The Quest To Find Raxxla - Place that isn't a place, door that is also the key. The myth.


This ship log will be used to document the assumptions, facts, theories and efforts surrounding Raxxla, with the ultimate goal of locating Raxxla. All commanders willing to join are most welcome. If no new entries are made by me for a period of 2 weeks, you must assume that I have been eliminated by the Dark Wheel, swallowed by the abyss, or found Raxxla and have gone there. I hope for the latter (but will probably send pretty postcards).

A planet in another galaxy? with an alien construct that's a gateway to other Universes. The Dark Wheel found it (and lost it?), and will keep it's location secret at all costs.
Everything we know (@Jorki Rasalas)

  • Raxxla exists and can be found.
    • Supporting indications:
      • The existence of the Dark Wheel faction which is strongly connected to Raxxla.
      • Missions[2][3][4][6] are currentlywas being handed out and might be related to Raxxla.
        • Mission [2] mentions a rumour that talks about:"A certain celestial body. Place that isn't a place, door that is also the key. The myth.". Upon delivery you receive a message mentioning a map and a context for coordinates.
        • Mission [6] is very vague about the "hunt for, well, you know", but could be a reference to Raxxla. However, this mission could be feeding the ships log (data crystals or spheres?) into the Mission: Obfuscated In The Outer Rim.
      • Strongest indication for the existence of Raxxla so far is Drew's blog entry[7] the inclusion of Raxxla in the Codex.
  • Raxxla is an installation and located near a Capricori system. [20]
  • Members of the Dark Wheel are already making inter-galactic jumps using the spheres they have onboard, hence the "intercept Dark Wheel ships" Elite only mission.
    • Complete missions to see if it gives any results.
    • Tail all and any Dark Wheel ships using a wake scanner to see if they suddenly inexplicably disappear.
  • The Dark Wheel has lost[6]? the location of Raxxla and are currently trying to decrypt data crystals? to recover the location. Missions[2][3][5] indicate that the Dark Wheel is having no luck decrypting the data crystals themselves and are employing the services of others to assist in this endeavour, directly and indirectly.
  • Raxxla is in an another galaxy and the only way to get to it is using the key;the gateway placed in our galaxy. Where would one place an alien gateway in our galaxy?
    • Possible gateway incarnations:
      • "Gateway station" - a station acting as a gateway, upon entering you are instantly transported?, how would you select destination - one station - one destination?
      • Jumping into a permitted system transports you to another universe? - Witch's Reach? - or a station in the permitted system is the gateway
      • Entering hyperspace in a particular fashion or in a particular system will transport you?
      • A system with the alien construct with a letterbox orbiting a planet, just like a station?
Please note that the missions listed, are no longer offered. AndyJ gave a great account here in post #576.
Also confirmed by FD here:

Tourist Spot's in Shinrarta Dezhra

Public FD Raxxla statements:
  1. DB:Does Raxxla exist?
  2. MB:Positive confirmation for Raxxla in the Milky way - DJTruthsayer lore interview with Michael Brookes
  3. DW:Raxxla exists and we know where it is
  4. DW:Raxxla exists, we know where it is, and why people haven't been able to find it...
  5. Ascorbius: Ascorbius confirms MB speaking about 'The system where Raxxla is (was?) located has been visited at least once' at Lave-con Q&A
  6. MB: 'Raxxla is something different (than Shinrarta Dezhra)'
ED Beyond - Chapter Four 3.3 brought more data about Raxxla via the Codex.

Tip off missions - Will they lead us to Raxxla?
The general consensus is no. This is backed by these posts: and

Raxxla Obfuscated? (Codex->Exploration)



"To the jewel that burns on the brow of the mother of galaxies! To the whisperer in witch-
space, the siren of the deepest void! The parent's grief, the lover's woe, and the yearning of
our vagabond hearts. To Raxxla!"

- Alleged toast of the Dark Wheel

The legend of Raxxla has been circulation, in whispers, for centuries. The quest for this
mysterious place, the location of which is a deadly secret, was said to be the principal aim
of the Dark Wheel, a putative fraternity of legend-chasers from the early days of interstellar

The earliest recorded mention of Raxxla dates from 2296, from the journal of Art Tornqvist,
a shipboard mechanic based in the Tau Ceti system. He writes: 'Cora comes home soused
and raving with wild stories, a new one every night. She claims she's found a map to some
pirate stash, and all I have to do is loan her my ship so we can go dig it up. Maybe we
should go find Raxxla while we're at it!' Although Tornqvist's account is the first known
attestation of Raxxla, it is clear from text that the myth was already in circulation.

It is extremely difficult to find consistency among the various fragmentary rumours of
Raxxla. Much like the ancient myths of Atlantis, El Dorado and the kingdom of Prester John,
interpretations of the story range from the sceptical to the outlandish: Raxxla has been
suggested to be anything from an unremarkable moon to a state of cosmic enlightenment.
The earliest documented stories tend to agree on several points, however: that Raxxla is a
definite place, and that it holds a mystical secret.

Several versions of the Raxxla story mention an alien artefact, the Omphalos Rift, described
as a gateway or tunnel through which parallel universes can be accessed. These details
however, were later shown to bear a striking resemblance to children's story Princess
Astrophel and Spiralling Stars, and soon lost credibility. Undaunted, some Raxxla
seekers insisted that the story's author had cunningly concealed facts about the
mysterious locale in his book as hints for those with eyes to see.

Students of Raxxla lore have noted that the legend exerts a strangely potent fascination on
the minds of seekers. Commentators have compared this sensation to 'fernweh', the
unaccountable longing for a place one has never seen. More than one interstellar
treasure-seeker has become obsessed with Raxxla to the exclusion of all other dreams,
and spent his or her entire life in a futile search for it.

Raxxla also plays a role in several conspiracy theories, most of which attest that it has
already been discovered by some kind of sinister cabal (or sole tyrant), which has
leveraged its power to establish covert dominance over humanity.

Whatever the truth of the matter, one thing remains irrefutable: the legend of Raxxla
continues to inspire explorers and conspiracy theorists to this day.



"Oh, they're out there alright. I've never met them, but I know they're out there. Think about
how well known the stories are. Now think about how easy it would be for some two-bit
band of hucksters to pass themselves off as the Dark Wheel and start trading on their
reputation. Doesn't happen, does it? Not for long, anyway. Whenever someone tries to
usurp the Dark Wheel name, sooner or later they get quietly shut down. And that's how I

- Felicy Farseer, explorer

The Dark Wheel is the name given to a legendary group of adventurers, explorers,
investigators and treasure-hunters, the existence of which is so lacking in corroborative
evidence that it is generally considered a myth. The group is often mentioned in
connection with the equally unsubstantiated 'Raxxla'.

Those who believe in the existence of the Dark Wheel consider it to be a continuous and
clandestine organisation, operating since the very earliest days of interstellar travel.
According to the lore, only a handful of the bravest and most competent pilots of each
generation are honoured with an invitation to join the group. It is futile to attempt to
contact the Dark Wheel on one's own initiative, however - it is always they who initiate
contact, initially in disguise, revealing their true identity only once a suitable test of
courage and skill has been discreetly administered, and passed.

Opposing theories assert that new members are selected on the basis of lineage, with
existing members covertly training their children and revealing the fact of their
membership only when the child is ready. Conversely, some members are believed to go to
great lengths to prevent their children from ever become involved, the group's
secrets are dangerous.

According to self-professed Dark Wheel expert Lyta Crane, a conspiracy theorist and
'people's journalist' who has painstakingly assembled an archive of relevant data, the
original group was based in a disused starport orbiting the eighth moon of an unnamed
gas giant. The station was toroid, hence 'wheel', and operated with a minimal power output
so as to avoid detection, hence 'dark'.

Crane believes that this starport is still in use, and is the only means whereby the genuine
Dark Wheel can verify its identity; new inductees can examine the record and artefacts
preserved there, and thus satisfy themselves that the group has indeed been operating for
centuries. No such starport has ever been found, however, and rival experts have accused
Crane of forging her evidense in order to maintain the revenue from her billions of

Over the years, many people have claimed to be members of the Dark Wheel, to have
identified some or all of the group's members, or to have discovered the group's location,
but the contradictory nature of these claims suggests that most of them, if not all, are

In 3300, a group identifying itself as the Dark Wheel emerged in the Shinrarta Dezhra
system, which is not accessible to pilots of lower than Elite rank. It is not apparent if the
group is a legitimate descendant of the original Dark Wheel, a reconstruction, or merely an
opportunistic imitator.

This thread also searches for the Dark Wheel station.

