Game Discussions Star Citizen Discussion Thread v12

Though for me question is pretty simple. I do have need because of non-gaming activities to have rather powerfull computer. And desktop machine offers that capability, cheaper than laptop. After that basic need, adding stuff to make able to run games acceptably is not that expensive. If I only needed computer for general internet use, well games console would probably be cheaper option. (Last night I ran 3 virtual computers concurrently and so on...)
I'd like to ask Chris if server meshing will fix the space time continuum that leads some Citizens to believe development only started last Tuesday.
My favourite comment in that thread: '... or let the game be permanently relegated to the sidelines like EVE'

A game that was released eighteen years ago and is still going strong.

PC Gamer Sweden: Best Online RPG 2003
SuperPlay GULDPIXELN 2003: Online Game of the year
2003 Gamespy Best Graphics
2005 Best Graphics, Best PvP, Favorite Company, and Reader's Choice Best Game
2006 Favorite Graphics, Favorite PvE, Favorite PvP, Favorite Story, and Favorite Game
2007 Best Overall Game of 2007
2009 Game of the Year
2010 Game of the Year
2011 Game of the Year

Half a million subscribers

No. You wouldn't want to be relegated to those sidelines, would you?
Shut it FUDMEISTER, those awards are meaningless since The Right Honourable Lord Roberts of Gamesville re-invented gaming.........heathen!

#notstale #fidelity #buyanidris
Uh oh. Are the dreams dying?????

From the OP

It would be great if we could go to planets with viral outbreaks and render medical aid to NPC's.
I would love to play a story arc where we needed to find a long lost ship from the past.
I would love to be an Archaeologist in the game.
I wonder if CIG is planning to make science interesting. I wonder if we will have to examine space phenomena?

And these are the sort of things that all add even more time to the project to develop. Adding (or allowing PvP) pew pew is easy.

Planets with viral outbreaks and rendering aid in an immersive way? So not just a state like in ED where you ship in supplies and that increases a counter. I presume they want to see people being sick, medics rushing around, etc. Oh, let's call that 6 months for a small-medium team.

Story arc? Ok, that's already adding months of development time. Long lost ship or no, but that ship needs building, interiors modelling, vending machines adding. Let's call that one 6 months as well.

Being an archeologist. Ok, that's quite wide ranging, not only from going to planets, digging (terrain deformation tech!), uncovering lore relevant items, taking to trade/auction, etc. Phew... i'll mark that one down as a year's work for a decent sized team.

So, rough estimates only, and of course i know nothing about fidelity development, but those 3 items are looking like they could tie up a good number of staff for many months.

Ok, sure, its the sort of things Chris wants, but its all stuff that any sane developer would think "Ok, maybe, but only after we have got the more important stuff done" and that to me is a good sign that backers are dreaming about this guff less. Its not needed for release.
Story arc? Ok, that's already adding months of development time. Long lost ship or no, but that ship needs building, interiors modelling, vending machines adding. Let's call that one 6 months as well.
Then there's the whole question of how that works in an open multiplayer game. It would take about 5 minutes until there was a complete guide to the mission online, and a crew of pro griefers camping out the wreck. Like pretty much everything in dreams.txt, even a competent implementation (which isn't an option) would not be the epic, unique, cinematic experience the person is imagining. But I'm sure S42 will deliver that. lol.
Are the dreams dying - interesting read and a lot of pretty good reasons and analysis but they missed the elephant in the room. Heres my view.

There is toxicity in SC. Caused by griefers taking over the discussions obviously but also by the fanbois who say things like 'We are paying for a game for our kids to play' or 'Its fine if it takes another 20 years'. In the middle is the average person who isnt happy with either of these propositions and positions and feels like its out of control.

Dreams have been fine for nearly a decade but reality has killed the dreams and meant that all topics and dreams.txt have already been discussed ad infinitum many times. Many people just want a game, any game, now and not more dreams.

In the UK many years ago, and Im sure its been mentioned already, was a High Street Jewellers that made good profits for years selling jewellery etc at reasonable prices. The business was worth £890m at its peak. When interviewed the owner said "People say, "How can you sell this for such a low price?", I say, "because it's total rubbish." except he didn't use the word 'rubbish' he said something worse. The business went bankrupt soon after. "It'll be done when its done" about a game that was ready for release in 2015 and will be released years before SC has had the same effect. People have lost confidence.

After all these years people are sick and tired of 'fighting the game'. Even streamers are looking elsewhere.

Other games NMS, Eve and yes even ED have improved and improved and the BDSSE is no longer, even in dreams, many many levels above what is available. If anything it is now low par.

