Notice ARX and Frontier Points Conversion

And still no answer how this will work....

How do I get ARX?
ARX can be earned by simply playing the game! We won't ask commanders to change how they play, simply being an active player and engaging with the game is all that's required.
And still no answer how this will work....

How do I get ARX?
ARX can be earned by simply playing the game! We won't ask commanders to change how they play, simply being an active player and engaging with the game is all that's required.

1: Log in
2: Pick a system to sit in
3: Shut off all systems but life support
4: Go outside and do stuff
5: Come back in a week
6: ????
7: ARX cap
okay. lets presume that they don't adjust the value...
at the moment a standard 6 pack of skins costs 3 pound.
3 pounds gets you 5000ARX
so 5000ARX is worth 6 skins?
and you have a limit of 400 you can get for free per week.
so to get 6 skins you would need to play for +13 weeks


edit: I am just wildly predicting here btw!
Wonderful. As LEP owner I was hoping they'd include some nameplates for free which they didn't. Anyways. I didn't complain too much especially after ARX was announced.

Now it seems in order to get nameplates + basic ID, I'd need ... $6 dollars. ... which is how much? 9000 arx?

22 weeks.


Classic FD. Thanks for this generous gift :D
So if 6-pack of paintjobs costs 3 pounds now (=5000 ARX), could one assume a single paintjob would be about a sixth of that? 800-900 ARX
So you can earn 400 Arx's in the game.
£2.99 / 5000 x 400 = 0.2392
So do you earn around £0.24p per week in the game.
That's a paintjob every 12.5 weeks. Humm
Great ... players with less money pay more for the one paintjob they really want, then players with much money. So much for fairness. Well done FDev ... well done.

Edit_001: corrected a typo
Is that £ price for 51,000 correct? It's FAR more ARX/£ than any of the others, and the other two currencies keep things much more consistent.

51000 / 22.99 = 2,218 ARX/£, when the other purchases are around ~1,700 ARX/£. £30.99 would give 1645 ARX/£, in line with the others.

My spreadsheet:

They've since corrected the 51,000 £ price, and it now makes sense. I updated my spreadsheet to reflect this.
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Howdy! If i buy 2 x the 22.99 package, i'll get 2 x 51k (102k!) ARX for 45,98 ... if i buy the big pack, i'll get 85k ARX for 49.99 ... there may be something wrong here?!?! :) o7!
Right now this is really pretty useless information without a single example of actual pricing. Context is missing.
That's the real issue. With 400 a week, it would be disappointing to see the prices being the same by comparison.
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