An owners proposal, for the public Cobra Exclusive.

I think we have discussed ad nauseum already that FD already has set precedents of broken promises, so that argument is out of the window. And there is the fact thaat FD themselves and the I dare say majority of players see the exclusiveness of the Cobra IV as a mistake made, a mistake that should be allowed to be corrected. That's the point of view from which I'm campaigning.

except neither of those in bold are actually facts, or can you back those? not antagonizing, just challenging your perspective that might be very biased.

frontier has let crapstorms far bigger than this (if it can be considered such) slip into oblivion just by staying silent. just remember, for a glaring case, the latest cheat-o-matic affair.

a few years ago this forum was teeming with discussions about exploration, astronomy, expectations, ship balance and whatnot. today half of the traffic is this stupid cobra thing. frontier does indeed like to have traffic on their forum, specially while they are 'busy" preparing the next half-baked release. so, you might reflect on who you are actually campaigning for?

all this noise ...
No - I totally disagree about an argument being "out of the window", that's just hogwash.

Just because somebody broke their promise before, doesn't mean they can break further promises without further consequences.
I'm barely turning the argument of the opposition around that this would set a precedent.
except neither of those in bold are actually facts, or can you back those? not antagonizing, just challenging your perspective that might be very biased.

frontier has let crapstorms far bigger than this (if it can be considered such) slip into oblivion just by staying silent. just remember, for a glaring case, the latest cheat-o-matic affair.
Sure my opinion is biased, every opinion ever is, no person ever is truly objective in any matter. And it seems that this particular storm just won't pass, doesn't it ? It's worth noting that I never started a thread about it, yet still the topic keeps resurfacing.

As to what would likely happen if the Cobra IV was made available to all: A few people would be disgruntled, a lot of people happy, one final storm would rise, and then the topic would never appear again.
I'm barely turning the argument of the opposition around that this would set a precedent.

While I say going against their own word would be to "set" a precedent - perhaps you could interpret my point as going against their own word would "reinforce an undesirable precedent, rather than trying to restore faith".

Any better?
While I say going against their own word would be to "set" a precedent - perhaps you could interpret my point as going against their own word would "reinforce an undesirable precedent, rather than trying to restore faith".

Any better?
Valid, so much better, yes. Still correcting a mistake that stirs up permanent unrest has more weight for me.
As to what would likely happen if the Cobra IV was made available to all: A few people would be disgruntled, a lot of people happy, one final storm would rise, and then the topic would never appear again.

forum traffic would halve? that's not a good thing.

also frontier would be up for quite some heat the moment they tried any other launch or offer, be it exclusive or not. people would point out their record of not standing by their word and while up to now they have at least ticked all the boxes on paper, i don't think they would be comfortable with that regret in particular. it's really not defensible, no matter how dismiss-able you find the issue (make good, long time has passed, it's not worth anymore, etc) any customer from back then would still be in his full right to protest, and whether it makes sense to do so or not is debatable, you know someone definitely will! that's the problem when you promise stuff 'forever'. honestly, i very much doubt frontier of all companies would back out of this exclusive. that's just not their style and one part of their reputation they have gone into great lengths to hold up.
forum traffic would halve? that's not a good thing.

also frontier would be up for quite some heat the moment they tried any other launch or offer, be it exclusive or not. people would point out their record of not standing by their word and while up to now they have at least ticked all the boxes on paper, i don't think they would be comfortable with that regret in particular. it's really not defensible, no matter how dismiss-able you find the issue (make good, long time has passed, it's not worth anymore, etc) any customer from back then would still be in his full right to protest, and whether it makes sense to do so or not is debatable, you know someone definitely will! that's the problem when you promise stuff 'forever'. honestly, i very much doubt frontier of all companies would back out of this exclusive. that's just not their style and one part of their reputation they have gone into great lengths to hold up.
No one has problems with exclusive cosmetics. Just never again a game asset please.
Is that all you have?

You will need to do better than that.
Yep, but the search function is hell to use. This is years old at least.
Here's "an owners proposal, for the public Cobra Exclusive."
You're too late, you can't have it.
Now move on and worry about something else.

Exactly. You got something exclusive. I didn't. So what? It was a reward for taking some action they wanted them to take. If eveyone gets one, then it's not a reward anymore. If something exclusive comes along for me and I take advantage by buying some early release or something I would also be ticked off if it was later handed out to everyone that didn't take the action.

It's a freaking game ship, a blob of pixels. Get over it and buy any of the numerous other ships that can do the same job.
No one has problems with exclusive cosmetics. Just never again a game asset please.

Yep, but the search function is hell to use. This is years old at least.
Well. I am just pointing out, that for someone to rectify a mistake: They have to admit to, having made a mistake; in the first place. I don't recall any examples, of F.D. themselves, admitting this was a mistake. Therefore, nothing to apologise for and nothing to correct.
I own the Cobra IV, because I paid for the privileged. Like it or lump it; that is a fact.

