and fidelity. A guardian of religious cemeteries or shrines.

So where would Jerusalem be in Elite?
Google says Romero is a Spanish and Italian surname meaning: A person on a religious journey or pilgrimage from Rome (possibly to Jerusalem); procession of elevated holy items. The pungent botanical herb of rosemary symbolizing remembrance and fidelity. A guardian of religious cemeteries or shrines.

So where would Jerusalem be in Elite?
Uh in Jerusalem..?
Well a lecture I attended during university, the man doing it said that relativity states that if you enter one room you exit another at the exact time. This applies with the ‘corridor’ affect with wormholes
And time is absolute via Newton’s theory of Naturalis Principia Mathematica
Oh, so you are just extracting the urine.

Fair enough, it was always a possibility, but gave you the benefit of the doubt.

Good to know for sure though. (y) :LOL::LOL::LOL:
I am aware of some of his work. He can be contacted directly through the University. Maybe he is aware of Stellar Forge and/or Elite?

I sent Dr. Ross a bit of email to ask if he would be interested in chiming in on this subject and Stellar Forge in general.

Yeah... About that... 😐😐😐

Dr Ross in this context is the Dr Ross who designed/built the Stellar Forge.

Never mind though, still good of you to go to the effort of doing what you did!
Most probrably a beacon of some sort, emiting signals that u can pick up on the FSS and investigate, that will lead u to another place to look for clues again...

I for one would go for that what we seek and need to find will only be find when FD wants it, cause it is most likely in a permit locked system, just below the bubble there are some areas of interest to me, and also under the guardian space but u cant acess them, and all i read so far, even the most absurd thinfoild theories all lead me to that conclusion and that i cant really follow up on them.

That is why when im in the bubble, i have been mapping the places that are borderline with those areas, and its not the 1st time i decide to follow a DW ship just to be unable to continue on its track cause it went into one of these areas... Or following thargoid activity to try and pinpoint a source and get stuck cause of a invisble wall of permit locked system...

I wonder if i leave my ship in supercruise for quite some time heading into one of these areas if the ship can get threw or it will be somehow stopped?!
Supercruising into a permit locked region won't do anything, I can assure you. 🙂 Though having said that, there might have been a stealth change, and we can never be 100% sure until someone tries it after a release! 😉
Google says Romero is a Spanish and Italian surname meaning: A person on a religious journey or pilgrimage from Rome (possibly to Jerusalem); procession of elevated holy items. The pungent botanical herb of rosemary symbolizing remembrance and fidelity. A guardian of religious cemeteries or shrines.

So where would Jerusalem be in Elite?

According to William Blake “among those dark satanic mills”
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