Elite Observatory - Search your journal for potentially interesting objects, or notify you of new ones on the fly while exploring!

3rd column ...is it missing some font? I have installed "ms core fonts" there

Missing character is "🌐". U+1F310, "globe with meridians". It's just there to indicate landable bodies.

If you can PM me the full text from that exception I can try looking into it, but can't promise anything.
Missing character is "🌐". U+1F310, "globe with meridians". It's just there to indicate landable bodies.

If you can PM me the full text from that exception I can try looking into it, but can't promise anything.
See the end of this message for details on invoking
just-in-time (JIT) debugging instead of this dialog box.

** Exception Text **
System.InvalidCastException: Unable to cast COM object of type 'System.__ComObject' to interface type 'System.Speech.Internal.SapiInterop.ISpDataKey'. This operation failed because the QueryInterface call on the COM component for the interface with IID '{14056581-E16C-11D2-BB90-00C04F8EE6C0}' failed due to the following error: Exception from HRESULT: 0x80004002 (E_NOINTERFACE).
at System.StubHelpers.StubHelpers.GetCOMIPFromRCW(Object objSrc, IntPtr pCPCMD, IntPtr& ppTarget, Boolean& pfNeedsRelease)
at System.Speech.Internal.SapiInterop.ISpDataKey.OpenKey(String subKeyName, ISpDataKey& ppSubKey)
at System.Speech.Internal.ObjectTokens.RegistryDataKey.OpenKey(String keyName)
at System.Speech.Internal.ObjectTokens.ObjectToken.get_Attributes()
at System.Speech.Internal.Synthesis.VoiceSynthesis.BuildInstalledVoices(VoiceSynthesis voiceSynthesizer)
at System.Speech.Internal.Synthesis.VoiceSynthesis..ctor(WeakReference speechSynthesizer)
at System.Speech.Synthesis.SpeechSynthesizer.get_VoiceSynthesizer()
at System.Speech.Synthesis.SpeechSynthesizer.SetOutputToNull()
at System.Speech.Synthesis.SpeechSynthesizer.SetOutputStream(Stream stream, SpeechAudioFormatInfo formatInfo, Boolean headerInfo, Boolean closeStreamOnExit)
at Observatory.SettingsFrm.CbxTts_CheckedChanged(Object sender, EventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.CheckBox.OnCheckedChanged(EventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.CheckBox.set_CheckState(CheckState value)
at System.Windows.Forms.CheckBox.OnClick(EventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.CheckBox.OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs mevent)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmMouseUp(Message& m, MouseButtons button, Int32 clicks)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.ButtonBase.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.OnMessage(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)

** Loaded Assemblies **
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: 4.6.1055.0 built by: NETFXREL2
CodeBase: file:///C:/windows/Microsoft.NET/Framework/v4.0.30319/mscorlib.dll
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version:
CodeBase: file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/Frontier/Observatory.exe
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: 4.6.1055.0 built by: NETFXREL2
CodeBase: file:///C:/windows/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Windows.Forms/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089/System.Windows.Forms.dll
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: 4.6.1055.0 built by: NETFXREL2
CodeBase: file:///C:/windows/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089/System.dll
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: 4.6.1055.0 built by: NETFXREL2
CodeBase: file:///C:/windows/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Drawing/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b03f5f7f11d50a3a/System.Drawing.dll
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: 4.6.1055.0 built by: NETFXREL2
CodeBase: file:///C:/windows/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Configuration/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b03f5f7f11d50a3a/System.Configuration.dll
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: 4.6.1055.0 built by: NETFXREL2
CodeBase: file:///C:/windows/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Core/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089/System.Core.dll
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: 4.6.1055.0 built by: NETFXREL2
CodeBase: file:///C:/windows/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Xml/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089/System.Xml.dll
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: 4.6.1055.0 built by: NETFXREL2
CodeBase: file:///C:/windows/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Speech/v4.0_4.0.0.0__31bf3856ad364e35/System.Speech.dll
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: 4.6.1055.0 built by: NETFXREL2
CodeBase: file:///C:/windows/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Runtime.Serialization/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089/System.Runtime.Serialization.dll
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: 4.6.1055.0 built by: NETFXREL2
CodeBase: file:///C:/windows/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Numerics/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089/System.Numerics.dll

** JIT Debugging **
To enable just-in-time (JIT) debugging, the .config file for this
application or computer (machine.config) must have the
jitDebugging value set in the system.windows.forms section.
The application must also be compiled with debugging