Covid meant CitCon and dopamine hit didnt happen. No crowd mentality of people whooping and cheering and creating 'that feeling'. Just the Alpha and the feeling that 'this is all we have' after all this time and 'the game' is still a long way off with no release date.

Elephant in the room - CR himself. People are realising he is not a good Project Manager. Pillar Talk is full of hand wavium and head nodding. Other people say something and CR introduces a hundred things that need to happen first before that can be done. He just talks down the actual release and puts it further and further out of reach every time he speaks. He is losing / has lost the confidence of his audience / backers and they are slowly realising they know that and dont want to accept it. Its the last brick in the wall but the one that holds it all together and its working loose and about to fall.

Jesus tech is no longer the miracle solution - been there and seen that and heard that before too many times.

Macro transactions are no longer seen as backing the project and seen as holding up the actual release in the minds of long time fans and backers.

'FUDster / Its Alpha / We are backing him to build the game' he imagined have been the goto excuse for too long and no longer carry any weight

I could go on but time for the solutions.

Set a release date for SQ42 Episode 1, within 2 years and stick to it with regular updates not hot air talk and no ship sales and they'll get away with it, once it releases it needs to stand on its own 2 feet as the AAA game promised. Drop everything and just do this, its the proof of concept. Use the revenue to pay for development of SC and SQ42 Episode 2. This will buy time of 3-5 years from now to release SQ42 E2 or SC MVP and then build on it.

Needed but wont happen - Sack the Board of Directors and replace with people who can set targets, communicate them to staff and stick to them. CR becomes Creative Director at best but has a boss who says 'NO WAY! I want results in this timeframe!' The dreaded 'Publisher' who actually makes it happen.

Alternatively, set up a KS to fund the purchase of the rights to SC in a fire-sale, not to bail out CIG or CR but to actually own the rights once its all gone pear shaped. Most of the dreams promised now are backers ideas anyway. Then contract a games studio to build it as best they can and build on it. Accept its going to take a decade at least but backers are in control, no more featurecreep until after release.

Or watch it decline and slip away forever. Gamers will move to other games and always wish for what could have been. Thats the harsh reality.
Are the dreams dying - interesting read and a lot of pretty good reasons and analysis but they missed the elephant in the room. Heres my view.

There is toxicity in SC. Caused by griefers taking over the discussions obviously but also by the fanbois who say things like 'We are paying for a game for our kids to play' or 'Its fine if it takes another 20 years'. In the middle is the average person who isnt happy with either of these propositions and positions and feels like its out of control.

Dreams have been fine for nearly a decade but reality has killed the dreams and meant that all topics and dreams.txt have already been discussed ad infinitum many times. Many people just want a game, any game, now and not more dreams.

In the UK many years ago, and Im sure its been mentioned already, was a High Street Jewellers that made good profits for years selling jewellery etc at reasonable prices. The business was worth £890m at its peak. When interviewed the owner said "People say, "How can you sell this for such a low price?", I say, "because it's total rubbish." except he didn't use the word 'rubbish' he said something worse. The business went bankrupt soon after. "It'll be done when its done" about a game that was ready for release in 2015 and will be released years before SC has had the same effect. People have lost confidence.

After all these years people are sick and tired of 'fighting the game'. Even streamers are looking elsewhere.

Other games NMS, Eve and yes even ED have improved and improved and the BDSSE is no longer, even in dreams, many many levels above what is available. If anything it is now low par.

Covid meant CitCon and dopamine hit didnt happen. No crowd mentality of people whooping and cheering and creating 'that feeling'. Just the Alpha and the feeling that 'this is all we have' after all this time and 'the game' is still a long way off with no release date.

Elephant in the room - CR himself. People are realising he is not a good Project Manager. Pillar Talk is full of hand wavium and head nodding. Other people say something and CR introduces a hundred things that need to happen first before that can be done. He just talks down the actual release and puts it further and further out of reach every time he speaks. He is losing / has lost the confidence of his audience / backers and they are slowly realising they know that and dont want to accept it. Its the last brick in the wall but the one that holds it all together and its working loose and about to fall.

Jesus tech is no longer the miracle solution - been there and seen that and heard that before too many times.

Macro transactions are no longer seen as backing the project and seen as holding up the actual release in the minds of long time fans and backers.

'FUDster / Its Alpha / We are backing him to build the game' he imagined have been the goto excuse for too long and no longer carry any weight

I could go on but time for the solutions.

