Game Discussions Star Citizen Discussion Thread v12

Chris has a plan, have some faith. (Does it involve gang getting to Tahiti is one question?)
This really reminds me of another well known cult:

When CiG fanatics will tell you to that there's a plan and you should have faith in it... it's a cult. See the very good explanation in the video above (it's another cult, but they all function in similar ways). There's a lot of similarities with what Bootcha told us in his Sunk Cost Galaxy series. I think the parallel is quite enlightening. Note that how confronting cult members to facts and reality is a bad idea...

Unrelated, i wanted to go into that 3.12 version to get a good look at it, but it's really buggered to a point you cant do anything at all. I did configure my newly acquired leftie Virpil Alpha so i can fly twin sticks now, and it's a much better experience in SC and ED, managing the throttle limiter, 6-axis movement etc. than with my split throttle. Interestingly, I get a much better feel of the ship than with a regular throttle, for some reason, probably that's related to how my brain is wired, makes flying FA-off a breeze too. If you have enough money it's a must have for ED / SC / other space games that can use twin sticks. The Virpil Alpha has a plethora of buttons and axises, way more than needed for everything in these games.
This really reminds me of another well known cult:

When CiG fanatics will tell you to that there's a plan and you should have faith in it... it's a cult. See the very good explanation in the video above (it's another cult, but they all function in similar ways). There's a lot of similarities with what Bootcha told us in his Sunk Cost Galaxy series. I think the parallel is quite enlightening. Note that how confronting cult members to facts and reality is a bad idea...

Unrelated, i wanted to go into that 3.12 version to get a good look at it, but it's really buggered to a point you cant do anything at all. I did configure my newly acquired leftie Virpil Alpha so i can fly twin sticks now, and it's a much better experience in SC and ED, managing the throttle limiter, 6-axis movement etc. than with my split throttle. Interestingly, I get a much better feel of the ship than with a regular throttle, for some reason, probably that's related to how my brain is wired, makes flying FA-off a breeze too. If you have enough money it's a must have for ED / SC / other space games that can use twin sticks. The Virpil Alpha has a plethora of buttons and axises, way more than needed for everything in these games.

I'm waiting for the day a backer says Chris is playing 4D chess.
Something to look forward to for those of us who like the funny side of SC is "The Wring Commanders" from SA stalwart colonelwest...
I'm going to start hosting a monthly Star Citizen themed live stream show for Goons, that is going to be a sort of extension of this thread. We're going to hang out and laugh at Star Citizen and talk about gaming in general too.
The first episode will be next Saturday 06 February at 2pm EST. The first lineup will be Beet Wagon, Bootcha and colonelwest.
Here is the YouTube link.
Sounds like fun. ;)
CIG on SQ42 over the last half year:
  • We have a new SQ42 video coming tomorrow!
  • We've pulled the video for editorial reasons
  • many months pass
  • Here is our video!!! The Briefing Room: Episode One! Episode One people!
  • We've delayed the SQ42 beta, for at least a year
  • We've cancelled The Briefing Room and won't publicly show SQ42 anymore
  • Please pledge
This insanity was thoroughly entertaining to witness. All the Surprised Pikachu faces at the show's cancellation were especially delicious.
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Might be the secret dev build that is several generations of development ahead. Chock full of content and features where devs play all the SQ42 missions all the time :)
It's not so much the urban myth of a secret dev build, but when Ci¬G devs talk about the current game or even future stuff, they talk about it like everything works...which in itself is quite possible since 90% or more of Star Citizens problems and bugs that we as players experience every time we play are server related. I've no doubt that when they test a build or features internally, it's not done on the same shyte servers and server back end we play on.

I had a practically fault free session tonight on the live build. When I joined the server, there were 10 never got above 30 players the entire evening for some reason, more than likely because a good majority of players logging in are trying to kill Idris's in the PTU...and everything worked as it was supposed to. There was no server back end desync so all the trade terminals worked, the shops didn't run out of stock after a single purchase, the personal inventory wasn't lagged by up to 30 seconds when accessing NPC's standing on furniture or glitching through floors and walls... This is on the live servers and not the reduced cap PTU with no Delamar...a big change from the usual nonsense most of us put up with night after night.

I always maintain that if Ci¬G sorted the server lag, desync and errors out, Star Citizen could be a fairly decent evenings worth of gaming, even with the limited gameplay loops there are. As it is, it's frustrating and tiresome...sort the little things out, the minor bugs that render some of the basic in game systems and mechanics inoperable and improve the major ones like desync and server lag which contribute a great part to the worst of the bugs and the sometimes dodgy can be not bad at all.
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