Let's rank all DLCs so far

9. Deluxe Pack - Three good animals and a great soundtrack, but as DeLadysigner pointed out it's an oddly high price for a relative lack of content, especially when the soundtrack is sold separately (and many people may have mistakenly bought both it and the Deluxe Pack at the same time)

8. Arctic Pack - The polar bear was good, but was nearly impossible to build for in Franchise Mode (and is still very difficult) and arguably should have been a base game inclusion. Other three animal inclusions aren't too impressive; I like the Dall Sheep, don't care for the reindeer, and dislike a slot being taken by a second wolf (even if it looks much better than the base game Timber Wolf). The wood pieces are pretty useful but by and large I don't care for the ice/festive props at all.

7. South America Pack - Wasted potential. Decent scenery pieces that are maybe a bit too themed (I like the bamboo but don't particularly care for the overly temple stuff), three good animals (though the jaguar shares some problems with the base game big cats) and one of my two favorite exhibit animals in PZ, but the llama ranks among the worst DLC animal choices simply because it's a fully domestic animal in a game where we're not equipped to build anything like a petting/children's zoo (at least not without mods) taking up a slot in an incredibly biodiverse region. It could have been a capybara, coati, maned wolf, rhea, even a guanaco (as the llama's wild ancestor) would have been preferable.

6. Australia Pack - Roughly on par with the South America Pack, with similar strengths and flaws. I really like the wood pieces, and the rustic roof pieces are probably what put it just a bit above South America. The props are mostly good, and the influence/input Frontier got from aboriginal artists clearly helped. We don't talk about the mecha-roo. As for the animals, I like the cassowary even if it's a bit odd that it got in over the emu. The kangaroo and koala are obvious inclusions, though I wish the koala spent less time on the ground and more time climbing. The dingo feels like another waste of a slot--a feral dog in a continent with so many strange and unique animals. Also, while I love blue-tongued skinks in real life, I'm disappointed that the game treats them like a desert animal when they're by and large a temperate forest animal.

5. Southeast Asia Animal Pack - The first animal pack and IMO the weaker of the two. On one hand, it continues the trend from the Aquatic Pack of Frontier starting to really nail animal appearances and movements. The clouded leopard is gorgeous even if its climbing animations remain scuffed, and most of the other animals also look great with the exception of the Malayan tapir (and formerly, the infamous original binturong). That being said, I would have opted for a different primate from the proboscis monkey (which, as an animal with no captive presence outside its native range, isn't great for building more realistic European or North American zoos), and while the dhole doesn't irk me quite as much as the previous two DLC canines, I would have liked something a bit more unique.

4. Europe Pack -
Starting here, the packs get really good IMO. While I wasn't interested in a European pack for a while (NA bias) Europe is probably the best--and biggest--single pack for scenery, between the various themed pieces, the stone walls, and the food trucks. The animals are nice, not the most exciting picks but great for European-style wildparks, and they're all made fantastically. Also nice to see a new exhibit theme for the fire salamander (temperate forest).

3. Africa Pack - The theming of this pack is a bit confused--North African architecture and props for a pack primarily consisting of South African animals, creating oddities like Egyptian meerkats. But in practice, the props are often quite useful (the plaster pieces, plus the amazing drinn grass in terms of foliage). The animals are some of the best inclusions to date, with all four of them both fulfilling wishes and looking fantastic. Maybe it would have been ideal for many of the props to be saved for a Middle East Pack and for Africa to be an animal pack, but for what it is, the Africa Pack is pretty great.

2. North America Animal Pack - The better of the two animal packs, and the single best pack to date for animal representation. Five of the top ten meta-wishlist animals were knocked out in one fell swoop, and the prairie dog is also a welcome inclusion for how common it is as a zoo animal. Every animal also looks fantastic, particularly the alligator and beaver (though the male sea lions need to be larger), and unlike the Southeast Asia Animal Pack, there's a better mix of aquatic animals and animals of different biomes.

1. Aquatic Pack - The boring pick, but the correct one. Four fantastic habitat animals that fill what were then empty niches, and my favorite exhibit animal by far. But what really sets this pack apart in my mind is the scenery, which for the first time really feels like zoo scenery rather than the more themed and theme park-y. The fences are perfect and the faux rocks might be the single most pivotal prop thus far. Coming after Australia and South America, this was a huge step forward in quality, and combined with the addition of deep diving, possibly the most important and must-buy pack thus far.
1. North America Animal Pack - this comes as the best one for me because a) it is an animal pack and b) all the animals are great picks. It introduced my beloved C. Sea Lion which in itself just made the pack great. But it also had others heavily requested animals and all of them look amazing.

2. Aquatic pack - I was actually thinking about placing the Aquatic pack at first place, just because it was THE special dlc that brought a brand new gameplay mechanics in form of diving, however after additional dlcs I started to use sea lions instead of seals and african penguins instead of king penguins just because they are more common and thus fit in more of my zoos. I still love all the animals though, they are top tier quality and I am glad we got them - king penguins looks amazingly realistic and their behaviour just made them 100% justice, the seals are incredible just because they are so different to other animals in the way they move outside of the water, the caiman is super useful since it is so small and fits into indoor reptile houses better than other bigger crocodillians and unlike others I like the inclusion of the giant otter. This pack also had the best building theme in my opinion because it finally contained non themed pieces and amazing (!!) faux rock and trees that are basically a must in real life zoos.

3. South East Asia Animal pack - what can I say, I just like animal packs and I really like lesser-known and obscure species. Sun bear in particular won my heart since it is so different from other bears, I think the team did amazing job in capturing the spirit of the real life animal. What I did miss from the pack was a Gibbon, that is one animal I really miss. Another problem I have with this pack is the forever bugged Clouded Leopard which always jumps in slow motion and it is quite immersion breaking. Shame, it is beautifuly made animal. I also love the babirusa and was glad for a malayan tapir. Binturong was improved so no complain here and I love its unique hanging on its tail animation.

4. Australia Pack - for the next one I chose Australia pack, just becuase it had this great feeling of novelty around it ? It is hard to explain but seeing Kangaroos hop around on a brand new biome map covered in red sand had this amazing athmosphere around the whole pack. Building pieces were great, I really liked that Frontier worked together with an aboriginal artist to make some of the pieces which was a nice touch. I also really wanted Koalas and I didnt know Cassowaries very well prior to the pack, and now they are one of my favourite animals. I did not mind the Dingo inclusion, however I would prefer a Tasmanian Devil.

5. South America Pack - I love South American animals so I was really, really excited for this pack. Jaguars and Giant anteaters in particular were my must haves, together with Capybara, which unfortunatelly did not make it in. The Llama was ok-ish as it added a bit of light-hearted humour to the pack and I use the Capuchin monkey quite often (might be because there are not that many monkey species though - please we need more!). Building pieces were a bit over the top for me in some cases, but the bamboo pieces were amazing.

6. Africa Pack - Yay, foxes! I really liked all the animals from this pack, I also appreciated that we finally got some smaller animals in case of the Fennec Fox and Meerkat, perfect for any indoor enclosures. The White Rhinoceros is just so cute but majestic at the same time, and was a nice contrast to the other smaller animals in the pack. African penguins are just so funny and I use them alot just because they can be placed in warmer climates. So animals wise the pack is perfect, although I still miss Honey Badgers and Secretary Birds so an animal pack would be more welcomed from me. Building pieces are mostly over the top for my kind of zoo building, but the free update came with the forever amazing Mesh pieces, I know they are not part of the DLC, but it came from the same "batch" if you will. Very useful.

7. Europe Pack - I admit, I was not that excited about an European pack, just because I am from Europe so I probably do not find our animals that exciting. But the DLC is very well done, animals are super well done. My favourite was the European Badger, so thsi is where I got a bit, well not dissapointed because visually the badgers are amazing looking, but being a social animals, they do not do much in game...I havent seen any interactions between them except the mating animation and also, while the burrowing mechanics are great, the badgers themselves do not have that many enrichment options, further reducing the available animations for them. All the other animals are great though, the building pieces are maybe a bit too much city-like for me, but alot of them are quite versatile to use. I love the new rock-wall set, that one is great.

8. Arctic Pack - this pack just had the unfortunate situation of being the first dlc, so no new rigs and any major game changes, but it is still very decent. Reindeer was a great animal to have for the time around Christmas, Polar bear were...difficult to keep, which was made easier recently and I also appreciate that they added deep diving to the bear, which made it finally justice. Dall sheep was ok, but nothing that excited me that much since its relatively rare in zoos and I would prefer a Musk Ox. Arctic Wolf was critized alot for being a clone, but I did not mind it that much. It had some new animations different from Timber wolf and the model was improvement from the Timber wolf. Overall the animals were nice to have, nothing new or spectacular, but that was given being released shortly after the main game release. The building pieces are themed around Christmas, so not that useful for your regular zoos, but some of them like the wooden walls are quite useful even outside of the Christmas.