Set a release date for SQ42 Episode 1, within 2 years and stick to it with regular updates not hot air talk and no ship sales and they'll get away with it, once it releases it needs to stand on its own 2 feet as the AAA game promised. Drop everything and just do this, its the proof of concept. Use the revenue to pay for development of SC and SQ42 Episode 2. This will buy time of 3-5 years from now to release SQ42 E2 or SC MVP and then build on it.

Needed but wont happen - Sack the Board of Directors and replace with people who can set targets, communicate them to staff and stick to them. CR becomes Creative Director at best but has a boss who says 'NO WAY! I want results in this timeframe!' The dreaded 'Publisher' who actually makes it happen.

Alternatively, set up a KS to fund the purchase of the rights to SC in a fire-sale, not to bail out CIG or CR but to actually own the rights once its all gone pear shaped. Most of the dreams promised now are backers ideas anyway. Then contract a games studio to build it as best they can and build on it. Accept its going to take a decade at least but backers are in control, no more featurecreep until after release.

Or watch it decline and slip away forever. Gamers will move to other games and always wish for what could have been. Thats the harsh reality.

Very nice analysis.

However, counterpoint: There is a sucker born every minute.

Out with the old, in with the new, who will keep funding it for years to come. CIG are still pulling in over 2 million a month.
To be slightly harsh and unfair to FDev and ED...I spent many days in game following the generation ships story, listening to very immersive voice recordings...which went absolutely nowhere. I also tracked the Thargoid story around various deserted bases collecting data, finding Cmdr Jameson's abandoned ship, discovering his betrayal and once again, very immersive voice recordings laying out what had happened...and got absolutely nowhere. There's Raxxla, Salami's story all that other stuff that I craved that also predictably went absolutely nowhere.

In the end, FDev have released space legs with the focus being on space pew with space guns, all to follow the PvP or adversarial PvE money the previous version of multicrew or RNGineers... More shallow, quick fix gameplay to garner interest from the more casual type of gamer instead of catering to the long term. Where is EVA, ship interiors and associated longer serving gameplay?

Where's my ending to the stories of the generation ships and beginnings of the Thargoid wars FDev?

I'll go back to playing ED for a while with Odyssey of course, as will many others who may have dropped along the way over the years...but is there enough in that one marketing feature of space legs for me to put another 5,500 hours in to ED? Probably not. :)
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There is no beginning or ending of the generation ships. Each is an isolated story.

Meanwhile a story is being told, starting about six months ago. There are at least two main threads, with one of them resetting our notion of when the first Thargoid contact happened. The latest "episode" started Thursday, with the playerbase taking until Sunday to figure out the clues and find the assets. All of this while the company is consumed with creating and releasing a major new update. They didn't have to do it.
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There is no beginning or ending of the generation ships. Each is an isolated story.

Meanwhile a story is being told, starting about six months ago. There are at least two main threads, with one of them resetting our notion of when the first Thargoid contact happened. The latest "episode" started Thursday, with the playerbase taking until Sunday to figure out the clues and find the assets. All of this while the company is consumed with creating and releasing a major new update. They didn't have to do it.
I did mention I was being harsh and unfair to FDev...I loved the story lines, same as I loved imagining the stories every time I found an abandoned ship on a planet or moon. That's not to say I wasn't disappointed with the stories having absolutely no place or function within the game...they were tack-on throwaway things, but I loved them none the less.

...But what I would have given to be able to leave my SRV to enter and explore these wreckages on the inside... :)




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Yep, the Gen ship stories are one-offs - they are finished. The thargoid storyline is progressing s l o w y (but still faster than SC is developing :p).

My gut feels is that they couldn't tell the stories they wanted years ago with the state of the game, however, the option is now open for you to get out of your srv and check sites on foot. Yep, would be great to extend that to checking wrecks in space, which coincidentally is now a lot easier for some reason...(and the reason why I think the "it's all pew" crowd are missing the trick).


Volunteer Moderator
I did mention I was being harsh and unfair to FDev...I loved the story lines, same as I loved imagining the stories every time I found an abandoned ship on a planet or moon. That's not to say I wasn't disappointed with the stories having absolutely no place or function within the game...they were tack-on throwaway things, but I loved them none the less.

...But what I would have given to be able to leave my SRV to enter and explore these wreckages on the inside... :)




Indeed. Dream.txt time: If, big if, EDO sells well and works well commercially for FDEV, I suspect there is a chance they consider a DLC related to ship interiors and/or zero gravity or EVA gameplay. Given the quality and scale of the POIs and settlements we have seen so far in EDO it would not be totally unrealistic to expect also "space hulks" and the like to wander in at some point.
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