For example:

<system.windows.forms jitDebugging="true" />

When JIT debugging is enabled, any unhandled exception
will be sent to the JIT debugger registered on the computer
rather than be handled by this dialog box.
I have no idea what information you're trying to convey with that answer.
Elite WINEPREFIX=$(pwd) winetricks -q speechsdk
You are using a 64-bit WINEPREFIX. Note that many verbs only install 32-bit versions of packages. If you encounter problems, please retest in a clean 32-bit WINEPREFIX before reporting a bug.
Using winetricks 20190912 - sha256sum: a251311a6490ce546f5c9b450492be26ae8099517cc3ed8c50d6ef065be4ad0d with wine-4.12.1 (Staging) and WINEARCH=win64
Executing w_do_call speechsdk
Executing load_speechsdk
Executing mkdir -p /home/alex/.cache/winetricks/speechsdk
Executing cd /home/alex/.cache/winetricks/speechsdk
Downloading https://download.microsoft.com/download/B/4/3/B4314928-7B71-4336-9DE7-6FA4CF00B7B3/SpeechSDK51.exe to /home/alex/.cache/winetricks/speechsdk
--2019-10-03 19:58:06-- https://download.microsoft.com/download/B/4/3/B4314928-7B71-4336-9DE7-6FA4CF00B7B3/SpeechSDK51.exe
Loaded CA certificate '/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt'
Resolving download.microsoft.com (download.microsoft.com)..., 2a02:2d8:0:7986::e59, 2a02:2d8:0:7982::e59, ...
Connecting to download.microsoft.com (download.microsoft.com)||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 71275856 (68M) [application/octet-stream]
Saving to: ‘SpeechSDK51.exe’

SpeechSDK51.exe 100%[===================================================================>] 67.97M 9.88MB/s in 7.4s

2019-10-03 19:58:14 (9.23 MB/s) - ‘SpeechSDK51.exe’ saved [71275856/71275856]
So your answer meant "I didn't even bother trying because I already tried an earlier different solution"?

This is SpeechPlatformRuntime.msi, not SpeechSDK51.exe.
So your answer meant "I didn't even bother trying because I already tried an earlier different solution"?

This is SpeechPlatformRuntime.msi, not SpeechSDK51.exe.
Ok, will try that. My answer - have no idea what MS involves and why it names so strange :D
Also, please keep in mind that it's very likely I won't be able to fix this. It's very likely a result of some WINE difference and not a problem with Observatory, per sé. The best I can promise is changing the checkbox behaviour to fail more gracefully (i.e. do nothing) rather than spraying exceptions in your face.
A suggestions for somewhere far down the list: Is it possible to have the window remember its position and size between ending and starting it again?
A suggestions for somewhere far down the list: Is it possible to have the window remember its position and size between ending and starting it again?
Probably? Not something that I had thought about at all, but should be easy enough to sneak in at some point.
Not something that I had thought about at all, but should be easy enough to sneak in at some point.
Same here - up to today, after moving and resizing for the n-th time. But "at some point" sums up the correct priority nicely :p

Separate question: It seems only one shepherd moon is identified EO, even if there are several? Example: https://www.edsm.net/en/system/bodies/id/44551878/name/Hyphokua+BV-Z+c28-0
  • Hyphokua BV-Z c28-0 3
    • A Ring:
      • Inner Radius: 112'010km
      • Outer Radius: 224'830km
    • B Ring:
      • Inner Radius: 1'095'700km
      • Outer Radius: 4'351'600km
  • Hyphokua BV-Z c28-0 3 a
    • Semi Major Axis: 379'793.6km
  • Hyphokua BV-Z c28-0 3 b
    • Semi Major Axis: 636'084.3km
Same here - up to today, after moving and resizing for the n-th time. But "at some point" sums up the correct priority nicely :p

Separate question: It seems only one shepherd moon is identified EO, even if there are several? Example: https://www.edsm.net/en/system/bodies/id/44551878/name/Hyphokua+BV-Z+c28-0
  • Hyphokua BV-Z c28-0 3
    • A Ring:
      • Inner Radius: 112'010km
      • Outer Radius: 224'830km
    • B Ring:
      • Inner Radius: 1'095'700km
      • Outer Radius: 4'351'600km
  • Hyphokua BV-Z c28-0 3 a
    • Semi Major Axis: 379'793.6km
  • Hyphokua BV-Z c28-0 3 b
    • Semi Major Axis: 636'084.3km
What order were they scanned in? If one of the moons was scanned before the planet then it wouldn't have the ring information to determine if it was a shepherd moon or not.