[1] The Dark Wheel
[2] Mission: Obfuscated In The Outer Rim
[3] Mission: The Silent Song Of The Spheres
[4] Mission: Discrete Redistribution Agent Desired
[5] Mission: Dark Wheel Seeks Diplomats For Discreet Delivery
[6] Mission: What Was Lost Will Soon Be Found
[7] Possible Raxxla existence confirmation
[8] Positive confirmation for Raxxla in the Milky way - DJTruthsayer lore interview with Michael Brookes
[9] Drew Wagar talks about the very first Raxxla references in "The Dark Wheel"
[10] Xaintly's compilation of this thread (9 March 3305)
[11] Thread searching for the Dark Wheel Station
[12] Operation Less Than Three
[13] The Holdstock Report
[14] TDW faction in Shinrarta Dezhra the real deal?
[15] Elite Timelines
[16] Great Raxxla Potato Hunt
[17] The Green Glow Hunt In Sol
[18] Raxxla hidden in an asteroid belt?
[19] Brookes Memorial Series
[20] Mission: The Darkkster Puzzle
Last edited:
Mission: Obfuscated In The Outer Rim (Answering The Call Of Adventure)
Data crystals are found by the Dark Wheel and supposedly contains a map with coordinates with an unknown context. Crypto-guys needs more crystals and wants to know where the Dark Wheel located these crystals and whether they are human in origin. Crystals do not appear in cargo hold when transported.
Hypothesis: Data crystals contains spatial information about Raxxla (Place that isn't a place, door that is also the key. The myth). Delivering enough? crystals will reveal the map, coordinates and their context in the Outer Rim? Crystals could originate from the Mission: What Was Lost Will Soon Be Found and would therefore be human in origin?
Observations: 23 jul 3301: Deliveries are very evenly distributed for from/to station/faction combinations?
12. sep 3301: Varati has shown that the delivery combinations are hugely dependent on the system you are currently in, which of course seems self-evident. Bond Hub also seems more disposed for deliveries to Forsskal Hub than deliveries to Thompson Dock. In fact, all deliveries are to Forsskal Hub?

Upon delivery
Deliveries - Obfuscated In The Outer Rim
From SystemStationFactionTo SystemStationFactionDateReward
HIP 86063Chasles LandingHIP 86083 CartelHIP 86063Benyovszky DockHIP 86083 Cartel14 sep 3301 19:0257,230
HIP 86063Benyovszky DockSocial HIP 86063HIP 86063Chasles landingHIP 86083 Cartel14 sep 3301 19:0247,025
HIP 86063Benyovszky DockGold Netcom SystemsHIP 86063Chasles landingHIP 86083 Cartel14 sep 3301 19:0254,210
HIP 86063Chasles LandingJustice Party Of HIP 86063HIP 86063Benyovszky DockHIP 86083 Cartel14 sep 3301 22:2048,725
HIP 86063Velho PlatformHIP 86063 CartelHIP 86063Chasles LandingSocial HIP 86063 Free14 sep 3301 22:4643,865
HIP 86063Chasles LandingHIP 86063 CartelHIP 86063Benyovszky DockHIP 86083 Cartel15 sep 3301 14:0249,910
HIP 86063Chasles LandingJustice Party Of HIP 86063HIP 86063Benyovszky DockHIP 86083 Cartel15 sep 3301 14:0243,470
HIP 86063Benyovszky DockHIP 86083 CartelHIP 86063Chasles LandingHIP 86083 Cartel15 sep 3301 14:1752,610
HIP 86063Benyovszky DockGold Netcoms SystemsHIP 86063Chasles LandingSocial HIP 86063 Free15 sep 3301 14:1747,100
HIP 86063Benyovszky DockHIP 86083 CartelHIP 86063Chasles LandingSocial HIP 86063 Free15 sep 3301 14:1745,320
VaratiBond HubVarati Blue Public LimitedVaratiForsskal HubVarati Blue Public Limited15 sep 3301 20:1940,860
VaratiBond HubVarati Blue Public LimitedVaratiForsskal HubVarati Blue Public Limited15 sep 3301 20:1944,355
VaratiBond HubVarati Independent UnionVaratiForsskal HubVarati Ring15 sep 3301 20:1941,840
AsviensesValz DockAsvienses Imperial SocietyHatmehingCelsius DockHatmehing First16 sep 3301 18:0958,360
Kora PinYurchikhin HubKora Pin FreeArawereKorolyov HubMob Of Arawere16 sep 3301 18:4661,350
49 ArietisGaiman Dock64 Arietis Front49 ArietisKonscak Colony64 Arietis Front19 sep 3301 21:3147,595
49 ArietisGaiman Dock49 Arietis Defence Force49 ArietisKonscak Colony49 Arietis Gold Council19 sep 3301 21:3145,465
49 ArietisGaiman Dock49 Arietis Blue Bridge Comms49 ArietisKonscak Colony49 Arietis Gold Council19 sep 3301 21:3158,445
49 ArietisFisk Landing64 Arietis Front49 ArietisGaiman Dock49 Arietis Gold Council20 sep 3301 00:0054,145
49 ArietisFisk Landing64 Arietis Front49 ArietisGaiman Doc49 Arietis Defence Force20 sep 3301 00:0056,425
49 ArietisGaiman Dock64 Arietis Crimson Partnership49 ArietisKonscak Colony49 Arietis Left Party20 sep 3301 07:4554,190
49 ArietisGaiman Dock49 Arietis Defence Force49 ArietisKonscak Colony49 Arietis Blue Bridge Comms20 sep 3301 07:5244,195
49 ArietisGaiman Dock49 Arietis Blue Bridge Comms49 ArietisKonscak Colony49 Arietis Blue Bridge Comms20 sep 3301 07:5244,945
49 ArietisFisk Landing64 Arietis Front49 ArietisGaiman Dock64 Arietis Front20 sep 3301 08:0658,655
49 ArietisFisk Landing49 Arietis Gold Council49 ArietisGaiman Dock64 Arietis Front20 sep 3301 08:0655,605
49 ArietisKonscak Colony49 Arietis Gold Council49 ArietisGaiman Dock64 Arietis Front20 sep 3301 08:2043,465
49 ArietisKonscak Colony64 Arietis Crimson Partnership49 ArietisGaiman Dock49 Arietis Blue Bridge Comms20 sep 3301 08:3357,805
6 aug - 13 sep