9. Deluxe edition - last one, not surprising is the Deluxe edition. I love the Pygmy Hippo and Komodo Dragon, the gazelle was too similar to Springbok in my opinion, but I am glad for any extra animals. Of course, before the release, the Deluxe edition also contained the Beta access, so it was a better value then. It has a soundtrack and some wallpapers also in, but I guess most people nowdays would get it for the additional animals, which are not bad at all, just a bit pricey compared to all the packs.
I know I voiced my opinion on the dlc elsewhere but yeah why not start again after the tropical pack:

1. North America - Still hands down the best animal pack with the sheer diversity unbeatable so far. While newer packs are giving north America a very close race, the north America pack represents the continent so well enough, I only feel the American black bear and wolverine are the only animals that is left to include.

2. Wetlands - move aside capybara , the squeaky Asian small clawed otters are so adorable. Boosting the appeal of south America and Asia considerably with long awaited wetland animals along with a new habitat bird, the wetlands covers all bases that an animal pack should. Even odd animals like the Nile lechwe and platypus are really nice to have even though

3. Tropical - The most recent dlc is a banger despite the let down an animal pack was not designed for the tropical biome. The animals are amazing with quality second to none, it's just a shame south America and tropical Africa didn't get any primate representation that they lack so critically. The scenery pack also beats Europe in overall design standards with southeast Asia finally getting its long awaited scenery pieces which arguably was the last major theme missing from the game. Whether it's the Asian water monitor, sloth or red river hog these are all animals well deserved

4. Grasslands - Considered the star of animal packs by many but it just doesn't have that bite the above animal packs offer. The emu and wallaby are very important to the overall Oceania roster along with the maned wolf for south America but grasslands isn't really my favourite biome to build for. But the animals themselves are of excellent quality and a great roster for those who love the grasslands. It really fulfilled what the Australia pack missed.

5. Aquatic - used to be the shining star of dlc packs but the animals have been replaced. Faux rocks and the stained wood building set are the sole reasons the aquatic pack should still be recommended as these are arguably the best building sets in the entire game. Yeah the animals are still nice and especially the grey seal being my favourite from this pack but more recent dlc packs have better quality and more realistic animal choices to consider when constructing a realistic zoo.

6. Europe - The scenery set in the Europe pack is outstanding, it's one of my most used in the game with endless pieces for constructing realistic buildings along with the vehicle assets , animal enrichment choices and the nice roster of animals. The animals are perfect for bolstering woodland habitat areas especially the lynx - it's my most used feline in the entire game.

7. Conservation - Conservation is hard to place so low but comparing all aspects of the pack places it at 7th place. The scenery wall set is really difficult to use seriously and the large focus of backstage/gardening scenery pieces is a downside to me personally when thinking about the bigger picture of zoo construction. The animal roster is really strong with the przewalski horse, amur leopard and Siamang holding strong align with the fantastic natural roof panels, and the great choice of ground foliage

8. Southeast Asia - A really nice diverse animal pack ruined by bugs. The clouded leopard still can't jump normally and the Malayan tapir is still a blatant reskin of the Bairds tapir. This effectively means one animal is hardly usable and another is just a paid reskin which an amateur to the game could even attempt to do. Apart from those major issues, the sun bear, Binturong and proboscis monkey are all really well done to bring diversity to southeast Asia. Now with the tropical pack adding in an excellent scenery set, many of these tropical animals won't feel too out of place.

9. Australia - The saltwater croc finally have some best buds to share an entire continent with. The fact we didn't even get a kangaroo to represent Oceania in the base game was laughable, all the animals are well deserved even the controversial dingo and the buggy koala. I would love to see the Australia pack revised to bring some love to the iconic animals of Australia. The scenery is alright but I'm not too big a fan of the metal wall set or the overly themed aboriginal scenery pieces.

10. South America - A pretty good pack but why wasn't it an animal pack? The animals themselves are really nice along with the choice of scenery but there is one major problem with this pack. There is no clear direction on what it wanted to be, south America is absolutely massive to represent in any reasonable matter along with mix n' match scenery which is half bamboo themed and half random jungle temple themed. The fact only a single small monkey was chosen to represent the arboreal animals of the rainforest canopy is hard to swallow but it is what it is.

11. Africa - This is where it gets hard because late in this list shows a mediocre pack but the Africa pack is middle ground. On one hand we have a lovely set of plaster walls and scenery pieces, animals that were desperately missing from the base game like the white rhino and meerkat but on the other hand Africa is still missing so many unique animals and the scenery does not correlate with the animals in any manner. The scenery selection pack here feels more at home with an Iberian animal roster rather than meerkats, penguins and rhino. I will say the African penguin is my favourite here as they are used in every single zoo I build.

12. Twilight Pack - Used to be mid tier for me but the twilight pack still doesn't hold enough weight under the nocturnal theme to be of much value to my realistic recreation efforts. The animal and scenery quality is really good but it's the fact it wasn't an animal pack severely let's down the twilight pack, I joke this is an urban pack with a wombat and some bats. The scenery works but really goes into planet coaster territory too much with spider benches, glowing Halloween lights, mushrooms...... It doesn't work in a zoo game AT ALL. The bats are nice for nocturnal houses but are losing their unique value with the addition of butterflies and sloths into the walkthrough exhibit.

13. Arctic pack - I like the arctic pack , I really do with the polar bear and dall sheep frequently being used in my zoos but.... you can tell it's the very first dlc without a clear vision what it wanted to be. It only comes with 4 animals, a theme which is not from the arctic itself (Norwegian stave churches which the blueprints are based off is more southern Norway) and a Christmas theme sprinkled in because why not it's a winter themed pack. The weathered wood is useful but with the aquatic packs stained wood and the tropical packs weather wood, it doesn't carry the same weight as it used to.

14. Deluxe Upgrade - yeah of course it's the deluxe upgrade last since it is the highest cost per animal out of every dlc with little return if one does not buy on sale. I got it dirt cheap on sale but that's not the important, the animals are nice with the Komodo dragon being the sole reason many people buy the deluxe upgrade/edition. But these are just animals that should have came with the base game, another hippo and gazelle is hardly enough to warrant the name of a deluxe upgrade.
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  1. Southeast Asia Animal Pack- Added one of my favorite animals of all time
  2. North America Animal Pack- Without this pack, you literally cannot make a North American zoo or NA themed section
  3. Aquatic Pack- Still some of the best scenery we've ever gotten
  4. Tropical Pack- Love all of the foliage and animal choices
  5. Africa Pack- A nice bow on Africa when added to what we got in the base game and added 4 extremely important animals
  6. Grasslands Animal Pack- No notes, loved all the animal choices
  7. Wetlands Animal Pack- A few choices I would not have made, but the stronger additions make up for it
  8. Twilight Pack- Don't care for any of the overly themed scenery, but the animal picks are all good
  9. Europe Pack- Good pieces and good animal choices, above mediocre but nothing to write home about for me
  10. Australia Pack- Still not happy with the dingo after all these years, but it's been augmented by other dlc at this point
  11. South America Pack- Scenery was decent, foliage not amazing, and half of the animal choices weren't good at the time.
  12. Arctic Pack- Just not an area that has a lot of appeal to me, Arctic wolf is still a poor choice even now that we have the Arctic fox
  13. Deluxe Pack- Never a fan of preorder content, has no value sine game launch
My updated ranks:

14. Deluxe Pack
13. Arctic Pack
12. Southeast Asia Animal Pack
11. Australia Pack
10. Twilight Pack
9. South America Pack
8. Europe Pack
7. Wetlands Animal Pack
6. Africa Pack--best animal selection in any scenery pack, but mostly mediocre scenery aside from the plaster pieces
5. Tropical Pack--my objections were/are less about what it is and more about what it isn't. In a vacuum it's clearly good.
4. Conservation Pack
3. Aquatic Pack--a huge leap forward but it's funny that every habitat animal in the pack now has a better-liked "replacement"
2. North America Animal Pack
1. Grasslands Animal Pack
14. Deluxe
13. Arctic
12. Austrlia
11. South America
10. Southeast Asia
9. Africa
8. Wetlands
7. Grasslands
6. Tropical
5, Europe
4, Twilight
3. Aquatic
2. Conservation
1. North America
After a year of (5) new DLCs, I believe that is time to update my list. I'm gonna left the Deluxe update out of this, as I don't think that it can be compared to the other DLCs.