If not then I'm unsure.
03.10.2019 23:56:54 - Detailed scan of 3 --> EO triggered "Wide Ring"
03.10.2019 23:59:00 - Autoscan of 3 a --> EO triggered "Shepherd moon"
03.10.2019 23:59:00 - Autoscan of 3 b --> No entry in EO

A reason might be the autoscan while approaching the bodies (as opposed to using the FSS), resulting in identical timestamps.

{ "timestamp":"2019-10-03T21:56:54Z", "event":"Scan", "ScanType":"Detailed", "BodyName":"Hyphokua BV-Z c28-0 3", "BodyID":23, "Parents":[ {"Star":0} ], "StarSystem":"Hyphokua BV-Z c28-0", "SystemAddress":58484766202, "DistanceFromArrivalLS":768.081909, "TidalLock":false, "TerraformState":"", "PlanetClass":"Gas giant with water based life", "Atmosphere":"", "AtmosphereComposition":[ { "Name":"Hydrogen", "Percent":74.053993 }, { "Name":"Helium", "Percent":25.917711 } ], "Volcanism":"", "MassEM":234.072021, "Radius":67882984.000000, "SurfaceGravity":20.245901, "SurfaceTemperature":194.628784, "SurfacePressure":0.000000, "Landable":false, "SemiMajorAxis":230503350272.000000, "Eccentricity":0.001042, "OrbitalInclination":-0.002210, "Periapsis":193.814087, "OrbitalPeriod":67208088.000000, "RotationPeriod":139941.671875, "AxialTilt":-0.238077, "Rings":[ { "Name":"Hyphokua BV-Z c28-0 3 A Ring", "RingClass":"eRingClass_MetalRich", "MassMT":5.3963e+10, "InnerRad":1.1201e+08, "OuterRad":2.2483e+08 }, { "Name":"Hyphokua BV-Z c28-0 3 B Ring", "RingClass":"eRingClass_Rocky", "MassMT":4.8108e+10, "InnerRad":1.0957e+09, "OuterRad":4.3516e+09 } ], "ReserveLevel":"PristineResources", "WasDiscovered":false, "WasMapped":false }
{ "timestamp":"2019-10-03T21:57:04Z", "event":"Scan", "ScanType":"Detailed", "BodyName":"Hyphokua BV-Z c28-0 1", "BodyID":6, "Parents":[ {"Star":0} ], "StarSystem":"Hyphokua BV-Z c28-0", "SystemAddress":58484766202, "DistanceFromArrivalLS":445.476868, "TidalLock":false, "TerraformState":"", "PlanetClass":"Sudarsky class III gas giant", "Atmosphere":"", "AtmosphereComposition":[ { "Name":"Hydrogen", "Percent":74.074959 }, { "Name":"Helium", "Percent":25.925049 } ], "Volcanism":"", "MassEM":1267.609863, "Radius":76491040.000000, "SurfaceGravity":86.352295, "SurfaceTemperature":446.888184, "SurfacePressure":0.000000, "Landable":false, "SemiMajorAxis":133600518144.000000, "Eccentricity":0.000428, "OrbitalInclination":0.002232, "Periapsis":114.769249, "OrbitalPeriod":29656356.000000, "RotationPeriod":250802.718750, "AxialTilt":0.143306, "WasDiscovered":false, "WasMapped":false }
{ "timestamp":"2019-10-03T21:57:07Z", "event":"Music", "MusicTrack":"Supercruise" }
{ "timestamp":"2019-10-03T21:57:18Z", "event":"Music", "MusicTrack":"SystemMap" }
{ "timestamp":"2019-10-03T21:58:03Z", "event":"Music", "MusicTrack":"Supercruise" }