From SystemStationFactionTo SystemStationFactionDateReward
IndrundjaraCabana HangarCartel Of IndrundjaraLTT 16456Ray PlatformLTT 16456 Resistance6 aug 3301 21:3152,510
LTT 16456Ray PlatformLTT 16456 ResistanceNaitsMcDivitt OrbitalWorkers Of Naits Progressive Party7 aug 3301 8:4253,520
LTT 16456Cabrera PortLTT 16456 ResistanceRoss 779Arnold SettlementRoss 779 Silver Crew7 aug 3301 15:4753,840
LTT 16456Ray PlatformLTT 16456 ResistanceNaitsMcDivitt OrbitalWorkers Of Naits Progressive Party8 aug 3301 18:5266,960
MariyacochSavitskaya StationMariyacoch SolutionsTicushpakhiPeral RefineryTicushpakhi Constitution Party8 aug 3301 19:0167,025
Ch'i LingoLineger PortKokojas Electronics IncorporatedKao KachBetancourt WorksKao Kach League9 aug 3301 17:3150,415
CaphMaclaurin TerminalUnion Of CaphWolf 54Souper MattWolf 54 Flag10 aug 3301 17:2859,270
TicushpakhiPeral RefineryTicushpakhi Power SystemsMariyacochPriestley StationMariyacoch Solutions15 aug 3301 22:2070,420
MariyacochArnold SettlementMovement For Ross 779 ConfederationNLTT 51200Vian WorksNLTT 51200 Crimson Clan22 aug 3301 20:5965,880
NLTT 51200Vian WorksNobles Of NLTT 51200NLTT 51200Strekalov ColonyNLTT 51200 Commodities23 aug 3301 8:2652,945
NLTT 51200Strekalov ColonyNLTT 51200 Crimson ClanLTT 16218Chargaff PortLTT 16218 Family23 aug 3301 8:4260,735
NLTT 51200Strekalov ColonyNLTT 51200 Crimson ClanPunnaNicollier DockPunna Crimson Dynamic & Co23 aug 3301 8:4359,485
IndrundjaraCabana HangarCartel Of IndrundjaraLTT 16456Cabrera PortLTT 16456 Mob23 aug 3301 12:1260,650
NaitsMcDivitt OrbitalSyndicate Of NaitsMariyacochPontes TerminalMariyacoch Silver Syndicate23 aug 3301 15:0550,965
NaitsMcDivitt OrbitalNaits CoMariyacochKaku PortMariyacoch For Equality23 aug 3301 13:0955,200
MariyacochWhitney HubMariyacoch SolutionsLHS 3677Clifford TerminalLHS 3677 Silver Society23 aug 3301 13:5762,030
NaitsMcDivitt OrbitalNationals Of NaitsMariyacochKaku PortMariyacoch Solutions23 aug 3301 14:1367,400
NaitsMcDivitt OrbitalNationals Of NaitsLTT 16456Cabrera PortLTT 16456 Resistance23 aug 3301 15:1571,045
LTT 16456Cabrera PortLTT 16456 Corp.Ross 779Fraas CampNoblemen Of Ross 77923 aug 3301 15:2353,310
NaitsMcDivitt OrbitalNationals Of NaitsMariyacochPriestley StationMariyacoch Solutions23 aug 3301 16:2155,525
LTT 16456Cabrera PortLTT 16456 MobRoss 779Fraas CampMariyacoch For Equality24 aug 3301 17:3052,090
NaitsMcDivitt OrbitalNaits CoLTT 16456Cabrera PortLTT 16456 Mob25 aug 3301 17:1567,295
TicusgpakhiPeral RefineryTicushpakhi Power SystemsNaitsMcDivitt OrbitalNationals Of Naits25 aug 3301 18:5658,840
Jang DiSikorsky OrbitalEmperor's DawnMula WendesTange OrbitalMula Wendes Industries27 aug 3301 18:4164,140
He BoRoddenberry StationSocial He Bo Revolutionary Party78 Ursae MajorisArrhenius OrbitalLiberty Party Of 78 Ursae Majoris27 aug 3301 20:1963,250
LTT 16456Cabrera PortLTT 16456 ResistanceIndrundjaraCabana HangarIndrundjara Blue Fortune Ind8 sep 3301 17:1961,070
VaratiBond HubVarati RingVaratiForsskal HubVarati Independent Union9 sep 3301 19:4350,115
VaratiBond HubVarati Independent UnionVaratiForsskal HubVarati Independent Union9 sep 3301 19:4447,685
VaratiBond HubLabour Of VaratiVaratiForsskal HubVarati Blue Public Limited9 sep 3301 19:4642,065
BactrimpoxConey EnterpriseBactrimpox For EqualityBactrimpoxWesterfield HubBactrimpox Industries10 sep 3301 17:1849,705
VaratiBond HubLabour Of VaratiVaratiForsskal HubVarati Independent Union10 sep 3301 17:3447,920
VaratiBond HubLabour Of varatiVaratiForsskal HubVarati Independent Union10 sep 3301 17:3745,650
VaratiBond HubVarati Blue Public LimitedVaratiForsskal HubVarati Independent Union11 sep 3301 19:1445,720
VaratiBond HubVarati RingVaratiForsskal HubVarati Independent Union11 sep 3301 19:1744,170
VaratiThompson DockVarati RingVaratiForsskal HubVarati Blue Public Limited11 sep 3301 19:4545,065
VaratiBond HubVarati RingVaratiForsskal HubLabour Of Varati11 sep 3301 20:0655,345
VaratiBond HubVarati Blu Public LimitedVaratiForsskal HubVarati Independent Union11 sep 3301 20:4752,085
VaratiThompson DockVarati Independent UnionVaratiForsskal HubVarati Independent Union11 sep 3301 21:0656,520
VaratiThompson DockLabour Of VaratiVaratiForsskal HubVarati Independent Union11 sep 3301 21:0658,605
VaratiBond HubVarati Independent UnionVaratiForsskal HubVarati Ring11 sep 3301 21:2246,295
VaratiBond HubVarati Blue Public LimitedVaratiForsskal HubVarati Blue Public Limited11 sep 3301 21:2251,480
VaratiBond HubVarati Blue Public LimitedVaratiForsskal HubVarati Blue Public Limited11 sep 3301 22:1443,430
VaratiBond HubVarati Independent UnionVaratiForsskal HubVarati Independent Union11 sep 3301 22:1450,365
VaratiThompson DockVarati RingVaratiForsskal HubVarato Ring12 sep 3301 8:3041,190
VaratiThompson DockLabour Of VaratiVaratiForsskal HubVarati Independent Union12 sep 3301 8:3754,295
VaratiBond HubVarati Blue Public LimitedVaratiForsskal HubVarati Independent Union12 sep 3301 9:0041,735
VaratiBond HubVarati Blue Public LimitedVaratiForsskal HubVarati Independent Union12 sep 3301 9:0044,545
VaratiBond HubLabour Of VaratiVaratiForsskal HubVarati Independent Union12 sep 3301 10:0245,030
VaratiBond HubVarati Independent UnionVaratiForsskal HubVarati Independent Union12 sep 3301 10:0340,860
VaratiThompson DockVarati RingVaratiForsskal HubVarati Independent Union12 sep 3301 10:2541,860
VaratiThompson DockVarati RingVaratiForsskal HubVarati Independent Union12 sep 3301 10:2550,035
VaratiThompson DockVarati Independent UnionVaratiForsskal HubVarati Ring12 sep 3301 10:2751145
VaratiThompson DockVarati Blue Public LimitedVaratiForsskal HubVarati Independent Union12 sep 3301 11:2858,960
VaratiBond HubVarati Independent UnionVaratiForsskal HubLabour Of Varati12 sep 3301 12:3249,960
VaratiBond HubVarati Independent UnionVaratiForsskal HubVarati Independent Union12 sep 3301 12:3256,620
VaratiBond HubVarati Independent UnionVaratiForsskal HubVarati Blue Public Limited12 sep 3301 12:3241,650
VaratiBond HubVarati Independent UnionVaratiForsskal HubVarati Independent Union12 sep 3301 12:3241,215
VaratiThompson DockVarati Blue Public LimitedVaratiForsskal HubVarati Blue Public Limited12 sep 3301 20:4251,325
VaratiThompson DockVarati Blue Public LimitedVaratiForsskal HubLabour Of Varati12 sep 3301 20:4357,885
VaratiBond HubVarati Independent UnionVaratiForsskal HubVarati Independent Union12 sep 3301 21:0941,185
VaratiBond HubLabour Of VaratiVaratiForsskal HubVarati Ring12 sep 3301 21:0955,445
VaratiThompson DockVarati Independent UnionVaratiForsskal HubVarati Blue Public Limited12 sep 3301 21:5340,520
HIP 110205Tokubei HubRevolutionary HIP 110205 IndependentsKachiriginSchrodinger TerminalKachirigin Blue Family13 sep 3301 15:4364,120
HarmaCelebi CityUnited Harma For EqualityKolabinatesGrant PlantKolabinates Rats13 sep 3301 18:0647,930
HarmaCelebi CityHarma Silver CartelKolabinatesGrant PlantKolabinates Gold United Industry13 sep 3301 18:4754,550
DeiveObruchev OrbitalFreedom Party Of DeiveVenkiPhilips FreeportVenki Silver Camorra13 sep 3301 21:2265,585