13. Twilight pack: I still don't see the necessity of the theme, even though there are some nice pieces. The pieces have nothing to do with the animals. The animals were all nicely done, but 3 carnivores in a pack with 5 animals? The fact of having a bat that clips thought the pieces also doesn't help, I mean, we would be talking different if it would be trough pieces the player placed there... Not something I would have ever wished for...
12. Arctic pack: the animals didn't age well, specially the polar bear. The discussion involving the habitat sizes were also kind if pointless and the scenery isn't really versatile.
11. Conservation pack: the horse is nice, the pieces are good, the siamang was good to have for the first moment, but very redundant after the Lar gibbon. I probably would have ranked it higher some months ago because of that.
10. Europe pack: it had some nice pieces, the animals look good, but it still doesn't convince me.
9. Southeast Asia animal pack: that's a hard one, I like all the species of the pack, but the more I think about it, the more I think about it, the more I realize it isn't a good pack. I'm not even talking about the animal choices, it added some essential species for me, but on the other hand, there were again a lot of carnivores, of which we have a flying cat, a monkey that could have been a better species and a really lazy reskin.
8. South America pack: the theme isn't really good, the jaguar, anteater and capuchin also didn't really aged well and we still need a ton of South American species.
7. Grasslands animal pack: thought a lot about this one, but even though it added some nice species and most of the models are really well done, there were a lot of missed opportunities.
6. Australia pack: the aboriginal contribution to this is an absolute highlight, which should have be done to other packs too. The koala model is (IMO) still one of the worst in the whole game, together with its unrealistic behavior, this makes it one of the worst animals to use. Everything else is ok, even when I don't see any need in the dingo.
5. Tropical pack: surprisingly this ranks a lot higher than I expected, which is mainly for the quality of the animals, although there's nothing really new. The building pieces are also a lot better than I would have imagined. I probably still would have preferred an animal pack, but it can't be changed
4. Africa pack: that is another one where I would have preferred an animal pack. The theme is good, but it still doesn't really fit the animals.
3. Aquatic pack: very useful pieces, great animals and a lot of nostaly. This is still by far the best scenery pack for me.
2. Wetlands animal pack: it is very close to the NAAP, but this, on the other hand, is mainly for the various rarer species that nobody expected. I would have made some changes in the roster, but I am still really happy with this pack.
1. North America animal pack: even with it being really mammal focused, I think this still deserves the first spot. It really added something to an area which was underrepresented and most if the choices made a lot of sense.
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14. Deluxe Edition: I love the Komodo dragon and pygmy hippo, and the Thompson's gazelle is cool too, but what drags this pack down massively is its price tag. If the price of the pack was in line with the cost per animal in other DLCs I may even rank it higher just given how much I like the animals, but as is it is perfectly deserving of last place.

13. Arctic Pack: This is the only pack without at least one species I find useful - none of them are kept here in Australia (aside from a few polar bears at Sea World, but that's not a zoo), and hence I don't use them as someone who usually builds realistic local zoos. I also never find myself using the scenery. I think the animal choices for the theme are great - polar bear and reindeer are obvious, the Dall sheep was a pleasant oddball pick, and I don't even find the Arctic wolf to be that bad of a pick (it is extremely different visually from the timber wolf and also much better looking in general) - there's just not much for me here.

12. South America Pack: Similar to a lot of the packs this low in my ranking, the animal choices for the South America Pack were great for the most part, but I only find one species useful in my builds - in this case, the Colombian white-faced capuchin. This species actually isn't even kept in Australia, but as the only Neotropical primate we currently have it's so essential that it makes it into all my builds anyway. I'd also use the llama if we had other domestic species in the game, but as of now it just feels out of place (and I prefer the alpaca in any case). Some of the pieces in this pack, like the temple blocks and bamboo, can be pretty useful, but I don't find myself using them as much as I use the building sets that came with later packs.

11. North America Animal Pack: My drastically lower ranking of the North America Animal Pack compared to most other people simply reflects how I come from a part of the world where very few North American species are kept. The species in this pack are all very high quality, but the only one I get much use out of is the American alligator, which I adore (it's my favourite crocodilian in the game). Very much a necessary pack that did wonders for its continent's roster, but it's not for me.

10. Conservation Pack: I'm quite surprised at my placement of this pack so low on this list despite it including three animals I really like (horse, oryx and siamang), but for whatever reason I felt it had much less of an "impact" on my perception of the game than most of the other packs - I forget it exists half the time (@Bearcat9948 also left it out of their ranking so I assume I'm not the only one lol). The pieces are really cool in theory, but at the moment I don't really do much with backstage areas and so they only have limited usefulness for me.

9. Europe Pack: The European fallow deer is my favourite ungulate in the game (and one of my favourite animals overall), the flexicolour stone wall set is extremely versatile, a lot of the foliage is quite useful and I have never used anything but the European coach as a guest spawner since their addition - all of these factors make the Europe Pack rank much higher than if it had been yet another pack with only a single useable species for me. The roster for this pack is actually pretty much perfect and I wouldn't change anything aside from substituting the fire salamander for a sheltopusik (but the salamander is still a great pick), there's just very limited representation of European species in my local zoos.

8. Aquatic Pack: I no longer use any of the species in this pack aside from the diamondback terrapin, but I still like a lot of the choices (especially the giant otter, my personal favourite otter species IRL, and the grey seal). What really makes this pack stand the test of time however and stops it from falling into irrelevance is the building set - the stained wood walls and the f a u x r o c k s are easily among the most essential building pieces in the entire game and still make the Aquatic Pack a must-buy.

7. Twilight Pack: Half of the building set is way too heavily themed for my liking, and the red fox, striped skunk and raccoon do little for me. I think individually they're fine picks, but having three small generalist carnivorans whose range includes North America in a single scenery pack is absolutely overkill and makes the pack feel extremely undiverse. However, the common wombat and Egyptian fruit bat carry this pack hard for me, singlehandedly raising high enough that it makes it into the upper half of my personal ranking! The wombat is my favourite habitat animal (and overall favourite animal) in the game and the fruit bat is my favourite exhibit animal, and them alone makes this pack very much worth it for me. Plus it finally gave me another Australian native tree to use, the silky oak (we hadn't gotten one since the Australia Pack, and haven't had another since).

6. Southeast Asia Animal Pack: This pack has issues, no doubt about it. The Malayan tapir is infamous as the only actual lazy reskin species in the game, and the clouded leopard has been stranded on the moon for two years now. That said, I definitely love a lot more about the Southeast Asia Animal Pack than I dislike! South-east Asia is one of my favourite parts of the world IRL, so there was no way I was not going to like the species in this pack! The babirusa, sun bear and binturong are especially big highlights for me - the babirusa is my favourite pig species and vital representation for Sulawesi, the sun bear is the only realistic bear for use in Australian zoos and one of my all-time favourite animals (it was also my favourite animal in the game for a while until it was surpassed by the wombat), and the binturong is just plain interesting.

5. Tropical Pack: This pack is pretty evenly matched with the Southeast Asia Animal Pack for me, which shouldn't be a surprise as both have a some form of focus on one of my favourite regions. I rank the Tropical Pack higher thanks to the amazing quality of the foliage and Indonesian building pieces, as well as the more consistent quality of animals overall. Asian water monitor, lar gibbon and fossa are the three standout species from the pack for me, but the red river hog and sloth are also extremely well down even if they are animals I generally have very little interest in.

4. Wetlands Animal Pack: I love the whole vibe of this pack, and it was such a surprise when it launched! The capybara, platypus, Asian small-clawed otter and wild water buffalo are some of my favourite animals in the game and they all make it into the majority of my zoos (with the water buffalo being a proxy for the domestic species), and I was even fond of the more unpopular picks like Nile lechwe and spectacled caiman. With one carnivoran, two ungulates, a monotreme, a rodent, a bird and a reptile, all hailing from across the globe, it's objectively the most diverse pack we've had yet!

3. Africa Pack: This is just a fantastic pack all around. The meerkat, fennec fox and southern white rhinoceros are all great and essential species that I include in the majority of my zoos, but as someone who's a big fan of deserts, scrublands and xeric environments in general, I also really love the foliage in this pack. The new plaster pieces are very useful and versatile, but the wood pieces arguably steal the show for me - they're my default choice when it comes to creating structural supports on buildings and such.

2. Grassland Animal Pack: Although it isn't quite as diverse as the Wetlands Animal Pack, the choices for Grasslands are even stronger in my eyes. The emu and wallaby were two absolutely essential animals for Australia, and the maned wolf has always been my most wanted species from South America due to being a personal favourite of mine. Every animal in this pack aside from the wildebeest (which are still iconic enough to deserve a place in the game) was on my wishlist and I couldn't be happier to finally have them.

1. Australia Pack: Although one of the earlier DLCs, as someone who mostly builds zoos based in Australia, the Australia Pack still stands clear as the best pack that has ever come to Planet Zoo for me personally. This is the only pack we've ever gotten where every single species included is housed in Australian zoos (a given, but still), and not only that, each is very commonly kept and arguably essential for building a zoo here - the kangaroo and koala are our two most well-known and beloved marsupials, the dingo is the apex predator and most common zoo canid, and the southern cassowary is the most iconic animal of the north Queensland rainforests. Combine this with some fantastic and essential foliage (such as the game's only Australian eucalypts, which I literally cannot go without) as well as great scenery pieces (all that metal mmmm) and it easily tops the list as the most essential pack for me.
Just wanted to pop in my list quick. I feel like it's it's bit controversial but I don't how much please tell me.