{ "timestamp":"2019-10-03T21:59:00Z", "event":"Scan", "ScanType":"AutoScan", "BodyName":"Hyphokua BV-Z c28-0 3 b", "BodyID":26, "Parents":[ {"Planet":23}, {"Star":0} ], "StarSystem":"Hyphokua BV-Z c28-0", "SystemAddress":58484766202, "DistanceFromArrivalLS":767.220337, "TidalLock":false, "TerraformState":"", "PlanetClass":"Icy body", "Atmosphere":"", "AtmosphereType":"None", "Volcanism":"major water magma volcanism", "MassEM":0.007751, "Radius":1733415.500000, "SurfaceGravity":1.028141, "SurfaceTemperature":156.289063, "SurfacePressure":0.000000, "Landable":true, "Materials":[ { "Name":"sulphur", "Percent":26.962801 }, { "Name":"carbon", "Percent":22.672924 }, { "Name":"phosphorus", "Percent":14.515595 }, { "Name":"iron", "Percent":12.207419 }, { "Name":"nickel", "Percent":9.233180 }, { "Name":"chromium", "Percent":5.490082 }, { "Name":"manganese", "Percent":5.041540 }, { "Name":"arsenic", "Percent":1.565032 }, { "Name":"niobium", "Percent":0.834312 }, { "Name":"ruthenium", "Percent":0.753886 }, { "Name":"tin", "Percent":0.723228 } ], "Composition":{ "Ice":0.820979, "Rock":0.162833, "Metal":0.016188 }, "SemiMajorAxis":636084288.000000, "Eccentricity":0.000138, "OrbitalInclination":-0.055851, "Periapsis":258.673126, "OrbitalPeriod":329984.906250, "RotationPeriod":-322247.250000, "AxialTilt":1.912746, "WasDiscovered":false, "WasMapped":false }
{ "timestamp":"2019-10-03T21:59:00Z", "event":"Scan", "ScanType":"AutoScan", "BodyName":"Hyphokua BV-Z c28-0 3 a", "BodyID":25, "Parents":[ {"Planet":23}, {"Star":0} ], "StarSystem":"Hyphokua BV-Z c28-0", "SystemAddress":58484766202, "DistanceFromArrivalLS":767.832703, "TidalLock":true, "TerraformState":"", "PlanetClass":"Icy body", "Atmosphere":"", "AtmosphereType":"None", "Volcanism":"major water geysers volcanism", "MassEM":0.006299, "Radius":1619216.375000, "SurfaceGravity":0.957506, "SurfaceTemperature":157.810364, "SurfacePressure":0.000000, "Landable":true, "Materials":[ { "Name":"sulphur", "Percent":26.883783 }, { "Name":"carbon", "Percent":22.606480 }, { "Name":"phosphorus", "Percent":14.473055 }, { "Name":"iron", "Percent":12.165596 }, { "Name":"nickel", "Percent":9.201547 }, { "Name":"chromium", "Percent":5.471272 }, { "Name":"selenium", "Percent":4.207540 }, { "Name":"vanadium", "Percent":2.987447 }, { "Name":"ruthenium", "Percent":0.751303 }, { "Name":"tin", "Percent":0.720718 }, { "Name":"mercury", "Percent":0.531252 } ], "Composition":{ "Ice":0.821237, "Rock":0.162606, "Metal":0.016157 }, "SemiMajorAxis":379793600.000000, "Eccentricity":0.000072, "OrbitalInclination":-0.009145, "Periapsis":129.336533, "OrbitalPeriod":152245.171875, "RotationPeriod":146173.171875, "AxialTilt":0.142060, "WasDiscovered":false, "WasMapped":false }
03.10.2019 23:56:54 - Detailed scan of 3 --> EO triggered "Wide Ring"
03.10.2019 23:59:00 - Autoscan of 3 a --> EO triggered "Shepherd moon"
03.10.2019 23:59:00 - Autoscan of 3 b --> No entry in EO