21 jul - 6 aug
From SystemStationFactionTo SystemStationFactionDate
MariyacochChamitoff DockMariyacoch For EqualityTicushpakhiPeral RefineryNationalists Of Ticushpakhi21 jul 3301 14:59
Ross 779Arnold SettlementMovement For Ross 779 ConfederationLTT 16456Cabrera PortLTT 16456 Resistance21 jul 3301 15:48
LTT 16456Cabrera PortLTT 16456 ResistanceWolf 1019Maclean DockWolf 1022 Systems21 jul 3301 15:57
NLTT 51200Strekalov ColonyNLTT 51200 IndustriesPunnaStrekalov HubMovement For Punna Labour21 jul 3301 21:48
PunnaStrekalov HubHand Gang Of PunnaNLTT 51200Strekalov ColonyNLTT 51200 Crimson Clan21 jul 3301 21:54
NaitsMcDivitt OrbitalWorkers Of Naits Progressive PartyMariyacochBloomfield PortMariyacoch For Equality22 jul 3301 9:21
MariyacochPontes TerminalMariyacoch SolutionsTicushpakhiVardeman PlatformTicushpakhi Power Systems22 jul 3301 9:38
MariyacochChamitoff DockMariyacoch For EqualityTicushpakhiPeral RefineryTicushpaki Constitution Party22 jul 3301 9:51
NjordrBarry PortNjordr IndustriesGatoBrongniart RingValues Party Of Gato22 jul 3301 12:53
GatoBrongniart RingGato CommoditiesNjordrAppel CityWorkers Of Njordr Prog. Party22 jul 3301 13:02
NjordrAppel CityWorkers Of Njordr Progressive PartyGatoPotrykus MarketValues Party Of Gato22 jul 3301 13:11
Tan'gunniCamarda TerminalTan'gunni OrganisationNjordrAppel CityNjordr Drug Empire22 jul 3301 21:14
NjordrAppel CityNjordr CompanyTan'gunniCamarda TerminalBD+42 3917 Free22 jul 3301 22:02
UelloskimaHedley CityBureau Of Uelloskima Defence ForceEpsilon CygniRubruck OrbitalEpsilon Cygni Focus22 jul 3301 22:09
Tan'gunniCamarda TerminalBD+42 3917 FreeV401 HydraeHinz TerminalV401 Hydrae Raiders22 jul 3301 22:18
TicushpakhiRoss HangarTicushpakhi Power SystemsNaitsMcDivitt OrbitalNaits Co23 jul 3301 8:47
MariyacochWhitney HubNew Mariyacoch LeagueTicushpakhiPeral RefineryTicushpakhi Constitution Party23 jul 3301 18:21
LTT 16456Ray PlatformLTT 16456 CorpNaitsMcDivitt OrbitalNaits Co23 jul 3301 18:50
TicushpakhiVardeman PlatformTicushpakhi Power SystemsMariyacochSavitskaya StationMariyacoch Silver Syndicate23 jul 3301 19:25
TicushpakhiRoss HangarNationalists Of TicushpakhiNaitsMcDivitt OrbitalNaits Co23 jul 3301 19:40
TicushpakhiRoss HangarNationalists Of TicushpakhiNaitsMcDivitt OrbitalWorkers Of Naits Progressive Party24 jul 3301 11:29
TicushpakhiPeral RefineryNationalists Of TicushpakhiMariyacochPriestley StationMariyacoch For Equality24 jul 3301 11:45
MariyacochPontes TerminalMariyacoch SolutionsTicushpakhiPeral RefineryPeople's Ticushpakhi Union24 jul 3301 12:12
MariyacochPriestley StationMariyacoch For EqualityLHS 3677Clifford TerminalLHS 3677 Purple Transport Org24 jul 3301 12:21
TicushpakhiRoss HangarTicushpakhi Power SystemsNaitsMcDivitt OrbitalWorkers Of Naits Progressive Party24 jul 3301 12:42
NaitsMcDivitt OrbitalWorkers Of Naits Progressive PartyMariyacochSavitskaya StationMariyacoch For Equality24 jul 3301 15:25
MariyacochPriestley StationMariyacoch For EqualityLHS 3677Clifford TerminalLHS 3677 Purple Transport Org24 jul 3301 15:51
MariyacochWhitney HubNew Mariyacoch LeagueNLTT 51200Vian WorksNobles Of NLTT 5120024 jul 3301 20:47
Ross 779Arnold SettlementRoss 779 Purple Public GroupLHS 3677Clifford TerminalLHS 3677 Purple Transport Org24 jul 3301 21:02
Ross 779Arnold SettlementRoss 779 Silver CrewLHS 3677Clifford TerminalLHS 3677 Silver Society24 jul 3301 21:04
MariyacochChamitoff DockMariyacoch For EqualityTicushpakhiPeral RefineryPeople's Ticushpakhi Union24 jul 3301 21:22
TicushpakhiPeral RefineryTicushpakhi Power SystemsMariyacochPontes TerminalMariyacoch For Equality24 jul 3301 21:30
MariyacochSavitskaya StationMariyacoch For EqualityNLTT 51200Strekalov ColonyNLTT 51200 Commodities24 jul 3301 21:43
NaitsMcDivitt OrbitalNationals Of NaitsMaritacochPontes TerminalMariyacoch For Equality25 jul 3301 8:03
IndrundjaraCabana HangarFriends Of IndrundjaraLTT 16456Cabrera PortLTT 16456 Resistance25 jul 3301 8:38
NaitsMcDivitt OrbitalSyndicate Of NaitsTicushpakhiPeral RefineryTicushpakhi Power Systems25 jul 3301 8:54
TicushpakhiVardeman PlatformPeople's Ticushpakhi UnionNaitsMcDivitt OrbitalWorkers Of Naits Progressive Party25 jul 3301 9:30
LHS 3677Clifford TerminalLHS 3677 Purple Transport OrgRoss 779Fraas CampRoss 779 Purple Public Group25 jul 3301 14:38
LHS 3677Clifford TerminalLHS 3677 Purple Transport OrgRoss 779Fraas CampMovement For Ross 779 Confederation25 jul 3301 14:40
NaitsMcDivitt OrbitalWorkers Of Naits Progressive PartyIndrundjaraCabana HangarCartel Of Indrundjara25 jul 3301 21:12
NaitsMcDivitt OrbitalNationals Of NaitsMariyacochBloomfield PortMariyacoch For Equality25 jul 3301 21:41
NaitsMcDivitt OrbitalNationals Of NaitsMariyacochBloomfield PortMariyacoch Incorporated25 jul 3301 22:01
OlodyangMills SettlementSociety Of OlodyangLTT 16218Chargaff PortRevolutionary LTT 16218 Resistance3 aug 3301 10:32
OlodyangMills SettlementOlodyang Legal IndustriesNLTT 51200Vian WorksNLTT 51200 Commodities3 aug 3301 14:44
NLTT 51200Vian WorksNLTT 51200 IndustriesLTT 16218Chargaff PortBureau Of LTT 162183 aug 3301 14:52
OlodyangMills SettlementSociety Of OlodyangNLTT 51200Strekalov ColonyNLTT 51200 Industries3 aug 3301 15:35
NLTT 51200Strekalov ColonyLeague Of NLTT 51200PacaliteAksyonov OrbitalNakap Allied3 aug 3301 15:45
MariyacochPriestley StationMariyacoch IncorporatedNLTT 51200Strekalov ColonyNobles Of NLTT 512003 aug 3301 18:10
MariyacochPriestley StationMariyacoch For EqualityTicushpakhiPeral RefineryNationalists Of Ticushpakhi3 aug 3301 18:13
MariyacochKaku PortMariyacoch Silver SyndicateNaitsMcDivitt OrbitalNationals Of Naits3 aug 3301 18:50
CatucayaMcDivitt CityCrimson Advanced PlcTicushpakhiRoss HangarNationalists Of Ticushpakhi3 aug 3301 19:11
NaitsMcDivitt OrbitalWorkers Of Naits Progressice PartyTicushpakhiPeral RefineryTicushpakh Power Systems4 aug 3301 14:05
TicushpakhiPeral RefineryTicushpakhi Constitution PartyMariyacochSavitskaya StationMariyacoch Silver Syndicate4 aug 3301 14:13
TicushpakhiPeral RefineryPeople's Ticushpakhi UnionCatucayaMcDivitt CityCh'I Lingo Interstellar4 aug 3301 14:15
LHS 3677McDivitt CityCrimson Advanced PlcTicushpakhiPeral RefineryTicushpakhi Constitution Party4 aug 3301 14:54
MariyacochWhitney HubMariyacoch SolutionsLHS 3677Clifford TerminalLHS 3677 Nationals4 aug 3301 15:51
MariyacochWhitney HubMariyacoch SolutionsTicushpakhiVardeman PlatformPeople's Ticushpakhi Union4 aug 3301 15:52
MariyacochWhitney HubMariyacoch SolutionsNLTT 51200Vian WorksLeague Of NLTT 512004 aug 3301 15:53
NaitsMcDivitt OrbitalNationals Of NaitsMariyacochPriestley StationMariyacoch Silver Syndicate4 aug 3301 16:10
TicushpakhiPeral RefineryTicushpakhi Power SystemsNaitsMcDivitt OrbitalNationals Of Naits4 aug 3301 17::00
NaitsMcDivitt OrbitalNaits CoMariyacochSavitskaya StationMariyacoch Silver Syndicate4 aug 3301 17:09
TicushpakhiPeral RefineryTicushpakhi Constitution PartyCatucayaMcDivitt CityCrimson Advanced Plc4 aug 3301 18:43
TicushpakhiRoss HangarNationalists Of TicushpakhiNaitsMcDivitt OrbitalWorkers Of Naits Progressive Party4 aug 3301 18:59
TicushpakhiPeral RefineryTicushpakhi Constitution PartyMariyacochPontes TerminalMariyacoch Solutions4 aug 3301 20:05
NLTT 51200Strekalov ColonyNLTT 51200 Crimson ClanLHS 3677Clifford TerminalLHS 3677 Purple Transport Org5 aug 3301 11:28
MariyacochBloomfield PortNew Mariyacoch LeagueLHS 3677Clifford TerminalLHS 3677 Purple Transport Org5 aug 3301 19:44
NaitsMcDivitt OrbitalWorkers Of Naits Progressive PartyMariyacochSavitskaya StationMariyacoch For Equality6 aug 3301 9:26
LHS 3677Clifford TerminalLHS 3677 NationalsNLTT 51200Vian WorksNobles Of NLTT 512006 aug 3301 10:29
Last edited:
Mission: Discrete Redistribution Agent Desired

Mission: Discrete Redistribution Agent Desired.
Summary: Steal SAP 8 Core containers from Dark Wheel faction (appears not to be a pre-requisite, any ship will do) ships going in and out of sector.
Hypothesis: Completing this mission will give a lead as to what the Dark Wheel are up to.
Tested: No leads given yet upon delivery. On non-delivery faction states it could contain alien artefacts or AI software (credits to bitstorm for supplying this information)
Best retrieval technique so far:

Upon delivery (Bug reported):

Mission: Discrete Redistribution Agent Desired
HIP 86063Benyovszky DockHIP 86063 Cartel14 sep 3301 19:511Complete342,720
HIP 86063Benyovszky DockHIP 86063 Cartel14 sep 3301 19:512Failed (out of time)474,635
HIP 86063Chasles LandingGold Netcoms Systems14 sep 3301 20:291Complete360,825
VaratiThompson DockVarati Ring15 sep 3301 20:482Complete477,325
MotilekuiYoung RingMotilekui Empire Party16 sep 3301 17:091Complete367,530
MotilekuiYoung RingMotilekui Empire Party16 sep 3301 17:091Complete358,985
MotilekuiYoung RingMotilekui Purple Clan16 sep 3301 17:091Complete337,975
MotilekuiYoung RingUnionists Of Motilekui18 sep 3301 18:182Failed (servers down)467,080
MotilekuiSchwabe TerminalMotilekui Purple Clan19 sep 3301 9:311Complete339,940
MotilekuiSchwabe TerminalMotilekui Empire Party19 sep 3301 9:312Complete447,005
MotilekuiSchwabe TerminalMotilekui Empire Party19 sep 3301 10:111Complete353,180
MotilekuiSchwabe TerminalUnionists Of Motilekui19 sep 3301 11:401Complete363,415
49 ArietisGaiman Dock49 Arietis Gold Council19 sep 3301 21:351341,725
49 ArietisKonscak Colony49 Arietis Gold Council19 sep 3301 21:551Complete349,325
49 ArietisKonscak Colony49 Arietis Blue Bridge Comms19 sep 3301 21:552Failed (out of time)470,405
49 ArietisKonscak Colony49 Arietis Gold Council19 sep 3301 21:551Complete336,300
49 ArietisGaiman Dock49 Arietis Gold Council20 sep 3301 07:542Complete457,795
49 ArietisFisk Landing64 Arietis Front20 sep 3301 08:092Complete477,885
KocholeJudson TerminalKochole Party03 oct 3301 19:502Complete456,555
WikmundaMoore VisionPeople's Wikmunda Coalition04 oct 3301 8:512Complete456,515