1. Grasslands
2. Wetlands
3. Aquatic
4. Europe
5. North America
6. Austrlia
7. South america
8. Tropical
9. Conservation
10. Africa
11. Twilight
12. South east asia
13. Arctic
Just a rough least to most favorite (although they are all valuable to me!).
13. Aquatic
12. South America
11. Tropical
10. Australia
9. Arctic
8. Africa
7. Wetlands
6. Conservation
5. Twilight
4. Europe
3. Southeast Asia
2. North America
1. Grasslands
13. Deluxe Edition
Animal wise, this is a straight banger.
The pigmy hippo might be the best example of a similar animal in the game that works, as for most zoos its simply the more affordable version, especally in space making people including me much more inclined to use it. Its pretty much a 10/10 animal that while most did not know that they want it defenetly was the hippo we needed.
The komodo dragon also comes of strong as an SEA animal and one of the few habitat reptiles in the game. Combined with the fact that it looks much better then the nile monitor its no surprise that theybe been a staple in my and many other zoos, something the asian water monitor could change, but i honestly doubt it.
Thomsons Gazelle is boring af though.
2/3 being top animals is a great score, but sadly this is all it has to offer, but still id argue this puts it (if you ignore the price tag) over...

14. South East Asia
This pack has allways been and stays as my least favorite pack in the game, even if it contains one of my favorite animals in the game, but it stands out as one thing above everything else: missed potential.
Long story short, how do you make an 8 animal pack without scenery, but only have 2 animals that are above average?
The binturong and babirusa are great and we all know it, but the rest of the pack?
We got a canid, cat and bear in one pack, all 3 are very forgettable fellows and simply unnessecarry. I might love the dhole for its flexibility, but even here they managed to choose 1. The subspecies from russia, 2. Did not make it fluffy and 3. It the one subspecies not found in zoos. For me its a top 5 animal for its sheer versatility but the execution of this animal really is subpar and if anything holds it back from even more greatness. Sunbear i understand has its fans and the only bear kept in australia part is cool, but its just nothing special to me, just a lanky ugly bear thats perfectly fine and average but nothing more.
The malayan tapir is a clone and a rather uninspired pick, not bad especally regarding asias ungulate void but even with a better model nothing super interesting. The clouded leopard is both an excuse for a small cat that could and should have been a fishing cat to capitalise on the new deep diving and actually fill that small cat niches instead of just being a tropical snow leopard thats also buggy to the moon and back to a point its the only animal in the game id label borderline unusable.
The proboscis monkey has grown on me, but in a roster that void of primates even at this point it has no buissness to be such an unnessecary weird species when all we wanted and still need us a tailed primate from asia thats actually found in zoos.
And lastly the leaf insect while fun in concept literally is an empty exhibit unless you want to search for it, which is fun once unlike just going through your zoo and watching the animals.
Its quality wise easily the worst pack this game has and half the picks arnt even fun or interesting if not outright having a fatal flaw.
And regarding binturong, babirusa and a subpar dhole + some not worth my time extras, i by far prefer the 2 top tier animals from the deluxe pack and their extra.
Now just from a cash money perspective, is deluxe really better then SEA? No ofcourse not, 8 animals vs 3 are still 5 more, BUT just from how much i like them, i can respect a pack that had 3 animals and brought me to straight bangers much more then a pack with all the possibilitys only to give me a bunch of undercooked animals, half of the choices either boring or flawed with even my favorite animal of the pack being hold back by stupid unnessecary decisions. The tropical pack frustrates me in a macro level, but the SEA pack does it in the vacuum and stands clearly as the most messy and just low quality dlc this game got. It could easily have been a great, but no, they took one of the most diverse regions of the planet and gave us a dog, a big cat, a bear, a clone tapir and the least qualified primate while ignoring all other and frankly much better possibilitys.
If we had no clouded leopard or dhole, who would seriously care? Meanwhile the lack of a pheasent and a SEA kept in captivity monkey are the main and near only wishes for this region, something that could have easily been fixed 2 years ago.

12. Arctic
This pack was the first and it shows. The animal choices are all fine to good, with the reindeer and dall sheep being the clear standouts, especally before the europe and NA packs when they were the only cervid and caprine. The polar bear is okay, its important to be here but just a very unhandy animal. The arctic wolf is also quite nice, as they are very common in europe, give a nice visual choice to the timber wolf, look significantly better then them and also represent the wide harsh tundra the best alongside the reindeer.
The scenery pack is also really nice, from the great wood set, eventhough its starting to be outclassed over time with the beams still be a favorite and even the christmas stuff can be useful with for example fairy lights as the wires of electrical fences and the ice pieces being near essential for king penguin habitats.
Overall its nice but unrefined, maybe a 6/10 pack which shows the general high quality of the packs.

11. North America
Quite surprised when i saw it down here, but thinking about it, while its a good and important pack for NA representation, it has a bit of an aquatic pack syndrome where i prefer later animals over most of its roster, which is still pretty dope. When i want to build for a cervid, the fallow, red and reindeer come to mind far before the moose, the sealion is nice but i simply subjectivly prefer the seal by a long shot as i find them much cuter and the sealions in game kind of off looking, not bad but also not the instant dopamine hit i get from seeing irl pinipeds while the seal does, the arctic fox is really cool but i prefer the red in 9/10 cases unless i want to make an arctic area and the cougar is also quite low on the priority list for cats i would want to build for. This only leaves 3 animals that i prefer over the greater roster with the prariedog in the god tier of usefull and among my top 5 animals in the game, the beaver as one of the truly unique animals and ironically the aligator, an animal i activly didnt want, compfortably vibing as my second or most favorite crocodilian in the game, depending on what day you ask me. Great pack, but not so much for me.

10. Tropic and 9. South America
These packs i went over and over what i like more so im just gonna equal them.
It pretty much comes down to the south america pack being an allmost slam dunk hit regarding the animals, with the only issue i have with it being the type of new world monkey as they arnt really found in zoos and i had prefered another capuchin over it, but im willing to overlook that for what is a 5/5 high tier pack. Ofcourse the lama could use some company, but im not gonna fault this pack for later pack being cringe and not introducing more domestics (looking at you wetlands pack, you coward). Instead, the lama is even MORE usefull as it literally is our only standard petting zoo animals with maybe the fallow deer. Combine that with our only new world primate, the coolest and most versatile big cat (Desert, Grassland, Tropics, Wetlands, Diving, Climbing, Apex, North central and south america) a good addition for the exhibit and one of the most unique and charismatic animals in the game with the giant ant eater. It also does a great job of representing all of south america with just 4 animals, giving us a taxonomically unique savannah animal, a new world primate for the tropical rainforest, the most iconic domestic and arguably animal of the andes and the jaguar who lives simply everwhere.
Now to the meh part, while im still happy its here, the foliage especally for a rainforest oriented pack kind of sucks. Same goes for the scenery, with the wood beams being outclassed, the temple pieces usefull but niche and the only real all time favorite being the flexicolor bamboo pieces, which are great but dont carry the entire pack.

On the flipside we have the Tropics Pack, which has amazing foliage and some of the best scenery in the game both for thematic and general use, BUT i just cant with those animals. These animal choices where just bad and the definition of missed potential and while i have accepted them, it doesnt mean that i like them.
We got the prettier warthog, high resolution nile monitor, small siamang, wrong sloth and the one animal i dont have a problem with.
On a quality level, they are all gorgeous no doubt about it, but this pack has been the first pack ever since i started playing the game that didnt make me feel, "Wow i wanna build for that now", something even SEA managed. I feel aphatetic towards the entire roster and while they are all fine, just like the original SEA pack none of them are ideal or particulary interesting besides the fossa, who allmost managed to get my attention but has the unfortune to follow me building a tropical house for the last month thats finished in its line up by now. Entire pack literally got outclassed by some new vines and ferns for my attention and its not even close.

8. Australia
Long story short, great pack that has fallen out of grace due to me finding prefered alternatives for both the scenery and animals.
I still appreciate it for being literally nessecary for our australian friends, but ngl while i still use the metall pieces from the pack and they have helped me greatly, the twillight packs metall pieces have mostly outshined them whereever their usecases overlapped. In the same vein while i still adore the kangaroo and cassowary, both of them have found great and prefered alternatives in the wallaby and emu, which is generally great but still diminished the pack a little.
For the other 2 animals, im actually okay with the dingo, but it just doesnt interests me, as i mostly dont build actual continental areas and just whatever i feel like with them being the canine at the bottom of my priority list. And the koala is meh, kinda boring but good animal to be in the game. Glad they became a thing before WEs could limit their creativity output, but even so they just are not the most exciting animals to build for or watch as what your seeing is either a small immersion break or the koala literally doing nothing. Imagine we had a cute sleeping animation while on a tree for them, that easily would make them more fun to watch while doing nothing, but just a pipe dream.
In general its a perfect middle of the road pack, its just neat, not many positive or negative thoughts about it and those that i have are pretty much split 50/50 on the pack. Neat

7. Conservation
Now we get into the greats, starting with Conservation. First of, the foliage in this pack is a game changer, the flowers are very fun to mix with the grass and make everything just look that much nicer with a few sprinkles of color everywhere. The scenery in general is really fun, enabling easy back stage building which is a nice add on if your in the mood for it. I also really love the wood pieces, which are among my favorite wood pieces in the game, which is quite the high praise.
For the animals, they are nice. Just one i dont care for with the leopard, 2 great ungulates for underrepresented areas and propaply my favorite primate in the game, especally now after the brachiachition update. Something i especally appreciate is that eventhough all of these animals have similar versions (jaguar/siberian tiger, gemsbock, zebra, lar gibbon) they all managed to stand out by providing unique features without just being a better version of the other animals as they bring their greatness either to another area that needs it, standout with unique features and a significantly bigger size making them much better to spot in larger outdoor habitats or are the leopard that does neither and just kind of is unnessecary. I wish i could say atleast people dont wish for the less cool jaguary anymore, but now many people just moved on to less cool leopards so eh every 2 steps ahead we take one back. This pack really shows the difference in polish between older and newer packs and really polish is the best way to discribe this pack, as it does nothing but polish the allready fun experience with smaller extra features like flowers, backstage props and some back filling of important areas to make many small changes that amount to more then the sum of their parts.

