Autumn DLC Speculation

I was wrong 😎
It's okay. Think about it though, if they started lying to us, that wouldn't come across very well.

Despite things having improved a lot since launch, Frontier still has a way to go with communicating with the players. Sure we get "feel good" posts on social media with workshop shares, pictures of the day, animal facts, challanges, but nothing about what's going on with the game itself, until about a week to two weeks before something launches. Some companies advertise their upcoming content and roadmaps a month or two in advance, but that's not the route Frontier's taken. But they have been honest with us, and I believe they will continue to be honest with us.

I just wish the "higher ups" at Frontier could see how this all cycles through. 2-3 months with no upcoming news, and then we get news and the release, then 2-3 weeks after the big update we get smaller fixes updates. Then silence for another 2-3 months. It's incredibly frustrating if you're passionate about the game. Which despite me not having played much this past month, I remain very interested, the new puppies just take a lot of my freetime. I'm still wanting this game to continue on for as long as it possibly can.
At this point, we have no leads or clues for the DLC. We are fairly sure we are getting one soon, based on the files, right? So I guess, it's just a matter of waiting. It's getting so late that the possibility of having an autumn DLC with the holiday season coming somewhat soon, it's easy to think we may not get one.
So not even a tiny bit of a hint or tease about the next DLC? It really was just music? How dissapointing lol
Yeah, nothing. If we're not getting the DLC announcement this week, that most likely pushes it to an October 18th release date. That's really close to PZ's anniversary. Fingers crossed we'll get something Friday. I thought the wait felt long for Wetlands....
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