6 aug - 13 sep
NaitsMcDivitt OrbitalNaits Co7 aug 3301 9:021Complete361,820
NaitsMcDivitt OrbitalWorkers Of Naits Progressive Party7 aug 3301 14:052Complete474,470
FintenoKolmogorov StationFinteno Free8 aug 3301 10:192Complete457,620
NaitsMcDivitt OrbitalNationals Of Naits9 aug 3301 20:421Complete357,540
NLTT 51200Strekalov ColonyNLTT 51200 Commodities22 aug 3301 8:402Complete481,480
BiarisGamow PortBiaris Interstellar24 aug 3301 18:261Complete362,785
MariyacochSavitskaya StationMariyacoch Silver Syndicate25 aug 3301 16:071Complete337,495
NaitsMcDivitt OrbitalSyndicate Of Naits25 aug 3301 16:491Complete350,510
LTT 16456Cabrera PortLTT 16456 Mob25 aug 3301 17:022Failed469,400
TicushpakhiPeral RefineryTicush Constitution Party25 aug 3301 18:571Complete357,625
MariyacochChamitoff DockMariyacoch Solutions25 aug 3301 19:122Complete470,965
MariyacochChamitoff DockMariyacoch Solutions25 aug 3301 19:121Complete356,410
BaganhauSugano HorizonsBahanhau Universal Limited27 ayg 3301 17:551Complete361,345
MariyacochSavitskaya StationMariyacoch Silver Syndicate8 sep 3301 18:031Failed355,540
VaratiBond HubLabour Of Varati9 sep 3301 19:501Complete358,240
VaratiForsskal HubVarati Blue Public Limited10 sep 3301 18:152Complete470,275
VaratiForsskal HubVarati Ring10 sep 3301 19:351Complete343,920
VaratiBond HubVarati Independent Union11 sep 3301 19:111Complete361,375
VaratiBond HubVarati Ring11 sep 3301 19:132Complete456,215
VaratiBond HubVarati Blue Public Limited11 sep 3301 19:151Complete349,870
VaratiThompson DockVarati Ring12 sep 3301 8:312Complete447,210
VaratiThompson DockVarati Independent Union12 sep 3301 8:312Complete459,450
VaratiThompson DockVarati Blue Public Limited12 sep 3301 8:311Complete359,845
VaratiThompson DockVarati Blue Public Limited12 sep 3301 18:122Complete462,995
VaratiThompson DockVarati Independent Union12 sep 3301 20:392Complete474,585
VaratiThompson DockVarati Independent Union12 sep 3301 20:391Complete338,200
VaratiThompson DockVarati Blue Public Limited12 sep 3301 22:452Complete448,190

Missions 21 jul - 6 aug
LTT 16456Cabrera PortLTT 16456 Resistance21 jul 3301 11:302Failed [1]
UelloskimaButz MarketNationals Of Uelloskima22 jul 3301 14:221Complete [2]
TitushpakhiVardeman PlatformTitushpakhi Power Systems23 jul 3301 22:001Complete
TicushpakhiPeral RefineryPeople's Ticushpakhi Union24 jul 3301 11:431Complete
TituscpakhiRoss Hangar
24 jul 3301 21:302Failed [3]
TicushPakhiRoss HangarTicushpakhi Power Systems25 jul 3301 8:121Complete
MariyacochPontes TerminalMariyacoch Silver Syndicate25 jul 3301 8:331Complete
NaitsMcDivitt OrbitalSyndicate Of Naits25 jul 3301 8:551Failed[4]
NaitsMcDivitt OrbitalWorkers Of Naits Progressive Party25 jul 3301 15:172Failed[5]
TicushpakhiVardeman PlatformPeople's Ticushpakhi Union25 jul 3301 22:111Complete
IndrundjaraCabana HangarFriends Of Indrundjara3 aug 3301 17:161Complete
NaitsMcDivitt OrbitalWorkers Of Naits Progressive Party3 aug 3301 18:592Complete
Ross 779Fraas CampRoss 779 Silver Crew3 aug 3301 19:002Complete
TicushpakhiPeral RefineryTicushpakhi Power Systems4 aug 3301 16:581Complete
TicushpakhiPeral RefineryTicushpakhi Constitution Party4 aug 3301 18:271Complete
NLTT 51200Strekalov ColonyNLTT 51200 Commodities5 aug 3301 11:272Complete
NaitsMcDivitt OrbitalWorkers Of Naits Progressive Party5 aug 3301 14:272Complete
NaitsMcDivitt OrbitalNationals Of Naits5 aug 3301 15:271Complete
NaitsMcDivitt OrbitalNaits Co5 aug 3301 18:192Complete
NaitsMcDivitt OrbitalWorkers Of Naits Progressive Party6 aug 3301 9:002Complete
LHS 3677Clifford TerminalLHS 3677 Purple Transport Org6 aug 3301 10:312Complete
LHS 3677Clifford TerminalLHS 3677 Nationals6 aug 3301 10:322Complete
NaitsMcDivitt OrbitalWorkers Of Naits Progressive Party6 aug 3301 10:592Complete
NaitsMcDivitt OrbitalWorkers Of Naits Progressive Party6 aug 3301 14:012Complete

[1] No Dark Wheel ships found in system.
[2] Container stolen from arbitrary T7 (wing of 7) in another system 130ly from origin. 1 Python lost - 10mill.
[3] Failed due to pilot fatigue. 1 container "obtained".
[4] Was too impatient. Attacked T9 with 2 Anaconda escort. 1 Python lost - 12mill.
[5] Only one container obtained. "White-washed" after delivering 4 other containers from a "Silent Song..." mission.
Last edited:
Mission: The Silent Song Of The Spheres

Mission: The Silent Song Of The Spheres.
Summary: Deliver SAP 8 Core Container(s). Upon delivery, the message speaks of analysis and decryption done within a week. If anything is learned, the faction sending the message will be informed. The crypto-guys don't know what all the numbers mean.
Hypothesis: Delivering enough? containers will enable the decryption of the numbers and reveal their meaning.

Upon delivery:

Deliveries - The Silent Song Of The Spheres
From SystemStationFactionTo SystemStationFactionDate#Reward
AsviensesValz DockAsvienses Imperial SocietyKora PinCopernicus HubKora Pin Free16 sep 3301 17:591134,590
AsviensesOkuni CityAsvienses CouncilPiliquiDixon StationPiliqui Universal Inc16 sep 3301 20:123208,850
Shinrarta DezhraJameson MemorialThe Pilots FederationLFT 926Meredith CityLFT 926 Interstellar20 sep 3301 13:361104,780
Shinrarta DezhraJameson MemorialThe Pilots FederationLFT 926Meredith CityLFT 926 Interstellar21 sep 3301 17:083208,630
10 Kappa PegasiNicollier Terminal10 Kappa Pegasi LimitedBD+23 4334Chian ColonyBD+23 4334 Company04 oct 3301 16:404295,855