6. Africa
Just like Australia, this pack needs some proper applause for making building in another culture much more accessable and feasible, this time of the many cultures of northern africa, while providing a lot of pieces useful both for theming and general use especally if you choose to build a zoo located in that area and pretty much the best animal collection of any scenery pack so far. Getting an african rhino might not be the most exciting, but defenetly an important choice, the fenec fox gave us the first true saharan animal and a good contestant for any nighthouse, the african penguin became an instant staple of most zoos as a great entrance and general purpose animal and the meerkat literally gave us something we wernt sure if it even was possible, complete with a new behavior and traversal system and being literally THE most important zoo animal missing from the game.
It also was the first pack to really bolster the desert biome, a biome that arguably was the most underrepresented but not absent biome in the base game.
I dont have many words here, its just good. Good Scenery, Good Animals, Brought a New Dimension to the game both in animal sizes and by adding an entire new aesthetic. Its all you could ask from a dlc.

5. Twillight
This pack really shouldnt be this high but it pushes all of my buttons.
Besides ofcourse me being the leader of the trash panda rebellion with the teaser trailer coming out 2 days before my birthday, this pack compliments my building style greatly.
Side note about me, i have so far only build temperate european zoos with my foliage pallete literally being Europe, Asia, Aquatic, Grassland, Temperate, Taiga, Tundra + buffalo grass. This pack gave me for the biggest bump to my foliage pallete besides the europe pack and the buffalo grass for my prefered playstyle, making my pallete a good bit more varied and diverse. It also has some great stone and metall pieces with wood that i especally like for building door, which might be niche but still nice and something i frequently use it for.
Are 3 small carnivorans from north america in one pack a bit of a downer? Yeah cant deny that.
Are any of these 3 animals actually bad? No not at all.
Besides my beloved trash panda, the nr 1. "not a zoo animal" that is in more EAZA zoos then many community favorites combined that finally added a temperate climbing animal that wasnt a cat, we got the skunk which is very cute, well known and common in zoos aswell and the red fox, propaply among the most well handled similar animal in this game ever, where they gave it a ton of color morph to keep it desireable and standout from the crowd. All 3 of these animals filled a role that so far didnt exist, non arctic NA smaller animal/carnivore, which should be appreciated. They gave us for small NA critters what we want for birds and monkeys and we all are only salty cause we know that wont happen to them aswell, which is fair but still. If the NA animal pack fleshed out north america from just a few centerpiece animals and arctic animals to an actual region, this pack rounded it out and completed it, which is just very nice. Also speaking of the last two animals, the bat was revolutionary and while im not nessecarly a fan of the WE, the fact hat we have bats in the game by now is just mindboogling to think about back till the last moment before their reveal. And the wombat is just dope, hes a very nice little guy that finally gave oceania another animal. Not to mention the fact that the red fox and the shortly after released red deer finally got europe to an acceptable state, this pack looking back might not have been what we wanted, but it certanly left a very positive and polished mark on the game, which is the best thing a pack at this point can do.

4. Aquatic
Dear god, whoever created the faux pieces deserves all the chocolate in the world cause damn if theres one set that i use EVERYWHERE its them and its not even close. They are insane, completly busted in their appeal, flexibility and overall design.
And the best part is, the rest of the pack is pretty dope aswell!
Starting with the animals giving us, the king penguin was a great opportuinity to give us an antarctic animal, they took it and it resulted in something completly different from anything else in the game. The giant otter and dwarf caiman gave south america a much needed boost, arguably completing its waterhabitats outside of birds and fish when combined with the wetlands pack and the seal is just an all around delight. Giving us more specialised versions of the 4 main aquatic groups was both a smart marketing tool, aswell as really helping to differentiate them from each other, with all of them filling a completly different niche then their relatives by being from different continents, larger, very morphologically different or much smaller.
For the pieces, it gave us a very varried set, arguably the best wooden wall set and many smaller things to tinker which, proving overall very good.
Without the faux pieces, it be in a similar situation as australia, but thanks to them its easily among the best packs and my nr 1 recomendation if anyone asks me for their first pack as it has great scenery, great animals without counterparts in the base game and a varried and usefull mix that improves many areas of the rather lack luster vanilla roster.

3. Europe
So what have we learned about my taste so far? I like good, versatile scenery, foliage from europe and not tropical asia, i am european and i like building in temperate europe.
Its not a surprise that the Europe pack with its complete banger scenery, great foliage and a nice selection of animals is high on my list, featuring my long time most requested animal in form of the european fallow deer. Before this pack, europe was a mess, it had a few animals from its corners, but nothing besides the wolf from central europe, so making a pack focused on this area was the best choice. This pack, especally now that we also have the base game red deer, gave us everything we need for a bare bones european wild park, while also providing city oriented scenery based on multiple different cultures across europe, making it easier to give the locations that extra bit of flair.
Combine that with extremly good stone and metal pieces aswell as many smaller goodies and accessories like pillows, the great decal system and the food trucks and bus guest spawners make this easily the most generally usefull scenery pack that has no faux rocks.
Add to that the fact that the eurasian lynx might be the most usefull, flexible and well made feline in the game, the alpine ibex being our only other caprine, the badger being our first non otter mustelid and the fallow deer being the king of versatile, arguably being our 3. real petting zoo option, insane to think about.
And even if you dont care for these animals, its hard to deny that the scenery in this pack is outstanding and really helps to give more depth to our builds, especally more stylish options for actual buildings. And i do care for these animals, making it easily a top 3 pack.

2. Grasslands and 1. Wetlands
These two packs are the clear best packs for me for 3 main reasons:
Variety, Polish and Quality
The Quality of both packs is through the roof, every single animal is beautiful and full of small little touches, every choice is atleast agreeable and overall they add something together thats incredibly important by now: Polish.
Just like the twillight and conversation pack gave the last essentials to the sahara, temperate north america, the central asian stepes and SEA, these two gave it to many other areas around the globe and just general usability.
The grassland pack does a great job at giving us many useful animals in particular from the middle east, australia and south america, while also treating us to the wonderfull butterflies and while it really did a great job especally on australia, i slightly prefer the wetland pack for its greater variety in animals.
But lets talk about those varied animals shall we?
The Wetlands pack gave us:
  • The Capybara, essential for both the game as a whole and South America
  • The Asian Small Clawed Otter, a staple of zoos small and big all around the world and a cute otter
  • The Spectacle Caiman, rounding out our crocodiles by giving us the perfect mid size option
  • The "Wild" Water Buffallo, representing asian culture and adding a great larger general use ungulate for the asian void that stands apart from other bovids due to its love for water
  • The Nile Lechwe, that gave us our first northern african antelope and our first water loving antelope
  • The Red Crowned Crane which is still our second new bird taxa ever for the game that gives us a cold climate bird
  • The Platypus, our first monotreme and the first australia exclusive aquatic
All 7 of these animals looked at the game, saw an open niche, not nessecarly essential but open non the less and filled it flawlessly while also giving our by far most diverse roster to date. And it did this without focussing on any particular area, making this a true filler dlc, not like its skipable but in filling in the holes left over by what came before.
No matter what dlc you have or what kind of zoo you build, something in this pack will greatly enhance your gameplay.
And the nr 1 reason why it is nr 1 is because it achieves this even with just 6 animals, as i frequently forget the platypus and even had to google the 7. animal for this list, sorry australia. This pack left me with rather small additions and one animal i really am not interested in, but all of them are so smooth and fit so perfectly in what the base game left to be desired that it still is my nr 1 for the best dlc with grasslands as a close second as everything said here also applies to it but i simply prefer the animals from the wetlands pack.

Their rather elegant approach leaves me very hopefull for future animal biome pack and im sure they also will find their way to the top end of my list once they see the light of day
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I'm going to just go:
  1. Aquatic: Gotta be my favourite in terms of pieces and 2/4 animals.
  2. Africa: Hate most of the pieces, think it should have been an animal pack, but the species are great.
  3. South America: It's grown on me because the capuchin is the single small monkey in the game.
  4. Conservation: Siamang me up, baby.
  5. Wetlands: Love me a red-crowned crane, the ASCO, capybara, lechwe, all fantastic.
  6. Grasslands: Emu and wallaby, yes!
  7. Australia: Great pieces, dropped a few ranks because I think the koala should be a WE animal and I'm still salty about the dingo.
  8. Arctic: Don't use any of the animals much anymore, but the wooden pieces are perfect low-budget theming.
  9. Europe: Both pieces and animals are great but I was never really desperate for a Europe Pack.
  10. Southeast Asia: Very low because of the tapir, and because the clouded leopard still has the slow motion bug.
  11. Tropical: The gibbon and monitor are bad choices. The sloth was the wrong species. The hog is great, though.
  12. Twilight: Wombat saves it from last place.
  13. North America: Still my least-used pack. Very little in it for me in terms of usefulness. The sea lion could save it if they fixed the size of the male.
I don't count the Deluxe as a DLC in these topics, simply because we have no idea what the decision-making process was in it, and at the end of the day it was simply a carrot on a stick to get people to pre-order.
I am an European player and I must say that the NA animal pack also belongs to my most favourite packs especially because of the animal choices. But opinions can differ surely.