A reason might be the autoscan while approaching the bodies (as opposed to using the FSS), resulting in identical timestamps.

{ "timestamp":"2019-10-03T21:56:54Z", "event":"Scan", "ScanType":"Detailed", "BodyName":"Hyphokua BV-Z c28-0 3", "BodyID":23, "Parents":[ {"Star":0} ], "StarSystem":"Hyphokua BV-Z c28-0", "SystemAddress":58484766202, "DistanceFromArrivalLS":768.081909, "TidalLock":false, "TerraformState":"", "PlanetClass":"Gas giant with water based life", "Atmosphere":"", "AtmosphereComposition":[ { "Name":"Hydrogen", "Percent":74.053993 }, { "Name":"Helium", "Percent":25.917711 } ], "Volcanism":"", "MassEM":234.072021, "Radius":67882984.000000, "SurfaceGravity":20.245901, "SurfaceTemperature":194.628784, "SurfacePressure":0.000000, "Landable":false, "SemiMajorAxis":230503350272.000000, "Eccentricity":0.001042, "OrbitalInclination":-0.002210, "Periapsis":193.814087, "OrbitalPeriod":67208088.000000, "RotationPeriod":139941.671875, "AxialTilt":-0.238077, "Rings":[ { "Name":"Hyphokua BV-Z c28-0 3 A Ring", "RingClass":"eRingClass_MetalRich", "MassMT":5.3963e+10, "InnerRad":1.1201e+08, "OuterRad":2.2483e+08 }, { "Name":"Hyphokua BV-Z c28-0 3 B Ring", "RingClass":"eRingClass_Rocky", "MassMT":4.8108e+10, "InnerRad":1.0957e+09, "OuterRad":4.3516e+09 } ], "ReserveLevel":"PristineResources", "WasDiscovered":false, "WasMapped":false }
{ "timestamp":"2019-10-03T21:57:04Z", "event":"Scan", "ScanType":"Detailed", "BodyName":"Hyphokua BV-Z c28-0 1", "BodyID":6, "Parents":[ {"Star":0} ], "StarSystem":"Hyphokua BV-Z c28-0", "SystemAddress":58484766202, "DistanceFromArrivalLS":445.476868, "TidalLock":false, "TerraformState":"", "PlanetClass":"Sudarsky class III gas giant", "Atmosphere":"", "AtmosphereComposition":[ { "Name":"Hydrogen", "Percent":74.074959 }, { "Name":"Helium", "Percent":25.925049 } ], "Volcanism":"", "MassEM":1267.609863, "Radius":76491040.000000, "SurfaceGravity":86.352295, "SurfaceTemperature":446.888184, "SurfacePressure":0.000000, "Landable":false, "SemiMajorAxis":133600518144.000000, "Eccentricity":0.000428, "OrbitalInclination":0.002232, "Periapsis":114.769249, "OrbitalPeriod":29656356.000000, "RotationPeriod":250802.718750, "AxialTilt":0.143306, "WasDiscovered":false, "WasMapped":false }
{ "timestamp":"2019-10-03T21:57:07Z", "event":"Music", "MusicTrack":"Supercruise" }
{ "timestamp":"2019-10-03T21:57:18Z", "event":"Music", "MusicTrack":"SystemMap" }
{ "timestamp":"2019-10-03T21:58:03Z", "event":"Music", "MusicTrack":"Supercruise" }
{ "timestamp":"2019-10-03T21:59:00Z", "event":"Scan", "ScanType":"AutoScan", "BodyName":"Hyphokua BV-Z c28-0 3 b", "BodyID":26, "Parents":[ {"Planet":23}, {"Star":0} ], "StarSystem":"Hyphokua BV-Z c28-0", "SystemAddress":58484766202, "DistanceFromArrivalLS":767.220337, "TidalLock":false, "TerraformState":"", "PlanetClass":"Icy body", "Atmosphere":"", "AtmosphereType":"None", "Volcanism":"major water magma volcanism", "MassEM":0.007751, "Radius":1733415.500000, "SurfaceGravity":1.028141, "SurfaceTemperature":156.289063, "SurfacePressure":0.000000, "Landable":true, "Materials":[ { "Name":"sulphur", "Percent":26.962801 }, { "Name":"carbon", "Percent":22.672924 }, { "Name":"phosphorus", "Percent":14.515595 }, { "Name":"iron", "Percent":12.207419 }, { "Name":"nickel", "Percent":9.233180 }, { "Name":"chromium", "Percent":5.490082 }, { "Name":"manganese", "Percent":5.041540 }, { "Name":"arsenic", "Percent":1.565032 }, { "Name":"niobium", "Percent":0.834312 }, { "Name":"ruthenium", "Percent":0.753886 }, { "Name":"tin", "Percent":0.723228 } ], "Composition":{ "Ice":0.820979, "Rock":0.162833, "Metal":0.016188 }, "SemiMajorAxis":636084288.000000, "Eccentricity":0.000138, "OrbitalInclination":-0.055851, "Periapsis":258.673126, "OrbitalPeriod":329984.906250, "RotationPeriod":-322247.250000, "AxialTilt":1.912746, "WasDiscovered":false, "WasMapped":false }
{ "timestamp":"2019-10-03T21:59:00Z", "event":"Scan", "ScanType":"AutoScan", "BodyName":"Hyphokua BV-Z c28-0 3 a", "BodyID":25, "Parents":[ {"Planet":23}, {"Star":0} ], "StarSystem":"Hyphokua BV-Z c28-0", "SystemAddress":58484766202, "DistanceFromArrivalLS":767.832703, "TidalLock":true, "TerraformState":"", "PlanetClass":"Icy body", "Atmosphere":"", "AtmosphereType":"None", "Volcanism":"major water geysers volcanism", "MassEM":0.006299, "Radius":1619216.375000, "SurfaceGravity":0.957506, "SurfaceTemperature":157.810364, "SurfacePressure":0.000000, "Landable":true, "Materials":[ { "Name":"sulphur", "Percent":26.883783 }, { "Name":"carbon", "Percent":22.606480 }, { "Name":"phosphorus", "Percent":14.473055 }, { "Name":"iron", "Percent":12.165596 }, { "Name":"nickel", "Percent":9.201547 }, { "Name":"chromium", "Percent":5.471272 }, { "Name":"selenium", "Percent":4.207540 }, { "Name":"vanadium", "Percent":2.987447 }, { "Name":"ruthenium", "Percent":0.751303 }, { "Name":"tin", "Percent":0.720718 }, { "Name":"mercury", "Percent":0.531252 } ], "Composition":{ "Ice":0.821237, "Rock":0.162606, "Metal":0.016157 }, "SemiMajorAxis":379793600.000000, "Eccentricity":0.000072, "OrbitalInclination":-0.009145, "Periapsis":129.336533, "OrbitalPeriod":152245.171875, "RotationPeriod":146173.171875, "AxialTilt":0.142060, "WasDiscovered":false, "WasMapped":false }
The autoscan is definitely the reason. I think I mention in a previous post that multiple simultaneous scans can get skipped. It's something I'm interested in fixing soon.
New release: Friday Afternoon Bugfixing!

