Game Discussions Star Citizen Discussion Thread v12


Volunteer Moderator
Question for everyone here. Yesterday CIG announced their intentions for unique ship naming in Star Citizen. I seem to remember FDev attempting something similar around 2016/2017 and it not succeeding forcing the ability to have any name added to ships. Not to dig up skeletons but does someone have links to posts/articles in regards to this? I would like to post them on SC Spectrum to prove that unique naming is not a popular choice.

I realize now you can name your ship anything but the initial intentions were unique one time names.

Far as I remember, and I may be wrong, unique names was simply never up for discussion, from the get go names could be repeated by any commander in any ships and changeable at will. The main discussion point (there may have been others) was about ship naming being a paying feature or not. It was feared that even the in HUD displayed name when scanning a new ship was going to require real money payment. As it turned out only the ship exterior paint ended up being a paid cosmetic, whereas the in HUD one was free for all commanders.

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Are you moderating the Moderators?

Does politely "as a moderator should" re-ask questions that he has submitted before to Devs to hopefully incite a positive response to a very valid question or questions.

This is different to a responsible Moderator openly joining a negative debate with open comments regarding a competitive product.
Auntie used to be a moderator on here...and also responsible for dishing one of my many infractions if I remember rightly :D
Sean Murray didn't take money for years, including tens of thousands of dollars from some single customers, to pay his incompetent wife an executive salary while not releasing a game.
ECity as in an earlier regurgitated post, I do Not care about how You, Me or anyone else for that matter spends their money.
Question for everyone here. Yesterday CIG announced their intentions for unique ship naming in Star Citizen. I seem to remember FDev attempting something similar around 2016/2017 and it not succeeding forcing the ability to have any name added to ships. Not to dig up skeletons but does someone have links to posts/articles in regards to this? I would like to post them on SC Spectrum to prove that unique naming is not a popular choice.

I realize now you can name your ship anything but the initial intentions were unique one time names.
you mean not popular by players? Cuz I can envision CiG auctioning cool names for real cash or putting the desired names behind a paywall so their cash cows get the coolest toys. You gotta remember that CiGs focus is the money....not gameplay or entertainment. Even the current fascination SC has is more like an accident rather than intentional
you mean not popular by players? Cuz I can envision CiG auctioning cool names for real cash or putting the desired names behind a paywall so their cash cows get the coolest toys. You gotta remember that CiGs focus is the money....not gameplay or entertainment. Even the current fascination SC has is more like an accident rather than intentional
Negativity on top of Negativity
I'll give an example - thee biggest example of gaming related misleading and conjecture in my view was Sean Murray's original hype and mis-representation of No mans Sky.

In my view, NMS has nothing on SC.

What did HelloGames do?

Deliver a product, a month or so late, that lacked 4 things promised by the PR run:

  • The ability to see (but not interact with) other players (with the odds of that happening being incredibly rare)
  • Sandworms. (Because of course ;))
  • Elegant, diplodocus-style, dinosaurs
  • Tall trees in forest formations

But ultimately they delivered the core game that they advertised, minus those things.

What have CIG done to date?

Missed certain delivery dates by over half a decade. (That doesn't strike you as slightly worse on the misleading front, just off the bat?)

Looking at the feature list of missing aspects at this point, the potential for incredibly late delivery (and that's being as kind as I can be ;)), is absurd. And this is often for specifically monetised macro-sales (running up to $3k), not just generic PR spiel for a base game purchase.

Just off the top of my head, they don't yet have:

  • A landable version of planet Earth.
  • The other missing 99 solar systems (and the exploration gameplay to go with the exploration ships).
  • Command and Control oversight of fleets.
  • Capital ships with complex multicrew roles & NPC-stuffed interiors.
  • Alien races.
  • Alien fauna.
  • A 'Nemesis system' that's better than the original SoM 'Nemesis system'.
  • 100s of players playing in the same 10k player shard. (2016 additional pledge)
  • A dynamic 'quanta' economy.
  • Dynamic missions.
  • 'Subsumption' NPCs following daily life patterns capable of complex player interactions.
  • A giant ship that can build bases.
  • A giant ship that can overclock your components with its particle accelerator, grow food for farming gameplay, and explore multiple systems with its cunning telescope array.
  • Etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc.

The list is sooooooo long it's absurd.

Regardless of what happens next, CIG have already under-delivered in a way that HG could only dream of ;)

ECity can you in fact log in and play A game? Complete, released or not.

Semantics. What was pledged was a game delivery. Just because you can enjoy aspects of an alpha, despite fundamental gameplay aspects failing (like the ability to save your location on log off, walk up some stairs without dying, network with friends and enemies, or remain the same gender for an entire play session...) doesn't mean it's a delivered game.

Nor does it make pledged features like the above disappear...
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Far as I remember, and I may be wrong, unique names was simply never up for discussion, from the get go names could be repeated by any commander in any ships and changeable at will. The main discussion point (there may have been others) was about ship naming being a paying feature or not. It was feared that even the in HUD displayed name when scanning a new ship was going to require real money payment. As it turned out only the ship exterior paint ended up being a paid cosmetic, whereas the in HUD one was free for all commanders.


It always bugged me how little I could do to the ship cosmetics without spending money. £1 for the name plates, hummph. But during KS was there a pay a certain amount and be able to use 'Jameson' as your Cmdr name which would be exclusive? If so may have become confused with ship names being exclusive.
It always bugged me how little I could do to the ship cosmetics without spending money. £1 for the name plates, hummph. But during KS was there a pay a certain amount and be able to use 'Jameson' as your Cmdr name which would be exclusive? If so may have become confused with ship names being exclusive.
As I recall, you couldn't pledge to be a Jameson. You could buy your player name in advance, and name an NPC as well at a different reward tier but Jameson was specifically excluded.

Ship cosmetics were thought at the time to be the primary revenue stream for ED. In game advertising and a subscription model were both screamed down in the forum early during the Kickstarter.

However, the couple of quid to buy a cosmetic plate that can be used on any ship, which can be renamed multiple times is a stark contrast to the SC model. The comment on their ship naming page that a fee to rename ships "may be introduced" did have me chuckling at CIG's brazenness.
Ok, the Kracken Privateer ($2,000) cannot be played. The Reclaimer's ($400) reclaiming cannot be played. Anyone who bought a Javelin ($3,000) has been thoroughly played.

Which version do you prefer? ;)

If everything goes perfectly with star citizen and exceeds everyone's wildest dreams, you will be able to fly the javelin in sc. you will never be able to fly it in sq42.
If everything goes perfectly with star citizen and exceeds everyone's wildest dreams, you will be able to fly the javelin in sc. you will never be able to fly it in sq42.

So are you annoyed about Chris playing movie director with SC funds? Is that what you're saying?

(Because to be fair, they did put out a call about this. Heroic mopping on the SQ42 Idris has long been advertised ;))
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