My ranking:
I mostly rank because of animal choices. Scenery is a nice-to-have. But for me the animals are the heart of all packs.

10. Arctic pack
Just because we got the smallest amount of animals and the Polar Wolf was really a bit uninspired in my opinion.

9. South America Pack
In fact I like all packs but this pack was also a mixed animal choice in my opinion.

8. South East Asia animal pack
The Malaysian Tapir belongs to my most favourite animals and it was just made bad in this pack which makes the pack in my personal worse than it actually is.

7. Wetlands animal pack
The Caiman seems somehow to be a thrown away slot but I can live with it now. Place 7-4 are really close together in my opinion.

6. Conservation Pack
Nice pack and nice scenery. For me it is kind of a middle place

5. Australia Pack
We got great animals except the Dingo (Personal view) in my opinion and nice scenery. In my opinion this pack had had the best announcement trailer

4. Europe pack
As an European this pack brought finally some local fauna to the game. Hopefully we will get a few more European animals

3. Africa pack
One of the strongest packs looking at the animals. All highly requested or just needful like the African penguin

2. Aquatic pack
Brought new mechanics and at that time very different animals compared to the earlier animals to the game

1. North America Animal pack
For me it is still the best pack. We got highly requested animals and with the prairie dog a nice surprise. One can say this pack is uninspired but sometimes a pack must not invent new things to be great in my opinion.

I quoted myself from the other thread:
13. Arctic Pack
12. South America Pack
11. South East Asia animal Pack
10. Wetlands animal Pack
9. Conservation Pack
8. Tropical Pack
I would Put it into the middle Ranking but all in all every DLC had something to offer for me and especially places 5-11 are so close together. The Red River Hog clearly is my favourite within this pack
7. Australia Pack
6. Twilight Pack
I really like this pack. I cannot understand the critics of the animal choice. It brought such a variety of animals which mostly were very unique compared to the actual rooster. And it brought a new mechanic with the WT exhibits. In my opinion one of the most underrated Packs we got. No big animal but nice small ones which can be used very good for filler habitats.
5. Europe Pack
4. Africa Pack
3. Aquatic Pack
2. Grasslands animal Pack
Such a great pack in my opinion which showed another step of Frontiers improvement in animal Design. The animal choices were great. I really liked this Pack but it is still behind the best Pack we got in my opinion.
1. North America animal Pack
13. Deluxe Edition
Animal wise, this is a straight banger.
The pigmy hippo might be the best example of a similar animal in the game that works, as for most zoos its simply the more affordable version, especally in space making people including me much more inclined to use it. Its pretty much a 10/10 animal that while most did not know that they want it defenetly was the hippo we needed.
The komodo dragon also comes of strong as an SEA animal and one of the few habitat reptiles in the game. Combined with the fact that it looks much better then the nile monitor its no surprise that theybe been a staple in my and many other zoos, something the asian water monitor could change, but i honestly doubt it.
Thomsons Gazelle is boring af though.
2/3 being top animals is a great score, but sadly this is all it has to offer, but still id argue this puts it (if you ignore the price tag) over...

14. South East Asia
This pack has allways been and stays as my least favorite pack in the game, even if it contains one of my favorite animals in the game, but it stands out as one thing above everything else: missed potential.
Long story short, how do you make an 8 animal pack without scenery, but only have 2 animals that are above average?
The binturong and babirusa are great and we all know it, but the rest of the pack?
We got a canid, cat and bear in one pack, all 3 are very forgettable fellows and simply unnessecarry. I might love the dhole for its flexibility, but even here they managed to choose 1. The subspecies from russia, 2. Did not make it fluffy and 3. It the one subspecies found in zoos. For me its a top 5 animal for its sheer versatility but the execution of this animal really is subpar and if anything holds it back from even more greatness. Sunbear i understand has its fans and the only bear kept in australia part is cool, but its just nothing special to me, just a lanky ugly bear thats perfectly fine and average but nothing more.
The malayan tapir is a clone and a rather uninspired pick, not bad especally regarding asias ungulate void but even with a better model nothing super interesting. The clouded leopard is both an excuse for a small cat that could and should have been a fishing cat to capitalise on the new deep diving and actually fill that small cat niches instead of just being a tropical snow leopard thats also buggy to the moon and back to a point its the only animal in the game id label borderline unusable.
The proboscis monkey has grown on me, but in a roster that void of primates even at this point it has no buissness to be such an unnessecary weird species when all we wanted and still need us a tailed primate from asia thats actually found in zoos.
And lastly the leaf insect while fun in concept literally is an empty exhibit unless you want to search for it, which is fun once unlike just going through your zoo and watching the animals.
Its quality wise easily the worst pack this game has and half the picks arnt even fun or interesting if not outright having a fatal flaw.
And regarding binturong, babirusa and a subpar dhole + some not worth my time extras, i by far prefer the 2 top tier animals from the deluxe pack and their extra.
Now just from a cash money perspective, is deluxe really better then SEA? No ofcourse not, 8 animals vs 3 are still 5 more, BUT just from how much i like them, i can respect a pack that had 3 animals and brought me to straight bangers much more then a pack with all the possibilitys only to give me a bunch of undercooked animals, half of the choices either boring or flawed with even my favorite animal of the pack being hold back by stupid unnessecary decisions. The tropical pack frustrates me in a macro level, but the SEA pack does it in the vacuum and stands clearly as the most messy and just low quality dlc this game got. It could easily have been a great, but no, they took one of the most diverse regions of the planet and gave us a dog, a big cat, a bear, a clone tapir and the least qualified primate while ignoring all other and frankly much better possibilitys.
If we had no clouded leopard or dhole, who would seriously care? Meanwhile the lack of a pheasent and a SEA kept in captivity monkey are the main and near only wishes for this region, something that could have easily been fixed 2 years ago.

12. Arctic
This pack was the first and it shows. The animal choices are all fine to good, with the reindeer and dall sheep being the clear standouts, especally before the europe and NA packs when they were the only cervid and caprine. The polar bear is okay, its important to be here but just a very unhandy animal. The arctic wolf is also quite nice, as they are very common in europe, give a nice visual choice to the timber wolf, look significantly better then them and also represent the wide harsh tundra the best alongside the reindeer.
The scenery pack is also really nice, from the great wood set, eventhough its starting to be outclassed over time with the beams still be a favorite and even the christmas stuff can be useful with for example fairy lights as the wires of electrical fences and the ice pieces being near essential for king penguin habitats.
Overall its nice but unrefined, maybe a 6/10 pack which shows the general high quality of the packs.

11. North America
Quite surprised when i saw it down here, but thinking about it, while its a good and important pack for NA representation, it has a bit of an aquatic pack syndrome where i prefer later animals over most of its roster, which is still pretty dope. When i want to build for a cervid, the fallow, red and reindeer come to mind far before the moose, the sealion is nice but i simply subjectivly prefer the seal by a long shot as i find them much cuter and the sealions in game kind of off looking, not bad but also not the instant dopamine hit i get from seeing irl pinipeds while the seal does, the arctic fox is really cool but i prefer the red in 9/10 cases unless i want to make an arctic area and the cougar is also quite low on the priority list for cats i would want to build for. This only leaves 3 animals that i prefer over the greater roster with the prariedog in the god tier of usefull and among my top 5 animals in the game, the beaver as one of the truly unique animals and ironically the aligator, an animal i activly didnt want, compfortably vibing as my second or most favorite crocodilian in the game, depending on what day you ask me. Great pack, but not so much for me.

10. Tropic and 9. South America
These packs i went over and over what i like more so im just gonna equal them.
It pretty much comes down to the south america pack being an allmost slam dunk hit regarding the animals, with the only issue i have with it being the type of new world monkey as they arnt really found in zoos and i had prefered another capuchin over it, but im willing to overlook that for what is a 5/5 high tier pack. Ofcourse the lama could use some company, but im not gonna fault this pack for later pack being cringe and not introducing more domestics (looking at you wetlands pack, you coward). Instead, the lama is even MORE usefull as it literally is our only standard petting zoo animals with maybe the fallow deer. Combine that with our only new world primate, the coolest and most versatile big cat (Desert, Grassland, Tropics, Wetlands, Diving, Climbing, Apex, North central and south america) a good addition for the exhibit and one of the most unique and charismatic animals in the game with the giant ant eater. It also does a great job of representing all of south america with just 4 animals, giving us a taxonomically unique savannah animal, a new world primate for the tropical rainforest, the most iconic domestic and arguably animal of the andes and the jaguar who lives simply everwhere.
Now to the meh part, while im still happy its here, the foliage especally for a rainforest oriented pack kind of sucks. Same goes for the scenery, with the wood beams being outclassed, the temple pieces usefull but niche and the only real all time favorite being the flexicolor bamboo pieces, which are great but dont carry the entire pack.