6 aug - 15 sep 3301
From SystemStationFactionTo SystemStationFactionDate#Reward
NaitsMcDivitt OrbitalSyndicate Of NaitsIndrundjaraCabana HangarIndrundjara Blue Fortune Ind6 aug 3301 21:174280,880
LTT 16456Ray PlatformLTT 16456 MobWolf 1019Maclean DockWolf 1022 Systems6 aug 3301 21:511116,970
NaitsMcDivitt OrbitalWorkers Of Naits Progressive PartyIndrundjaraCabana HangarCartel Of Indrundjara7 aug 3301 9:074285,880
IndrundjaraCabana HangarFriends Of IndrundjaraWolf 953Pellegriino MinesNLTT 51966 Crimson Allied Comms7 aug 3301 9:161127,065
NaitsMcDivitt OrbitalWorkers Of Naits Progressive PartyMaricacochSavitskaya StationMariyacoch Silver Syndicate7 aug 3301 15:181136,805
NaitsMcDivitt OrbitalSyndicate Of NaitsLTT 16456Cabrera PortLTT 16456 Resistance7 aug 3301 15:404303,960
KocholeSilverberg RingKochole PartyKui XingHendricks DockKui Xing Democrats7 aug 3301 16:213237,720
NaitsMcDivitt OrbitalWorkers Of Naits Progressive PartyLTT 16456Ray PlatformNobles Of LTT 164567 aug 3301 18:103259,525
Ross 779Arnold SettlementMariyacoch For EqualityLTT 16456Ray Platform8 aug 3301 18:392158,505
MariyacochSavitskaya StationMariyacoch Silver SyndicateIndrundjaraCabana HangarIndrundjara Blue Fortune Ind8 aug 3301 19:024317,285
Wolf 953Constantine SettlementWolf 953 Silver BoysIndrundjaraCabana HangarFriends Of Indrundjara9 aug 3301 9:344281,185
IndrundjaraCabana HangarCartel Of IndrundjaraLTT 16456Cabrera PortLTT 16456 Resistance9 aug 3301 9:542176,005
NLTT 51200Vian WorksNobles Of 51200PunnaNicollier DockBureau Of Punna Defence Party9 aug 3301 16:352196,950
TicushpakhiVardeman PlatformTicushpakhi Constitution PartyCatucayaMcDivitt CityBarons Of Catucaya9 aug 3301 16:494303,095
CatucayaMcDivitt CityCrimson Advanced PlcCh'i LingoLineger PortLeague Of Ch'i Lingo Front9 aug 3301 17:214290,280
CatucayaMcDivitt CityBarons Of CatucayaTicushpakhiVardeman PlatformNationalists Of Ticushpakhi9 aug 3301 17:233245,445
Ch'i LingoLineger PortLeague Of Ch'i LingoCatucayaMcDivitt PortBarons Of Catucaya9 aug 3301 17:304292,450
PunnaNicollier DockMovement For Punna LabourOlodyangMills SettlementOlodyang League9 aug 3301 18:413193,475
NaitsMcDivitt OrbitalWorkers Of Naits Progressive PartyMariyacochKaku PortMariyacoch Solutions15 aug 3301 22:093165,000
MariyacochPriestley StationNew Maritacoch LeagueTicushpakhiVardeman PlatformNationalists Of Ticushpakhi22 aug 3301 19:22155,000
MariyacochPontest TerminalMariyacoch For EqualityTicushpakhiPeral RefineryPeople's Ticushpakhi Union22 aug 3301 20:212187,775
LTT 16218Chargaff PortLTT 16218 Allied IndustryOlodyangMills SettlementOlodyand Legal Industries23 aug 3301 10:404311,800
OlodyangMills SettlementSociety Of OlodyangBhalensesMakeev OutpostHand Gang Of Bhalenses23 aug 3301 12:432174,995
NaitsMcDivitt OrbitalNationals Of NaitsLTT 16456Cabrera PortLTT 16456 Resistance23 aug 3301 13:071130,560
NLTT 51200Vian WorksNLTT 51200 Crimson ClanOlodyangMills SettlementOlodyan League23 aug 3301 17:051132,520
NLTT 51200Vian WorksNLTT 51200 IndustriesPacaliteAksyonov OrbitalPacalite Movement23 aug 3301 18:232149,125
LTT 16456Ray PlatformLTT 16456 MobRoss 779Fraas CampRoss 779 Silver Crew25 aug 3301 17:583222,775
TicushpakhiRoss HangarTicushpakhi Power SystemNaitsMcDivitt OrbitalWorkers Of Naits Progressive Party26 aug 3301 5:341121,505
TicushpakhiRoss HangarTicushpakhi Constitution PartyBiarisNoriega MinesDukes Of Biaris26 aug 3301 5:384287,190
PancegilalMaury DockPancegilal DynastyHIP 112052Witt PlatformJIP 112052 Silver Mafia26 aug 3301 20:131125,525
HIP 112051Witt PlatformHIP 112052 Silver MafiaHIP 112013Darwin HorizonsHIP 112015 Empire Group27 aug 3301 16:411108,290
DinkasBlaauw PortJustice Part Of DinkasJang DiHenry StationJang Di Empire League27 aug 3301 17:331145,385
DinkasBlaauw PortDinkas InterstellarJang DiSikorsky OrbitalJang Di Republic Party27 aug 3301 17:351128,240
Jang DiShea VisionEmperor's DawnBaganhauSugano HorizonsNoblemen Of Baganhau27 aug 3301 17:493222,270
78 Ursae MajorisSeddon Gateway78 Ursae Majoris For EqualityHe BoRoddenberry StationHe Bo Plc27 aug 3301 19:432168,265
78 Ursae MajorisSeddon GatewaySobek BoysDorisCarlisle RefineryDoris Free27 aug 3301 19:453235,915
HecateRJH1972Brotherhood Of Terra MaterMCC 378Lasswitz OrbitalDrug Empire Of Mcc 37827 aug 3301 23:00155,000
MCC 378Lasswitz OrbitalMCC 378 Vision IncorporatedHecateWilliam Bertram AyresBrotherhood Of Terra Mater28 aug 3301 15:174270,660
MCC 378Lasswitz OrbitalNationals Of MCC 378ZeladaPort ZeladaRevolutionary Zelada Democrats28 aug 3301 15:211118,285
HecateWilliam Bertram AyresBrotherhood Of Terra MaterNjunminDescartes MinesNobles Of Hecate28 ag 3301 15:384280,580
HecateWilliam Bertram AyresBrotherhood Of Terra MaterNjunminArmstrong PlatformNjunmin Movement28 aug 3301 15:393238,435
NjunminArmstrong PlatformNjunmin Allied PartnersZeladaLanier ColonyNatural Zelada Law Party28 aug 3301 16:004267,600
Luyten's StarAshby CitySirius CorporationG 89-32Conrad HoldingsEarls Of G 89-3229 aug 3301 17:104284,465
Luyten's StarAshby CitySirius CorporationWolf 1453Lerman DockWolf 1453 & Co29 aug 3301 17:121134,340
Ross 779Arnold SettlementMariyacoch For EqualityNLTT 51200Vian WorksLeague Of NLTT 512008 sep 3301 17:231140,740
MariyacochKaku PortMariyacoch Silver SyndicateLHS 3677Clifford TerminalLHS 3677 Progressive Party8 sep 3301 17:501110,000
PhracesPotter EnterprisePhraces Blue CrewMbayoHopkins PlantIntegrated Mbayo13 sep 3301 14:121121,225
LodharyCoppel EnterpriseLiberty Party Of LodharyMbayoHopkins PlantIntegrated Mbayo13 sep 3301 15:081101,690
HarmaMaybury CityConservatives Of HarmaLodharyLagrange GatewayLiberty Party Of Lodhary13 sep 3301 18:531128,695
LodharyAnthony DockLodhary Jet ClanSaontianaBarjavel PortLords Of Saontiana13 sep 3301 19:592161,210
UadjariiO'Donnell ColonyUadjarii NoblesSaontianaBarjavel PortSaontiana Stakeholders13 sep 3301 20:292200,420
UadjariiO'Donnell ColonyUadjarii Silver Comms LtdLodharyLagrange GatewayLodhary Incorporated13 sep 3301 20:292147,810
SaontianaBarjavel PortParhua Purple Major Corp.LodharyAnthony DockLodhary Incorporated13 sep 3301 20:412224,680