Purely stuck to bugfixing on this release, no new functionality at all. Some of the low-hanging fruit was tempting (clear button, remembering location), but I wanted to keep this release simple to minimise extra baggage from existing problems before staring to add new things.
  • "Read All Logs" button should now properly populate list even when it's not the first thing you do
  • Multiple simultaneous auto-scan events should now all be properly processed (it's possible this could cause notification spam, not sure how bad because it's a hard thing to force to happen, will address at a later time if it's an issue)
  • Enabling Text-To-Speech in environments without a functioning SAPI speech engine is now handled more gracefully and shouldn't crash the program
Future functionality I'd like to add but is not yet in place:
  • Remember window size/location (soon) Done as of v0.3.19.293
  • Logical AND, OR, and XOR operators for criteria (soon)
  • "Clear" button to remove all entries from list (soon) Done as of v0.3.19.293
  • Ability to change list sort order (soon) Done as of v0.3.19.293
  • More succinct text-to-speech notification (soon) Done as of v0.3.19.293
  • Copy a line's associated journal entry to clipboard (near future)
  • Export to file (near future)
  • Expose more values such as parent body data and aggregate whole system information for custom criteria (near future)
  • cAPI support for console players (distant)
  • GUI for creating custom criteria (distant)
(whee, a roadmap)

Edit: Oh, and if anyone wants to let me know if the "update available" link appeared for them in the previous version, that'd be great.
Last edited:


Volunteer Moderator
New release: Friday Afternoon Bugfixing!

Purely stuck to bugfixing on this release, no new functionality at all. Some of the low-hanging fruit was tempting (clear button, remembering location), but I wanted to keep this release simple to minimise extra baggage from existing problems before staring to add new things.
  • "Read All Logs" button should now properly populate list even when it's not the first thing you do
  • Multiple simultaneous auto-scan events should now all be properly processed (it's possible this could cause notification spam, not sure how bad because it's a hard thing to force to happen, will address at a later time if it's an issue)
  • Enabling Text-To-Speech in environments without a functioning SAPI speech engine is now handled more gracefully and shouldn't crash the program
Future functionality I'd like to add but is not yet in place:
  • Remember window size/location (soon)
  • Logical AND, OR, and XOR operators for criteria (soon)
  • "Clear" button to remove all entries from list (soon)
  • Ability to change list sort order (soon)
  • More succinct text-to-speech notification (soon)
  • Copy a line's associated journal entry to clipboard (near future)
  • Export to file (near future)
  • Expose more values such as parent body data and aggregate whole system information for custom criteria (near future)
  • cAPI support for console players (distant)
  • GUI for creating custom criteria (distant)
(whee, a roadmap)

Edit: Oh, and if anyone wants to let me know if the "update available" link appeared for them in the previous version, that'd be great.
The update link did appear for me and it worked like a charm!

Feature request if I may - dark theme please! So it's easier on the eyes at night time and in VR. Would be greatly appreciated!
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