On the flipside we have the Tropics Pack, which has amazing foliage and some of the best scenery in the game both for thematic and general use, BUT i just cant with those animals. These animal choices where just bad and the definition of missed potential and while i have accepted them, it doesnt mean that i like them.
We got the prettier warthog, high resolution nile monitor, small siamang, wrong sloth and the one animal i dont have a problem with.
On a quality level, they are all gorgeous no doubt about it, but this pack has been the first pack ever since i started playing the game that didnt make me feel, "Wow i wanna build for that now", something even SEA managed. I feel aphatetic towards the entire roster and while they are all fine, just like the original SEA pack none of them are ideal or particulary interesting besides the fossa, who allmost managed to get my attention but has the unfortune to follow me building a tropical house for the last month thats finished in its line up by now. Entire pack literally got outclassed by some new vines and ferns for my attention and its not even close.

8. Australia
Long story short, great pack that has fallen out of grace due to me finding prefered alternatives for both the scenery and animals.
I still appreciate it for being literally nessecary for our australian friends, but ngl while i still use the metall pieces from the pack and they have helped me greatly, the twillight packs metall pieces have mostly outshined them whereever their usecases overlapped. In the same vein while i still adore the kangaroo and cassowary, both of them have found great and prefered alternatives in the wallaby and emu, which is generally great but still diminished the pack a little.
For the other 2 animals, im actually okay with the dingo, but it just doesnt interests me, as i mostly dont build actual continental areas and just whatever i feel like with them being the canine at the bottom of my priority list. And the koala is meh, kinda boring but good animal to be in the game. Glad they became a thing before WEs could limit their creativity output, but even so they just are not the most exciting animals to build for or watch as what your seeing is either a small immersion break or the koala literally doing nothing. Imagine we had a cute sleeping animation while on a tree for them, that easily would make them more fun to watch while doing nothing, but just a pipe dream.
In general its a perfect middle of the road pack, its just neat, not many positive or negative thoughts about it and those that i have are pretty much split 50/50 on the pack. Neat

7. Conservation
Now we get into the greats, starting with Conservation. First of, the foliage in this pack is a game changer, the flowers are very fun to mix with the grass and make everything just look that much nicer with a few sprinkles of color everywhere. The scenery in general is really fun, enabling easy back stage building which is a nice add on if your in the mood for it. I also really love the wood pieces, which are among my favorite wood pieces in the game, which is quite the high praise.
For the animals, they are nice. Just one i dont care for with the leopard, 2 great ungulates for underrepresented areas and propaply my favorite primate in the game, especally now after the brachiachition update. Something i especally appreciate is that eventhough all of these animals have similar versions (jaguar/siberian tiger, gemsbock, zebra, lar gibbon) they all managed to stand out by providing unique features without just being a better version of the other animals as they bring their greatness either to another area that needs it, standout with unique features and a significantly bigger size making them much better to spot in larger outdoor habitats or are the leopard that does neither and just kind of is unnessecary. I wish i could say atleast people dont wish for the less cool jaguary anymore, but now many people just moved on to less cool leopards so eh every 2 steps ahead we take one back. This pack really shows the difference in polish between older and newer packs and really polish is the best way to discribe this pack, as it does nothing but polish the allready fun experience with smaller extra features like flowers, backstage props and some back filling of important areas to make many small changes that amount to more then the sum of their parts.

6. Africa
Just like Australia, this pack needs some proper applause for making building in another culture much more accessable and feasible, this time of the many cultures of northern africa, while providing a lot of pieces useful both for theming and general use especally if you choose to build a zoo located in that area and pretty much the best animal collection of any scenery pack so far. Getting an african rhino might not be the most exciting, but defenetly an important choice, the fenec fox gave us the first true saharan animal and a good contestant for any nighthouse, the african penguin became an instant staple of most zoos as a great entrance and general purpose animal and the meerkat literally gave us something we wernt sure if it even was possible, complete with a new behavior and traversal system and being literally THE most important zoo animal missing from the game.
It also was the first pack to really bolster the desert biome, a biome that arguably was the most underrepresented but not absent biome in the base game.
I dont have many words here, its just good. Good Scenery, Good Animals, Brought a New Dimension to the game both in animal sizes and by adding an entire new aesthetic. Its all you could ask from a dlc.

5. Twillight
This pack really shouldnt be this high but it pushes all of my buttons.
Besides ofcourse me being the leader of the trash panda rebellion with the teaser trailer coming out 2 days before my birthday, this pack compliments my building style greatly.
Side note about me, i have so far only build temperate european zoos with my foliage pallete literally being Europe, Asia, Aquatic, Grassland, Temperate, Taiga, Tundra + buffalo grass. This pack gave me for the biggest bump to my foliage pallete besides the europe pack and the buffalo grass for my prefered playstyle, making my pallete a good bit more varied and diverse. It also has some great stone and metall pieces with wood that i especally like for building door, which might be niche but still nice and something i frequently use it for.
Are 3 small carnivorans from north america in one pack a bit of a downer? Yeah cant deny that.
Are any of these 3 animals actually bad? No not at all.
Besides my beloved trash panda, the nr 1. "not a zoo animal" that is in more EAZA zoos then many community favorites combined that finally added a temperate climbing animal that wasnt a cat, we got the skunk which is very cute, well known and common in zoos aswell and the red fox, propaply among the most well handled similar animal in this game ever, where they gave it a ton of color morph to keep it desireable and standout from the crowd. All 3 of these animals filled a role that so far didnt exist, non arctic NA smaller animal/carnivore, which should be appreciated. They gave us for small NA critters what we want for birds and monkeys and we all are only salty cause we know that wont happen to them aswell, which is fair but still. If the NA animal pack fleshed out north america from just a few centerpiece animals and arctic animals to an actual region, this pack rounded it out and completed it, which is just very nice. Also speaking of the last two animals, the bat was revolutionary and while im not nessecarly a fan of the WE, the fact hat we have bats in the game by now is just mindboogling to think about back till the last moment before their reveal. And the wombat is just dope, hes a very nice little guy that finally gave oceania another animal. Not to mention the fact that the red fox and the shortly after released red deer finally got europe to an acceptable state, this pack looking back might not have been what we wanted, but it certanly left a very positive and polished mark on the game, which is the best thing a pack at this point can do.

4. Aquatic
Dear god, whoever created the faux pieces deserves all the chocolate in the world cause damn if theres one set that i use EVERYWHERE its them and its not even close. They are insane, completly busted in their appeal, flexibility and overall design.
And the best part is, the rest of the pack is pretty dope aswell!
Starting with the animals giving us, the king penguin was a great opportuinity to give us an antarctic animal, they took it and it resulted in something completly different from anything else in the game. The giant otter and dwarf caiman gave south america a much needed boost, arguably completing its waterhabitats outside of birds and fish when combined with the wetlands pack and the seal is just an all around delight. Giving us more specialised versions of the 4 main aquatic groups was both a smart marketing tool, aswell as really helping to differentiate them from each other, with all of them filling a completly different niche then their relatives by being from different continents, larger, very morphologically different or much smaller.
For the pieces, it gave us a very varried set, arguably the best wooden wall set and many smaller things to tinker which, proving overall very good.
Without the faux pieces, it be in a similar situation as australia, but thanks to them its easily among the best packs and my nr 1 recomendation if anyone asks me for their first pack as it has great scenery, great animals without counterparts in the base game and a varried and usefull mix that improves many areas of the rather lack luster vanilla roster.

3. Europe
So what have we learned about my taste so far? I like good, versatile scenery, foliage from europe and not tropical asia, i am european and i like building in temperate europe.
Its not a surprise that the Europe pack with its complete banger scenery, great foliage and a nice selection of animals is high on my list, featuring my long time most requested animal in form of the european fallow deer. Before this pack, europe was a mess, it had a few animals from its corners, but nothing besides the wolf from central europe, so making a pack focused on this area was the best choice. This pack, especally now that we also have the base game red deer, gave us everything we need for a bare bones european wild park, while also providing city oriented scenery based on multiple different cultures across europe, making it easier to give the locations that extra bit of flair.
Combine that with extremly good stone and metal pieces aswell as many smaller goodies and accessories like pillows, the great decal system and the food trucks and bus guest spawners make this easily the most generally usefull scenery pack that has no faux rocks.
Add to that the fact that the eurasian lynx might be the most usefull, flexible and well made feline in the game, the alpine ibex being our only other caprine, the badger being our first non otter mustelid and the fallow deer being the king of versatile, arguably being our 3. real petting zoo option, insane to think about.
And even if you dont care for these animals, its hard to deny that the scenery in this pack is outstanding and really helps to give more depth to our builds, especally more stylish options for actual buildings. And i do care for these animals, making it easily a top 3 pack.

