Elite Dangerous: Odyssey Update 6

Notoriety on foot now? I guess saying this on the update news wasn't importand?

I made a thread about this earlier but nobody replied, I'm glad I've got confirmation now that it is a thing and I didn't imagine it. Mission targets should never give notoriety, or at least that was my understanding of it. I think therefore that this is a bug.
As soon as i move though out of that area it drops to like 20 in places.
I think they made delay-smoothed "loading", yday I had 1 digit fps walking around some settlements on 2060 for like 2-5-10 seconds. Usually when NPC ship lands. Now, I see just long enough in time 20 fps number, but game remains controlled OK and smooth.
Has anyone figured out how to Cancel / Re-route Apex yet? Thx.

edit: Later update. Missed that part.
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FSR looks great on foot on my GT 1030, but looks complete spank when I get into my ship- the UI is chunk city.

With this stuff on I'm actually getting some decent performance for the most part (except close up to the ships in the hangar) where it goes down a lot.
I switch it back and forth everytime i disembark my ship or getting back on it. The UI in ship is just.. no..
FSR looks great on foot on my GT 1030, but looks complete spank when I get into my ship- the UI is chunk city.

With this stuff on I'm actually getting some decent performance for the most part (except close up to the ships in the hangar) where it goes down a lot.
It's almost as if you want it to automatically come on when you're on foot and frame rate challenged, then turn off when you get back in your ship and are getting good frame rates again.

Still, it doesn't take long to ESC out and change it...
Notoriety on foot now? I guess saying this on the update news wasn't importand?
And please make the 'Hold E for 1 Second' optional. In combat situations it's just taking too long
That's.... Very sad news...I mean, it makes sense, but I hate it. I will now be notorious .... All the time, I always just kill everyone steal everything shut down the power and take the regulator.

Guess I'll have to deal with it.

Besides the SLF voices problem I reported earlier, my Carrier is also weirding out. I was parked at Narri near the star and told it to Jump to Narri 1 while I was in the HAZRES in that planet's ring. Finished my combat session (more than 15 minutes) and supercruised to where my carrier was supposed to be, a few light seconds away from the HAZRES. Arrived at location, carrier signal is there but no carrier.
I checked the GalMap and it showed it was parked at the last planet in system?
I rejumped it to Narri 1 and exited the Nav/GalMap and the Carrier immediately jumped to where I was (the original loation I told it to jump to).
Then while the 2nd jump was still active (14 min to go) I tried to ask for permission to land and the voice reply would assign me a landing pad but then immediately cancel it saying "landing cancelled, I'm here when you need me" or something to that effect.
I had to cancel the 2nd carrier jump before I was finally able to get a landing pad assigned and land.
Anyone else?
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It's almost as if you want it to automatically come on when you're on foot and frame rate challenged, then turn off when you get back in your ship and are getting good frame rates again.

Still, it doesn't take long to ESC out and change it...
I switch it back and forth everytime i disembark my ship or getting back on it. The UI in ship is just.. no..
Although its going in the right direction, I just wish it just worked all over :D
That's.... Very sad news...I mean, it makes sense, but I hate it. I will now be notorious .... All the time, I always just kill everyone steal everything shut down the power and take the regulator.

Guess I'll have to deal with it.
Pfff, who cares. I am at notoriety 5 now, does it mean anything other than the inability to pay bounties (which I never do anyway)? Will ATR come after me at some point?
FSR is designed to improve performance. "Ultra quality" just means "as close to native visually while still having some gains". It's never going to be better than native, it uses no ML or some such.

The labels are standardized by AMD btw, means the same in every game.

Then AMD marketing need a slap upside the head.

Although i understand, "Slightly Worse Than Normal" doesn't sound as good.
I think they made delay-smoothed "loading", yday I had 1 digit fps walking around some settlements on 2060 for like 2-5-10 seconds. Usually when NPC ship lands. Now, I see just long enough in time 20 fps number, but game remains controlled OK and smooth.

Nah, i tested that video bit out for a lot longer than the video shows. Its pretty consistent in that it all depends on where you are standing, not how long you are standing there for.
I uh… took the express route back to civilized space. I’ve walked through a station and went to a couple of settlements. All in 4K with everything set to ultra. I’m getting a few dips in the high 20s in settlements, but mostly in the low-mid 30s. I’m cautiously optimistic that the screen freeze from update 5 is gone, cautious woo! Stations I was getting 40s with a few dips into the 30s, glass didn’t seem to impact fps, cautious woo!

This is playable. In 4K this looks great and is playable. That’s kind of a big deal for me, so caution to the wind woo hoo from me!

stealing with the 1 second delay is painful, uhg, but thank you Sally for letting us know that is being evaluated. I haven’t given it a real go yet, in scenarios where seconds count, but I will and I’m willing to have my mind changed but just acknowledgment that FDev realizes that maybe it’s not working means the world, so thank you.

what else… did I see someone saying that the ole relogski isn’t working at POIs? I hope that’s not the case, I still need SDPs and I feel sorry for anyone that didn’t get the couple hundred MI needed for all of the engineering if so.

oh, and I found a g3 tormentor with audio mask and scope in the 1 station I went to, I know that isn’t update related but it was certainly an excellent find. Going to put noise suppression on it and it’ll be my go-to negotiator.
When I would turn on the new AMD CAS or whatever it is (yes, highly technical) I'd get a blurry smokey looking thing of pixelation around the outline of NPC's and the HUD on my ship looked like a four year old had scribbled on top of the original HUD, but deleting the graphics folder and letting EDO recreate it seems to have fixed the problem, and my frame rate in a station after it stabilizes out sits at around 60 FPS or so (Dipping down into the 50's occasionally) But some areas still cause it to dip down into Powerpointish frame rats.

I noticed going down a flight of stairs, frame rate got worse the closer to the center of the concourse the camera got.

However, used to be looking out the window of the bar would tank my frame rates, but now it doesn't seem to affect it at all.
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