It is an exclusive, but many want that to change and it seems, with little else to talk about; it has become the topic, of the moment.

Players like myself, have been vilified, generally insulted, blamed and today; refered to as 'goose steppers' etc.. Very nice.

So here is what I propose.

You pay a modest, more than just a paint job or kit; real world fee and then you can buy it in the game.
However; A percentage of that fee and of the credits you pay for the ship; goes to all the current genuine and deserving, owners.

Try that for size.

Everyone wins.
That contradicts with how Frontier did the microtransaction thing so far, and I really hope they never change that. Apart from that it can't be. Exclusive means exclusive and that can't be changed in any way. Making an exclusive item available by other means than how it has been originally unlocked is something that just can't be done. They could, of course, release a ship that includes a few minor changes and call it "Cobra MK5" and done... Totally legit.
I am pretty sure Frontier regrets how they handled the exclusive-ship thing on Horizons release. I for one think it was a bad move. An exclusive paintjob or bobble head would have been a better alternative. But well, it is how it is now. Got the MK4 as well, and so far never used it...
I own the Cobra IV, because I paid for the privileged. Like it or lump it; that is a fact.

It is an exclusive, but many want that to change and it seems, with little else to talk about; it has become the topic, of the moment.

Players like myself, have been vilified, generally insulted, blamed and today; refered to as 'goose steppers' etc.. Very nice.

So here is what I propose.

You pay a modest, more than just a paint job or kit; real world fee and then you can buy it in the game.
However; A percentage of that fee and of the credits you pay for the ship; goes to all the current genuine and deserving, owners.

Try that for size.

Everyone wins.

Wait, what?

People are annoyed at other people who own these ships?

I will have to immediately go and buy one again and fly it around in my home stations' safe zone.

'Cos I sure wouldn't fly it anywhere else, it's useless.
That contradicts with how Frontier did the microtransaction thing so far, and I really hope they never change that. Apart from that it can't be. Exclusive means exclusive and that can't be changed in any way. Making an exclusive item available by other means than how it has been originally unlocked is something that just can't be done.
Making it sound like a law of nature again, which it isn't. Of course it can be done. It's an entirely different question if it should be done, which is the entire point of the whole discussion.
Wait, what?

People are annoyed at other people who own these ships?

I will have to immediately go and buy one again and fly it around in my home stations' safe zone.

'Cos I sure wouldn't fly it anywhere else, it's useless.
I have used mine to smuggle wanted criminals, all day long.

It's not what you have; it is how you use it. :p
Exactly. You got something exclusive. I didn't. So what? It was a reward for taking some action they wanted them to take. If eveyone gets one, then it's not a reward anymore. If something exclusive comes along for me and I take advantage by buying some early release or something I would also be ticked off if it was later handed out to everyone that didn't take the action.

It's a freaking game ship, a blob of pixels. Get over it and buy any of the numerous other ships that can do the same job.

I'll make a distinction here:

Personally, I wouldn't be ticked off that other people had access to the exclusive.

But I would be ticked off that the originator of the exclusive had made it non exclusive.

The emphasis is entirely on the organisation going directly against a promise that they previously made (offered unilaterally) - the emphasis is not on the individuals who would benefit from such a decision to make an exclusive no longer an exclusive - and in fact I'd be pleased for them, in a magnanimous kind of way, because I'm a magnanimous kinda guy. However, that magnanimity - that small positive - would be vastly outweighed by the larger negative of the organisation going against its own promise. The word "exlusive" has a meaning in the English language, and it is not synonymous with "Early Access".

In sum - if you'd all care to read my signature - a rule that I live by - "do what you ought to do". FDev ought not to break their promise.
It does amaze me how many people want to try the Cobra MkIV out. I'd LOVE to be able to buy one and lease it out to anyone who wanted it. So, you'd not own it (it's Exclusively mine lol) and you can't insure it (just any modules you put on it) so if it is blown up, you have to rent another off me. Let's say you pay full price to rent it for a week - peanuts really.

I'm not trying to be mean here, just trying to think of an in-game way players could experience the Cobra MkIV yet have it remain Exclusive...from a certain point of view.

As I mentioned in another thread on the subject, I've not problem personally with others gaining access to the Cobra MkIV outside of the exclusive deal from FDev. However, I equally feel it's important that FDev are seen to keep their word. Some compromise to at least allow others to fly and experience it though, maybe that's enough to keep everyone happy *

I don't think this will ever happen, plus while the MkIV has the potential to be a decent enough ship when starting out and on your way to bigger and better things, it's readily surpassed by ships everyone can buy. I don't think the MkIV was even in-game yet when I was starting out, so I never actually bought one as I'd already moved on to ships that better fit the role I needed them for.


* Ha ha, did I really just say that? :)
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