2. Grasslands and 1. Wetlands
These two packs are the clear best packs for me for 3 main reasons:
Variety, Polish and Quality
The Quality of both packs is through the roof, every single animal is beautiful and full of small little touches, every choice is atleast agreeable and overall they add something together thats incredibly important by now: Polish.
Just like the twillight and conversation pack gave the last essentials to the sahara, temperate north america, the central asian stepes and SEA, these two gave it to many other areas around the globe and just general usability.
The grassland pack does a great job at giving us many useful animals in particular from the middle east, australia and south america, while also treating us to the wonderfull butterflies and while it really did a great job especally on australia, i slightly prefer the wetland pack for its greater variety in animals.
But lets talk about those varied animals shall we?
The Wetlands pack gave us:
  • The Capybara, essential for both the game as a whole and South America
  • The Asian Small Clawed Otter, a staple of zoos small and big all around the world and a cute otter
  • The Spectacle Caiman, rounding out our crocodiles by giving us the perfect mid size option
  • The "Wild" Water Buffallo, representing asian culture and adding a great larger general use ungulate for the asian void that stands apart from other bovids due to its love for water
  • The Nile Lechwe, that gave us our first northern african antelope and our first water loving antelope
  • The Red Crowned Crane which is still our second new bird taxa ever for the game that gives us a cold climate bird
  • The Platypus, our first monotreme and the first australia exclusive aquatic
All 7 of these animals looked at the game, saw an open niche, not nessecarly essential but open non the less and filled it flawlessly while also giving our by far most diverse roster to date. And it did this without focussing on any particular area, making this a true filler dlc, not like its skipable but in filling in the holes left over by what came before.
No matter what dlc you have or what kind of zoo you build, something in this pack will greatly enhance your gameplay.
And the nr 1 reason why it is nr 1 is because it achieves this even with just 6 animals, as i frequently forget the platypus and even had to google the 7. animal for this list, sorry australia. This pack left me with rather small additions and one animal i really am not interested in, but all of them are so smooth and fit so perfectly in what the base game left to be desired that it still is my nr 1 for the best dlc with grasslands as a close second as everything said here also applies to it but i simply prefer the animals from the wetlands pack.

Their rather elegant approach leaves me very hopefull for future animal biome pack and im sure they also will find their way to the top end of my list once they see the light of day
The WE comment on the koala made my whole life. So grateful they’re habitat animals
If we had no clouded leopard or dhole, who would seriously care?
Me! It's my favorite cat of all time. I just want them to fix the jumping so it is useable. In general I think you present a lot of your subjective criticism of the SEA pack as objective fact.
the ice pieces being near essential for king penguin habitats.
Just FYI king penguins don't tend to live in icy environments. That would be their relative the emperor penguin.

Other than that great ranking and you make some great points.
My new ranking:

1. NA animal pack: as an American if feels really good to have my region filled out as well as it was here
2. Wetlands: versatility the pack
3. Aquatic: we need more game changers please
4. Australia: love this scenery and the koala
5. SA: Jaguar is my favorite cat
6. Twilight: I always find myself using the raccoons and skunks they’re just so versatile for small “rescue” areas
7. Grassland: super polished and added a ton to many areas that needed it
8. Europe: solid pack great roster love ibexs and badgers
9. Conservation: a great pack probably my middle of the road pick
10. Africa: love all the animals wish it was an animal pack and that the scenery and animals weren’t so inconsistent
11. SEA animal pack: I love every animal on the roster… and I mean LOVE. It would be way higher if it wasn’t for two things…. Clouded leopard slow mo and Malayan tapir reskin….
12. Arctic: love the animals for a first pack they did a decent job. Especially adding to an area that had nothing at all before.
13. Tropical pack: I haven’t had enough time with it yet. I love all the animals slightly disappointed with the sloth in the WE but I understand it. I was disappointed in the fact a tropical pack had no SA monkeys or birds. And idk it’s just the first pack to leave me with a “meh” feeling when it was announced… content wise it’s not bad and I’m pretty sure it’ll rise with time. It’s just still so new and I still need time to use them. I feel bad putting it down here. I have used the gibbons a ton already and vastly prefer their animations to the siamang and the fossa was my most wanted animal for a while. AGAIN: the contents of this pack aren’t bad. It’s just together as a pack it’s off for me.
Time to update my ranking I think.

  • Outstanding pack - a must have
  • Great pack - Adds a lot to the game, really good to have
  • Good pack - Nice to get if you like the animals/region
  • Meh pack - Wait to get on a sale
  • Bad pack - Not worth it
  1. Grassland animal pack - Amazing animals, and helps round up the roster to 3 underrepresented areas in australia, south america, and the middle east. Best pack for hot climate lovers.
  2. Wetlands animal pack - Gives the game several essential zoo animals, lots of diving animals, and gives a more common and useable alternatives to the otter and caiman from the aquatic pack. Also the capybara alone is a must, and all animals in the pack are well made.
  3. Aquatic pack - Really great animals and scenery pieces. Aged a bit badly due to more practical alternatives to all it's animals being introruced, but the scenery still holds up and the faux rocks are a must.
  4. Conservation pack - The scenery makes this pack, and makes realistic zoo building much easier by a mile. The animals are great as well, rounding out asia in general and north africa.
  5. South America pack - Again, great animals and must have scenery pieces for building tropical sections in zoos. Also a necessaty for filling up the missing south america niche.
  6. Australia pack - A bit less versatile pack, but amazing animals, marsupials and the cassowary, and fills up the Oceania niche a bit.
  7. Africa pack - Great animals, really great scenery, really came to like it over time. Especially as the grassland and conservation packs introduced north african species that go well with the scenery.
  8. Europe pack - I like the animals personally, and the scenery is amazing. Really came around to it over time, and use it's animals a lot.
  9. North America animal pack - Added many great animals, including diving animals, the first rodents in the game, and animals from diverse biomes. The pack also helped cover Europe and northern Asia along the way. I personally have less connection to the animals, so I don't prioritize it.
  10. Twilight pack - The halloween pack, with gothic scenery and great models. Focus on north america and temperate areas. Everything in the pack is well made, but as a person that never celebrated halloween and doesn't care much for the species, I can't rank this high. The bat is an amazing addition however.
  11. Tropical pack - Great animals, great scenery, and helps round up south east asia, madagascar and tropical africa. Can't help hut be dissapointed by the lack of south american animals however.
  12. South East Asia animal pack - If bought together with the tropical pack, it makes for a great addition to the game. Really fleshes out its region. Only thing stopping it from being a good pack for me is the lackluster tapir model and buggy unuseable clouded leopard. Should these be fixed I'd rank this pack green.
  13. Arctic pack - I really like the scenery, and after the Polar Bear was updated and more polar animals were added in the aquatic pack, this pack became a lot more useable to me, but still not in my priorities.
  14. Deluxe pack - This one is complicated. A lot of its appeal was in beta access, which is obsolete now, but its price has not gone down after the beta ended. I absolutely love the animals, and I think the Komodo Dragon is a must have, but it's really not worth its price for the content you get. HOWEVER, if you buy it bundled with the base game in a sale, I think it's worth it.
It's been a while since I've done one of these. I'll give it a shot and will steal Yoav_r's color coding rating listed above:

1. North America 9.5 - still the GOAT. Amazing animals. The only blemish is including the Arctic Fox, which really should have been in the Arctic DLC. Change it out for a Wolverine, Elk or Roadrunner and this would be a perfect 10.
2. Grasslands 9.0 - Great animal roster. Few complaints
3. Conservation 9.0 - Love most of the animals here. Scenery was okay, but the flowers are worth a high rating by themselves.
4. Europe 8.5 - I surprised myself with how high I rate this, but most of the animals have become among my most used.
5. Africa 7.5 - Rhino is the only animal I use, but I love it. Also, the plaster walls have become my go-to when I do my very limited builds.
6. Wetlands 7.0 - This used to be much higher, but I find myself using the animals less and less. Still a good pack with a solid, diverse roster.
7. South America 7.0 - Worth it if nothing else for the Jaguar and foliage.
8. Tropical 7.0 - Still working my way through this one. Red River Hog and Fossa are quickly becoming faves. Sloth is great and don't care one bit that it's "the wrong one". This one will likely move up the list soon.
9. South East Asia 6.0 - Very sad that the bugs in the Clouded Leopard really make it tough to use...which is a shame because it's the most appealing animal in the pack imo.
10. Australia 5.0 - Kangaroo and Cassowary are solid. Don't care much for anything else
11. Aquatic 5.0 - Don't really use much of anything from this pack. But I love the path and the faux rocks.
12. Arctic 5.0 - Polar Bear space requirements are still tough to implement, but still an iconic animal...and for some reason the Reindeer is oddly compelling.
13. Deluxe 4.0 - Komodo Dragon is a must. But it's tough to rate this high when it only has 3 animals.
14. Twilight 4.0 - Red Fox and a couple of the dead tree pieces are the only parts of this pack that have any use for me. Kinda regretting buying it honestly.
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