21 jul - 6 aug
From SystemStationFactionTo SystemStationFactionDate#
MariyacochChamitoff DockMariyacoch SolutionsRoss 779Arnold SettlementNoblemen Of Ross 77921 jul 3301 15:061
Wolf 1019Maclean DockWolf 1022 SystemsLTT 16456Cabrera PortLTT 16456 Resistence21 jul 3301 16:182
NaitsMcDivitt OrbitalSyndicate Of NaitsLTT 16456Cabrera PortNobles Of 1645621 jul 3301 21:053
LTT 16456Cabrera PortNobles Of LTT 16456IndrundjaraCabana HangarFriends Of Indrundjara21 jul 3301 21:244
NaitsMcDivitt OrbitalNationals Of NaitsTicushpakhiRoss HangarTicushpakhi Power Systems21 jul 3301 21:332
MariyacochChamitoff DockMariyacoch SolutionCatucayaMcDivitt CityCatucaya Crimson Gang22 jul 3301 9:532
TicushpakhiRoss HangarPeople's Ticushpakhi UnionMariyacochPriestley StationMariyacoch Solutions22 jul 3301 10:282
TicushpakhiRoss HangarNationalists Of TicushpakhiMariyacochKaku PortMariyacoch Solutions22 jul 3301 10:302
KocholeSilverberg RingKochole PartyWikmundaMoore VisionWikmunda Purple Elec. & Co22 jul 3301 10:391
GatoBrongniart RingValues Party Of GatoNjordrAppel CityUnited Njordr Reg. State22 jul 3301 21:343
NjordrBarry PortNjordr Drug EmpireGatoBrongniart RingValues Party Of Gato22 jul 3301 21:541
MariyacochChamitoff DockMariyacoch SolutionsNaitsMcDivitt OrbitalWorkers Of Naits Prog. Party22 jul 3301 22:512
MariyacochChamitoff DockMariyacoch SolutionsNLTT 51200Vian WorksLeague Of Nltt 5120022 jul 3301 22:531
Wolf 1022Wolf 1022Wolf 1022 Republic PartyWolf 1019Maclean DockWolf 1022 System23 jul 3301 7:414
NaitsMcDivitt OrbitalNaits CoIndrundjaraCabana HangarIndrundjara Blue Fortune Ind23 jul 3301 9:283
NaitsMcDivitt OrbitalSyndicate Of NaitsMariyacochWhitney HubMariyacoch For Equality23 jul 3301 9:302
CatucayaMcDivitt CityUnified CatucayaTicushpakhiRoss HangarTicushpakhi Constitution Party23 jul 3301 13:321
NaitsMcDivitt OrbitalSyndicate Of NaitsLTT 16456Ray PlatformLTT 16456 Corp.23 jul 3301 13:563
LTT 16456Ray PlatformLTT 16456 MobRoss 779Arnold SettlementRoss 779 Silver Crew23 jul 3301 14:122
MariyacochWhitney HubNew Mariyacoch LeagueTicushpakhiRoss HangarTicushpakhi Power Systems23 jul 3301 18:191
IndrundjaraCabana HangarIndrundjara Blue Fortune IndWolf 953Pellegrino MinesWolf 953 Jet Life Co23 jul 3301 21:051
NaitsMcDivitt HangarSyndicate Of NaitsTicushpakhiRoss HangarNationalists Of Tucishpakhi24 jul 3301 12:024
MariyacochPriestley StationMariyacoch For EqualityRoss 779Fraas CampRoss 779 Silver Crew24 jul 3301 12:194
TicushpakhiRoss HangarTicushpakhi Constitution PartyCatucayaMcDivitt CityCrimson Advanced Plc24 jul 3301 12:404
TicushpakhiVardeman PlatformNationalists Of TicushpakhiBiarisGamow PortValues Part Of Biaris24 jul 3301 15:103
TicushpakhiRoss HangarNationalists Of TicushpakhiNaitsMcDivitt OrbitalSyndicate Of Naits24 jul 3301 15:451
MariyacochSavitskaya StationMariyacoch Silver SyndicateCatucayaMcDivitt CityBarons Of Catucaya24 jul 3301 18:404
MariyacochPriestley StationNew Mariyacoch LeagueLHS 3677Clifford TerminalLHS 3677 Nationals24 jul 3301 20:143
MariyacochPriestley StationMariyacoch IncorporatedTicushpakhiRoss HangarTicushpakhi Constitution Party24 jul 3301 20:161
NaitsMcDivittNationals Of NaitsMariyacochWhitney HubMariyacoch Solutions24 jul 3301 20:304
MariyacochWhitney HubMariyacoch Silver SyndicateRoss 779Arnold SettlementNoblemen Of 77924 jul 3301 20:452
IndrundjaraCabana HangarIndrundjara Blue Fortune IndNaitsMcDivitt OrbitalNaits Co25 jul 3301 8:362
MariyacochPontes TerminalNew Mariyacoch LeagueTicushpakhiVardeman PlatformTicushpakhi Power Systems25 jul 3301 8:441
TicushpakhiVardeman PlatformNationalists Of TicushpakhiMariyacochSavitskaya StationMariyacoch Incorporated25 jul 3301 9:171
MariyacochSavitskaya StationMariyacoch For EqualityTicushpakhiVardeman PlatformTicushpakhi Constitution Party25 jul 3301 9:234
NaitsMcDivitt OrbitalWorkers Of Naits Progressive PartyMariyacochWhitney HubNew Mariyacoch League25 jul 3301 14:122
NaitsMcDivitt OrbitalSyndicate Of NaitsLTT 16456Ray PlatformLTT 16456 Corp.25 jul 3301 14:143
LTT 16456Ray PlatformLTT 16456 ResistanceNaitsMcDivitt OrbitalSyndicate Of Naits25 jul 3301 14:221
Ross 779Fraas CampRoss 779 Purple Public GroupMariyacochChamitoff DockMariyacoch Silver Syndicate25 jul 3301 14:481
MariyacochWhitney HubMariyacoch Silver SyndicateLHS 3677Clifford TerminalLHS 3677 Silver Society25 jul 3301 15:102
Ross 779Fraas CampMovement For Ross 779 ConfederationMariyacochSavitskaya StationMariyacoch Incorporated25 jul 3301 21:334
TicushpakhiVardeman PlatformTicushpakhi Power SystemsMariyacochKaku PortNew Mariyacoch League26 jul 3301 9:213
LHS 3677Clifford TerminalPunnaStrekalov Hub26 jul 3301 9:492
PunnaStrekalov HubHand Gang Of PunnaOlodyangMills SettlementSociety Of Olodyang3 aug 3301 10:234
LTT 16218Chargaff PortRevolutionary LTT 16218 ResistancePacaliteAksyonov OrbitalPacalite Future3 aug 3301 10:444
OlodyangMills SettlementSociety Of OlodyangTiannodaabeCarver HangarTiannodaabe Silver Society3 aug 3301 14:411
OlodyangMills SettlementOlodyang LeagueLP 576-34Curbeam HangarIndependents Of LP 576-343 aug 3301 14:422
NLTT 51200Strekalov ColonyLeague Of NLTT 51200PunnaStrekalov HubPunna Crimson Dynamic & Co3 aug 3301 15:431
NLTT 51200Strekalov ColonyNLTT 51200 IndustriesRoss 779Fraas CampRoss 779 Silver Crew3 aug 3301 18:212
TicushpakhiVardeman PlatformPeople's Ticushpakhi UnionMariyacochPriestley StationMariyacoch Incorporated3 aug 3301 18:304
TicushpakhiVardeman PlatformNationalists Of TicushpakhiMariyacochWhitney HubNationalists Of Ticushpakhi3 aug 3301 18:324
TicushpakhiVardeman PlatformTicushpakhi Constitution PartyMariyacochPriestley StationMariyacoch Silver Syndicate3 aug 3301 18:334
TicushpakhiVardeman PlatformTicushpakhi Constitution PartyMariyacochKaku PostNew Mariyacoch League3 aug 3301 18:352
MariyacochKaku PortMariyacoch Silver SyndicateCatucayaMcDivitt CityCatucaya Crimson Gang3 aug 3301 18:482
NaitsMcDivitt OrbitalSyndicate Of NaitsMariyacochWhitney HubNew Mariyacoch League3 aug 3301 18:573
TicushpakhiPeral refineryTicushpakhi Power SystemsNaitsMcDivitt OrbitalSyndicate Of Naits4 aug 3301 14:173
MariyacochSavitskaya StationMariyacoch For EqualityLHS 3677Clifford TerminalLHS 3677 Purple Transport Org4 aug 3301 14:433
IndrundjaraCabana HangarCartel Of IndrundjaraRoss 779Fraas CampMariyacoch For Equality4 aug 3301 15:422
MariyacochSavitskaya StationNew Mariyacoch LeagueLHS 3677Clifford TerminalLHS 3677 Nationals4 aug 3301 17:291
NaitsMcDivitt OrbitalNaits CoLTT 16456Cabrera PortLTT 16456 Resistance4 aug 3301 19:073
MariyacochSavitskaya StationMariyacoch SolutionsRoss 779Arnold SettlementMovement For Ross 779 Confederation4 aug 3301 20:144
MariyacochSavitskaya StationNew Mariyacoch LeagueLHS 3677Clifford TerminalLHS 3677 Union Party5 aug 3301 14:433
MariyacochBloomfield PortMariyacoch SolutionsNLTT 51200Vian WorksNLTT 51200 Industries5 aug 3301 19:462
NLTT 51200Vian WorksNLTT 51200 CommoditiesLTT 16218Chargaff PortLTT 16218 Family5 aug 3301 19:551
NaitsMcDivitt OrbitalWorkers Of Naits Progressive PartyIndrundjaraCabana HangarCartel Of Indrundjara5 aug 3301 20:191
LHS 3677Clifford TerminalLHS 3677 NationalsPacaliteAksyonov OrbitalPacalite Movement6 aug 3301 13:181
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Mission: Dark Wheel Seeks Diplomats For Discreet Delivery

Mission: Dark Wheel Seeks Diplomats For Discreet Delivery (Sealing The Deal).
Summary: Deliver Trinkets Of Hidden Fortune to station. Appears to be a trust building mission. Dark Wheel will send data crystal to faction, hoping the faction has better luck decoding the data. Messenger feels they are missing something?

Dark Wheel Seeks Diplotman For Discreet Delivery.jpg

Upon delivery:

Mission: Dark Wheel Seeks Diplomats For Discreet Delivery (Sealing The Deal).
From SystemStationFactionTo SystemStationFaction#RewardDate
Naits McDivitt OrbitalSyndicate Of NaitsLTT 16456Cabrera Port3237,58524 aug 3301 16:56
NaitsMcDivitt OrbitalSyndicate Of NaitsMariyacochPriestley Station2412,03324 aug 3301 16:59
NaitsMcDivitt OrbitalNationals Of NaitsIndrundjaraCabana HangarCartel Of Indrundjara134,93024 aug 3301 17:02
MariyacochPriestley StationMariyacoch For EqualityRoss 779Arnold Settlement152,30024 aug 3301 17:52
TicushpakhiVardeman PlatformNationalists Of TicushpakhiBiarisGamow Port163,40724 aug 3301 18:14
NaitsMcDivitt OrbitalNationals Of NaitrsLTT 16456Ray PlatformLTT 16456 Resistance358,32425 aug 3301 16:28
MariyacochWhitney HubMariyacoch Silver SyndicateNLTT 51200Strekalov ColonyNobles Of 512004190,73525 aug 3301 17:36
LTT 16456Ray PlatformLTT 16456 ResistanceNaitsMcDivitt OrbitalNationals Of Naits3115,04525 aug 3301 18:00
Ross 779Fraas CampMariyacoch For EqualityIndrundjaraCabana HangarCartel Of Indrundjara1143,05925 aug 3301 18:19
TicushpakhiRoss HangarPeople's Ticushpakhi UnionCaticayaMcDivitt City4180,00926 aug 3301 5:36
PhracesPotter EnterprisePhraces Law PartyLodharyCoppel Enterprise1192,32013 sep 3301 14:14
LodharyLagrange GatewayLodhary IncorporatedPhracesMullane RingLodhary Incorporated3145,52613 sep 3301 19:23
Kora PinCopernicus HubKora Pin Law PartyArawereKorolyov HubArawere Electronics Holdings1164,92016 sep 3301 19:09
HatmehingJoy gatewayHatmehing FirstAsviensesOkuni CityAsvienses Imperial Society4234,76017 sep 3301 16:09
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I'm not entirely convinced these missions themselves are the keys to unlocking something. What they seem to be, however, are hints that this story is heading in that particular direction, in the guise of missions accessible only to the ELITE players - further suggested by The Dark Wheel's association with the Founders World, a system only accessible by ELITE players or certain KS backers - something else might later present itself in time.

