Et tu, Old Duck?

I'm guessing there is no way to create my new CMDR until I'm actually able to install ED? This waiting for the "package" to arrive is not easy! If I could at least choose my new CMDR name, that would be cool. Is there a site that will at least let me check the availability of names I come up with?
Well, I finally did it - I pulled the trigger and ordered myself a PC powerful enough to run ED. The main reason for this "defection" is for productivity reasons - there is work that I do that will benefit from a more powerful computer than this 2012 MacBook I'm currently on. I also find myself playing less and less games as I get older. That's not to say that I'm gaming less, but rather that I play just a couple of games while the rest sit on my PS4 collecting dust. ED is one of those games I still play despite all its flaws, and once I move to PC, a number of those flaws should go away.

My PS+ subscription runs out early Spring, and when it does, I see no reason to renew it. This means I'll effectively disappear from the PS4 universe (ED), though maybe not forever. I'm still interested in the PS5, but I won't be buying it on launch day. I spent more than enough $$ on this computer to last me a few years. I'll likely wait until the PS5 Slim comes out. I'm keeping CMDR OneOldDuck in stasis (no account transfer) just in case.

Once my PC arrives and I get it all customized and ED installed, I'll update this thread with my impressions. Ironic that I've given Frontier even more money, but I really do enjoy the game buried under all these bugs. Hopefully a PC will at least fix the graphic issues that have plagued me personally for almost two years now.

ps - My wife was surprisingly supportive of me getting this PC. It means she will get more time on our PS4! (She's a NMS fan herself.)


You know, over the last couple of years I've also moved (back) to the PC after years of mostly playing on the XBOX.

Things that contributed to this move was Elite's support of VR and ultra wide monitors on PC, as well as a game breaking Elite SRV bug on XBOX.

Also, I was quite disappointment with the XBOX One X, and now MS is bringing all their hit games like Halo to PC.

And while I still think Elite is a good game on consoles - playing in VR, or with three large screens on PC with a high end hotas is the premiere experience imo!



Volunteer Moderator
Loving the name recommendations :)

Good luck, but yeh I would remain Old Duck on PC. I am stormyuk on both platforms.
Speaking of names, what can I expect when I download ED for the first time? Will it ask me for my Frontier login credentials? Will I then pick my name from the game itself? I'm hoping it doesn't open a browser window and force me through captcha hell.
Speaking of names, what can I expect when I download ED for the first time? Will it ask me for my Frontier login credentials? Will I then pick my name from the game itself? I'm hoping it doesn't open a browser window and force me through captcha hell.
It will force you to create a PC frontier account and include the commander name in that creation... You can use the same Frontier account details but it will start the PC commander on the PC client...
You will still have to use Google verification... but then when you Allow Cookies from google there is NO picture quiz, block google cookie and you are forced to do the picture quiz every time...
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It will force you to create a PC frontier account and include the commander name in that creation... You can use the same Frontier account details but it will start the PC commander on the PC client...
You will still have to use Google verification... but then when you Allow Cookies from google there is NO picture quiz, block google cookie and you are forced to do the picture quiz every time...
When you say "every time", you're talking about visiting Frontier's website, not every time I load Elite Dangerous, right?
Good luck Old Duck.

Here's to cross play in the near future.
This could actually rejuvenate the ED console community, ...or kill it off ;)
Make it happen FD (and cross save) as no real reason not to now that more devs are starting to do it.

Have you setup your DS4 using this software or are you just relying on Windows interpreting its inputs appropriately ?

I expect a full and detailed list of everything that is better optimised on PC as compared to your extensive PS4 experience.
You bet! I'm going to play a couple more days, and then I'll be happy to provide this comparison. My first impression is that the PC version is pretty amazing compared to PS4, yet I've also learned that a lot of things I blamed the PS4 developer team for are apparently also broken on PC. For example, low and medium quality shadows on PC are just as horrible as they are on PS4. Even high quality shadows are a bit "weak" IMO. Thankfully my laptop can run the game at ultra settings at >60 fps.
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You bet! I'm going to play a couple more days, and then I'll be happy to provide this comparison. My first impression is that the PC version is pretty amazing compared to PS4, yet I've also learned that a lot of things I blamed the PS4 developer team for are apparently also broken on PC. For example, low and medium quality shdows on PC are just as horrible as they are on PS4. Even high quality shadows are a bit "weak" IMO. Thankfully my laptop can run the game at ultra settings at >60 fps.

Yep. I’ve noticed this when viewing the issue tracker. 99.9% of bugs in Elite are cross platform bugs.
One thing I'm noticing is just how empty Open is on PC. I've been hunting USS in Deciat all morning, and there's not a CMDR to be found!
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