That said, it will be interesting to see where it all goes. The roleplaying Dark Wheel representative on this forum, its involvement with Drew, and the recent Galnet news seemingly announcing the closure of the Senator Loren storyline by tying it into The Dark Wheel, might be part of this.

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Mission: Dark Wheel Seeks Diplomats For Discreet Delivery
Summary: Deliver Trinkets Of Hidden Fortune to station. Appears to be a trust building mission. Dark Wheel will send data crystal to faction, hoping the faction has better luck decoding the data. Messenger feels they are missing something?

Upon delivery:

This is interesting. I don't think I have seen this type of mission before. Are they available only to those who reached ELITE in all disciplines?
Good Job Cmdr Macros. i am sure this will lead to something. Dark wheel made some intresting reading last night and certainly fits with the mission descriptions.
Which leads to the legend the myth of Raxxala. Somehow all the pieces of a bigger puzzle will fit together when we work it out i think, the Sap 8 containers, the location of the door to a place thats not a place. possibly the UA may be needed there. The trinkets of fortune i am unfamiliar with.
Raxxala was a planet not the system i gather from the fiction.finding it wont be easy ( hardly likely to still be called raxxala ) and only the Elite would find it. If you havnt read the dark wheel , certainly worth a look.

some other supporting evidence i found Raxxala is real.

Michael's comment about the sequel to dark wheel. We did look at a story involving Raxxla, but felt that was a story that should be played out in game rather than as a novel.

Now i need to make Elite explorer to try help out. currently Pioneer 39%,, i figure 50 mill more to go. going to need a big explore run
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I've seen pirates drop Trinkets of Hidden Fortune after pulverising them in my Python. I could never retrieve them though.
I've seen pirates drop Trinkets of Hidden Fortune after pulverising them in my Python. I could never retrieve them though.

It is interesting that the Trinkets function as vehicles for transporting data crystals just like the SAP 8 Core containers.

Good luck with this commander. I really hope this leads you to something.

Thanks, Don Alvarez. It has already led to excitement;yesterday I lost Ryath for the first time, now she's outfitted with a Mirrored Surface Composite hull :)

I'm not entirely convinced these missions themselves are the keys to unlocking something. What they seem to be, however, are hints that this story is heading in that particular direction, in the guise of missions accessible only to the ELITE players - further suggested by The Dark Wheel's association with the Founders World, a system only accessible by ELITE players or certain KS backers - something else might later present itself in time.

That said, it will be interesting to see where it all goes. The roleplaying Dark Wheel representative on this forum, its involvement with Drew, and the recent Galnet news seemingly announcing the closure of the Senator Loren storyline by tying it into The Dark Wheel, might be part of this.

- - - Updated - - -

This is interesting. I don't think I have seen this type of mission before. Are they available only to those who reached ELITE in all disciplines?

Thanks Zion. The missions will definitely take me places, I would not otherwise have gone. I did not log the required rank, will be sure to log it next time. Have not seen missions that required multiple ranks...

Good Job Cmdr Macros. i am sure this will lead to something. Dark wheel made some intresting reading last night and certainly fits with the mission descriptions.
Which leads to the legend the myth of Raxxala. Somehow all the pieces of a bigger puzzle will fit together when we work it out i think, the Sap 8 containers, the location of the door to a place thats not a place. possibly the UA may be needed there. The trinkets of fortune i am unfamiliar with.
Raxxala was a planet not the system i gather from the fiction.finding it wont be easy ( hardly likely to still be called raxxala ) and only the Elite would find it. If you havnt read the dark wheel , certainly worth a look.

some other supporting evidence i found Raxxala is real.

Michael's comment about the sequel to dark wheel. We did look at a story involving Raxxla, but felt that was a story that should be played out in game rather than as a novel.

Now i need to make Elite explorer to try help out. currently Pioneer 39%,, i figure 50 mill more to go. going to need a big explore run

Thanks PanPiper. Yes, the comment strenghtens the possibilty for finding Raxxla. Good luck on your journey.
I've done a number of the "Obfuscated" missions all over the bubble.
"East" side of Empire space.
"West" side of Federation space.
The last independent systems before heading in the direction of Polaris.
Peregrina heading towards the rim... and a bunch of others.

I don't think there is a geographic limit to where the missions appear, nor is there a common system which they point towards.
I'll be following developments here as I'm actively involved with the Unknown Artefact research over in the OMFGHOWBIG thread.
I've done a number of the "Obfuscated" missions all over the bubble.
"East" side of Empire space.
"West" side of Federation space.
The last independent systems before heading in the direction of Polaris.
Peregrina heading towards the rim... and a bunch of others.

I don't think there is a geographic limit to where the missions appear, nor is there a common system which they point towards.
I'll be following developments here as I'm actively involved with the Unknown Artefact research over in the OMFGHOWBIG thread.

Agree on the limit, before starting this log, delivered to other systems than the ones listed. Will be interesting to see the connection between the spheres and the UA's, currently the only interaction is the sound?

And you are most welcome to follow the quest, Cmdr :)
Spatial References

This entry lists spatial references related directly or indirectly to Raxxla. All maps are stolen from the Galactic Mapping Community Project.

Name: moon of Lave
Ancient history believed the moon of Lave to be Raxxla;however Lave has no visible moon.

Name: Outer Rim
Description: Upper left corner of the GalMap. Covered by map 6 & 7?.
References: The mission name "Obfuscated In The Outer Rim" is supposedly a direct reference to this region of space.

Name: Soontill
Description: Known Thargoid location?. Visited, all bodies explored, including all 9 belt clusters, nothing found.
Grid reference: 250 : -46 : 121
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I'm not entirely convinced these missions themselves are the keys to unlocking something. What they seem to be, however, are hints that this story is heading in that particular direction, in the guise of missions accessible only to the ELITE players - further suggested by The Dark Wheel's association with the Founders World, a system only accessible by ELITE players or certain KS backers - something else might later present itself in time.
Yep. I did one of the Answering the Call of Adventure missions yesterday that was actually given to me by the Dark Wheel minor faction at Founders World. So either that minor faction has nothing to do with the actual Dark Wheel other than the name or else these are just procedurally generated and the factions involved are random with no meaning.

But good luck, OP. Hope you do find something!
Week 30 year 3301 - The Quest To Find Raxxla

This week has been filled with more excitement than on any other missions prior to the quest. I've lost Ryath twice trying to coax SAP 8 Core Container from Dark Wheel ships, which btw doesn't seem to have to be Dark Wheel ships for the mission to accept the stolen SAP 8 Core Containers. The missions "The Silent Song Of The Spheres" and "Obfuscated In The Outer Rim" have not yielded additional clues, even though I have seen deliveries from and to the same system/station/faction more than once, albeit very few.

I'll continue to take the missions, even the "Discrete Redistribution Agent Desired" mission that at the moment has a very high price. Strangely, I've only seen the mission "Dark Wheel Seeks Diplomats For Discreet Delivery" once. I'll go back to Njordr to potentially find more similar missions or missions that are a result of this apparently trust building mission between the Dark Wheel and other factions.

Currently I'm focusing on the systems Naits, Mariyacoch, and Ticushpakhi to keep the system/station/factions combinations on a manageable level. The missions lures with other systems, but I fear the mission tables will grow exponentially.

Thought - What if the missions themselves are breadcrumbs eventually leading to the gateway? - a 1000 darnations!
(I wonder how many petabytes this ship log will hold, best ask quartermaster...)

And in other news, I finally got an avatar, thanks to a close family member.

Fly dangerous
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Just to add.

I think your Black Budget mission text is incomplete.

If you visit the mission provider without the required items you get additional information :

I don't think any such additional mission text exists for the Elite trader or exploration missions, though I may be wrong.

What's more I've had :

That's The Dark Wheel having me steal from The Dark Wheel then report back to The Dark Wheel. =(

Obviously that was given at Shinrarta.
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Good luck commander.
Raxxla and Dark wheel does seem to be the first major piece of Elite Lore to be put into the game, hopefully your search will lead to somewhere.

I got a funny suspicion through we will have to wait until Frontier narrative designer to join the team before this is fully implemented into the game.

I hope I'm wrong through.
Just to add.

I think your Black Budget mission text is incomplete.

If you visit the mission provider without the required items you get additional information :
I don't think any such additional mission text exists for the Elite trader or exploration missions, though I may be wrong.

Thank you bitstorm, this is additional information I haven't seen about the mission regarding what the factions are looking for in the containers. I'll be sure to try the Silent Song mission without the actual spheres if possible. Not sure how to test the Outer Rim mission, as there's no cargo to non-deliver.

I have a few questions, I hope you can answer for me:
- How did you come to think about trying to see what would happen if you tried to deliver without the actual containers?
- Did you try to complete the mission and deliver a stolen container(s)?
- Your two screenshots are almost identical, was that intention?

And yes, the Dark Wheel faction does seem to be a rather complicated faction :)
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